The Goddess of Death and Her Empress

Chapter 26 – Executions

After a wonderful run on chapters, I decided to add one additional chapter release today. Since I am up to chapter 78, there is plenty of material to post in the future.


"These ten captured Nuri and Nadya when they went back to Haven to regenerate." Valthyria presented a tray with ten cores on it. "When they resisted and said no, they were told they didn't have a choice. Each one continued to move them to the bar, and did not stop when they heard their sisters resist, and say no." Lena looked at Kyrie.

"My laws are simple, and absolute. I've given much freedom to my people, and expected them to respect each other for not only their lustful passions, but also for their faith. Each of the Others were given to me in an Offering, and willingly." Kyrie lightly stroked Nuri's shoulder. "Their disobedience would be forgivable if they stopped when they were warned the first time. The attempted capture of your pillows shows how unwilling they were to listen."

"Agreed. What is the penalty for violation of that simple law?" Lena asked.

"The first time, if they show remorse, they may be immediately forgiven. The second time is execution. No one knows that there are two chances as they don't need to know. I am the goddess of death. I don't have to give second chances, but I do." Kyrie said. Lena reached out and picked up a core.

"Hm." She picked each one up and set it down. "No remorse at all. Just fear. Foolish." She sighed. "From now on, there is to be no situation where this can form. No one is allowed to act as 'food' for anyone unless they behave like the ones in the grove." Lena frowned. "Why do I know about the grove?" Sol smiled a bit.

"It's where you called Nuri and Nadya out of. They went back to experience being the hunter and the prey, but your mark was too strong, and they had to return." Sol said. Lena slowly nodded.

"I have some impression." She picked up a core and put it in her mouth. Sounds of crunching was heard. "Mm, even though they are disobedient, their cores are delicious. Although, they taste like candy, they have this weird flavor. Completely unlike my Valthyria." She shook her head. "Damned criminals." She then swallowed the rest whole.

"Take the rest back. The Empress needs to assimilate the energy slowly." Kyrie said. She narrowed her eyes.

"All except for her." Lena said and pointed to Syl. "I have an impression from my girls of her cruelty, and hatefulness. Shadows, rip her into pieces." The shadows grinned, and each grabbed a limb, while one grabbed her head.

Syl cried out as Kyrie's mist washed over her body, and she screeched. Once her body was in six pieces, Lena took an arm, and held it out.

"Sol, this is yours to eat. Nuri, pick a piece. Nadya, choose. Hannah, Nikki. Each choose a piece. Rachel. Consume the final piece." To Kyrie's surprise, Nuri and Nadya eagerly consumed their portions of Syl's body.

'They are more aggressive.' Kyrie said. 'It is a good thing she gave them more sense of self. I was worried they would remain meals. It is okay to be submissive, but not okay to be cattle.'

Once Rachel finished the torso, Lena walked over, and kissed her. Rachel gurgled and had her throat bulge as Lena pulled the core out of her stomach with a long tongue. Kyrie grinned as Lena showed more aspects of being one with her nature.

Lena swallowed it for a few seconds, then pulled it out of her mouth. She frowned and swallowed it again. Half a minute later, she pulled it out of her stomach, and frowned again.

"Foolish child. How weak do you want to be before you submit?" Lena swallowed the core again, and waited a full minute this time. When she put it in her hand, she pursed her lips.

"Goddess, judge her now. If she is unacceptable to your heart, I will finish the job." Lena put her core in Kyrie's hand. Kyrie grinned as she felt the attitude from the core, and how different it was compared to the ones on the tray.

"Nuri, come here." Kyrie said. She placed the core against Nuri's forehead, and bathed it with a soft mist.

"Oh. Can Nadya feel it too?" Nuri asked with a bit of hope in her eyes. Kyrie smiled as Nuri pulled her friend forward. She saw Nadya's eyes soften.

"I don't believe it. She has some sorrow for her actions. She's finally broken." Nadya said quietly. Kyrie grinned.

"She's fortunate. I will handle her from now on." Kyrie said and put the core into her robe. Someone already whispered in her ear, and she assumed it was her mother. They had a plan for her. "Ladies, the Empress is finally awake. The Elorshin elders are on their way to the Great Temple for their Offering Day. Six elders among the thousand strong tribe will be escorted by initiates, and guardians." Lena stood beside her, and reached out to take her hand.

"Shadows, collect the initiates we already have. I want to converse with our people." She looked at Nuri, Nadya, Sol, Hannah, and Nikki. She licked her lips.

"I'll eat you all later. Rachel." Rachel stepped forward, her face serene. "Go to Asmaria. I believe that the Vhaac are waiting as well." Sol looked at her quickly. Lena did not turn her head. "Did you believe I would not remember, Sol? I would send you, but you'll be busy. Now, everyone has a job to do." She smiled sweetly, and looked at the goddess.

"I want to spend a little time with my Kyrie."


* * *


"You're upset with me." Kyrie said softly. Lena growled a bit.

"You left it too long. I know the sensation of time is different for you, but your advisors should have told you." Lena said. "Even when they were Offered, after a few years, it should have concerned them about what Nuri and Nadya were going through." Lena frowned slightly.

"Damn. I really tied that leash far too tight. Bring them in." Lena said grumpily. Kyrie smiled as Nuri and Nadya quickly entered the room, or fell in when the door was opened with a wave of Kyrie's hand.

"Help me, Kyrie. I don't know how to release the hook I set." Kyrie grinned, swept Lena into her arms, and sat on the bed with her cradled on her lap.

"Sit on your knees in front of us." Kyrie held the blushing young woman, and turned her so that she faced them. "Nuri, quickly. The Empress and I have much to discuss. You'll still be bound to her, but she needs to put some slack in it so you can be freely obedient, and not punished for moving away from her." Nuri pouted.

"But I don't want to leave her side." She said in a slightly whiny voice. "She was so strong, concerned about us, goddess, and happy to let us warm her."

"You won't leave me. You'll obey me and do your other duties that I have prevented you from doing. I need you to serve me, but you also have to spend time in Haven, and in other places." Lena put her hand on their foreheads. "I only trust the ones Kyrie has given me, but I can't yet sustain your life energies. I also have things only her chosen ones can handle." Lena closed her eyes, and felt Kyrie's hand on hers.

"Feel the thread between you and their marks?" she asked at her ear.

"Yes, a thin thread, but it's really strong. Oh. I did use a hook. And a whip. Hm, a whip is good, but its focused on the wrong place, and bypasses your natures." She smiled when Nuri and Nadya chirped. "There. And there. And there." They chirped in surprise each time. "Now, pull out this hook, and, what would be a good reminder?" Kyrie shivered a bit and put her lips near Lena's ear.

"Oh. Yes, that's a good reminder. And so is this." Lena grinned. "Perfect." She watched both buxom women blush brightly. "Now, Rachel will need some company on her trip. Go to her, go to Haven to recharge, then accompany her to old Asmaria and gently remind the Vhaac about obedience, and let them know that the temple is open." Lena frowned slightly.

"What's wrong, Empress?" Kyrie asked.

"I'm not sure. It's like the tickle of an old memory. A whisper on the wind. A soft voice crying in a dream. It's there and not there." Lena said quietly. "Keep an ear open when you're down there." She lightly rubbed their cheeks, and leaned forward.

"My precious pillows. You'll keep us warm through every hibernation cycle. When I go to Haven, Kyrie and I will wrap ourselves in your warmth while we sleep out the Winters."


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