The Godfather of Basketball

Chapter 25 - "Big Mouth" Buckley

The reporter’s focus shifted from Fan Gandi to Tang Tian.

“Don, how did you make this change?” The reporter who asked the question continued.

Tang Tian smiled, but did not appear proud, but said humblely: “It is not me, it is us, including coach Jeff, this change is achieved by our entire coaching staff and the efforts of the players. “

Tang Tian is not the head coach after all. At this time, speaking humble words is obviously more helpful to the entire team.

The result was not the same. After listening to this, Van Gundy eased his original rigid face a lot.

If as a head coach, he was passed by his assistant coach, his face would really be unsustainable.

Dawson nodded with satisfaction, capable, and not greedy, such employees are really the favorite of management.

“Don, Ken Young Martin said that the yellow race should not be in this league before the game. What do you think of this?” The second reporter who stood up to ask a question was very “interesting” and asked a sensitive topic.

The atmosphere at the press conference became firmer.

Dawson just wanted to speak to remind this reporter.

“I think if he really said that, then he might consider retiring in advance.” Tang Tian said with a smile.

The reporter below was confused, and Dawson was confused.

“After all, this kind of thing can only be counted by the president of the alliance. If he retires now, he should be able to catch up with the next alliance president after working for more than ten years in the alliance management.”

“Haha ~” As soon as Tang Tian’s voice fell, the reporter laughed amused by his words below.

After Dawson heard it, he couldn’t help laughing, and he looked at Tang Tian more favorably.

Wu Ruizhi answered without losing his backbone, such a person has a natural personality charm.

不久 Shortly after the press conference, Stern, the president who heard about the Martin incident, also made the decision to ban a match and fine a fine of $ 3w5 for Martin.

Although it is common for Americans to discriminate against yellow people, it seems a bit unorganized if you speak out in front of a reporter.

A key victory proved Tang Tian’s ability and eased the tension in the team.

In competitive sports, winning the game is always the most effective way to solve the problem, as long as you can find it.

After winning the strong rivals Nuggets, the Rockets’ next schedule is very favorable for them.

The turbulent New York Knicks, the young but inadequate Blazers, became the Boston Celtics.

Taking advantage of the weakness of this wave of opponents, the Rockets practiced in the game, trying and running in the game.

Tang Tian also continued to fine-tune in the game, and slowly formed a set of games more suitable for the Rockets lineup.

The Rockets also ushered in a four-game winning streak.

开 Started in a four-game winning streak, this is the first time Yao Ming has joined the Rockets.

After this four-game winning streak, the Rockets’ defensive end is as usual, but the offensive end is reborn. They averaged 102 points in four games and averaged the highest score in the league.

Such wonders have also attracted the attention of TNT TV. In the latest program, the host Barkley and Kenny Smith talked.

“Kenny, I’ll give you a riddle. A team that was predicted to be the last 6th in the league at the beginning of the season and now has the first record in the league. Guess which team is this?” Barkley said solemnly.

“Do you have to guess? You can find out by looking at the current record.” Smith went on.

哪 “Which team?” Buckley asked.

“Houston Rockets.” Smith flipped through the rankings.

是 “Yes! Houston Rockets! Incredible!” Barkley’s expression exaggerated.

但是 “But I said, I said that as long as Yao Ming and McGrady are healthy and find a way to play for them, they can rule the league!” Buckley said, waving his arms forcefully, his emotions seemed a little excited.

你 “You said? I remember I said it?” Smith said with a smile.

“You said? I said? No, no, that’s not important. The important thing is that the Rockets found their way to win. They averaged 102 points per game, the first in the league, but controlled the average points per game at 90. One point, 89.2 points, second only to the Spurs and Pistons. So, is it important? Is it important? “

Barkley spoke loudly, and Smith was left laughing.

但是 “But …” Barkley suddenly turned around at this time. “Their challenge is coming. Next Monday, they will welcome Miami … The Miami Heat, the annual Yao Sha confrontation, the defending championship Heat.”

“Yes, the Heat just won the first NBA championship in team history last year, ‘Shaq’ O’Neal, ‘The Flash’ Wade, they’re in big trouble.” Smith nodded.

“Who do you think will win the game?” Barkley lowered the volume.

“You’re here again …” Smith looked helpless.

这样 “So, how about we bet once?” Barkley saw Smith unhappy and let out his killer 锏.

“Rockets? Are you sure? Have you forgotten that poor donkey that was kissed by your ass?” Smith said with a smile.

哦 “Oh no! Kenny, you never said that!” Buckley kept shaking his head.

“What are you betting on?” Smith asked.

这样 “So, how about we bet on a dunk?” Barkley’s eyes narrowed.

“A dunk?” Buckley was curious.

“Yes, a dunk. The loser wore the same underwear set by Adriana Lima at the Victoria’s Secret Lingerie Show and completed a dunk in the studio.” Barkley said seriously.

“What ?!” Smith exclaimed, this Buckley is a bit big.

“Hey man, this is a live broadcast, are you sure?” Smith seemed very surprised, apparently Barkley had a temporary idea.

“Yes, can’t you come?” Barkley was particularly eager to see his posture and exhaled ~ ~ Smith was a little afraid to accept the move.

这样 “So, you choose first, I choose the other one, so there will always be someone to perform.” Buckley is indeed a “big mouth”, this time to make the show quite exciting.

Smith didn’t answer the call at this time, and it was no longer. He pondered for a while and said with a smile, “Charles, this is what you asked for.”

“Yes.” Barkley nodded.

虽然 “Although I hope the Rockets can win, but I think the first time of the season, the Myrmes will win.”

这么 “So your choice is the Heat?” Buckley asked.

“Yes.” Smith nodded. “The Rockets’ offensive tactics are very novel, but three of their four-game winning opponents are not strong. The only Nuggets team is still caught by surprise, the Heat. Although the team didn’t start well, after all, the winning team last season has not changed, and the Rockets’ tactics have slowly been explored, so I am more optimistic about the Heat. “

Smith’s analysis is very reasonable. The skinny camel is larger than the horse. Moreover, this Heat team has basically retained last season’s championship team.

好 “Well, you choose reason, then I can only choose luck, I’m bullish on the Rockets.” Buckley said with a smile.

After this program of TNT was broadcast, it immediately caused an uproar.

Imagine Barkley or Smith wearing Victoria’s secret underwear and dunking the ball in the live broadcast room.

This is much hotter than the original case of Yao Ming ’s ass.

Almost instantly, the Heat and Rockets game next Monday will become the focus of the entire league.

But this is the effect that Barkley and TNT want. The fans pay attention to them and they have food.

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