The Godfather of Basketball

Chapter 130 - Rocket Session

The visit to the White House will last for half a day, during which time the President will be with them.

I talked about the NBA in the reception room, and President Bush led them to the main entrance.

的 The reporters there are already waiting.

This is the most important part of the White House visit. The president will give a speech congratulating the championship team, and the Rockets will also give some gifts to the president.

Journalists will record this historic moment.

“An episode happened today in the reception room. I misunderstood Rockets coach Tang Tian as a player.” President Bush mentioned what happened before in his speech.

“But Tang Catholicism is right. This is not my fault. After all, he is so young. I look forward to seeing him again next year.”

尽管 “Although it should not be here next year.”

Bush’s humor immediately made the Rockets behind them laugh, and the following reporters also recorded this classic scene in laughter.

After Bush’s speech, Yao Ming, on behalf of the Rockets, presented a Rockets jersey with his name on it. This was the only Rockets jersey he received during his tenure.

之后 After the press conference, Bush also had lunch with the Rockets in the White House State Banquet Room.

At the dinner table, the team members seemed excited and cautious. They could be regarded as heads of state.

Tangtian is the most calm one. After all, he knows clearly that this place is expected to be frequent.

I ended the visit to the White House, and the Rockets were more proud.

After another wave of 6 wins and 1 loss in early February, before the All-Star Game, the Rockets’ record reached a horrible 46 wins and 6 losses. The Celtics next door ranked first in the league.

Outstanding record made the Rockets stand out in the next All-Stars.

Although Tang Tian did not become the head coach of the Western Forces due to the restrictions of the rules, the Rockets still participated in the All-Star Game in New Orleans this year.

Yao Ming and Tracy McGrady continued to be the starting players for the Western Forces. Billups was also selected on the bench with stable performance. The trio was also selected for the first time in nearly ten years.

Novak participated in the three-pointer contest for the second consecutive year.

Pietrus will also participate in this year’s dunk contest.

火箭 The rookie team also played multiple players.

加 In the first-year team, Mark Gasol, Sun Yue and Scola played.

In the second-year team, Millsap and Novak also occupy two positions.

With two teams of 18 people, the Rockets accounted for nearly a third.

Such a ratio can already be described by the “Rocket Special Session”.

一周 One week before the All-Star Game, while Tang Tian was studying tactics in the office, Pietrus came to him and said he hoped he could give some suggestions on dunk moves.

I asked this question, and asked Tang Tian many memories in his mind. He did not hide them, and gave Pitrus several good ideas in his memory.

Pietrus was very excited after listening, and practiced in the training hall the next day.

Tang Tian didn’t bother. This time he didn’t need to be a coach in the All-Star Game, just be an audience with peace of mind.

Swift is going to tour the United States, and Hathaway has to prepare for the big runway show a few months later. He originally thought he was alone, but he did not expect that the day before the All-Star game, “Sister Wisdom” Scarlett Rei had an appointment with him.

It’s boring to watch an All-Star alone, plus Scarlett uses reasons to learn more about Swift, and he’s not good at rejecting it.

February 19, 2008, the NBA All-Star Game kicked off at the New Orleans Arena.

The focus of the first day is naturally the rookie game.

尽管 Despite the three strong points of Durant, Horford and Gasol, the first-year team can’t hold back the second-year team’s strength.

In the end, Millsap became a rookie MVP with 33 points and 12 rebounds in the game, overwhelming teammates Roy and Daniel Gibson.

其他 The other Rockets players also played well.

Gasol scored 28 points and 13 rebounds for the first-year team, which is quite like Millsap last year.

Sun Yue contributed 15 points, 4 rebounds, 3 assists, 2 blocks, and 2 steals. Scola scored 16 points and 6 rebounds. Novak charged for the three-point contest, hitting 6 three-pointers and contributing 18 points.

Yi Jianlian, who won the Eastern Conference’s best rookie in December, also contributed 12 points and 3 rebounds to the first team.

Naturally, thanks to Tang Tian in Millsap’s award speech.

When the scene shot to the side of Tang Tian, ​​with a smile on his face, Scarlett tilted his head and looked at Tang Tian also followed the entry, immediately attracted the fans at the scene after a whistle.

Not long ago, I enjoyed the treatment of bending and holding hands at a Swift concert, and now I’m on the sidelines of the All-Star Game with Scarlett. Tang Tian is going to become the “popular lover” of the goddess.

The first day of the All-Star Game ended, but like last year, the three-pointer and slam dunk contests on the second day attracted even more attention.

This year’s three-point lineup is more luxurious than last year.

Capono, Daniel Gibson, Peja Stojakovic, Nash, Nowitzki, Steve Nowak, not only have three-pointers, but also starlight.

The intensity of the competition is also better than in previous years.

Gibson and Capono both scored 21 points in the preliminaries, and Peja played bravely to score 22 points.

Novak came out as the defending champion finale, the pressure is great.

However, he continued the excellent feel of yesterday, and finally resisted the pressure and got 22 points like Peja ~ ~ a 20+, this kind of grand occasion appeared for the first time in the three-pointer contest!

And because of the same points, Gibson and Kapono have to play.

In the end, Caporno resisted the pressure and defeated Gibson by 19 points. He did not disappoint the fans as he did last year. He finally entered the finals to compete with Novak for a “enemy of life”.

After reaching the final, his first appearance was even more super hot, scoring 25 points, which was equal to last year’s Novak record, and stunned the audience.

Bosh made a move to hold the championship on the sidelines, and has already announced that Caporno is a three-pointer.

Following the appearance of Peja under abnormal pressure, he only scored 16 points.

Novak’s final score was only 2 of 5 shots, which caused an uproar at the scene.

However, afterwards, he found his feel, made no shots, suppressed first and then raised, and finally cast an incredible 26 points!

球迷 When the last flower ball fell out of the bag, the fans at the scene were completely crazy!

打破 Break the record for two consecutive years, Novak’s performance is absolutely super god!

瞬间 At the end of the game, Capono hugged Novak with a smile, and he lost nothing to such an opponent.

After Novak won the championship, he became the sixth player to win the three-pointer championship after Bird, Hodges, Price, Hornacek and Peja.

In a breathtaking three-pointer match, the fans at the scene watched the enthusiasm, and the excitement did not disappear with the end of the three-pointer match, because it was followed by the stage, it was even more bloody. Slam dunk contest.

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