The Godfather of Basketball

Chapter 4 - 1st TA

“Besides Yao Ming, I also have some suggestions for the team’s overall offense.” What makes Van Gundy overjoyed is that Tang Tian has ideas.

“You said.” Van Gundy did not hide his excitement at this time.

“Yao Ming’s progress is obvious to all. His deterrence in the post will only increase. At this time, our perimeter players will get more and more opportunities for vacancies. So for them, the three-pointer is a key training item. . “

“Inside deterrence, gaining three-pointers in the open, three-pointers in the open, opponents dare not shrink the defense, and the offensive space inside has also become larger. This is complementary, including McGrady. Increasing shots to reduce breakthroughs can also reduce his injuries. Risk. “Tang Tian began to move out of the Rockets’ famous” magic ball “theory.

After Tang Tian said these two words, Van Gundy’s eyes had begun to shine.

As a defensive coach, he didn’t know too much about the offense. Tang Tian’s remarks were a bit like taking away the clouds and seeing the moon.

锡 Even Xibodu, at this time, also showed a grateful appreciation to Tang Tian.

The following time, Van Gundy asked a few more detailed questions, including how to get off the ball if he organized the offense.

Tang Tian has been a coach for more than ten years in the previous life, plus the modern and advanced basketball concepts that he masters, he has a good idea and talks, and finally successfully conquered Van Gundy.

Although Van Gundy himself couldn’t believe it, after the interview, he decided to hire Tang Tian as the Rockets’ first assistant coach.

前 300,000 US dollars before salary tax, which is already relatively high in teaching assistants.

However, Tang Tian signed a one-year contract with the Rockets. His goal, of course, is not just as simple as a teaching assistant.

In 2006, the network was quite developed, and Tang Tian’s becoming a Rockets assistant coach immediately caused a stir.

In the NBA, no yellow man has ever been an assistant coach, let alone the first assistant coach.

Of course, the most important thing is that this teaching assistant is only 22 years old!

This is truly incredible.

The media reports on this matter are also becoming more and more exaggerated.

Some people speculate that Tang Tian is a super rich second generation, and some people speculate that he is a Rockets executive and an illegitimate child of the Chinese …

A variety of absurd reports are endless.

There is even a so-called expert analysis. This is a move by the Rockets general manager Dawson. This year is the last year of Yao Ming’s rookie contract. He may use this method to reach an early renewal with Yao Ming.

More and more people think that this is the truth of the matter, and even many Chinese people are beginning to envy Tang Tian, ​​and why they are not the ones who run away.

In such public opinion, just two weeks later, the NBA ushered in a major event.

The 2006 NBA Draft was held in the theater of Madison Square Garden in New York. As the Rockets’ first assistant coach, Tang Tian came to the scene with the Rockets team.

In Tang Tian’s impression, 2006 was not a draft year, there were no superstars, there were a few first-line stars, Aldridge, Roy, Rondo, and Guy.

Every team has a draft hut, Tang Tian is sitting next to Van Gundy, the Rockets general manager Dawson and assistants, and Van Gundy are discussing fiercely there.

Tong Tangtian is more like a viewer. In fact, as a teaching assistant, his opinions are unlikely to be adopted.

The draft started soon.

The Raptors selected Bagnani from Europe with their No. 1 pick.

The Bulls topped the list by selecting LaMarcus Aldridge.

The Charlotte Bobcats drafted Adam Morrison with a pick. This player was later dubbed Mo Yizhong by fans, meaning that he could only score one goal in most games.

The subsequent signings were the same as those in Tang Tian’s memory.

After reaching the 8th overall pick, the Rockets drafted Gay, but immediately used him to pack Stromaire Swift, and got Shawn Battier of the Grizzlies.

交易 This transaction has caused a lot of controversy in later generations, but Tang Tian feels that the transaction is stable and profitable.

There is no better player choice for this pick (Rondo has no shooting ability and is not suitable for Yao Mai), Gay and McGrady also overlap positions, the Rockets need immediate combat power, and Shane Battier is not only a superb role player, but also the most important Spiritual leader.

And it is easy to be overlooked. Swift signed a 30-year contract with the Rockets for 5 years last year. This is definitely a big contract in 2006, but his performance is completely sorry for this contract. Disposal of this junk contract.

After the first round, the selection was exactly the same as in the impression. Rondo went to the Celtics and Lori went to the Grizzlies.

Wait until the end of the first round, Stern enters the backstage rest, the draft has entered the show performance stage, the major teams also ushered in the opportunity to rest.

Tang Tian started to move at this time. The second round is not so important for each team. In fact, even if many rounds were selected, UU reading books did not have a chance to get a contract. At this time, he was the first The TA’s advice is more or less weighty.

次 In the 2006 draft, one of the second round was particularly prominent.

Paul Millsap!

未来 This future All-Star power forward, who killed the Quartet in college, averaged 18.6 points, 12.7 rebounds, 1.99 blocks and 1.32 steals, and was shortlisted for the final nomination of the Oscar-Robertson Award and the nominated candidate for the Wooden Award.

It stands to reason that such a college star player is also in the first round, but in fact, he was only selected by the Jazz in the second round of the 18th, almost lost!

As for why?

The reason is simple. Millsap, as an inside player, is barely 1.99 meters tall when he is on his side. Such a short inside line is the kind of “college killer, NBA edge man” in the eyes of most team managers. Typically, playing position 4 is too short and playing position 3 is too slow.

The second round of the draft began immediately, and Tang Tian tried to speak for a while.

“Tang, the summer league is your team leader, who do you think is more suitable for the second round?” Team general manager Dawson looked up at him and said to him at this time.

By the way, this is in the middle.

“Paul Millsap, Swift was traded, and the Rockets only have veteran Zhu Wang Howard at the 4th position, which must be added.” Tang Tian quickly said.

“Steve Novak is a better choice. He is sideways up to 2.06 meters, and is good at three-point shooting, which can open up the offensive space. In contrast, Millsap University played in the 4th position. , Too short. “Van Gundy at this time expressed his opinion.

Although he said the second round, the Rockets are the second pick in the second round, which is similar to the end of the first round.

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