The Godfather of Basketball

v2 Chapter 803 - 2017 ~ 2018 Season FMVP (…

Players and fans are celebrating their championship, and staff there are nervously counting the results of fans and media voting on FMVP.

Compared to when the Nets won the championship two years ago, the suspense of FMVP this year was relatively small, basically between George and Irving.

In 6 games, Irving averaged 27.8 points, 2.5 rebounds and 4.5 assists, shooting 46.8% and 30.1 three-pointers, including 42 points in the sixth game, breaking his career record in the playoffs.

George averaged 23.5 points, 6.3 rebounds, 3.8 assists and 1.9 steals, shooting 49% from the field and 42% from the three-point range. Among them, he scored 37 points in the fifth game, which is only 2 points behind his playoff career record.

Others’ performances are also excellent, but there are still some gaps between them.

(Butler is averaging 15.6 points, 4.8 rebounds, 3.8 assists, 2.1 steals, 48.8% shooting, 35% 3-point shooting;

Jokic averaged 12.8 points, 11.5 boards, 6.7 assists, 1.8 blocks, 58% field goal percentage and 37.9% three-point field goal percentage;

Mitchell averaged 13.8 points, 2.3 rebounds, 2.7 assists, 45% field goal percentage, and 35.7% three-point field goal percentage.)

Hathaway and Swift also came down to the venue at this time. They held Tang Hao and Tang Tang in their left and right hands. The two little ones are now almost 4 years old, inherited the outstanding genes of their parents, and wore checkered shirts. The small broken steps murmured, and the long ones looked particularly good.

Boss Ma met the two children for the first time and greeted them with a smile.

It didn’t take long for me to say hello here, and the statistical work was done there.

The staff came to this side with the envelope containing the results.

The team members also celebrated. At this time, when they looked at the staff, they turned to see Irving and George.

As teammates, they naturally know who the two players contributed the most in the finals.

Xiao Hua took the envelope containing the results, and the audience, including all the viewers who had watched the live broadcast of the finals, looked towards the center of the small stadium.

Bill Russell stood up with the help of Wade and Frank.

Although his body is getting worse and worse, his complexion is very ruddy at this moment. By his age, being able to appear at the championship award ceremony once more is a color for his life.

Xiao Hua opened the envelope, smiled at the camera, and then announced the final ownership of FMVP.

“The winner of the 2017 ~ 2018 NBA Bill Russell Cup is … Kyrie Irving.”

When Owen’s name was read, cheers and whistle sounded.

George first embraced Irving and sent him words of blessing.

The team members also shouted Irving’s name.

Throughout the entire series, except for the fifth game, his performance was basically the best in the team, and the last game was a team that won the series away with the reverse performance rate, just like his name is homonymous. It’s a carry game, FMVP deserves it.

Irving is slightly green, and really counts. As the No. 1 pick in 2011, he has only entered the NBA for 7 years. Although he has been very popular because of the style of the game, he also followed James in the finals stage. Up, but it is the first time to really win the championship as a core team.

Nervous, excited, overwhelmed … all focused on the face of this 26-year-old player.

Owen walked to the front desk, bowed to receive the FMVP trophy from Russell, and then held it up at the instructions of the staff.


Although there were not many people at the scene, the shouts belonging to the MVP still sounded.

Until then, Irving’s expression seemed a little excited, and her eyes were slightly red.

For him, this year is actually not easy.

“Kerry, we know that you have been under a lot of pressure from the offseason to now this year, but you have got the FMVP trophy now, do you have anything to say?” The reporter also came over at this time and put The microphone was handed to him.

Get FMVP, there will always be a lot to say.

“Uh …” Irving took the microphone and seemed to have a lot of clues. He didn’t know how to speak for a moment.

There was a cheer of encouragement at the scene.

Irving shook his head with a smile, and waited for the cheer to drop before he took a deep breath and started his speech: “I have to thank Mr. Tang first. He is not only our coach but also the team owner. George, called together with the others. “

Irving first thanked Tang Tian, ​​which immediately caused a cheer and whistle of the fans.

“We all know the changes that Dwyane brought to the series, we also saw George’s crazy performance in Game 5, and Derek’s play in the finals, as well as Nicholas, Yi, Donovan, La Jane, PJ … everyone’s contribution in the game, this is a complete team, without them any one can not have this championship, so this trophy is not mine, but every one behind me A teammate. “

After saying this, it was the players behind me who were cheering.

Both Tang Tian and Boss smiled and applauded. Owen’s modest personality was still very popular.

“Yes, this past year has not been easy for me.” After thanking him, he started to answer what the reporter just said.

“This is actually nothing to say. I left the Cavaliers because they felt I couldn’t do it and thought I couldn’t win the championship as the core of the team. They wanted to trade me off the team to some other asset, I know, so I proposed With that request, they finally traded me to Brooklyn and got the assets they wanted. “

The reporters on the sidelines were excited to take pictures. This was the first time that Irving had publicly discussed the matter since he left the Cavaliers.

“But that’s not really important anymore ~ ​​ ~ I’m very glad that I can come to Brooklyn, be able to work for the coach, be a teammate with such a great team of players, and bring the final championship to the New York fans. , I am grateful and thank all the fans who support the Nets and my fans, that’s enough. “

Owen finished speaking, then returned the microphone to the reporter.

Cheers and whistle sounded.

The awards were not overly humble, nor were they justified.

And from the point of view of the tone of speech, he was not prepared in advance, which also showed his personality, not contrived, but not careful.

As a player who has experienced the Cavaliers offseason, it is certainly false to say that they are not angry, but it is not easy to look back at that matter with such a peaceful mindset.

But like the first to thank Tang Tian in his speech, he also knows that this can only be said after winning the championship. If in the end he proves that he has no ability to lead the team, then there is nothing to say.

After all, history is left to the victors to write.

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