The Golden Dragon Empress |DxD|

Chapter 12: A Strong Enemy Appears!

Over the next few days, the four Devils and two Church agents traveled all throughout Kuoh in search of the Excaliburs, Freed, and the group of Fallen Angels.

Days of dead ends and loose trails had followed them as they were no closer to finding the enemy that was threatening to restart the war between the three factions.

Natsuki let out a yawn and placed her chin in the palm of her hand as she leaned over her desk, tired after spending most of the night searching for the Fallen with the others.

The teenage Devil hoped they found the Excaliburs soon as Rias was starting to become suspicious at the way four of her servants were acting, staring at them curiously but unable to confront them as she had no proof that they were up to anything.

"You guys have been super serious lately, Ise, Natsuki." Motohama said aloud, breaking Natsuki out of her thoughts.

"Eh? Aaah, yeah kinda. Even I have to think about certain things sometimes." Issei replied as Natsuki remained silent.

"Is it that? Were you thinking about groping Rias-senpai's boobs or Himejima-senpai's?"

And with this, Natsuki once again tuned out the conversation, not in the mood to deal with the usual tendencies of her three friends.

This did not last long as Natsuki suddenly found soon found her eye line filled with nothing but the skirt of the girls' school uniform. Natsuki looked up and saw that it was Kiryuu Aika standing in front of her desk, the bespectacled brunette was smirking at her as her gold-colored eyes trailed down her body.

Great, another one to deal with...

"Did you need something, Kiryuu-san?" Natsuki said, actively keeping herself from rolling her eyes.

"I was just telling these clowns that they don't have a chance of ever comparing to you, not with how... impressive you are." Kiryuu answered, her final words coming out as a suggestive purr.

Natsuki let a groan, "Why did you need to say that?"

This was not the first time that Kiryuu flirted with Natsuki or tried to catch a peek at her, and she knew it would not be the last, but it was still annoying every time she did.

"Because people should know about your enormous size! It honestly makes me worry for Akeno-senpai when you two finally do it." Kiryuu exclaimed.

"Damnit! Stop sexually harassing us! And stop trying to corrupt Asia-chan to your vile ways!" Issei yelled, getting in between Natsuki and Kiryuu.

Natsuki found it ironic and hypocritical that Issei was calling out the other girl for sexual harassment while he, Matsuda, and Motohama did the same thing, and it could be argued that the boys were worse with the actions they took to try and lose their virginity.

Wait, why did she mention Akeno-senpai when she was talking about my dick? Natsuki thought to herself.

Natsuki waited until the boys and Asia started talking about the group going out for karaoke after school and were distracted before standing up and walking over to Kiryuu.

"Why did you mention Akeno-senpai when you were talking about... my thing." Natsuki's expression was blank even as she inwardly cringed at herself for saying 'my thing.'

Kiryuu was confused at first, but smirked evilly once she realized what Natsuki was asking her, "Because you both want each other, obviously!"

Natsuki rolled her eyes, "Why did I even bother asking you?"

"You know, you shouldn't deny your feelings, Natsuki-chan! I mean, Akeno-senpai has to be suffering knowing that she cannot get any of your big-" Natsuki covered Kiryuu's mouth with her hand before she could finish her sentence, knowing what she was going to say and not wanting to hear it.

Kiryuu snickered under Natsuki's palm before going back to bothering the Perverted Trio and trying to teach Asia the meaning of different innuendos.

Why did I even ask? Kiryuu doesn't know what she's talking about, I don't have a crush on Akeno-senpai, and she definitely doesn't have one on me. Fucking ridiculous...

Despite the words she thought, Natsuki realized that Akeno refused to leave her mind for the rest of the day, the older Devil a constant presence in the back of her head and she hated how a small part of her had begun to consider Kiryuuu's words.


Hours Later

The group had once again waited until the sun set before meeting up with each other to scour the town. They met at the abandoned church, the same church where Raynare had stolen Asia's Sacred Gear, and the former nun became a Devil.

The four Devils had dressed themselves in fake Church garments, wanting to blend in and not draw suspicion to them if they came across anyone from Kokabiel's group.

"You think we'll actually find something today or will it be the same as yesterday?" Saji asked aloud.

"We will; nothing will stand between me and my goal." Kiba said determinedly.

Xenovia walked to the bottom of the cross, standing in front of the group, "Tonight, you all will take the east while Irina will search the west part of town."

"Understood." Natsuki said, turning as she and the others prepared to leave.

"Remember, if anything goes wrong then call us on your cell phones!" Irina exclaimed as the Devils exited the Church.

"Anyone have an idea of where we should look first?" Natsuki asked the others.

"Definitely somewhere without people." Kiba answered, "And I think I know just the place."

The Knight then moved to the front of the group and began leading them through the streets of Kuoh.

After about twenty minutes, the group of Devils finally reached the back of an abandoned mansion.

"Hey, wait a minute; isn't this where we defeated that Stray Devil, Viser?" Issei asked as he realized why the building looked so familiar to him.

"You guys fought a Stray Devil?" Saji asked, curious as he had yet to fight one himself.

"Yeah, she was a total monster. You couldn't tell if she was a woman or a Devil, it was freaky!" Issei answered as they began walking up the steps of the building.

Before she could get too far, Natsuki felt a chill race down her spine. A massive wave of killing intent hit her from behind and the Pawn knew that they were not alone.

Koneko realized this as well, hearing the sounds of another's heartbeat getting closer to them, "Kiba-senpai, hold on."

"She's right, someone's nearby, someone who really wants us dead." Natsuki added.

"Look up!" Saji shouted, the group looked towards the roof of the mansion just as a white-haired priest jumped off with a sword in hand, ready to strike Kiba down.

Kiba immediately used his [Sword Birth] to create a sword, using it to block Freed's strike, sending the exorcist flying backwards.

Freed landed on his feet, standing atop the lower ring of the mansion's roof, "You know, I forgot to thank you earlier!"

"For what?" Kiba angrily asked.

"Is that the stray priest?" Saji asked.

"You psychotic bastard!" Issei shouted at the man.

Freed looked down at them and smirked, "Oh, hi! If it isn't the little midget and friends!"

This caused a sharp and feral gleam to shine in Koneko's eyes, staring at the man with a burning hatred.

"Ha, ha! Whoops! I mean 'Little Lady'! Forgive me." Freed said in the most unapologetic tone. "You know, I was really looking forward to some priest hunting, but all I found are a bunch of Devils in costumes."

The Devils then took off their robes, revealing their normal school uniforms as it was clear that their disguises were now pointless.

[Boost!] Issei's Sacred Gear cried out as he summoned it.

"Well, at least this night is no longer boring." Natsuki said as she summoned her own Sacred Gear, its golden glow radiating from her chest.

Freed smirked at the group, "Oh, my. Four of you in one night? I'm overwhelmed by my own popularity!"

"Don't get too excited; I'm your only opponent." Kiba growled as he took his stance, the Knight then charged at the priest.

"You know it's funny; no matter how many of you brave little Devils sling themselves at me, they are no match for this sword!" Freed exclaimed, jumping into the air and over Kiba.

When Kiba finally stopped, he looked up only to see Freed quickly descending upon him, the priest's sword pulled back above his head, prepared to cut through him.

"Thanks for playing!"

Kiba dropped to one knee and lifted his own sword, blocking the strike, but the second the swords connected, Freed showed the Excalibur's true ability. Despite appearing to still be pushing against Kiba's demonic sword, Freed's Excalibur was creating slashes so fast that various afterimages were able to be seen.

"Some have called this blade The Holy Sword of Heavenly Flashes: Excalibur Rapidly! But I call this the "Super Fast Sword"!" Freed yelled.

Freed then jumped back before charging at Kiba once more causing the Devil to throw himself sideways to avoid the strike. This led to a game of high-speed tag as the two swordsmen would dodge and then try to strike the other down.

"Damn, he wasn't kidding! He's moving faster than Kiba!" Issei yelled after watching the parts of the fight they were able to keep track off.

[Boost!] Issei's [Boosted Gear] cried out once more.

"Looks like Kiba needs some help. Issei, can you transfer you power to Kiba?" Natsuki said as she looked towards the other Pawn.

Issei raised his left hand and faced his palm to the roof. He tried to move his arm along and follow Kiba's movements, "Fuck! I can't get a clear shot; they're moving too fast. If I try to do it now, I might end up hitting Freed or missing all together."

"This sucks." Koneko muttered as she pulled out her phone to make a call.

"You just need to slow him down, right?" Saji asked with a smirk.

He then raised his arm up in front of him, "Stretch my line!"

A violet purple light began to glow from Saji's left hand and when the light died down, a small black bracer in the form of a small black chameleon-like lizard with violet eyes and a deformed appeared.

"Okay, Line Go!" Saji yelled as a glowing pale blue line shot out from the mouth of the lizard, flying towards the sky, and wrapping around Freed's ankle.

Freed let out a scream as the line pulled him down, causing him to slam into the roof of the mansion.

"What'd you think? It's called [Absorption Line]! Or you could just call it my Sacred Gear." Saji spoke as he maintained his hold on the exorcist.

Absorption Line? "You can absorb the energy of others too?" Natsuki asked, she knew the other Pawn had a Sacred Gear, but did not know its name or abilities.

"Hell yeah! You aren't the only one who can use someone's abilities against them!" Saji replied, pulling his arm behind his body, attempting to yank Freed off the roof.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" Freed screeched, slamming his Excalibur Rapidly against the line, trying to cut it to no avail. "This must be another one of those dragon sorts!"

Before Issei could ask Saji why he did not tell them that his Sacred Gear was also a dragon type, he felt himself being lifted into the air. "Whoa!"

"We don't have time to gawk." Koneko said, raising Issei above her head and throwing him in Kiba's direction.

"Damn it, Koneko!" Issei yelled as he was sent flying.


The Pawn then tucked his knees into his chest, causing him to barrel roll through the air, "Hey! Heads up!"

Issei flew over Kiba's head, pressing his hand against Kiba's back as he soared by, transferring the power that his [Boosted Gear] had built up.


The Pawn then landed on his feet at the other end of the roof, "The dragon's awaken now, and so is his gift!"

"This power I've been given is a gift. Thank you, Issei, Saji, I will use this gratefully!" Kiba cried out, bring his sword down, "Its over! [Sword Birth]!"

A red magic circle appeared above the Knight and soon dozens of demonic swords appeared across the roof, heading in Freed's direction.

Freed began to furiously slash at the swords that tried to reach him, but for every sword he destroyed more would appear in their place, their intentions to skewer him evident.

"Don't forget about the rest of us." Natsuki said, raising her hand in Freed's direction, her hand now coated with a familiar black aura. "Black Bolt!"

A beam of black energy flew from Natsuki's hand, ripping up the ground before suddenly changing direction and flying upwards, destroying the walls and roof of the house as it got closer to Freed.

The exorcist raised his Excalibur in front of him, using his blade to shield him from the blast. The strength of the beam almost knocked the sword from his grip, but Freed held strong and after a few moments, the beam lost strength and dissipated.

Freed let out a breath before smirking at the girl, "You're going to have to try harder than that!"

His mockery did not last long as he was back to cutting down Kiba's demonic swords, the previous attack returning with a vengeance.

"Shit." Natsuki muttered, clicking her teeth in distaste.

"Black Bolt?" Koneko asked aloud, looking at Natsuki confused.

Natsuki shrugged her shoulders, "Everyone else gives their attacks and spells cool names so I thought I'd try it. What, does it suck?"

Before Koneko could respond a voice rang out through the battlefield.

"[Sword Birth], huh?"

Kiba's turned his head towards the voice, "Who's there?"

"A Sacred Gear that can exhibit invincible power based on the user's ability." A short, bespectacled elderly man with gray hair, a moustache, and black eyes, wearing a priest outfit emerged from inside the mansion, calmly walking to the part of the roof where Freed was currently pinned to.

"Looks like your use of Holy Swords could still use some brushing up, couldn't it?" The man said to Freed as he stood in front of him.

"Valper!" Freed cheered.

"Valper?" Kiba said, his eyes widening at the sight of the man.

"So, he's the mastermind behind the Holy Sword Project." Koneko said as she glared at the man who caused her friend so much pain.

"Valper Galilei!" Kiba roared, glaring at the man with furious anger and contempt.

"Humph. The one and only." Valper said as he smirked at Kiba, he then turned back to Freed, "Freed, what are you doing?"

"What do you think I'm doing, old man?! I can't run away because of this Devil's weird freaky lizard tongue!" Freed exclaimed.

"Gather all the holy element that is running throughout your body to the blade of the Holy Sword. With that, you should be able to cut it." Valper explained, using the knowledge he had gathered from his research.

"Oh, is that all it takes?" Freed said doing just as researcher told him to do, and a bright yellow aura began to flow across the Excalibur's blade.

The exorcist then slashed through the line holding his ankle, and unlike before was easily able to sever it. Due to the holy energy of both the sword and Freed, the cutting the line caused Saji to fall backwards, feeling his strength leave him as his back hit the ground.

"What the hell?" Saji asked as he tried to push himself off the ground.

"It's all making sense now." Freed said as he stared at the Excalibur with a wild glint in his eyes. "If I figure out the perfect way to use the holy elements, I'll continue to gain more power."

Kiba's eyes widened as he saw the glee in which Freed was now looking at him with, "I have an idea; why don't you all just stand there and become food for my sword?!"

Kiba pulled his sword out of the roof, dispelling all the swords that were imbedded in the roof as he raised the blade in his hands to block the strike coming from Freed.

Just as he did, another sword suddenly appeared in his line of sight and blocked Excalibur Rapidly. Standing next to Kiba was Xenovia, and the human was using her Excalibur Destruction to protect Kiba.

"Xenovia?" Issei exclaimed, surprised to see the girl.

"Yoo-hoo!" Irina yelled as she ran through the trees, stopping as she reached Natsuki, Koneko, and Saji.

"Irina? What are you doing here?" Saji asked.

"Koneko called us and said you needed help." Irina answered as she pulled off her robe, revealing her battle attire.

"Oh, when you pulled out your phone earlier." Natsuki said aloud, realizing what the Rook had done.

"Good to know one of you is paying attention." Koneko said as she gave Saji the side eye.

"You are both traitors! Hear me, Freed Sellzen, and Valper Galilei. I will cut you both down in the name of our God!" Xenovia yelled, fully prepared to follow through with her promise.

Freed's smile fell and angrily snarled, "You little bitch! Don't you ever utter that disgusting name in my presence again!"

"Aaaaaah!" Kiba jumped towards the pair, his sword raised above his head. Xenovia and Freed lowered their swords and broke away from each other a few seconds before Kiba could land a hit on the exorcist.

Freed landed right next to Valper, the man was thinking of what his next move would be when the researcher began speaking.

"You're done, Freed."

"Huh?" Freed looked at the man confused. He wanted me to get rid of them, what does he mean I'm done?

"You were supposed to get rid of those vermin from the Church who snuck into town. But there they are with Holy Swords, and you're now outnumbered due to the Devils they partnered with." Valper explained, looking at each of the enemies, but his gaze remained on Kiba the longest.

"Oh, man." Freed pouted before pulling out a small pebbled shaped object from his pocket, "Well, see you later alliance of the Church and shitty Devils!"

He then threw the object at his feet and a blinding flash overtook the area and when the light disappeared, Freed and Valper were gone.

Xenovia jumped off the roof and began running towards the forest, "We're going after them, Irina!"

"Right!" Irina shouted as she followed her partner, the two women disappearing through the trees.

Kiba was not far behind, wordlessly chasing after the girls.

I won't let you get away, Valper Galilei! Not this time! Kiba screamed in his head.

"Damn it, Kiba, wait!" Natsuki said and just as she was about to sprint after the Knight, a familiar voice was heard from behind the group.

"Goodness, just what have you gotten yourselves into?" The four remaining Devils turned around and saw that it was Rias.

Next to the King was Akeno, and next to her were Sona and her Queen, Shinra Tsubaki. Two different magic circles glowed behind the four Devils before disappearing, indicating that the group had just arrived.



Saji and Issei cried out, respectively.

"I'm sure this will be a lively story, I can't wait." Rias said with a smile, but Koneko, Issei, and Natsuki noticed the dangerous tinge to it.

"Whenever you'd like to start explaining, I'm ready." Sona said coolly, looking only at Saji.

"Aaaaaah!" Issei and Saji both yelled in fear, Koneko closed her eyes and Natsuki let out a groan.

We're fucked. The dark-haired Pawn thought.


The Devils had entered the abandoned mansion, the four older Devils looked on silently as their charges went on to give their account of what had happened that night and what they had been doing for the last few days.

Rias did not have a pleasant expression on her face by the end of the story, placing a hand on her forehead in frustration. "Destroying Excalibur. You three... now it looks like we have no choice but to intervene."

"Saji." Sona barked at the Pawn prostrating at her feet.

"Y-es?" Saji said, hesitating as he lifted his head off the ground to look at his King.

"You were doing something like this behind my back? You were not nearly as cautious as you should have been, you truly are a troublesome child." Sona's eyes narrowed, "I'm disappointed."

Saji began to nervously sweat, tears staring to form in the corners of his eyes. "I-I'm so sorry, Kaichou! Please forgive me!"

"Well, I'm guessing Kiba isn't here because he went after Valper, I'm I correct?" Rias asked her servants.

"Yeah, along with Xenovia and Irina. But I think if something happens, he'll let us know." Issei responded.

Rias sighed, "I wonder, his head is so filled with thoughts of revenge, I don't think he would call like he normally would."

Damn, she's right. Issei thought, thinking of how Kiba has been acting since everything with the Holy Swords began.

Rias then looks at Koneko, "Koneko. Why did you get involved with all of this?"

Koneko looked towards the floor, "... I didn't want Yuuto-senpai to go away."

Rias looked more confused than angry, "Well, there's no use dwelling on it now, is there? I need you three to be mindful of your actions, this is not like those other times that I have let your choices slide. What you three and Kiba have done could influence the supernatural world, and it will affect the rest of us in this family, you understand that right?"

"Yes, Buchou." Koneko, Natsuki, and Issei said as they nodded their heads, knowing that they took the situations they were in too lightly.

Slap! Slap!

The Gremory Peerage looked in the direction of the slapping sound and saw that Sona had covered her hand with demonic magic and was using said hand to spank Saji.

"You need to reflect on your behavior." Sona said in between slaps.

"Uwaaaaaaan! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please forgive me Kaichouuu!" Saji cried, wanting his misery to end.

"No. One thousand spankings." Sona replied.

"She's using her powers to spank him?" Natsuki asked aloud, horrified by what she was watching.

"Aw, man. What's Rias going to do to us?" Issei whisper shouted to his friend, afraid of what punishment Rias was going to give them if Sona saw fit to spank their fellow Pawn.

Rias stood up from where she was sitting and took a step towards her servants, "Issei, Natsuki, Koneko."

Before any of them had time to question her, Rias pulled the three into a tight hug. "What is wrong with you three? You really are stupid children, making me constantly worry like this."

"HUH?! How come they get hugs over there and I'm getting my ass beaten?!" Saji yelled indignantly, angered by the difference in how the two masters were treating their servants.

"That is them. This is us." Sona answered, delivering an especially hard spank to Saji's bottom.

I'm so glad that I'm Rias' servant! Issei thought to himself, happy that he was not in Saji's position.

This is way too good to be true. Natsuki thought simultaneously, thinking of how suspicious Rias was acting.

"Now Issei." Rias said as she released her servants, "I need you to bend over please."

"What?! I thought you were going to forgive us!" Issei cried out in horror.

Rias smiled at the trio, "That's not how this works; a master is responsible for disciplining her servants. You too will be punished with a thousand spankings."

"What? A thousand?!" Issei yelled.

"And you, Natsuki." Rias said as she looked at said Pawn.

Natsuki flinched as she was hoping that Rias had be too focused on Issei to remember her role in all of this. "Yes, Buchou?"

"While this was Issei's idea and not yours, you still went along with it and deserves to be punished as well."

"Okay, in my defense, I did try to talk Issei out of this, and l only went along because I knew he would do it without me and get in more trouble." Natsuki quickly spat out, raising her hand in front of her defensively.

"Natsuki, you traitor!" Issei screamed, glaring at his friend who was now trying to throw him under the bus.

Rias thought this over, "You do make a fair point."

"What?!" Issei screamed, thinking Natsuki was going to go unpunished.

"But you also could have told me about this so I could stop Issei myself." Rias argued.

"Uh..." Natsuki had no rebuttal, she could have gone straight to Rias if she were truly so against Issei's plan.

"Fine. I will not give you a thousand spanking, but instead two hundred." Rias stated.

"I humbly except my punishment, Buchou." Natsuki said respectfully, the look Rias was giving her told her that the King would not go any lower, so Natsuki knew to just take what she could get.

"Fuck you, you bastard!" Issei exclaimed, tears comically falling down his face as Rias prepared to spank him.

"Wait just a moment, Rias. Issei and Natsuki are not the only ones at fault." Koneko interrupted, standing between Rias and Issei. "I think I deserve half of the spankings."

"Are you serious?" Issei asked, staring at his kouhai in shock.

A frown formed on Natsuki's lips, "Koneko, you don't have to-"

"Okay then. Koneko, get ready for your spankings." Rias responded; her expression more serious than it was before.

Koneko kneeled in front of Rias, "Yes, ma'am."

"Wait, Rias, please!'" Issei exclaimed, "Don't spank Koneko! This whole thing was my stupid idea, Koneko doesn't deserve to get punished, she should get what's supposed to go to me."

"Issei's right; this was all his idea." Natsuki began, ignoring the glare Issei sent her way, "But Koneko wouldn't even have done any of this if the two of us didn't rope her in. If anything, Koneko was just trying to look out for her three idiot senpais."

"You're both wrong." Koneko spoke, but the two Pawns ignored her.

"Please take it out on my butt as much as you want." Issei said as he bent over.

"I mean, I don't want to get spanked, but I won't have someone else be given my punishment, especially not one I deserve." Natsuki added as she bent over too.

"Issei, Natsuki. Move out of the way." Rias said as she took another step forward. She then looked down at Koneko, "Are you ready."

"I'm ready, thank you." Koneko answered, squeezing her eyes shut as she waited for the pain to start.

Rias raised her hand and when she brought it back down, she just barely touched the younger girl's backside.

Koneko looked back at Rias in surprise as the King repeated this motion a second time.

"Alright, Koneko, all done." Rias said as she smiled at the girl.

"But..." Koneko trailed off, still confused by the lack of force.

"It's commendable for you to have reflected on your actions in the way you've done, so this is the punishment I've decided to give you in response to your choice today." Rias explained.

"I-I don't know what to say. Thank you." Koneko said softly, a blush staining her cheeks as she stood up.

"Classic Rias Gremory! She can be kind but firm too." Issei said as he watched the King with prideful awe.

She didn't say anything about letting us off the hook. Natsuki thought, she wanted to say it aloud, but a tiny part of her feared that maybe Rias was going easy on them and that saying anything would cause her to change her mind.

"Now, it's your turn next, Issei." Rias remarked, still smiling kindly.

"Right on!" Issei cheered happily as he bent over.

"All right, I'm going to do the rest now."

"Wait, like all the rest?" Issei asked as he looked back at Rias.

"Yes, Koneko took yours and Natsuki's place for one your thousand and one of her two hundred, you should both be grateful." Rias explained, "You only have nine hundred and ninety-nine left."

I knew it... Natsuki thought sorrowfully, visibly slumping in place.

"Nine hundred and ninety-nine left?!" Issei cried out.

A red glow encapsulated Rias' hand and she began to spank Issei, these spanks were far stronger than the two she gave Koneko.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Issei cried, feeling nothing but pain.

"Fuck." Natsuki muttered as all she could do was watch and wait her turn. She thought about running but she knew that Rias would eventually find her, and her punishment would be worse.

"You know, Natsuki-chan," Natsuki looked to her right and saw Akeno looking at her with a sadistic grin and red cheeks. "If you don't want to wait, I could give you your spankings?"

Natsuki immediately stepped back, trying to create distance between them but Akeno kept moving closer. "NO! I'm good, Akeno, I'm good, I'll wait for Buchou."

While she was not looking forward to being spanked, Natsuki knew that her spankings would be nowhere near as painful if Rias did them instead of the S & M obsessed Devil standing before her.

Rias momentarily paused in dolling out Issei's spankings, giving Natsuki an evil smirk, "Actually, Akeno, that's a great idea. It will take me too long to finish with Issei, you have my full permission to give Natsuki her punishment. Remember, its one hundred and ninety-nine of them."

Akeno licked her lips salaciously, her eyes never leaving Natsuki's form, "Of course, Buchou."

"No, no, wait!" Natsuki squealed, quickly running and trying to escape. Natsuki ran towards the exit, she only made it about a yard before she was slammed into the floor.

Natsuki coughed as the wind was knocked out, she turned her head to the side and saw that Akeno had tackled her and was now sitting on her back.

Akeno was breathing heavily and Natsuki knew that it was not out of exhaustion but excitement. The older Devil trailed a finger down the side of Natsuki's face, stooping once she reached her lips.

"Mmph!" Natsuki was thrown when Akeno shoved her finger into her mouth, the younger Devil could feel her senpai rubbing her finger against the grooves of her teeth.

"I thought you said that you would take your punishment, Natsuki-chan?" Akeno asked, enjoying having the girl at her mercy.

She then stood up, her hand becoming covered in her own magical energy, "It's time to get what's coming to you~"

I'm never doing anything that Issei says ever again!


"I can't tell who's more of a sadist; Rias or Akeno?" Natsuki complained once she teleported into her bedroom.

Every movement she took cause agony throughout her body, especially her rear.

"I cannot say I have ever witnessed a partner of mine be punished in such a manner but I also cannot say that was not enjoyable." Lux said aloud, her voice strong with amusement.

"Go fuck yourself, Lux. In my mind, this is just as much you and Ddraig's faults as it is Issei's." Natsuki muttered.

"Your master was right; you did not have to do what Issei said, and by that extension you did not have to do what I said. Are you not your own person?" Lux replied.

"If I could kill you, I would." Was all Natsuki said in response, ignoring Lux's chuckling.

Natsuki took a deep breath and raised her hand, a magic circle appeared on the ground in front of her.

When the light disappeared, a large black lioness was now in the room.

Natsuki. Midnight greeted.

Natsuki smiled, "I'm sorry it's been so long since I've called you, Midnight. Things have kinda crazy around here lately."

There is nothing to apologize for, we are both individuals with responsibilities to others. Midnight replied.

"I actually have a favorite to ask; my friend Kiba is missing, so I wanted to ask if you can find and keep and eye on him." Natsuki asked.

Which of the Devils you are entwined with is this Kiba you speak of?

"Kiba is the male with blond hair, blue eyes, a mole on his cheek, and uses swords to fight."

I will find this Devil you seek. Do you only want me to watch over him? Midnight asked.

"Could you step in it looks like Kiba is losing? If he is in danger?"

Of course, I will watch over this Devil you care for. Midnight said before disappearing in a flash of light.

"Your friend will not like having another step in and possibly hinder his quest for vengeance." Lux said once they were alone.

"I'd rather he's alive and pissed then dead because he's too focused on killing Valper." Natsuki answered.

Lux stayed silent, thinking over Natsuki's words. In her mind she doubted if Natsuki was in a similar that she would let others besides Lux help her.

Natsuki too can be singularly focused. Lux thought to herself.

Before she could further question Natsuki, the teenager threw herself into bed, burying herself under the covers.

"I know you have more to say, but can it wait till morning?" Natsuki asked.

"Of course." Lux sighed, "But you feel it do you not? Magic is moving in this town, and it will all come to head within the coming days."

Natsuki rolled onto her back, "I know, but it's not like I can just run in blind by myself, it didn't work for me and the others, you saw that tonight."

But it still feels wrong to being nothing while Kiba, Xenovia, and Irina are out there fighting. Fucking hell, this sucks… Natsuki thought as she drifted off to sleep.


The Next Day

The Gremory Peerage had met up after school in the ORC clubhouse, the Devils planning their next move.

"So Kiba didn't call any of us?" Issei asked the group.

"Not one call, but the good news is the two Kiba's with are strong. They should be able to take on a stray priest if they run into one." Rias answered, worry and annoyance were the two emotions most obvious on her face.

Issei sighed, turning his gaze to the floor. "I'm sorry, I just made things worse."

Akeno stepped forward, "You didn't, whether you made your plan or not, Kiba was always going out for revenge, Issei. But we couldn't sit around waiting for him so we sent out our familiars."

"You guys did too?" Natsuki asked Rias, Akeno, and Koneko.

"When did you send out your familiar?" Rias asked.

"Last night, after you sent us all home. I told Midnight to search for Kiba and help him if he's in danger." Natsuki replied.

As Rias moved to continue, a small magic circle appeared on the back of her hand. "My familiar has found something!"

The Peerage moved to the center of the room as Rias formed a teleportation circle to take then to her familiar's location.

A few moments later and the group found the in the park. In front of them was the bat familiar in her humanoid form and in her arms was an unconscious Shindou Irina.

"Irina!" Issei shouted as the group made their way over to the pair, the familiar moved out of the way, allowing Issei to cradle the unconscious girl's body.

"Quick, Asia!" Issei shouted to the girl.

Asia immediately kneeled next to Issei and began using her Sacred Gear to heal Irina's injuries.

"Can you hear me, Irina-san?" Asia asked as Irina began to twitch, her eyes opening slightly.

"What happened to you? Are Kiba and Xenovia are okay?" Natsuki asked the human.

"I don't know where they are, but they got away. I was… I was attacked trying to escape." Irina replied as each breath she took became harsher.

"What were you guys trying to escape." Issei asked, worried about the threat that could have made the three flee.

"I let them down, I was too slow!" Irina cried out as her memories started replaying in her mind.

"Try not to push yourself!" Asia exclaimed, seeing and feeling the strain that Irina was putting herself through.

Irina started to cry, "I couldn't get away he was too strong."

"Who's 'he'?" Issei asked but his question went unanswered.

"Please be care-careful." Irina whispered to the Devils before losing consciousness again.

"Irina!" Issei shouted.

The Gremory Peerage then turned and saw a magic circle glowing a few feet away from them, and through the circle Sona, Tsubaki, and Saji, stepped out.

"Thank you for coming, Sona." Rias greeted.

"Of course, I came right after I received your message." Sona said before making her way towards Issei and Asia, kneeling on the other side of Irina. "The damage is very bad, isn't it?"

"Yes, [Twilight Healing] isn't strong enough to restore consumed stamina." Asia said, looking back down at Irina, ashamed that she was not able to do more for her.

"It's okay." Sona told Asia, "I have the equipment to treat her at my house. Tsubaki?"

"Right." Tsubaki said as she kneeled and took Irina into her hands."

"I'll live her with you." Sona told her Queen.

"Understood." With her King's blessing, Tsubaki summoned her own teleportation circle and vanished.

"So are Kiba and Xenovia okay for now?" Issei asked, still worried about their safety.

"We're going to have to assume that for now, Kiba and Xenovia are alive and well since Irina told us they escaped." Natsuki answered.

I haven't heard from Midnight but I have to assume she found Kiba by now. And if he was hurt or worse she would've contacted me. The Pawn thought.

Suddenly a sharp pain emanated through the hearts of all the Devils in the park. A dangerous feeling washing over them.

"What's this in my chest." Saji cried out, gripping the center of his shirt tightly.

"Damn it! That creepy fuckers back!" Natsuki yelled, glaring at the tree line behind them.

"Well, well, well, would you look what we have here! If it isn't the 'We all took the bait club'!" Freed cheered as he moved from behind a tree, and stood on the path in front of them. "Welcome all of you, you fucking Devils!"

"You're like a fucking cockroach, you just keep coming back." Natsuki gritted out, not at all pleased to see the exorcist.

Freed ignored this as he smirked at the former nun. "Asia Argento, the traitor nun who gave her soul to the Devils. How much do you love your new life as Devil scum?"

Asia took a step back, the memory of her last encounter with Freed still fresh in her mind.

"Shut up!" Issei yelled as he stood in front of Asia. "Lay one finger on her and I'll kill you!"

Issei summoned his Sacred Gear but Rias and Sona jumped to the front of the group, magic circles already in their hands as they prepare to strike Freed down.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold on! Don't hurt the messenger, someone wants to talk to you, Red." Freed said mockingly.

"Which someone?" Rias asked as she and Sona temporarily disengaged.

"Heh, heh… my boss!" Freed shouted, leaning back and pointing to the air above him.

The air in the park instantly changed, a heavy forbidding feeling overtook everyone. The sky became the same dark purple it did when a Fallen Angel was near and had sealed off the area.

Floating above all of them was a lone figure, a tall, pale man with long black hair and narrow, blood red eyes, pointy, elf-like ears and five pairs of black wings.

"Fallen Angel…" Koneko whispered.

"And he has ten wings." Akeno added, glaring at the man with fierce contempt. "He's of the leader class."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, daughter of the House of Gremory." The Fallen Angel spoke, his voice deep and raspy.

"You must be Kokabiel. I heard you were in my town but I did not think you would come down to meet me personally, I must be quite special." Rias said calmly, but those who knew her could see the tension the flowed off her. "It's nice to put the face to the name."

Kokabiel smirked, "Your crimson hair is quite breath taking. Just as lovely as the scarlet haired Devil King, even your facial expressions are similar. That is absolutely nauseating."

"Thank you. Is there something you wish to discuss with me or are you just here to review my appearance?" Rias said sarcastically. "Not that I'm rushing you, it's nice to see a leader of a another faction up close."

Kokabiel grinned, "I will be rampaging in this town using your base, Kuoh Academy, as the starting point. Then Sirzechs will also appear, right?"

Rias glared at the Fallen Angel, "And why would you want to harm or school? It has nothing to do with your quest for the Holy Swords. If you do something like that, the War between God, Fallen Angels and Devils will begin again."

"That's what I'm wishing for. I thought that Michael would start a war if I stole the Excaliburs. But what he sent were grunt Exorcists and two pathetic Holy Sword wielders."

"Wait, that's what you wanted? You actually want to start a war?" Akeno spoke up this time, appaled by what they were learning.

"Yes, yes! After the first war ended, I was bored, I'm bored indeed! Azazel and Shemhazai were being so passive about when the next one would start." Kokabiel growled.

"Not only is Azazel distracted by impending wars but he's also obsessed with collecting Sacred Gears and suing them for his boring research."

"So stealing Holy Swords wasn't enough for you guys? Now you need Sacred Gears, too?!" Issei exclaimed, gripping onto his [Boosted Gear] with his right hand.

"No need to generalize, I don't care about your [Boosted Gear], but Azazel might. Maybe I should give it to him after I rip it from your body? I'm sure he'd love to add a Devil's toy to his collection." Kokabiel grinned before turning back to Rias, "That's why I'm going to rampage at Sirzech's sister's base. Perhaps if I rape and kill you, then Devil kind will rise up to avenge you?"

"You're a fucking battle manic." Rias sneered.

The Fallen laughed, "Obviously, why do you think I'm using Devils this time? The little sister of Lucifer and the little sister of Leviathan right here, clear for the taking. The school you two rule over must be filled with demonic-powers, it will allow me to enjoy the chaos! It's also the best place to release the real power of Excaliburs! The perfect battlefield."

Freed began laughing, "Hyahahaha! Isn't my boss the best? His craziness is the best. So I'm also eager to do it. He even gives me treats like this." The exorcist then opened his coat, revealing the countless swords he had inside.

"Those are Holy Swords!" Koneko said, feeling the holy energy wafting off the blades.

"Does that mean they're all Excaliburs?" Issei asked.

Issei's question was soon answered as Freed began pointing to all the swords in his collection. "You all already know that is one is Excalibur Rapidly. The one on the left is Excalibur Nightmare. The one on my hip is Excalibur Transparent. I also received Excalibur Mimic from that sweet little girl in pigtails! Man I would just love to take Excalibur Destruction from that other girl. Hyaa! Am I the first person in the World to be in possession of this many Excaliburs? I also received an element from the geezer Valper that allows me to wield Holy Swords. Right now I'm in a hyper mode that allows me to wield all of them, you know? I'm invincible! I'm wonderful! I'm the strongest! Hyahahahahahahahaha!"

"Hahaha! Let's have a war! Little sister of Sirzech Lucifer, Rias Gremory!" Kokabiel laughed viciously.

A green magic circle the formed in Kokabiel 's hands, and a barrage of light spears flew in the direction of the Devils.

"Everyone! Move!" Rias yelled as she, Akeno, and Sona created large circles to smiled the group.

The others followed this order, moving for cover.

The spears deflecting of the shields kicked up a large amount of dust and by the time it cleared, the sky had returned to normal and Kokabiel and Freed were gone.

"Where did they go?" Saji asked, looking around desperately for the pair.

Koneko spoke from her place on a high tree branch, pointing towards the town. "I saw them go that way; they're heading towards the school."

"They going to destroy the entire school." Issei announced.

"Guys," Sona spoke up, "They said they were going to start at the academy, but it won't be ending there."

"Sona's right." Rias said, still staring at Kuoh Academy in the distance.

"There's no telling what's he's going to do but a Fallen Angel of that class could easily wipe us out."

"So once he's done with us, Kokabiel will destroy all of Kuoh?" Natsuki asked, already knowing the answer to her question.

"This is bullshit! We can't let those Fallen Angel bastards fuck with us again! We have to make sure this is the last thing Kokabiel ever does!" Issei shouted to the others.

This all reminded him of Raynare and her group of Fallen Angel comrades. He still hates thinking of them, of their arrogance and disregard for the lives of others.

We can't let that bastard think he can mess with our town, like he just start a war like this! Issei thought.

Rias stepped to the front of the group, "It's time. We need to make our way to the school."

"What happened to not getting involved?" Natsuki asked.

"That ended when that piece of trash thought he could walk into our territory and mess with our lives." Rias replied, a fine burned in those bluish green eyes.

A look that promised pain and suffering to all who met it.

Natsuki smirked at her King, clenching her fist at the thought of their upcoming battle. "That's more than fine with me."

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