The Goddess of Death and Her Empress

Chapter 2 – Might Not Be Human


"Report." Kyrie said while she sat upon her throne. The Other cringed a bit.  Their goddess didn't just appear to be angry.  She emanated a not so subtle veil of mist that radiated out of her, and increased in thickness as her mood plummeted.  The mist she normally used was red, the color of passion, lust, and either warm to the touch, or hot as her emotions grew stronger.  This was thick, black, and as cold as ice.

"We've stopped that person from hurting her permanently, but he...touched her. Tried to guide her for his own use." Sami said, and watched her goddess' cheek twitch, and her lips part. Kyrie growled in anger.

"Maybe I should adjust my instructions. Allow them to try to subdue her, and frighten her, but never allow them to 'touch' her." Kyrie's eyes blazed with an inner light. "Where is he?" She said.

"In the dungeon." Lydia said as she read the report. "She's still crying in her bedroom." Kyrie stood up quickly.

"Send him into the deepest depths. Never let him die, and make sure every minute is spent in terror, agony, or both at the same time." Kyrie growled again. She disappeared into the mists, while Hannah shivered.

"Fuck me." Hannah whispered. "Before this, I believed the goddess wanted her to experience the world, but..." Lydia nodded.

"Agreed. I do not believe she wishes the child to experience the world, but know of it, and it's ugliness." Lydia made a quick decision.

"She gave her orders, but expand them. Let her be afraid, but prevent the damage. We can survive a lot more then a normal human, but the goddess is fond of this child. Imagine her to be your baby sister. If she doesn't grow up, she'll never be able to endure this world long enough for the goddess to bring her home." The rest of her advisors nodded.



* * *


"Little one." Kyrie whispered as she sat on the bed. Lena lifted her eyes and saw the one person she desperately wanted to see.

"Kyrie!" Her eyes watered. "He...he..." She stuttered and tried to say what the man did, but within her young mind, it was a very filthy thing. Unmarried women were not touched, and to lose their virginity before marriage was an awful thing. The person had not gone so far, but his touch filled her with disgust, and fear that he might have tried if one of the Others had not appeared.

"It's alright, Lena. He won't touch you again." Kyrie said softly, and pulled the girl into her arms. Lena put her head on Kyrie's shoulder, and immediately felt a warmth on her ear.

Kyrie's lips blew gently into her ear, and sent a stream of her red mist into the girl's mind. Red lines that looked like inflamed veins, rose up under her skin, and spread out from her ear.

All of her experience said that this was too much, but right before her eyes, the child had not only absorbed her essence, she also assimilated it into her consciousness. Kyrie closed her eyes and continued to send the stream, fearful that it would be far too much for her young body to handle.

Instead, Lena laid her head on Kyrie's shoulder, yawned delicately, and murmured at the warmth that spread throughout her mind.

"I may not be able to stop everything, little one, but I can help at the worst of times." Kyrie whispered into her ear after she cut the flow of mist.

She slowly lowered Lena to the mattress, and smiled down at her gently.

"Such an puzzle. Able to handle the same amount of my power that brings my girls back to life. I swear, I would not be surprised to find out that you weren't a human at all." Kyrie said softly, and gently cupped the girl's cheek.

"So much like Pholena was in her youth. Trusting, and weak. I had to protect my sister from her brothers until she could stand on her own two feet. Why do you feel like my little sister, Lena?" She whispered. She felt a touch at her neck, and immediately heard a whisper at her ear.

"I have to go, little one. My girls will watch over you."


* * *


Kyrie approached the living throne with a stone figure seated upon it. The figure was massive in size, nearly fifty feet tall, while the throne beneath her was an ancient oak tree, one grown to shape a seat.

"Kyrie." The soft voice spoke, but the ground shook.

"Mother Imera." Kyrie bowed and knelt down. She heard an exasperated sigh, and was pulled upward with an invisible force, to sit upon the stone figure's thigh.

'I can not use my voice right now, little one. I'm at a critical place where I can not control the flow.' A stone finger moved and lightly rubbed Kyrie's cheek. Kyrie leaned into the finger and murmured.

"I know, mother. Why did you call out to me, mother? You haven't called me to visit you in centuries." Kyrie said and looked up into the eyes that had only a smooth stone color, but still looked down at her gently.

'I only wanted you to be cautious about interfering in the lives of the mortals.' Imera held up a finger. 'I'm not saying you have to stop. Just think carefully as you do so. Your foolish nephews are still out there, causing havoc and destruction, and your brother does nothing to rein them in.'

"Why have you allowed it, mother?" Kyrie asked after she waited several silent minutes.

'You've waited to ask that question for a long time, little one. There is only one reason. I'm in a state of growth, and of change. Even though I want to, I can not. There will come a time that you'll need to act on my behalf, little one. Remember my laws, and words.' Imera smiled softly at her, as much as a fifty foot tall stone statue could.

'My darling daughter. One of my greatest accomplishments, and my only regret is that I can't spend more time with you.' Imera said within her mind.

"Mom." Kyrie whispered.

'It is okay, little one. You'll know what to do when it's time. I may be asleep for a while, but I trust you most of all.' Kyrie sniffed, stood up, and rubbed her face on the stone chest of her mother goddess, Imera.

"I miss you, mom."


* * *


"She's surprisingly well mannered, considering your other children, Imera." A being that looked like a child walked into the throne room of the living planet, Imera. Her eyes were as bright as a star.

'True. It breaks my heart about what she'll need to do in the future. Hopefully, little Lena will be able to evolve and help her while I sleep.' Imera said.

"Do not worry so, little sister." The girl said quietly, and levitated over to stand upon her knee. "Lena is special. Now hush. It's time to sleep, and rest." A warm light bathed over Imera, which made her smile and sigh softly.

'Ah, Gallae, my big sister, I love you the most.' Imera closed her eyes as a warm energy washed over her, and put her to sleep. The light continued to bathe her form.

"You'll evolve in a few thousand years, little sister, and be ready for those fools outside. Gallae, the dawn of disaster, the planet of calamity, and the doom of the universe, so swears it." She held out her hand.

"For you, little one."  She said with a gentle smile.  A small white ball of light was generated, floated on her palm, and was sent into Imera's chest. It was so powerful, it lit her up from the inside.

"Ten thousand years down to two thousand. I hope you like my present when you wake up." The small being said with a smile.

"Imera. My greatest and most beautiful creation."


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