The Goddess of Death and Her Empress

Chapter 29 – No Fair


"We're almost home!" Nuri said with a huge smile on her lips. "Ah, I can't wait to see the Empress!" she chirped as her breasts flattened out again. Rachel grinned.

"She pays a lot of attention to you two." She heard Nadya chirp as well. "I hope you understand that she has a lot to do." Nuri pouted.

"I don't want to take up her time like this." She suddenly grimaced. "Oops." Within her mind, she saw ruby red eyes glare at her. "I think I made her upset." Nadya pouted.

"Nuri!" She stomped her foot delicately, but for one of the Others, this left a deep imprint in the sand as it flew away from her forceful stomp. "Eep! Mm, looks like she is upset at you, but not holding it against you." She pointed at Nuri's breasts that had just flattened again.

"Why does she show us so much attention?" Nuri asked quietly. "No one showed us any affection." Rachel put her hand on Nuri's shoulder.

"After all the attention she paid to you while you were over here with me, how she responded when you had an unkind word for yourself, and how much she enjoyed your warmth, you still ask these questions?" Rachel shook her head. "How much does she have to do to prove she wants you near? Don't you see her look at you with great hunger?" She asked.

"I-I...yes, I do." Nuri said.

"But she controls her ravenous hunger in order to let you feel like you're not just a meal to her." Rachel sighed. "Don't you know she could have anyone from Haven come to serve her? There are plenty of ample chested ladies like Sol in Haven, and even some from Ados and Caeda. She isn't forced to settle for you. You two were chosen by the goddess, and she asked if she could keep you." Nuri's lower lip trembled, while Rachel put a hand to her forehead.

"We have to hurry back. The Empress is angry, and she wants her pillows back now."


* * *


"How much do I have to do, Sol?" Lena said in a small voice as she laid her head on Sol's heavy breasts. Sol gently held her, and beckoned to Hannah to come in and keep her warm.

"They've endured it for centuries, Empress. They made their own choices, and didn't fight back. It will take some time to speak to their hearts and waken them completely." Sol said at her ear.

"I don't have centuries." Lena whispered. "I am gathering the ones who will keep Kyrie and me warm in winter while we sleep, and make us happy by being there." She growled. "I don't want them to be there. Back in that place." Lena slowly frowned. Her eyes narrowed.

"My Kyrie. Destroy it for them. For me."


* * *


"I thought she would never ask." Lydia said. She watched the goddess stand, and the energy start to roll off her regally divine form.

"Shadows." She said and let Haven know she was upset. A squad appeared before her.

"Goddess. Your Shadows appear at your call."

"Whom do you serve?" she asked.

"We worship the goddess, protect Haven, and serve the Empress." The answer made Kyrie smile.

"Destroy the bar where her two pillows were treated so poorly. If any remain within its walls, let them be chained and brought before me." She said, her lips drawn back to reveal fangs that were sharp enough to shear through steel, and bite through the dense material of their cores.

"It shall be done, goddess." The leader, Valina, spoke loudly. "Shadows! Our Empress is hurt because of that place. Let it exist in Haven no longer!" After they left, Lydia gasped as she felt an ache within her body.

"Goddess, I think the Empress evolved while she slept." Lydia said, and held her middle. "I-I-ohhh!" Kyrie turned and could see a grasp of red mist mixed with white. She was a bit surprised because Lydia had never met the Empress before. She didn't realize that every time Kyrie appeared near Lena, there was a scent that belonged to Lydia.

"Go. She is calling you." Kyrie watched the screen as Lydia appeared in the bedroom, knelt in front of Lena.

"Go on, Empress. Devour her properly. She's watched you from the throne room and greatly desired this." She watched as Lena opened her mouth and sheared through her skull. Lena devoured her quickly, yet her hands stroked Lydia's skin gently, and lifted her into her mouth. She pulled the core out of her mouth, and gently held it in her hand.

She whispered to it so that no one else could hear her. She held it out for Kyrie to retrieve.

When she came back, she reformed seated on her knees, and she slowly looked up at Kyrie. Tears slowly rolled down her cheeks.

"She says I am to serve you without restraint, and only you. Her words were 'My Kyrie is my mate. Serve her well.'" Kyrie grinned at Lydia's words, but slowly, the smile faded, and she soon roared.

"I STILL HAVE TO WAIT ANOTHER YEAR AND A HALF!! THIS IS NOT FAIR!!!" Kyrie's roar shook Haven, while Lydia smiled, a serene look in her eyes.

"She hibernates in the winter, goddess. You can always join her slumber." Lydia now felt what it was like to be near Lena, and she was one of the special few devoured by her for the first time.

But it wouldn't be the last.


* * *


Lena sat calmly as she waited for her two pillows to return, but appearances were deceptive. Outwardly calm, yet the energies she possessed had grown stronger during her hibernation. This increased her presence, and while the small group left the Great Desert, they looked in the direction of the temple, and shivered.

"She's waiting for you two." Rachel said with a grin. "Sol says she looks patient, but she's not. We need to get back as soon as possible." Nuri looked at her friend, Nadya, and bit her bottom lip.

"Really? She's waiting for us?" Nadya asked quietly.

"Sol and Hannah are too slender to keep her warmed." She said. "She loves how soft and eager you two are to keep her trapped between you both." Nadya blushed.

"She makes me relax. The only expectation she has is for me to get closer. So I do." Nadya said, and remembered how Lena would pull her arm over her, grab her hip to pull her closer, and pout if she didn't move closer. Even when she moved so that her cheek rested on her chest, there was a sweetness to her soft kiss on her breast.

"She was so happy to be kept warm." Nuri said. "She just wanted to be warm."

"Wrong. She wanted you two to keep her warm. Soft, loving warmth that just wanted to be close to her. You have to remember that they tried to kill her thousands of times in that kingdom. They murdered her parents. Stole the wealth her parents earned, and prevented them from leaving. Someone also tried to harm her while she was weak. If not for the goddess, our Empress would not only be dead, but also damaged before that death." Rachel said and growled. "She was a human while these were happening. You two are her comforters. Not her blankets or pillows. Soft loving arms that cradle and comfort her."

"But why does she feel like that about us?" Nadya asked.

"Because you slept in her bed and expected nothing. You were afraid she would treat you poorly, but you still treated her gently, and kept her warm." Rachel grinned. "She's going to devour you, but not like they did. She's going to do it like the goddess." Rachel pursed her lips.

"I wonder who is going to be first. The one who asks, or the one who restrains herself against her desires. Those are her choices." Rachel grinned as both pouted.

The trouble is that neither of them admitted that they both wanted to be first.


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