The Golden Dragon Empress |DxD|

A Painfully Sweet Victory

n the middle of a white void, floated a person.

There was nothing surrounding them as they continued to move through the blankness untethered.

A calmness had filled their heart as they moved, not a single thought in their mind to weigh them down. This person could not remember how they entered the void, they could not even remember where they came from, their name, or what they looked like.

All they knew was that the void was safe, in the void they no longer had to deal with the cruelty of the world, the judgment of things they could not control, the insecurities, the self-hatred, or the crippling loneliness that threatened to consume them at every moment of their existence.

The void was a comfort, its brilliant light burning away the darkness from within them, covering them in its loving embrace.

They could stay here forever in the void of love.

"Natsuki! Natsuki!" A strange voice yelled, shaking the void and the person within it.

What's a Natsuki? They thought, hoping the voice would find it and leave them alone.

"NATSUKI!" Suddenly part of the void had shattered, as a large golden dragon burst through the hole they created and flew towards the person.

"Natsuki! We must leave this retched place, the longer you stay here the more of you the void consumes!" The dragon yelled.

The person turned over, facing away from the dragon, and finally speaking. "I do not know who this 'Natsuki' is, but it is not me. Now leave me, you are hurting my savior."

The dragon did not take this well as it released a powerful roar once again shaking the world around them, causing the person to cover their ears.

"Damn it Natsuki! I thought you were stronger than this. You promised me that you would fight and not let yourself be consumed. I was wrong to make you my partner."

The person did not know why, but the dragon's words had angered her. "I am strong! And I never go back on my word!" They screamed.

"Really? From where I am looking that does not seem to be the case. What has happened to you, my champion?"

It was then that the person felt a sharp pain emanating in her head, hundreds of thousands of images flashed through their mind. The sensation lasted only a few seconds, but felt as if it had been decades.

Once the images had stopped the person had looked up at the dragon. "Lux?"

The she dragon grinned,  "You have come back to me, Natsuki."  Lux then gently placed her enormous head against the girl's.

"Yeah, I'm back. I'm sorry that I left you alone." She could not believe that she had forgotten herself. She was not some random person that belonged to the void, she was Sukehiro Natsuki, Devil servant of Rias Gremory and partner of the great Golden Dragon, Lux.

"It matters not. Let us just leave this terrible place." Lux lowered her head allowing her partner to climb onto her neck. Once the Devil was settled, the dragon raised her wings and flew out of the void, hopefully never to return.


Rias was feeling a lot of things at the moment as she currently stood in one of the many halls of Gremory Manor.

Asia had left her side an hour ago to check on the rest of the Peerage and give the healers working on them assistance with her Sacred Gear.

Rias stood alone as her thoughts consumed her. Natsuki had done it, she defeated Riser and thanks to her she had won the Rating Game. But she had barely paid any attention to Grayfia announcing her victory once she saw her Pawn's body hit the floor.

She had been satisfied with the strategy she and Natsuki created for the game, that satisfaction soon grew into confidence once she saw how her Peerage was decimating Riser's.

But the last few minutes had caused her to lose all that confidence, all that pride, all that smugness, feeling nothing but despair.

Despite giving her Phenex Tears, Akeno had fallen in her fight with Yubelluna, which had destroyed her plan of having a Promoted Issei and Natsuki fight alongside her Queen against Riser. She had been worried, but figured they could adjust even with the loss.

But then Kiba fell and Koneko as well shortly after.

And then Issei...

"Congratulations, Rias-sama. Your engagement is now forfeit and no longer binding as per the rules of the game." Rias looked to the side and saw that Grayfia had appeared in front of her. Rias had been so distracted that she didn't notice the older Devil's presence until she spoke.

"Thank you...Onee-sama." Rias' smile was strained as she looked down at the ground, her hair failing over her eyes and hiding the tears that were coming to the surface. "But I do not feel that I deserve it. If it were not for Natsuki, I would not have won."

"That may be true, but she is your Pawn, after all. Are her victories not yours as well?" Grayfia said, not contradicting the girl's statement.

Rias gave the maid a watery chuckle, "But I am the King. I'm the one who is supposed to protect my Peerage and I didn't! I just stood there uselessly crying like a child as my family were being cut down fighting for me! Issei and Natsuki nearly killed themselves pushing their bodies beyond their limits just to beat Riser. Is that the kind of victory I should be proud of?!"

Grayfia pulled her sister-in-law into her arms and held her as she sobbed. She said nothing, letting the young Devil release the emotions she had been bottling up since the Rating Game started.

After a few moments Rias lifted her head out of Grayfia's neck and wiped her eyes. "Even now, I am proving just how worthless of a King I am."

Grayfia lifted Rias' head in her hands, forcing the girl to make eye contact. "Rias..." She said, not using the term of respect as she wanted to be personal. "I know you are feeling ashamed and useless after what happened today, but this is part of the journey of becoming a good King. You may have gotten your first servant years ago, but you are finally seeing what being a true master entails. Your servants rely on your leadership, they put their lives in your hands because they trust you to do right by them. I fear that you will soon find yourself in more dangerous situations as you grow, your Peerage having to fight more challenging enemies than Riser Phenex, so use this Rating Game as a learning experience to better yourself, not just for your servants but for you. Use this to never feel as you do, ever again."

Rias sniffled, "I will Onee-sama, I promise I will."

Grayfia smiled at the young heir before reaching into one of her pockets, pulling out a few papers with magic seals on them. "I must return to Lucifer-sama, but these are for you and your Peerage. They will teleport you straight to the party."

"Party?" The heiress asked.

"Yes, party. Lord Gremory and Lord Phenex decided they would host a party to celebrate the results of the Rating Game... whatever the results had been."

Rias understood what she meant, had she lost, this party would have been to celebrate her engagement and later marriage to Riser.

But since she won, it was now to toast her first Rating Game win. She had a bitter taste at the thought that almost all the guests expected to be attending an engagement party.

Including her own father...

"Thank you, Grayfia. When is the party?"

"Tomorrow evening, it is being hosted at Lucifer-sama's private residence."

"I'll be there. Well, I'll try to be if my servants are able."

Grayfia nodded her head and handed Rias the teleportation seals. "Good night, Rias. And once again, congratulation." She then teleported away.

Rias released a sigh once the older Devil was gone. While the speech she gave did help, she could not stop thinking about how she failed her Peerage. And with is thought Rias had left to go check up on her family.


Rias had walked towards the sitting room after looking in her servants' rooms and seeing that all of them were empty except for Natsuki's.

The Pawn was still unconscious, but she also saw that Akeno was sleeping next to her. This led Rias to believe that her Queen must have awoken during her talk with Grayfia, making her way into the taller girl's bed.

She also took that time to take off her clothes, since Akeno laid completely naked on Natsuki's chest. Honestly, part of Rias wanted to wait there until Natsuki woke up just to see her reaction, but needed to make sure the rest of the group were doing okay.

Once Rias reached the end of the hall, she saw Issei, Koneko, Asia, and Kiba sitting on the couches, talking to each other.

She stood there staring at her servants for a moment before Kiba had noticed her, drawing everybody's attention to her. "Rias-Buchou!"

"Hey everybody. Are you all doing, okay?" The King asked as she made her way into the room.

"Yeah, we're doing great! Asia and those healers really know their stuff!" Issei exclaimed.

"We-well the he-alers had it covered I-I barely di-did anything!" Asia stammered, her face bright red from Issei's compliment and the attention it brought her.

Rias smiled, "Well I'm happy that you're all feeling okay. You each gave the Rating Game your all, and I am proud of you. And-and thank you... for fighting for someone like me."

"Of course, we gave it our all, we were fighting for our great leader." Kiba said, smiling brightly at his King.

"You are worth fighting for, Buchou." Koneko added, giving a small smile of her own.

"You don't have to thank us Buchou-san, we were happy to do so." Asia said.

"I am always going to fight for you Rias-Buchou. I will do whatever it takes to make you happy!" Issei finished, clenching his fist in front of him to seal his promise.

Rias smiled as tears filled her eyes. "You guys..."

Rias then wiped her eyes to compose herself. "What I originally came here to do besides check in on you all was to tell you about the party we will all be attending tomorrow."

"Party?" Issei and Asia asked in unison.

Rias went on to explain what Grayfia told her earlier, including the part where the party had been planned regardless of the Rating Game's outcome.

"Buchou..." Kiba began, knowing the true meaning of what she was saying. He could not imagine how Rias was feeling knowing just how much everyone truly expected her to lose.

Rias waved her Knight off, "It is fine Kiba, I've made my peace with it. Besides thanks to you all I managed to prove them all wrong by winning."

"You mean thanks to Natsuki, you won." Issei corrected. He was happy that Rias no longer had to marry Riser, but once again he was completely useless in the end.

Asia had told him, Koneko, and Kiba what happened towards the end of the battle. How Natsuki managed to unlock her Balance Breaker by having the dragon within her Sacred Gear control her body, using both to beat the asshole into submission. He thought that their two weeks of training had finally changed things, but just like all the other times they fought, Issei got his ass kicked and Natsuki had to bail him out.

Even his desire to save Rias was not enough to overcome his weakness...

And he hated it.

"Issei..." Rias started.

"Speaking of, where is Natsuki-san? And Akeno-senpai too?" Asia asked, oblivious to Issei's inner turmoil and not noticing the self-hatred in his tone.

Rias blinked before answering the questions. "Oh, last I checked, Natsuki was still unconscious, but Akeno was with her. I am sure they are awake by now, so let us go check on them."

And with that, the Devils left to go check on the remaining members of their Peerage.


Natsuki's eyes blinked open and she found herself lying on her back and staring up at an unfamiliar ceiling. Despite the unknown surroundings the girl was just grateful that she was awake no longer trapped in her own head.

Fuck my body hurts…

Yes, despite the nun using her [Twilight Healing] on you, the strain of me using your body was so great that even though they are no longer there you still feel the pain of the injuries. Not to mention the injury that still lies on your chest. Lux said.

I'd rather be in pain and injured than be a human vegetable, Lux.

I feel the same as well, Natsuki.

Now that the Rating Game is over, I can just lay back and relax unbothered.

Ha, I do not believe that you will be relaxing just yet. Unless you are referring to more than just laying down and doing nothing. Despite not being able to see her, Natsuki knew that the dragon was smirking at her based on her words and how she said them.

Huh? What are you-


Once Natsuki had heard the moan she quickly looked down and saw Himejima Akeno laying on her chest.

How did I not notice her?!

Natsuki's movement had woken the Devil up as her eyes blinked open. Light violet had met burgundy red when the older girl raised her head.

The sleepiness had left the Queen's face as a brilliant smile took shape. "Hello, Natsuki-chan." Her voice taking on a raspier tone than usual due to the lack of use. It sent shivers down Natsuki's spine and caused Akeno to smirk when she noticed.

"Akeno? What are you doing here?" Natsuki asked.

Akeno giggled, "I was sleeping, silly."

The girl beneath her rolled her eyes, "I saw that. I meant why were you sleeping in my bed? On top of me?"
But instead of answering the girl's question, Akeno leaned forward and laid a kiss on Natsuki's lips. The kiss itself only lasted a few seconds before Akeno pulled away, smiling at the girl's dumbfounded expression.

"What the hell was that?!" Natsuki yelled, her cheeks burning as the kiss replayed in her mind. That was- that was my first kiss!

"I wanted to thank you for what you did for me."

"Th-thank me?"

"I heard what happened after I was eliminated. How you defended me when everyone else thought that I lost, you still believed in me. No one has ever done that for me." Akeno said as she cupped Natsuki's face in her hands.

"Besides after almost killing yourself to save Rias, to save all of us, you deserved the gift." After this Akeno sat up, straddling Natsuki. This movement caused the blanket covering them to slip down her shoulders, revealing her naked form.

Normally Natsuki would not have given much thought to Akeno's state of undress, it was not as if she had not seen the older girl naked before. But Natsuki had never been so close to Akeno when she had and for some reason, she could feel her heart trying to beat its way out of her chest. She felt her fingers twitch, forcing her to grip the sheets beneath her.

It must be the kiss. I'm just thrown off because it was surprising. Fuck, I can still taste her...

"Akeno, why are you naked?" Natsuki asked, her voice and face were calm, not showing the nervousness, embarrassment, and shame she felt inside.

"Fufu, skin to skin contact is one of the ways people get closer to each other. Don't you want to get closer Natsuki-chan?" Akeno said, her lips in a small pout because she did not get the reaction she wanted from showing off her body like she did from the kiss earlier.

"I'm pretty sure we're close enough."

"Are you sure? I think there's still more we can learn about each other." Akeno said as she leaned down, pushing her chest against Natsuki's.

Natsuki gave Akeno a blank look, "I'm sure. Now get the fuck off me."

Before Akeno could reply to her, the door had swung open revealing the rest of the Peerage on the other side.

"Oh, are we interrupting?" Rias asked with an amused smile as she and the others saw the position the two Devils were in.



Akeno and Natsuki said respectively before starting at the other. Akeno grinned while Natsuki gave her an annoyed glare.

Issei pushed his way into the room, blood pouring out of his nose as he stared at Akeno's naked form. "No way! Akeno-senpai's massive boobies! I've got to burn them into my mind!" He said despite only being able to see the sides of Akeno's breasts due to them being pushed against Natsuki.

Natsuki rolled her eyes at Issei's behavior. She then gently pushed Akeno to the other side of the bed, using her body to shield her from view, before grabbing the discarded blanket and wrapping it around the older Devil.

Issei quickly snapped his head towards Natsuki once he realized that he could no longer see a naked Akeno. "Dammit Natsuki! What the hell are you doing?! Don't cover them up! Oh, I see what you're doing, you're trying to keep Akeno-senpai's boobs to yourself! Not cool! Don't you know that real friends share with each other?!"

Natsuki glared at him, "That's not what I'm doing at all."

Akeno giggled, "Do you really want to see my chest that badly, Issei-kun?" She teasingly moved part of the blanket down, showing the tops of her breasts.

Both Natsuki and Rias glared at the Queen, "No, he doesn't." They said before looking at Issei, both Devils staring him down as they waited for his response.

Akeno silently laughed as she rests her head on Natsuki's shoulder from behind. Her smile widened when after a few moments Natsuki showed no signs of pushing her away.

"Uh, yeah I don't want to see them." Even though it hurt him to say that, Issei did not want to find out what Rias and Natsuki would do to him if he said yes.

Asia pouted at the display of perversion that Issei was showing Akeno, causing her to latch onto the Pawn's arm. "I can show you my chest, Issei!"

Issei blushed at the statement and was about to respond before Koneko spoke.

"Issei-senpai, you better not. You already made a fool of yourself just now. We don't need you adding to Natsuki and Akeno-senpai's perversion." Kiba had to cover his mouth to keep from laughing at the younger Devil's statement.

"Hey, don't compare me to these freaks!" Natsuki yelled, offended that the girl thought she was like Issei and Akeno. Which led to everyone speaking over each other.

Rias shook her head at her servant's before clearing her throat and explained to Natsuki and Akeno what she had told the others.

"So, we are going to this party? Do you really want to celebrate with people who still think you should be Riser's breeding mare?" Natsuki asked.

"Yeah, Natsuki's right! Why should we go to this party? It's going to be filled with nothing but classist jerks!" Issei added.

Rias sighed, "You two are right about the kinds of Devils that will be there. Many of them believe in the purity of our race more than anything else. But that's exactly why I want us to go, to show them what a group of reincarnated Devils are capable of and that their archaic values belong in the past."

Natsuki let out a groan, "Fine I'll go. But I'm not going to try and win these people over. They don't deserve it."

The others soon agreed to go as well, with varying degrees of excitement.

"Great! Now some tailors will be coming over to take your measurements."

"Measurements?" Issei asked. Why do we need to get measured?

"So, they can make the clothes we are going to wear tomorrow. You don't think we'll go to a party filled with nobility dressed in our school uniforms, did you?"


Nighttime : The Next Day

The Peerage had spent most of the morning being surrounded by a group of tailors, poking, and prodding them as they took their measurements.

Now they were getting prepared to travel to Sirzechs' private residence for the party.

Rias was the first to finish, standing in the parlor in a dark red sleeveless tube dress and red high heels. The dress had an exceedingly high split, showing off the King's long legs.

She only had to wait about a minute before Koneko, Kiba, and Akeno appeared.

Koneko looked adorable in her black sleeveless dress with the plunging V-line in the back and shoulder length black gloves. Kiba was wearing a black suit with a white dress shirt and a black bow tie.

Akeno was wearing a navy-blue spaghetti strap dress that hugged her form like a second skin, leaving little to the imagination. She was also wearing white gloves that went below her shoulders and black heels.

Rias smiled at her servants, "Wow. You all look great."

"Thank you, Buchou. You look beautiful tonight. "Kiba replied. Koneko nodded her head in agreement.

"Fufu, he is right you do look beautiful Rias. Are you trying to impress someone tonight?" Akeno said suggestively.

A small blushed formed on Rias' face, dissipating when she rolled her eyes at her Queen. "Why are you teasing me as if you're not doing the same thing?"

Akeno just giggled; Rias was not wrong when she said that she too was looking to gain someone's attention. She was still thinking about what happened yesterday.

I'm  going to get Natsuki's attention, no matter what.

As if she heard her thoughts, Natsuki soon entered the room. Her outfit for the evening gaining everyone's attention.

The Pawn was wearing a black, off-the-shoulder, dress that ended halfway down her tights, showing off her long and muscled legs, with an asymmetrical hemline, small wedged heels, and a chiffon train that flowed behind her as she walked.

Her black hair was no longer in its pulled back low ponytail. Her hair was now in a braided bun that rested on the top of her head and with two curled strands shaping the sides of her face.

"Wow…" Kiba whispered, voicing what the others were thinking.

"Hey guys." Natsuki finally spoke once she stood in front of the group.

"Whoa! Natsuki, you actually look like a girl!" Everyone turned towards the entrance, seeing Issei and Asia walk in.

Asia was wearing a pure white dress with lengthy sleeves that went down to her wrists, with a small window that showed the base of her collarbone and a hint of her breasts.

Issei like Kiba was wearing a suit, except it was red instead of black. He wore a black dress shirt and a green tie. Natsuki thought that he looked like his Sacred Gear in that outfit.

"Issei!" Asia exclaimed at Issei's statement; she could not believe that he would say something like that to Natsuki.

Issei flinched and saw the way that the others were looking at him as well. "No, I didn't mean it like that, it's just I've never seen you look so pretty, not that you're not attractive! I mean-"

Natsuki just waved him off, "Don't give yourself an aneurism, Issei. I get what you meant; this isn't how I normally look."

Issei let out a sigh of relief, "Thanks Natsuki."

"Don't worry about it. Nice suit, by the way."

"Hehe, thanks. I wanted to look just like my [Boosted Gear]!" Issei stated, proving Natsuki's previous thought right.

He then turned towards the others and looked at their outfits, mainly Rias and Akeno.

Natsuki rolled her eyes when she saw him drooling over the two girls, but she could understand as both looked striking in their dresses.

Rias let out a chuckle at the expression Issei was making. "Don't you look handsome, Issei? You know that they call me the Crimson-Haired Ruin Princess and you are the Red Dragon Emperor. It appears that we're matching even more." She said, pointing to her red dress and his red suit.

"Ye-ah we- we are Buchou! I mean you look beautiful!" Issei exclaimed, his eyes continuing to take her in, completely oblivious to Asia's growing jealousy.

Rias clapped her hands, "Okay, you guys. It is time for us to get going." Rias waved her hand, causing the magic seal slips to appear in her grasp. Everyone took one, as magic circle forming under their feet as they did.

"Is everyone ready?" The King asked, once she got her conformation she exclaimed, "To the Lucifer Residence!" causing the group to disappear in a large flash of light.


Once the light dissipated, the ORC found themselves inside of a large entryway. All throughout the hall were grand tapestries, busts, and banners displaying a gold emblem over a field of purple.

A young male servant stepped forward, giving everyone a respectful bow. "Gremory-sama, I welcome you to Lucifer-sama's ballroom hall."

Rias stood tall as she spoke, "Thank you, Mercer. Are we late?"

Mercer shook his head, "No, not at all, my lady." He then turned to open the large double doors in front of them.

Once opened, Mercer announced Rias' arrival with her Peerage to everyone inside. When they stepped through the entrance, it revealed a large and expansive ballroom with black marble floors, walls decorated with expensive paintings, ornately crafted windows, and a high ceiling that was arched and rose high over their heads.

Filling the room were hundreds of people all dressed in finely made clothes, a mark of the obviously rich and snobbish nobles around them.

To Natsuki, a few people stood out amongst them, one of them being a mountain of a man with black hair and violet eyes. Even without sensing his magic, Natsuki could tell that he was exceptionally powerful, feeling as if she was staring at the sun as she looked him over.

The large man met her eye, the two staring at each other for several seconds. A large grin formed across his face before he broke eye contact with her and continued his conversation with the woman next to him.

The Peerage made their way across the long red carpet, once reaching the end, Rias turned and addressed them all. "Everyone, please enjoy yourselves, but I ask that you do not embarrass yourselves as you represent the Gremory name."

She looked around, "It seems only friends of the family were invited." Taking note that Riser and his Peerage were missing from the affair. She then smiled at Issei, "And you... will be escorting me tonight."

Issei gave her a large smile before sticking his arm out for her, as she took it, he jumped when he felt his other arm being grabbed. When Issei looked down, he saw Asia standing there, "Asia?"

"Will you escort me as well Issei-san?" Asia asked, not wanting to lose to Rias in this endeavor.

Issei blushed, "Ye-eah, of course!"

Issei, Rias, and Asia soon disappeared into the crowd, leaving the rest of the Peerage at the entrance.

Koneko's eyes lit up when she saw a waiter walk by with a food tray and quickly followed him. Kiba nodded at his remaining friends before walking off on his own, immediately becoming surrounded by a group of girls that had been eyeing him since they walked in.

Natsuki sighed, wondering what she was going to do to pass the time. She had never been to a party before, let alone one as fancy as this, she was about to follow Koneko to the food tables when she felt a hand wrap around her right bicep.

Natsuki looked to the right and saw that it was Akeno who was holding her. "Don't you know that it's not very chivalrous to leave a lady by herself at a ball?" Akeno teased.

Natsuki raised an eyebrow but made no move to release herself from Akeno's hold. "I never claimed to be a knight, last I checked that was Kiba's calling."

"Well, Kiba is not the one I want to spend the night with." Akeno retorted.

The Pawn was thrown by both the words and the sincerity in which she spoke them. Why would Akeno want to spend the night with me? She could have anyone here, so why settle?

"You don't have to force yourself to stay, Akeno. I understand if you would rather be doing anything else." Natsuki said, giving the older girl an out. She did not want Akeno to stay because she felt bad for her. Akeno should enjoy the night without worrying about me.

Natsuki flinched when she felt Akeno's other hand gently caress her face, causing the two to stare into each other's eyes. "I want to spend the night with you, Natsuki. So, are you going to be my escort?"

Natsuki opened her mouth but quickly closed it, amusing Akeno. After a few seconds, Natsuki finally spoke, "Of course, Akeno."

The pair soon walked through the ballroom together. Akeno noticed that all eyes were on them, especially Natsuki. The girl in question paid the stares and whispers of the no mind as they walked around. A part of Akeno wanted to snap back at the judgmental nobles around them but held herself back due to how it would reflect back on her King and their family.

After a few minutes, the two found themselves in front of two other Devils. They were both tall, the man was handsome with blond hair and blue eyes, while the woman next to him was well-endowed with golden blonde hair and light blue eyes. Natsuki knew instantly that they had to be the Lord and Lady of House Phenex.

"Lord Reiner-sama, Lady Raelyn-sama." Akeno stated before giving a respectful curtsy, Natsuki awkwardly followed suit. She assumed that she did not look all that graceful as she could see the mirth in Lady Phenex's eyes.

"I am happy to finally meet you, Natsuki-san." Lord Phenex spoke.

"You know of me, Phenex-sama?" Natsuki asked.

"Well, you are a part of Rias Gremory-san's Peerage. It was interesting to see you fight, you as well, Akeno-san."

"Thank you, Reiner-sama." Akeno replied.

"So, you saw the Rating Game?" Natsuki wondered what was going through their minds then. Even though she barely remembered it, she knew that Lux had beaten Riser badly during the fight, she knew that she was them that she would not be happy to watch her child experience that.

"Yes, we did." Lady Raelyn spoke this time, "And we wish to congratulate you on your victory."

"Congratulate me?" Both Natsuki and Akeno were surprised by the notion.

Reiner laughed at their expressions, "Yes, we want to congratulate you. Riser had been growing arrogant due to his Rating Game wins and our family's immortality. This loss will push him further in the future."

"Where is Riser?" Natsuki asked.

"Oh him? He was holed up in his room, whispering about dragons when we saw him earlier, but do not worry he will get over it soon." Reiner waved off.

I doubt he will, I have made sure of it. Lux's voice rang out in Natsuki's mind for the first time since they came to the party.

Just how badly did you fuck him up? Natsuki asked.

Well, enough. Natsuki could hear the smugness in her partner's voice

"So, this where you have been old friend!" A strong voice ended the internal conversation between dragon and Devil.

The group turned and saw five Devils approaching them, Natsuki already recognized Issei, Rias, and Asia but did not know the other two that were with them.

The one who spoke was a tall, handsome man with long striking red hair, bright blue eyes, and a short red beard, he was also wearing a white suit with gold accents. The woman next to him had short, flaxen hair with violet purple eyes. She was exceptionally beautiful, looking at lot like Rias, but her figure far surpassed the redhead's, wearing a forming fitting white dress that showed it off.

"Hey guys. I see you found yourselves in Lord and Lady Phenex's company." Rias spoke once her group stopped.

"Mother, father, I want you to meet my second Pawn, Sukehiro Natsuki. Natsuki, these are my parents, Zeoticus and Venelana Gremory." Natsuki was shocked that the two were Rias' parents and not her siblings but remembered that Devils not only had incredibly long-life spans but also magic that could be used to change their appearance.

"It's an honor to meet you, Zeoticus-sama, Venelana-sama." Natsuki said while bowing her head. Koneko and Kiba also appeared during this and gave their own greetings.

Zeoticus let out a bark of laughter, "It seems my daughter found herself two dragons, Reiner!"

Reiner playfully rolled his eyes, "Yes, yes. Your daughter is quite impressive."

Venelana quickly stepped forward, keeping the two men from continuing their friendly squabbling. "I had been wanting to meet you for a while, Natsuki-chan. I wanted to thank you for what you did."

"You don't have to-" Natsuki spoke but was cut off by her King's mother.

"I do. Because of you my daughter no longer has to go forward… with an agreement that was made while she still in my womb." She finished while giving Zeoticus and Reiner a fierce glare. Both men tensed and began sweating at the look the Brunette Ruin Princess was sending their way while Raelyn giggled at their plight.

Yep, she is definitely Rias' mother. Natsuki thought.

Natsuki tuned out of the proceeding conversation. She felt a sharp tingling sensation race across her spine, she was being watched by someone.

Whoever they were, she knew they were extremely powerful. It was like nothing she ever felt before, the magic was stronger than that of all the other Devils in the room.

Lux, do you feel that? She asked in her mind.

Yes, Natsuki. I feel it. This magic is one I have encountered before. Lux answered, her voice tense and weary.

You have?

Yes, this magic belongs to the Devil now known as Lucifer, your master's older brother.

Just as Lux responded, a servant announced to the room the presence of Sirzechs and Grayfia to the party.

Sirzechs Lucifer looked just like his father and sister, being tall, with long shoulder length crimson hair, blue-green eyes, a handsome face, and a lean muscular build.

The King and Queen glided across the ballroom, making their way towards his family and the Phenex's.

"I must apologize for my tardiness. I found myself busier than usual these last few days." Sirzechs spoke, his voice smooth and deep.

As the Maou continued to talk, Natsuki was unable to tear her eyes away from him and his wife. The same feeling, she got when she first met Grayfia returned when looking at Sirzechs, that she had met them before.

But why do I keep feeling this? I've never seen their faces before, but I can't stop the feeling that the three of us have met already. What is this fucking feeling?

"-suki. Natsuki!" The Pawn was pulled from her thoughts when she heard her King calling out to her, when she focused again, she saw that Lord and Lady Phenex had left and that everyone else was staring at her.

"Have the three of us met before?" She finally asked the question that had been in the back of her mind since Rias and Riser agreed to the Rating Game.

A quick second passed before Sirzech chuckled, "No, Natsuki-chan. I believe this is the first time we have had the pleasure of meeting. Although I know you and my wife met before the Rating Game."

He is lying to you, Natsuki. The Pawn heard Lux tell her internally, the dragon's voice coming out as an angry growl.

Even without her partner telling her, Natsuki knew that Sirzech was lying to her. The feeling throughout her body was too profound for it to be a coincidence.

"Pffft! Haha! C'mon Natsuki! Why would you have met a Maou before?! I mean we were human not too long ago, why would a Devil waste time with a human?!" Issei found the very idea of it hilarious, forgetting the fact that they knew the rest of the Peerage and the Student Council before they ever became Devils or Asia who knew Devils and Fallen Angels long before getting turned.

"Regardless, I was telling Rias how impressed I was with your performance during the Rating Game, and I wanted to thank you for what you did, but it seems my family has already done so." Sirzech said, gaining everyone's attention once again.

"It was nothing." Natsuki replied.

"It was not nothing, allowing the Golden Dragon to take control of your body is unheard of! I don't think any other Sacred Gear has ever done such a thing, but you somehow were able to. I find myself impressed."

"According to Lux doing that was incredibly stupid and almost killed me. I don't think she'll be letting me do that ever again, regardless of the reason."

I most certainly will not, Natsuki! Even though it worked out this time you are still suffering from the effects of even after the Nun healed you. Lux exclaimed.

The She-Dragon was not wrong, after she first woke up, Natsuki noticed that she now had a scar on the center of her chest. The circular shaped mark looked like it had been branded onto her skin, Lux had explained that [Ethereal Domination] had begun to overheat while she had been in control.

She had talked to Asia about the scar and the former Nun had told her that despite her efforts, she was unable to heal it with her [Twilight Healing].

Rias had theorized that for some reason Natsuki's Sacred Gear was affecting the scar and keeping Asia's Sacred Gear from healing her. But even Lux herself did not know why the scar could not be healed.

Sirzech's eyes widened a bit, and a spark could be seen before returning to normal, "You have already been in contact with the Golden Dragon? Can I speak with the great dragon?"

Natsuki raised an eyebrow, but went ahead with the request, "I guess. Hey Lux, Lucifer-sama wishes to speak with you."

Natsuki did not get a response, but she knew the Golden Dragon was listening to the conversation, she asked Lux inside her head why she wasn't speaking but once again was met with silence.

"I apologize, Lucifer-sama. I don't know why she isn't responding; she was spoken out before."

"It is okay, Natsuki-chan. Maybe I will have the chance to speak to her another day." Sirzech replied kindly.

"Yeah. Maybe."


Natsuki immediately kicked off her heels the second the transportation circle disappeared and fell backwards onto her bed, letting out a sigh as she could finally relax.

The Pawn was exhausted, after speaking with Lucifer, Akeno asked (demanded) Natsuki to dance with her. Which somehow led to her dancing with the other female members of the Peerage, the most awkward of which was her dance with Rias. Not because of anything the two of them did, but because of the glare that Issei was giving her, her fellow Pawn hovering nearby. Rias enjoyed the attention, laughing every time they would spin and she would catch Issei's eye while Natsuki rolled hers.

Unlike Issei, no other Devil tried to speak with her, Lux told her she could feel fear and anxiousness every time she got too close to one of them. The savage beating Lux had given Riser had made most of the guests afraid they would meet the same fate.

It seemed that even in the supernatural world, people were deathly afraid of her.

During the night she could feel the eyes of the Phenex's, Rias' parents, Sirzech, Grayfia, and the black-haired man, along with a few others. None of them made the move to interact with her, but she got the feeling that the time would come soon.

After a couple of hours, the party finally ended once Issei and Rias flew off on a giant griffin that Grayfia had summoned.

Kiba soon teleported away, taking Asia with him as he offered to drop her off at the Hyoudou residence, Koneko disappeared not too long after that once again leaving the Pawn and Queen alone.

"Do you want me to take you home?" Natsuki asked after a moment of silence, the two Devils ignoring the other guests leaving and talking with each other.

"You're offering to walk me to my door, Natsuki-chan?" Akeno asked, her teasing evident in her smile and her voice.

Natsuki rolled her eyes, she felt like she had been doing it a lot more since becoming a Devil. "Take it however you want."

Akeno smiled, "As much as I would love for you to take me home, I can get home by myself." Her heart skipped a beat over the fact that Natsuki wanted to make sure she got home safely, even though teleportation negated that fact, but she did not want Natsuki to see her shrine just yet.

"Okay th-" Akeno cut the younger girl off by placing a kiss on her cheek. The Queen giggled when she saw that Natsuki was now completely quiet, the skin under her cheeks darkening slightly.

I think I will start kissing her more often if it keeps giving me more delicious reactions. The sadistic part of her cried out.

Akeno winked at Natsuki as she disappeared in a bright light.

Natsuki shook head to clear it when she started to think about the kisses she had gotten from the older Devil. She has to stop kissing me, this is getting fucking ridiculous! And why do they keep making me speechless?

"Hey Lux, why did you ignore me when I was talking to Sirzech?" Natsuki asked.

*SIGH* "I did not want to speak with that fake Lucifer because I greatly dislike the man." Lux spoke out.

Natsuki was shocked by that, "You hate Sirzech?"

"I do not hate him I dislike him..." Natsuki could inwardly feel that Lux hated the Maou through their bond, but kindly did not bring it up.

"...Remember when I told you that I had met him before? It was not in my original form but through some of my previous partners."

"Previous partners?"

"You are not the first Devil, reincarnated or half-breed that have I have found myself entwined with. Some of my partners had met their ends at the hands of the four Maous."

"I'm sorry, Lux. Do you think that's what Sirzech wanted to talk to you about?"

"It is all right, Natsuki. I do not know why exactly Sirzech wanted to speak with me, but I do not plan any fulfilling his desire."

"Do you want us to get revenge?" Natsuki could feel the rage and sadness from Lux when speaking about her previous partners. She wanted to get rid of her pain, a part of her screamed that it was her duty as Lux's partner to destroy all that would harm her.

"Ha. I thank you for the sentiment but that is unnecessary. I know that doing so would be treasonous due to your relationship with Rias, not to mention the many people that would come after us if we tried."

"I know, I just don't want you to be upset anymore."

"I know. We should focus on getting stronger; you drew all the attention from the Rating Game. It will not just be Devils and Fallen Angels you will be dealing with going forward."

"Let's just hope the next big problem waits a few weeks, I'm fucking exhausted."

"Ha. Let us hope."


In the master bedroom of the Lucifer Residence, Sirzech Lucifer could be seen standing on his balcony, a glass of whiskey in hand.

"It seems I underestimated my sister's dragons, especially Natsuki." He spoke aloud when he felt his wife appear behind him.

"Yes, Lucifer-sama. Despite not having unlocked her Sacred Gear at the time, Sukehiro-chan could feel our magical energy and has subconsciously held onto the fact even after all this time." Grayfia answered, taking the time to stand next to her husband.

"Haha. Yes, she did. I wonder how Natsuki and Issei will improve next time we see them?"

"Hopefully, further than they are now, Lucifer-sama."

"Yes. Hopefully."

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