The Goddess of Death and Her Empress

Chapter 52 – The Enigma of the Empress


"Proper robes!" Lena said firmly. She touched Nuri's side, and trailed her fingers along her breast before she turned towards Nadya. "You as well!"

"But....Empress....I...." Nadya stuttered, but Sol smirked.

"She doesn't want anyone else to see her servants, and their bodies." Sol pouted, but her attention was pulled along by Lena's mouth as she smiled at her.

"You are correct, Sol, and though I enjoy the flesh I see, my servants, and their flesh belong to me, and Kyrie. Only we can see them naked, and only we can give permission for any of the Others to taste them." Lena licked her lips again, then shivered.

"Nikki." Lena said softly. Nikki appeared out of the mist. "I knew you always pay attention to my needs. Take Sol to the side quarters. Unwind her core, but with the door closed. If you find yourself low on mist, ask the goddess to recharge your stores. You two are not allowed back on Haven unless absolutely necessary." Lena lowered her eyes.

"Addicted to them already?" A soft voice asked at her ear. Lena reached out and hugged Kyrie's waist.

"Their presence has always soothed me, but someone has been missing for over a year now." Lena's eyes narrowed. "A familiar sensation of being watched over, desired, but benevolent care and doting." Nikki smiled.

"That would be Rachel. She's a deacon, and spends most of her time in the throne room, watching over Haven, and moving the Shadows as needed." Nikki said. Lena sighed, and reached out to touch something. She poked at something in the air, while Kyrie started to laugh.

"What just happened?" Nikki asked. Kyrie hugged Lena firmly.

"She felt Rachel's presence, and poked the window she watches through." Kyrie sighed, and held Lena's head to her chest. "Don't worry, my little love. I'll bring Rachel back for a bit, but either Nikki or Hannah will need to take her place."

"Oh." Lena thought for a moment. "Your favorites, right?" Kyrie smirked.

"They have always been since they came to Haven. I do not know why, but their presence always soothes me." Lena allowed herself to be held, and cradled against Kyrie's chest.

The goddess always gave her comfort, and excitement. Whenever she was near her, she wanted more. She wanted to taste her, bite her, dance and frolic. She wanted to celebrate, sleep, and do all the things she enjoys, but all at once.

Sometimes, it left her feeling quite confused, and other times, quite tired. One thing was certain, she didn't feel complete unless she was near to her Kyrie.

Only Kyrie made her feel complete, and whole.


* * *


"How odd." Kyrie said softly as she and Lena moved closer to each other. Lena was fully asleep, but Kyrie could sense something that wasn't quite what she expected.

"What's the matter, goddess?" Nuri asked as she yawned and embraced Lena from behind.

"Even your core is now drained of my mist." She said. She put her lips to Lena's chest. "White. Just like Lena. Where did my mist go?" She whispered. She breathed out a stream of her red mist, the energy she generated within her own body, and it was greedily sucked into Lena's body. Kyrie put her lips onto Lena's chest again.

"She consumes my mist and makes it her own." Kyrie whispered. "None of Imera's other children can do this." She looked up at Nuri.

"Should I worry about her, goddess?" Nuri asked, and stifled a yawn. "I can't believe how tired I feel. I haven't felt like this in centuries."

"Sleep, little servant of the Empress." Kyrie said softly. "Nadya will keep me warm until I go to sleep as well." Nuri murmured and closed her eyes.

"Shadows." Valina appeared. Kyrie nodded slightly.  "Watch and make sure no one approaches. Only the ones Lena allows. No one else." She yawned slightly. "I'm going to see my girl in her dreams now." she yawned again. "She is calling out to me, and I need to accompany her." Kyrie fell into her own slumber right beside Lena, while Nadya looked up at Valina.

"I feel her pull too, Valina." Nadya said quietly. "Please, let no one get near this room, or even cross the threshold of the temple without permission. Sol knows who to let enter, and the Shadows can judge who should be allowed to roam around the temple grounds." Valina bowed slightly.

"I hear, and acknowledge your wisdom, Nadya. Shall I ask Rachel or Nikki if someone seeks an audience?" She asked.

"Yeah. They've watched over the Empress for a long time. If they don't know who should approach, and who should not by now, they are not worthy of their positions." Nadya rolled her eyes. "I can't stop myself from closing my eyes, Valina. We are in your care." Nadya's eyes closed and she went limp.

"Interesting." Valthyria said as she appeared in the room. "She tried to stay awake to give instructions properly, but she was yanked into the void by the goddess, or the Empress, and quite forcefully."

"Agreed. The instructions were moot. We've always known who should come near, and who should not." Valina said. "It made her feel better to speak, which is not against our orders." Valina walked over to Nadya's side and leaned down.

"What are you doing?" Valthyria hissed as Valina reached out and caressed Nadya's cheek. Her gaze turned to her massive breast that laid on Kyrie's side. She licked her lips.

"Just a small bite." She whispered. Valina felt fingers grasp her by her hair and drag her out of the room. Only when she cross the threshold did she stop her struggle.

"Oh dear Haven." Valina said in shock. "I couldn't stop myself. I would have tried to eat her!" Valthyria rolled her eyes.

"You're older than I am, Lina. We'll need to switch out more often as the Empress is much stronger than she was a month ago." Valthyria's cheeks reddened. "I also would have taken a bite if I had been here all night like yourself."

"Damn, the hunger was so strong, I couldn't think of anything else. Just how tasty she looked." She looked at Valthyria. "Watch over her, and switch out with Cynie and Jhana every hour." Valthyria frowned.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"To find Sol." She licked her lips. "I feel like having a bit of Asmarian cuisine tonight."


* * *


Sol shivered in delight as she was surrounded by the Shadows, and not just the ones that were normally used by the Empress. They eyed her hungrily.

"Sol, we hunger." Valina said and pulled her along into the Temple Priestess's room.

"But won't the Empress be upset?" She asked, but her cheeks were red, and her clothes had already hit the floor.

"Better we eat you than eat one of the pilgrims, or the Vhaac." Valina said and scooped the larger woman up, only to lay her on the bed. Each Shadow walked around the bed and surrounded Sol as she lay there, prone, and vulnerable.

"I haven't felt like this since I was human." Sol said and shivered with excitement. Their hunger kept growing, and soon, she cried out in pain, and sheer ecstatic pleasure. Their hunger resonated within her core, and lit a fire deep within her heart. She greatly longed to be consumed like this.

Four bit into her calves and thighs. Four bit into her forearms and biceps. One started to eat her way into her belly, while two other Shadows began to consume her quite large breasts.

It was an orgy of flesh, a feast the likes of which had never occurred in Haven. The Shadows acted alone, and only did this during the Offering in ancient history.

As she climaxed again and again, she could even hear the crunch of teeth upon her bones, breaking them, and eating them as though they were part of a boar's body in Haven. The Others, and their bones, were stronger than a boar, and no Other could bite through them.

Sol felt their teeth everywhere, and was filled with intense longing for it to continue.

She soon felt the lips of a Shadow close over her eye, and softly sucked it out with decadent slurping noises. Sol was beyond turned on as her second eye was gently sucked out, while warm lips pushed down around her eye to pop it out gently. After she tasted each eye, Valina sucked her tongue up into her mouth to gently tug with suction only, and severed it in one clean bite. Sol heard Valina sigh happily.

"We'll send you back home soon, Sol. After we finish you off." Valina's mouth opened wide and she swallowed Sol's head without biting through the skull, or taking smaller bites.

Valina pulled her soul core out of her mouth, and smiled serenely. Valthyria looked at her sister oddly, until she saw her sister's eyes. They were pure black, without Lina's normal solid brown eye color.

"Thank you, Sol. I am sated." The core disappeared from Valina's palm, and she soon looked confused.

"Lina? What's wrong?" Valthyria asked her cautiously.

"Where did Sol go? Didn't we surround her and want to eat her?" Valina was completely confused as she had already lost enough control to sweep Sol off her feet, but that is where her memories ended. Now Valthyria knew what had happened.

"The Empress sent her home, sister. Come. I think you need to get your core unwound."


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