The Godfather of Basketball

Chapter 105 - China

Duncan was nicknamed “Stone Buddha”, and he was not shocked, but he was dominant on both ends of the offense and defense of a rookie Gasol, and he would respond without talking.

Gasol worked hard and was not Duncan’s opponent.

The Spurs began to regain momentum.

But the Rockets played very aggressively, and the Spurs were hard to turn over at once.

After the two sides reached the second half of the second quarter and then changed the main force, the Rockets once again widened the point difference to more than 15 points.

In the preseason, Popovich didn’t want to fight with the Rockets. In the third quarter, he switched to role players in advance.

Tangtian also saved a little face for the old man, and then replaced with a marginal substitute.

In the end, the Rockets won the Spurs 101-88 in the first game of the preseason and won the first victory.

Yao Ming and Tracy McGrady both played about 20 minutes and scored 15 and 16 points respectively. Millsap and Billups also scored in double digits.

Among the rookies of the team, Mark Gasol played the best, and scored 13 points, 7 rebounds and 2 blocks in 21 minutes.

Landry also appeared in the fourth quarter, he is full of steals, 4 shots and 4 shots, 9 points and 3 rebounds.

Sun Yue also got playing time, appeared with Landry, but did not play well, 0 of 3 shots, only contributed 1 block.

Although it was a preseason game and the Spurs did not play with all members, a big victory still caused the team’s morale to skyrocket.

With this momentum, the Rockets are full of momentum in the next preseason.

They have successively defeated the Hornets, Mavericks, Grizzlies, Kings, and ushered in a wave of 5 consecutive games in the preseason.

In these four games, the Rockets had more than 6 players scoring in double figures, and the depth of the bench has become a trouble for Tang Tian’s happiness.

With such troubles, after finishing the game with the Grizzlies, the Rockets got on a plane to Shanghai, China.

There, the team will usher in their sixth game of the preseason, but also China.

NBA President David Stern has been committed to expanding the NBA’s global influence. As China, which has the most fans in the world, has always been a vital part of NBA strategy.

As early as 2004, the Rockets and Kings played two Chinese games in China. The impact was profound and greatly stimulated the NBA’s Chinese market.

In the next three years, the Chinese game failed to continue for various reasons. This time, a comeback, the NBA once again sent the Chinese team, the Rockets’ home team, obviously hoping to further explore the Chinese market.

In fact, this arrangement has infinitely ignited the enthusiasm of Chinese fans before the start of the Chinese game.

The Rockets won the championship last year, which completely blew up the already popular Chinese fans.

This time, the tickets for the two venues, Shanghai Qizhong Forest Sports City and Macau Venetian Complex have already been sold out, and one ticket is hard to find.

Another reason why these two Chinese games are so popular is that the Rockets’ opponent is the Los Angeles Lakers.

Kobe Bryant has few people in the league that can compete with Yao Mai.

The confrontation between these two teams is already a game of Mars hitting the earth in popularity.

When the two teams just got off the plane, they were calmed down by the crowd outside the airport.

Tangtian this is the second time to return to China, watching the enthusiasm of the fans, he is also full of emotion.

China never lacks fans, basketball or football, fans are always the most enthusiastic.

The Lakers were afraid of causing unnecessary troubles, and took the bus early under the **** of security.

Tangtian let the players stay and interact with the fans for a while.

He has been a fan, knowing that these fans must have waited here for hours, this is the benefit they deserve.

Tang Tian arranged it this way, but what he didn’t expect was that these fans, apart from looking for signature pictures of their team members, did not let go of his head coach, and even just looked at the decibels raised by those people and shouted. It is true that Yao Ming and Tracy McGrady are more women fans.

I do n’t know how many waves I have experienced, how many beautiful women have been oiled, and even almost kissed. When leaving the airport, Tang Tian found that the team members looked at him with a strange look.

“Coach, I want to be the same coach as you after I retire.” Pietrus said in the car.

迈克尔 “Michael, that’s difficult, the coach’s handsomeness is not comparable to ordinary people.” McGrady said seriously.

The car suddenly laughed for a while.

Tangtian also smiled at this time.

气氛 The atmosphere of such a team is quite good.

After a day of training, the first game between the Rockets and the Lakers kicked off in Shanghai Qizhong Forest Sports City. This arena that can accommodate more than 13,000 people is already full of fans. We held up various brands to cheer for our favorite fans.

However, the popularity of the Rockets today is really not covered in the country, even Kobe only has to stand aside.

The whole stadium, in addition to occasionally seeing some fans wearing Kobe jerseys, basically the stadium is a sea of ​​red.

In such a rare day, and again in China three years later, the fans wore them all out ~ ~ Oh, this is the undisputed Rockets home court. ESPN commentator Mark Jackson couldn’t help expressing emotion after watching this scene.

This is actually not the home of the Rockets.

NBA China game points home and away, this game is the home of the Lakers, the floor on the court is the Lakers.

It’s just that some of the fans around here are in a bad mood, this is probably the most prominent one in NBA overseas games.

The Chinese game spreads NBA culture, so the opening ceremony and introduction are exactly the same as the regular season.

Exciting music, gorgeous lights, fans who came to this stadium experienced this culture up close.

The Lakers’ starters were introduced one after the other.

After O’Neal left the Lakers, the Lakers experienced several seasons of decline, but there have been signs of recovery since last season.

The team’s young inside Andrew Andrew Bynum is playing better and better, there is a lot of potential in the league’s top line.

加上 Coupled with the return of veteran Derek Fisher this season, the team’s new season is also aggressive.

When Kobe was finally introduced to the scene, the scene was still cheering.

As an active superstar, Kobe’s explosive scoring ability has earned him unparalleled popularity worldwide.

The Lakers Odom was absent due to injury, but in the other four positions, they all sent the main lineup.

The outside line is a combination of Fisher and Kobe, the front line is Radmanovic and Luke Wharton, and the center is Andrew Bynum.

On the Rockets side, Tang Tian also let Billups take a rest, and Barria started for him. The other positions are the same as before.

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