The Goddess of Death and Her Empress

Chapter 23 – Stitched Together


Nuri's face was flushed with excitement. She chased the scantily clad woman through the forest, her scent growing stronger and more seductive with every step.

Sol watched from a distance, but could feel a heat within her body, growing hotter and stronger. The scent in the air inflamed her senses, and made her aroused in ways she hadn't felt in centuries.  The antics of the hunters and prey within the grove was driving her mad with lust.

The gentle laughter in Nuri's ears as she chased. The slender body that ran among the trees, just a little out of reach, yet never too far.

Alyn laughed, kept her senses behind her so she could lead Nuri along, and have her thoroughly aroused by the time she caught up. Lyari and herself had been able to dominate the grove for centuries, and were the favorites for prey for this reason alone.

They would play, hide, slip in behind their hunters, kiss them on the shoulder and slip away again. The frustration of being just out of reach would get them wound up, and the loving would always be extremely intense.

Nuri finally cornered Alyn at a cliff where she would have to climb to escape. Instead, she waited that second or two and found herself pressed to the floor of the forest by the more robust Nuri.

"Enough running!" Nuri said raggedly. She practically salivated from the savage hunger the Others endured for being one of Kyrie's people.

Nuri pulled open Alyn's sheer robe, and her shirt made of see through silk, and lowered her lips to that pale breast. Her teeth scraped Alyn's nipple, and made her moan softly.

"The thing about being prey is that we get to share our partner's passion, and help to relieve her lusts." She said as she looked into Nuri's eyes. "You can eat me completely, or you can take small bites and make it as erotic as you want." Nuri blushed brightly. She had already wanted to take a large bite, but now asked a question on her mind.

"You won't use a knife and fork on me later? When it's my turn to be eaten?" She asked quietly. The woman frowned.

"Who would use utensils on their sister?" She asked angrily.

"The bar." Nuri whispered. Alyn hugged her close.

"Our sisters are precious. Let's not waste time, my dear sister. Take a bite, and let the grove wash away the pain of your over abundant lusts." Alyn pulled her down, and pressed her mouth to her firm breast. Alyn groaned as her long teeth slid into her skin, but suddenly stopped.

Nuri's eyes crossed as she felt a vibration within her body. It started within her chest, and radiated throughout her being.

"Ugh, it hurts." The woman looked concerned.

"Nuri? What's wrong?" Nuri rolled off and curled up as she felt the pain within her chest increase.

"SHADOWS!" She called out quickly.


* * *


"They can't be away from her for long." Kyrie said softly as Nuri and Nadya swarmed up to Lena's side, and relaxed.

Though the Others share their pain with pleasure, this time, it had no trace of pleasure within it. It felt like a punitive lash, a constant red hot brand, and now that Lena was between them, that pain disappeared.

"What happened, goddess?" Sol asked as she saw the sweat that beaded on their bodies disappear, and how their features showed a profound pleasure. Just being near to Lena made them feel good.

They didn't have previous contact so they weren't assigned any real duties. Instead, they were now her blankets, and her pillows. Each of them now felt the desire to get closer, and serve her properly.

"They were away from the Empress, but she's attached to them. She's asleep, but somehow she has her hooks deep into their cores." Kyrie sighed softly. "They need to return home for a recharge, but can't be away for long. Maybe three hours at the most." She sat down on the edge of the bed.

"How is it possible?" Sol said and sat in the chair beside the bed.

"I'm not sure. Maybe mother did it." Kyrie said quietly, but didn't believe it for a second. Lena reached in while asleep, put a faint mark on their cores, and won't let them go.

The only reason Kyrie could think of is that Lena wanted them close so they were protected from those who wanted to bring them harm.


* * *


"They hurt." Lena said quietly. Gallae lightly rubbed her hair.

"They weren't treated well, but chose not to complain." She said gently. "You wish to protect them?"

"Warm." Lena said. Her eyes were still closed, and even in this dream state of hibernation, she was asleep. Gallae kept her asleep so her consciousness could rest, and continue to assimilate the energies she had absorbed.

"Are they comfortable?" Gallae whispered.

"Yeah. Pillows." She said. Gallae chuckled.

"I guess it does look like they possess natural pillows." She leaned down and breathed a cool stream of white light into her ear. "They will be extremely loyal to you, Lena. When you wake up, it's your duty to finish the job, and properly mark them. Don't let them guess, but make them confident in your choices." Lena slowly nodded, and sighed as Nuri hugged her sleeping body.

"Sleep, my little Lena. Your people miss you."


* * *


"It's our turn!" Sol said angrily, but there was nothing that anyone could do. Sol, after both Nuri and Nadya refused to leave her bed, sat in the chair, her arms folded over her large impressive chest.

It wasn't that they couldn't give up the time, or the duty to their counterparts. They would not give it up willingly.

"Sol, let them stay where they are. Lena is properly cared for." Hannah said softly, but Sol snarled, and refused to move from the chair.

"They felt better when they entered the temple!" Sol said, her teeth now lengthening.

"Of course they did." Hanna said with a gentle smile. "Don't you remember their lives before they came here?" Sol's snarl slowly faded. "They were eaten like they were merely cattle, slowly cut up and eaten with knife and fork. No affection. No desire. Treated like only worthy of being a sow for bacon." Sol closed her eyes.

"I know." She whispered. "I was once tempted to join those fiends by Syl. They completely perverted the goddess's intentions for us. Fork and knife. Civilized. Like the Digallan Empire with their 'civilized' warfare." She almost spit on the floor, but Hannah put her hand over her mouth. Sol looked up into her eyes, and slowly nodded.

"I know how much you hated them." Hannah said gently. "Don't spit in the temple, on the floor, or in the presence of the Empress. At least not until we know how she would feel about it." Sol's tongue slipped out from under her hand and wrapped around her fingers. She pulled her fingers into her mouth, and gently sucked on them.

"You naughty thing." Hannah whispered. "Not in the presence of the Empress. The goddess would be quite upset with us for being so daring in her presence." Sol stood up, swept Hannah up into her arms, and carried her to the altar.

She laid her down, and pulled her robe open. Hannah sucked in her breath as she watched Sol's solid dark brown eyes change into blood red ruby gems.

"I've wanted to taste your jellies for a long time." Hannah sucked in her breath as Sol's lips went down over her left eye. She's seen those ruby red eyes before.

On the way to the Great Temple, the Empress consumed one of the shadows while deep within a ravenous hunger, similar to the hungers of the goddess.

As her eyelids were gently pushed open by Sol's lips, and her eye went into her warm mouth, Hannah groaned as her sharp teeth severed the attached nerve.

On the day that Lena ate her shadows, her eyes were exactly the same as Sol's were now.

Blood red rubies.


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