The Goddess of Death and Her Empress

Chapter 20 – No Guarantee


"So this is how they behave when no one is watching." Avarae said with her eyes narrowed. She pushed open the door and walked inside. Rinya followed behind her, their blood red robes revealed their rank within Haven.

They were Deacons.  The epitome of the goddess's will, and endowed with immeasurable power to attain anything the goddess willed within Haven.  Rachel was also a Deacon, though few were allowed to know that simple detail.  Rachel was an invisible piece that she could move when she wished, all in order to further her personal goals.

Nuri turned as the door opened, with only her head able to move. The rest of her was chained to the table, on top of a large platter, with her entire body revealed. Someone was already slicing into her thigh with a knife, and using a fork to remove the meat.

The bar's normal atmosphere of revelry was suppressed as soon as the two red robed beings walked inside. The Deacons frowned and waved their hands.

"Shadows. Release their bindings." A dozen shadows, ones that seemed to be formed from the shadows of the people in the bar, lifted off from the floor and the walls and coalesced into real people. The ones who had been seated at their tables now paled.

Shadows were the elite, invested with a tremendous amount of power, and could easily overwhelm all of the bar's patrons. They moved forward and ripped off the bindings that held the two large breasted women to platters.

"Deacons. These were strong enough to subdue ones this young." A shadow said after she pulled the chain apart.

Avarae's eyes narrowed, and she walked up to Nuri. She looked her over, and walked to Nadya with the same observation.

"Speak." When Nuri started to open her mouth, one of the Others of the bar cleared her throat.  Avarae's eyes turned towards the person who dared to try and silence the person with fear.  "Shadow, take that one to the goddess. Anyone else want to try to intimidate your sisters into silence?" Another bar patron stepped out.

"We didn't break any laws of any goddess." She said, and pinned Nuri with a glare.

"Take her too. They can explain their actions to OUR goddess, not just any goddess." The Deacon turned back to the now tearful women in front of her. "The goddess wishes to speak to you both. She has an assignment that Lydia feels you would be perfect for." The other Deacon smiled gently.

"I think when the Empress wakes up, she'll enjoy your gentleness."

After the group left, there were a few faces that had fear in their eyes, while the rest were unhappy at the loss of their regular meal.

In spite of anyone's thoughts, none of them ever considered a thought about complaining about the result. If they were to consider what they've done for the last few hundred years, the fact that they were still alive was a blessing.

There were only a few rules in Haven. Since everyone could heal, and pain was also mixed with pleasure, none of the Others could harm one of their sisters permanently. However, taking away their freedom to choose was not only against the rules, it was a capital offense.

Kyrie was never one to be forgiving when someone blatantly abused and broke the rules like this.


* * *


"Don't even bother me with the details." Kyrie said. "They chained their sisters to dinner platters and refused to release them. Put them in the dungeon. I have bigger matters to attend to."

Lydia frowned slightly, but obeyed and had the shadows throw the two Others into the dungeon. It was only a step away from the worst area in Haven, the area everyone wished they could commit suicide to escape, but never could.

"Nadya and Nuri. Come forward. Let me look at you both." The two women walked in, which made Kyrie smile. "Ah, I remember you two. The beloved companions of their Temple and High Priestess." Nuri blushed.

"They liked how fat we were." She said timidly.

"No, little one. They liked how warm and gentle you were." Kyrie smiled. "I need the both of you to look after the Empress on Imera." They blinked.

"The Empress? You want lowly people like us to look after someone so important to you, goddess?" Nadya asked. Kyrie frowned.

"Who called you lowly? All the acolytes, guardians, and priestesses were equal when they arrived here. Each one of you went through your cleansing, and the Offering. Even the Deacons, anbd my advisers are still equal to you. They just have more authority." Kyrie said, and watched them carefully. Lydia stepped forward.

"Speak. Who told you that you were lowly?" Lydia said firmly. Nuri lowered her eyes, as did Nadya.

"The ones at the bars, goddess." Nuri said in a soft voice. "Told us we were lucky to be treated as well as we were. Like we were sows only meant to provide them entertainment and feed them with our flesh." Kyrie grit her teeth.

"There." She pointed to a window. "That is the Empress. My Empress. My Lena. Your assignment is to watch over her while she's in hibernation. Sit with her, wash her, even sleep in her bed to keep her warm. Will you do it?" Nuri watched the window, but turned in confusion.

"Will we? You're asking if we want to?" Nuri asked. Kyrie rolled her eyes, and looked at Lydia.

"Teach them, Lydia. I'm going to see Lena."


* * *


"Nikki, step out." Kyrie appeared at Lena's beside in a flash of red mist. Nikki didn't respond, and left the room quietly. Kyrie laid down, and sighed softly.

"My Empress. Lena." She whispered. "I am giving you two of my people. Nuri, and Nadya. Both are as ample as Sol, if not more so. However, their sisters took advantage of their more submissive natures, and trained them to be obedient meals for their gluttonous appetites." She growled softly.

"I was never human, little one, and my punishment would be harsh. When you wake up, I want you to assess them, and decide for me." Kyrie smiled, and lightly kissed her cheek.

"In the future, your word is what I wish to carry out. I am the goddess of death, but in your eyes, I am Kyrie, and simply someone you have affection for." She sighed. "It will still be a few years before I can take you home, little one." She growled again.

"Ah, thousands of years old, and a few years feel like an eternity!"


* * *


"She cares for you, little one." Lena smiled as she heard the voice of the child beside her.

"When are you going to tell me who you are? And don't just say 'Gallae'. I recognize you. I know you as I know myself, but I do not know why." Lena said, as she has had this conversation many times since she went to sleep.

"What do you remember?"

"I see you smiling, eagerly dancing around Kyrie, happy to be near her." Lena heard a soft chuckle.

"In here, you can remember glimpses of your lives. Small snippets, but out there, you will forget these pieces." The child said in a small voice.

"I've waited centuries for your soul to mature enough to be reborn, Lena." A small hand ran through her hair, which made Lena lean into it.

"It's time for you to evolve." Gallae leaned in, and whispered in her ear. She sent a soft white light into her ear, an energy similar to one she used to evolve Imera.  Lena closed her eyes and laid down on the insubstantial cloud that was the cushion in her dreams.

"Soon, you will grow stronger.  Imera and I have waited a long time for this.  A long time."


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