The Golden Dragon Empress |DxD|

Introduction to a New World

Natsuki gasped as she breathed in, opening her eyes in shock that she was still alive. She quickly sat up, looking around to see that she was in her bedroom. She quickly looked down her shirt but saw that there was no hole in her chest.

There is no way that was a dream, right? It felt too real to be fake. I mean I was dying, and now I suddenly woke up in my apartment perfectly fine, I don't even remember getting back here.

The girl grabbed her phone that sat on the desk next to her bed and realized that she had slept in, seeing that she was now an hour late. The girl noticed that her alarm wasn't set, even though she always sets it before she goes to sleep every night. She jumped out of bed and began rushing to get ready, temporarily forgetting her previous thoughts as she dashed out the door.


A few hours later

Natsuki sat alone against a heavily shaded tree in the school yard during lunch and all she could think about was how badly her day was going so far. As the girl ran to school that morning her body felt off, not painful or anything, but every time the sunlight touched her, she felt as if she was being drained. Then she had to deal with her ears ringing because of Sensei yelling at her in front of the class for being late and then yelling at her again because they had to take time out of the lesson to yell at her in the first place and by the end was given detention for her troubles. And to top it all off she still couldn't get what might have happened last night off her mind. This led her to avoiding the Perverted Trio as she could hear the Issei trying to convince the others he had a girlfriend named Yuuma but them not knowing what he was talking about. Which made her even more confused on whether the night before was real or some kind of shared hallucination between her and Issei.

Not to mention that voice and the glowing pendant. Wearing that golden pendant and hearing that voice encouraging me to fight just felt so right, as if they were a part of my very soul.

Suddenly the girl felt as if she was being watched, causing her to look up at the school. In one of the windows Natsuki saw her, the girl she apparently asked to save Issei's life last night.

Rias Gremory

The two stared at each other for a moment before the older girl smiled at her and walked off down the hallway. It's not as if Natsuki didn't know who she was, you couldn't go 5 minutes at Kuoh without someone talking about the one of the great "Onee-Sama's". But why would she even look her way, they were on completely opposite ends of social hierarchy?

Does this mean that last night really did happen and that was her way of acknowledging it?

Damn it! Why is my life getting so complicated suddenly?


It was late in the evening and Sukehiro Natsuki could be seen making her way back home visibly annoyed after serving her detention. Her thoughts continued to weigh heavy on her mind as she walked.

Her own body was adding to the irritation as it had begun to act up. I know that it's dark, I saw the sun go down and yet I can still see all around me as if it didn't! There's also my ears, being in that crowded school building made me want to jam pens in them just to stop the noise! Thankfully, my body does not feel sluggish anymore like it had been since I first woke up.

The girl came to a stop at the entrance to the park. She hesitated for a moment before walking again, sighing in relief as she didn't feel the same wave of unease and terror that she did yesterday.

This means that everything is normal, at least I won't- the girl came to a halt as the same sinister feeling had once again appeared to take hold on her, looking up she saw the color of the sky change just like it did before Yuuma revealed her true nature.




A scream had pierced the air, and the smell of rusting iron filled her nose. Is that blood? So of course, like the hero (complete dumbass) she was, she ran off towards it.


It hurts. It hurts so much!

Hyoudou Issei kneeled on the floor holding his stomach as blood began to pour out of him. The same situation was happening again just as it did the night before, a being with black wings standing over him as he bleeds to death after being stabbed by one of their spears. He tried to pull it out, but the spear burned his hands and the parts of his body that it was imbedded in.

"It must be hurting you a lot little devil. Light is poisonous to beings like you. Getting hit by it will result in fatal damage. I thought this weakened spear would be enough to kill you, but your body is tougher than I thought. So, I will hit you with it again. But this time, I will put a bit more strength into it." The trench coat wearing man said as he created another spear to deal the fatal blow.

But before he could bring it down however a fist slammed right into his cheek, the force of it sent the man flying through the air and over the treetops.

"N-Natsuki" just like yesterday the girl had come to save him. Hopefully, this time they will not meet the same fate they did when facing Yuuma.

"Honesty Issei how do you manage to get yourself in this situation twice in the span of a day?" The girl stood over him while looking in the direction she hit the man toward. The golden pendant once again returned to give her its power.

"Yo-u remember? So, it wa-wasn't a dream?" The boy still hoped that this was once again a dream and that soon he would wake up and it would be like none of this ever happened.

"Seeing as how we both remembered getting murder by your crazy Demon girlfriend and this weird pendant around my neck, I doubt it."

"YOU BASTARDS!" The ground shook as the mysterious man shot back in the sky, flying back towards them with a new spear in hand. "Now you've really done it! I am going to make your deaths as agonizing as possible!."

But before he could throw the spear he was once again stopped when a column of red and black energy hit his arm, destroying the spear, and leaving burn marks in its wake.


"Don't you dare touch them".


They all turned to where the voice came from, revealing it to be Rias standing there as she glared at the man who tried to kill them. At this point Issei had passed out due to his injury and Natsuki, seeing a confrontation about to take place between the two, pulled her and Issei off to the side and out of the way as her pendant once again disappeared.

"Why do you people keep showing up out of the woodwork? Never mind I'll teach you to interfere in my business!" The man threw the spear right at Rias however a small girl jumped down from the sky, deflecting the attack.

"That is, it! I am done with you!" the man charged at the girls only for a yellow magic circle to appear in the sky above, bringing down a bolt of lightning in front of him, stopping his advance as he was knocked back a few feet.

Off to the side another girl appeared from behind the trees, stopping next to Rias with electricity dancing between her fingers.

What in the fuck is happening here?! First, I get killed, then I wake up like nothing happened, then I get someone trying to kill me again, and now there is a full-on magic battle happening right in front of me! What the fuck is my life anymore?!

"…That hair… You're from the House of Gremory" the man said, picking up his fedora as he looked at the woman in front of him with complete and udder hatred.

"My name is Rias Gremory and who are you other than a fallen angel?" Fallen Angel? That is what he is? So that means Yuuma is also the same as this guy.

"…Fufu. So, these two and this town belong to the next head of House Gremory huh? Well then, I apologize. But I advise you not to let your servants loose again they might walk into people like me while out on a walk." Damn it who does this bastard think he is? He wasn't talking all high and mighty earlier when I knocked his ass into a tree!

"I appreciate the advice but allow me to issue you a warning as well: Should you or your kind ever attempt something like this again in my territory, it will be the last mistake you ever make," Rias gave him a look that could have cut glass from its sharpness alone.

The man flapped his wing and took off into the sky, "I could say the same thing to you. My name is Dohnaseek. I pray that you and I never again cross paths." As he disappeared, the sky had returned to normal. Does that happen every time a fallen angel shows up or are those two special?

"Buchou if he doesn't get help soon, he will die". "Don't worry I won't let that happen." The girl was snapped from her thoughts looking away from where Dohnaseek flew off and realizing that the 3 girls were now standing in front of her looking at Issei as Rias pulled him closer to her.

"So, are you just not going to explain what the fuck just happened?" The 3 girls looked at Natsuki as if just now remembering that she was there. Damn, am I that forgettable?

"Sukehiro-chan, I'm sorry but I need to take Hyoudou-kun home and make sure his injury doesn't become more serious." Rias stood up as a glowing red circle appeared beneath herself and Issei "But I promise that the two of you will know everything by tomorrow" the older girl gave her a smile before she and Issei disappeared.

Natsuki just stood there dumbfounded, after what just happened, she had to wait until tomorrow for the answers she desperately wanted. The look on her face must have been funny as she could hear laughter right behind her as a pair of arms wrapped around her neck.

"Ara Ara, don't pout Sukehiro-chan. You must be patient, good things come to those who wait". Natsuki jumped quickly turning around to see the 2nd of Kuoh's Great Onee-Sama's, Himejima Akeno standing there looking like the cat who got the cream. When did she get so close, I didn't even hear move!

"Now come along Koneko-Chan we still have things to do for the club." The beautiful girl turned on her heel, swaying her hips as she walked away.

Natsuki turned at looked at the last remaining girl knowing her as Toujou Koneko the 1st year that everyone thought was incredibly cute, even proclaiming her to be the school mascot. The two quiet girls stared at each other for a moment before Natsuki broke the clam silence, "I don't suppose you'll explain what's going on, will you?"

"…No" the shorter girl then proceed to walk towards the exit following Akeno and leaving the taller teenager alone by the fountain.

Is this just my life now? Being in a constant state of confusion and uncertainty while evil creatures try and kill me?

Fuck Issei and his perverted life, I really should have just stayed behind that tree.


Natsuki walked into school the next morning, and just like every other day the students parted, only instead of whispers, she was met with dead silence. Confused, the girl looked around and saw that for the first time since she entered Kuoh Academy that nobody was looking at her. Now the girl wasn't vain or anything, but she had gotten used to always being looked at by others even though it was never for the reasons she wanted, so the fact that she was standing there seemingly invisible to everyone was strange. Not a bad strange but strange, nonetheless.

She finally turned around and saw what was making everyone look on with shock and disbelief.

Hyoudou Issei, the lead member of the Perverted Trio, was walking in with the Queen Bee herself Rias Gremory wrapped around his arm, the girl ignored the stares while the boy next to her looked like he too could not believe what was happening. Natsuki saw the smile the older girl gave her as she and Issei walked past her and down the hall towards the stairs that lead to the third floor and all the 3rd year classrooms. Well, it makes sense why they came in together if Rias had to heal Issei last night.

Once the two were out of sight the hallway exploded in noise as the students tried to wrap their heads around why their beloved Onee-Sama was engaging with the pervert. The girl simply shook her head and walked to class, content that for once it wasn't her at the center of the school's wild rumors and tales.


Towards the end of the day Natsuki sat at her desk as she looked up at the ceiling and leaned back in her chair. The girl was thinking about when Rias would finally tell them the truth of what was going on. It has to be something supernatural or rooted in religion since that guy Dohnaseek and Yuuma are apparently fallen angels. So, what does that make Rias and the others?

Natsuki couldn't talk to Issei about this, as during all their breaks he was hounded by their classmates who demanded answers on why someone like him was seen with Rias that morning. Even now the Motohama and Matsuda were still trying to find out as Issei just bragged about seeing real boobs without telling them how.

The door to the classroom slid open and in walked the "The Prince of Kuoh Academy" himself, Kiba Yuuto. The boy was in the same year as Natsuki and Issei with short blond hair and blue eyes with a mole under the left. He had captured the hearts of every girl in school with his kindness and good looks.

While Natsuki herself had no real opinion on Kiba, she knew Issei and the rest of the trio hated him for being a pretty boy and the 'enemy of men everywhere.' The girls of the classroom screamed for joy as their Prince walked into the room before eventually stopping in front of Issei's desk.

"Hi. How are you doing?" Kiba had a small smile on his face as he stared at Issei. "So, what business do you have here?" Issei responded with a dismissive tone, hoping the pretty boy would say what he wanted and leave already.

"I was sent by Rias-buchou to escort you and Sukehiro-chan to our clubhouse," Kiba said without breaking his smile while turning to look at Natsuki a few desks away.

Natsuki and Issei looked at each other for a moment before standing up and following Kiba out the door. The girls in the hallways began wallowing at the sight of the two outcasts walking with their precious prince, afraid the two, mainly Issei, might corrupt him.

What is this the "We Hate Issei Tour"? The boy thought as he heard the girls talking about how they hoped perversion wasn't contagious. He looked at Natsuki and saw she was unaffected by the chatter around them. How does she not care about the things they say?

''Ha ha your pretty popular Hyoudou-kun.'' Kiba said with a smile. ''Stop rubbing salt in the wound you bastard." Issei said with a small tick mark on his head.

A few minutes later the group arrived at the old school building.

After a few moments they had ended up at their destination. Kiba opened the door for them, revealing a large room with an intimate atmosphere, closed curtains, vintage furniture, and candled lights.

While Natsuki was being cautions and analyzing the room and the people in it, Issei on the other hand was drooling at the beauties in the room, especially Rias who had just come of a shower that was behind a curtain after putting on the clothes Akeno handed her.

Why would you have a shower in a clubhouse? And why use it when the room is full of people?

''Please have a seat. Hello, my name is Himejima Akeno.

"O-Oh. My name is Hyoudou Issei. N-Nice to meet you too!" This is the greatest club ever! I am so glad I am me!

"…Sukehiro Natsuki.'' Natsuki said with a calm voice.

The two sat on the couch as Rias took her seat at the desk in front of them.

''I thank you for coming, here help yourselves.'' Rias said while Akeno served them tea and cookies.

''Thank you'' Natsuki and Issei said in unison as they both took a cup of tea.

''So Gremory-senpai ...did you call us here today just for tea or to finally explain what is going on?" Natsuki asked in her normal bored and emotionless tone.

''Ara ara, Sukehiro-chan sure is a serious one.'' Akeno said as she returned to Rias' side.

Rias leaned back in her chair seemingly unbothered by Natsuki's bluntness "I will get to the point then. We are all Devils, you and Issei-kun included.

"What do you mean all of us are devils?!" Issei reacted with shock and disbelief at that statement while Natsuki remained silent, wanting to know more about this life of devils they were being brought into. Unlike Issei who still could not believe everything that happened was real, Natsuki has already taken the time to accept that their normal lives had just got thrown out the window.

"The person who attacked you yesterday is known as a Fallen Angel." She explained. "Some people think we're the same, but we most definitely are not." Seeing Issei's confused look Rias elaborated. "Fallen Angels still seek to serve God even though they have been cast out of Heaven and into the Underworld, though you'd probably call it Hell. The confusion between the two species is understandable because Fallen Angels and Devils walk this world together. In order to please God, they seek to wipe out Devil kind and earn His praise as well as claim the Underworld for themselves. There are also the typical Angels who are obviously sent down by God to slay Devils in His name."

Natsuki pondered Rias' explanation, noticing a pattern when headaches forming in her mind every time God was mentioned. "So, Devils have to protect themselves on two fronts from both the fallen and regular angels then?" Natsuki asked as the pain finally started to subside. Guess this means I will not be mentioning him when I curse anymore.

"That's correct." Rias answered, smiling at Natsuki. "Though we are currently in the middle of an uneasy truce, so conflict occurs mostly based on personal grievances and less with full-scale battles."

Rias held up her right hand and a red light with an arcane symbol flared on the back of her hand, causing a chain reaction where it appeared on the back of everyone else's. "This is the sigil of the Gremory Family, a high-ranking Devil Family, as long as you have this you are both under my family's protection." She let the symbol fade and returned her hand to where it was before. "With this you will be safe from those Angels and Fallen Angels who respect the uneasy peace we have right now."

Natsuki thought over what Rias just told them. Great so this is basically a three-way supernatural cold war. And now that I am a devil, I will have to watch out for the other two factions and based on what happened earlier I cannot leave this group because I am not strong enough, unless I want to get jumped again. Yippee, how fun.

Issei had a blank expression on his face, drawing Rias' attention. "You, okay?" The President asked, noticing her 1st pawn's confusion. "You look a little confused." Natsuki too had noticed the boy practically radiating confusion.

The boy was justified in his confusion as so much happened to him with the existence of Devils, Angels, and Fallen Angels being shown to him within just a few days. This kind of news would throw anyone off their feet.

"That's because I am." Issei said. "I'm kind of overwhelmed by all of this, it's really heavy stuff." Learning that there was something like a secret society of the supernatural existing right under everyone's noses was a concept he could not wrap his head around.

Rias just closed her eyes. "Do you remember Yuuma Amano?" She asked, causing Issei to gasp in shock and Natsuki herself to sit straight as a rod. That name did not bring back positive memories for either of the teens.

The girl pulled out a picture of Yuuma showing it to the pair before talking once more.

"Of course, you do," Rias smirked. "How could you forget? The two of you dated for a little bit didn't you".

And she fucking killed us! Natsuki though to herself wondering why Rias mentioned that part as she saw Issei's face drop. That bitch pretended to like Issei just to kill him. I mean if she's some powerful fallen angel she didn't even need to do what she did, she could have just done what Dohnaseek did and gone after us outright! No, she chose to put up with that façade to get sadistic pleasure from showing that no girl would genuinely want him. It was safe to say that Natsuki had nothing but hatred for Yumma or whatever her real name was and that if she saw her again, she would show her what happens when you mess with Sukehiro Natsuki's people.


And that was not a threat. It was a promise.


"Everyone said it must have been a dream. That I was hallucinating. Nobody believed me and no one remembered her existence." Issei stared at the picture in shock that Rias not only knew of her but had proof.

"She exists. She's a fallen angel just like the man who attacked you yesterday. And it seems after killing you and Sukehiro-chan she erased all memory of her being here."

Natsuki looked up from the photo to the girl in front of them. "What do you mean she erased all memory of herself?"

"We devils along with fallen angels, manipulate human memory to hide our existence and to protect them in general from the supernatural. Which is why your friends didn't remember Yuuma." She turned back to Issei. "For example, your parents Issei, I did a little memory manipulation on them so that they wouldn't give you trouble after finding me naked in your bed." Natsuki just rolled her eyes at that, as well as Issei's blush, accepting the justification given.

Guess it makes sense. Most people would not be able to handle the knowledge that there was something like this hidden under their noses for so long.

Issei just further proved the girl's point, "But I am still alive! We both are! More than that, why was I targeted!? Why did she kill Natsuki too?"

"The reason she approached you is so she could check if there was a dangerous thing inside the two of you. She must have received a weak response from it. That is why she took her time checking you. That you were humans who possessed a Sacred Gear —"

"Sacred Gear? "What is that and why do we have it?" Issei interrupted more confused than ever.

Natsuki's eyes widened, Sacred Gear? That is what Yuuma told us about before she left. That he was the one who gave them to us. Is that what that necklace is? Was the voice in my head really the necklace or something else?

Instead of Rias it was Akeno who answered his question. "It's basically a unique power that manifests in a rare few throughout history. The only ones I know of for sure who have had one are historical figures which make you both kind of a big deal." She teased looking at the two with a grin.

Natsuki snorted after seeing the awestruck look on Issei's face, "Do not let this go to your head and give you an even bigger ego Issei. There were probably plenty of people who held Sacred Gears that got lost to history." She continued her statement, shaking her head as she ignored the dejected look Issei shot her. "Don't judge someone's potential based on something that some historical figures may have had because the reason those people went down in history likely has just as much to do with who they were as an individual as well as their powers." She then looked directly at the boy, "Besides having scared gears didn't do shit when Yuuma killed us, nor did it help with that Dohnaseek guy. So, we shouldn't allow ourselves to get overconfident just yet".

"Well said Natsuki-chan." Rias spoke before moving back to the discussion. "Sacred Gears have sometimes driven their users mad in the past, causing their wielders to become threats to the Underworld. As such, you'll need to be careful as you train with your powers." Rias considered something. "Hold up your left-hand Issei." She requested, watching as her Pawn did as she asked. "Close your eyes and concentrate on the part of your body you feel is the strongest and focus hard on that strength. Can you do that for me?".

The poor choice of wording caused Natsuki to slap her palm to her forehead in exasperation as Issei took that statement further than she was sure Rias intended. Or she had intended for it to be taken the way Issei heard it and was messing with him. Honestly, it's hard to tell with her. Issei started to get distracted by the girl's body despite Rias' efforts to get him to focus.

"You're doing it all wrong Issei," Natsuki informed him in a calm voice that cut through the budding tension in the room. "Don't force it out, guide it – work with it. Let it flow out naturally. What you are doing right now just makes you look constipated."

Issei's cheeks burned red while everyone else turned and stared at the tall girl with shock apparent on each of their faces. "Uh…sure, Natsuki," the gold-eyed boy said with his cheeks still tinged red from embarrassment.

"What?" the girl asked everyone that was staring at her. "It's how I felt that night Yuuma killed us. I was not thinking of some magical power trying to come out of me just that I didn't want to die and that I need to get us away from that woman".

"What she said is true, Issei-kun," the raven-haired beauty managed to speak first as she looked towards the boy attempting to reawaken his power, smiling as she got closer to him. "It's a fundamental lesson in harnessing your abilities as a Devil. Don't force the energy out, but instead show it to where you want it to go. It might be difficult at first, but it gets easier the more you use it."

Natsuki looked at the two older girls with the most deadpan and tired expression she had. "You two are definitely doing this on purpose aren't you?"

All she got in response was two equally teasing smiles.

Issei closed his eyes once more, but this time his facial features remained lax and loose instead of strained and forced. After a few moments of tense silence of apprehension, his golden eyes shot open with a fierce determination within them while he thrust his left arm into the air and called out confidently, "Kamehameha!"

Despite the dumb phrase, Natsuki couldn't help but smile as Issei's left hand began to glow. When the lights died down a red gauntlet then formed over Issei's wrist and hand and then extended down his forearm while a large green jewel glowed brightly over the back of the boy's hand covered by the gauntlet.

Rias smiled as she looked at the boy, "That is your Sacred Gear. Once it appears, you can use it anywhere and anytime you like."

Issei could not stop looking at the gauntlet on his arm. T-This red gauntlet is a Sacred Gear…? Eeeeeeeh… I still cannot believe it. I shot a Kamehameha and I…I…

Rias then turned to look at Natsuki, "Sukehiro-chan if you can summon yours as well so we my get a proper look".

Natsuki stood on her feet, closing her eyes as she tried to remember the feelings she had when both fallen angels attacked her and Issei.

The anger, the fear, the need to protect…

The same yellow glowing light appeared from Natsuki as the golden pendant, with the white jewel in its center once again formed around her neck. Only this time the girl noticed that the necklace seemed more attached to her body than the last two times. The pendant didn't sway like it did before and the chain seemed to have gotten larger as it wrapped around the entirety of her neck, gaining a fleshy lizard-like texture.

That is weird. It appears less like a necklace and more like something imbedded in my chest.

Rias had then inspected the two of them up close. Natsuki heard a hum from the older girl, and she had a happy smile on her face as if her birthday came early. There must be something more to these Sacred Gears that she is not telling us, otherwise I'd doubt she would look this happy. I mean Sacred Gears cannot be as rare as she made them out to be, especially with what Akeno said about many historical figures having them. So, there must be something special about ours.

"Now on to other business. Remember this?" Rias asked as she held up a copy of the flyer Natsuki remembered shoving in her pocket on her way home the day before yesterday. She blinked, instantly connecting the dots as Rias explained just what that flyer was. "Devils can be summoned through these flyers to fulfill pacts with humans. You both summoned me with your thoughts through this flyer, with that you were revived and reborn as honored members of the House of Rias Gremory, daughter of the great and powerful Devil the Duke of Gremory." Her wings flared from behind her back.

So, what you will but she has a knack for showmanship.

Before they knew it everyone in the club began to sprout wings including Natsuki and Issei.

Rias then had a serious look and kind smile on her face, "Well, Issei, Natsuki. I have reincarnated you both into my devil servants. I swear on the name of the Gremory Household, I will treat you with kindness and grant your every desire. In return, you will give me your utmost loyalty and see me as your master. Do you two accept?".

Issei was reluctant at first, being turned from human to devil was not something that happens to you every day. The fact that he was no longer human terrifies him, but he resolutely accepts. However, being a servant was not something Natsuki herself keen on, which is why she needed one last confirmation.

"I don't care what your household is. If I am going to be serving you from now on, I want to know what you personally think. I want to know the real Rias, not the Gremory of a noble family or the most popular girl in school but the Rias standing right in front of me. Do you, Rias swear that you truly treat your servants with kindness and will do the same for Issei and I."

If I can't get out of being a devil, I at least want to be sure I'm not a slave to the whims of a selfish or cruel master.

The atmosphere in the room changed: Akeno for once was not smiling, Kiba was looking at Natsuki with a glint of something in his eye, Koneko stopped eating and gave the older teen her full attention, and Issei was staring at her with his mouth slightly opened, the girl usually kept her thoughts to herself and rarely spoke out so it was surprising for him to see Natsuki so vocal and passionate.

Rias had her eyes widen and stared at her for a moment until she smiled, "I, Rias Gremory, swear on my name that I will treat you kindly and grant your every desire. Do you accept me as your master, Natsuki?"

Natsuki looked straight into her face to find any deception but saw there was none. She then sighed before she answered…

"Yes Buchou."

The other members of the club surrounded the two and congratulated them for joining. Rias eventually took back control of the conversation.

"The duties of a devil can vary, but the way it usually works is devil's grant the wishes of humans for a price. It used to be people drawing magic circles to summon us and we would claim their souls, but that has fallen out of practice in the last few centuries due to its unnecessary complexity of it so now we take power of the fulfillment of pacts instead."

"Nowadays we make house calls, personal deliveries, things like that." Akeno walked behind the desk and pulled out multiple boxes filled with flyers. Rias gestured to them and said, "Normally we'd have a Messenger Demon deliver these, but I think it'll be beneficial for you two to learn just what goes into this job."

Natsuki walked over and, after analyzing the flyers for a few moments, grabbed a few handfuls to place into her jacket pockets. Issei, however, started scooping them into his backpack, and Rias then whispered something into his ear that, thanks to her newly heightened senses, Natsuki heard all of loud and clear. "If you do well enough you could even end up having some Devil servants of your own." Issei's face went red, suddenly gaining a lot of motivation.

Issei looked at Rias with a level of perversion that Natsuki was used to whenever the boy got to talking about his Harem dream. "If they're my servants, that means they can't disobey my orders, right?"

"That's right".

"You know where I am going with this right?! THAT MEANS ITS GOING TO BE SEXY TIME!." Stream began to bellow from Issei's nostrils as the image of him being surrounded by beautiful, naked woman formed in his mind. Dying was the best thing that could ever happen to me!

Rias just smiled at the boy's words, "The great thing about servants is that you use them for just about anything".

"You hear that Natsuki! We can start our own harems now that we are devils!" Issei began to cry tears of joy that his dream would finally come true, oblivious to the fact that Koneko was looking at him with complete disgust while Kiba just laughed softly.

"Issei, I don't want a harem so don't lump me in with you, besides, it just sounds really messed up to force your servants to do whatever you want." Natsuki just continued to analyze the flyers, not even having to look at the boy as unfortunately this was a near constant argument the two had.

"You know the promise of servants isn't the only benefit to rising up the ranks, there is also getting stronger and gaining more power and influence in certain circles," Rias said as she and the others listened to the two newbies talk about the pros and cons of harems.

Natsuki turned to look at her new master, "What do you mean by power and influence?" Although her face held her usual blank expression, Rias could tell she was interested in what she said.

Rias' smile widened as the two stared at each other. Got you now Natsuki-Chan

"Well, many reincarnated devils once they branch out on their own, often create businesses and other ventures in either in the human world or the Underworld. They use their newly gained status and their abilities to become successful, some of whom become richer than some of the important devil families."

Rias had to keep herself from bursting out in laughter at the practical dollar signs she could see in the taller girl's eyes.

My 1st pawn is guided by lust, while my 2 nd  by greed.

"I will do my part to become a strong and worthy servant to you Rias-buchou." Natsuki could not stop thinking of things she'd be able to do once she struck out on her own. I'll be able to get Kushina-Sama her dream house, much sooner than I thought!

"Hey Natsuki, don't judge me for wanting a harem when your dream is just as bad as mine!" Issei too had noticed Natsuki's shift in behavior when Rias talked about devils getting rich. "If anything, yours is worse! Doing this only for materialistic gain, at least I want to help the poor defenseless women of the world! How selfish are you?"

"Selfish?! You're the one who just wants to have a bunch of naked and unwilling girls at your disposal, don't confuse me wanting to live in comfort with your useless desires you prick!"

Kiba gave his usual smile at the scene of their two newest members arguing so intently. He chuckled a little, "Well, our club hasn't been this exciting in a while now, huh?"

Koneko just absentmindedly nodded her head in agreement while continuing to eat her chocolate as Akeno placed a hand to her cheek and said 'Ara Ara'.

Rias shook her head at the two trying to prove the other wrong. "Alright you two that's enough, you still have some flyers to deliver".


An hour later

Natsuki returned to the club room alone, she had yet to be called in to fulfill one of the pacts, but she figured it wouldn't happen so fast. When she arrived, she heard huffing from behind her and turned around to see Issei running up the stairs. The boy tried to catch his breath. "I used my bike! How did you finish before I did?" The boy was worried that he took too long and was keeping Rias waiting.

I thought being a devil would make me stronger. But I feel like I just ran a marathon!

"I took less flyers than you, so I managed to walk to my destinations faster since I had fewer places to go." she replied, causing the boy's worry and shame to fade as a grin spread across his face.

"Ha!" Issei declared triumphantly. "That's a relief I thought I took too long getting back".

The pair then walked into the club room. "All done with the deliveries Buchou." Natsuki said as they walked in, Issei almost immediately started drooling at the sight of Rias in her towel. The darker haired girl merely sighed and asked, "Anything else you need us to do?"

How many showers does she take in one day? Natsuki liked the girl; she didn't want to deal with Rias being naked every time she entered the clubroom. She figured she would get desensitized to it eventually and just have to deal with the awkwardness until then.

"Well, could one of you help out Koneko?" Rias asked as she dried her hair. "She's double booked with requests right now and I could use someone to take her extra shift. It's the last thing I need either of you to do today."

"Sure, no problem Buchou!" Issei said happy to do a request for Rias.

Koneko looked at the pair and bowed slightly before saying, "That's super rad. Thanks." With her typical dry tone, it didn't sound very thankful, but Natsuki thought she might have heard a bit of relief mixed with amusement in her tone. She wondered what made her feel that way about this summon request.

"I'll wait for the next one then." Natsuki said without issue. The girl had a gut feeling that there was something about this request that Koneko wasn't telling them.

So better Issei than her.

Akeno then walked to an empty space in the clubroom, as a large crimson magic circle appeared beneath her feet.

So, that's what a magic circle looks likeIt's beautiful. Natsuki was mesmerized by the gorgeous color and the power she could sense flowing around the circle. I want to learn magic. The girl admitted to herself.

Issei was filled with a similar sense of awe as Rias answered their unspoken question. "That's called a Transportation Circle," she explained. She directed Issei to hold out his left hand and imprinted the sigil of her family onto his left palm. "This is called a Seal; it will help me keep track of your performance during your requests. When you get to the client's location, just make sure to make them aware of the cost of their request and make sure they select the correct areas of the screen so that you can officially have the Pact fulfilled." She then reminded him of the rules he had to follow once he got there.

However, something with the transportation circle went wrong as Issei remained even after the circle disappeared.

"The fuck?!" Issei exclaimed in confusion.

Rias tried to absorb the fact that Issei could not use the Transportation Circle to fulfill requests. She had her head in one hand with the other crossed under her bust, ignoring her Queen's "whoopsie" and Kiba's nervous chuckle. "No, it's okay." She reassured Issei, though he was still confused. "Looks like you can't make the jump for some reason," she sounded slightly exasperated. "But there's another way." Natsuki quickly caught on and had to resist her own chuckle. "It's mundane but I'm sure you can use your bike." Rias said to Issei's horror.

Rias then turned to Natsuki, "Unless Natsuki wants to try?"

"Nope. Issei said he'd doing do it, can't have him breaking his promises can we?" There was no way in hell she was taking that job with how Koneko reacted.

Natsuki and Issei then proceeded to walk out, Natsuki to go home and Issei to start biking.

As they exited the building Natsuki put her hand on his shoulder, "Don't worry Issei, I'm sure you'll still be the coolest devil around on your bike".

"Shut up Natsuki!" Issei's head dropped in shame as he hopped on his bike and took off, This sucks balls! What kind of devil is summoned on a bicycle?!

Natsuki laughed as she watched the boy disappear into the distance. Natsuki then turned on her heel and began her way home.

As she walked Natsuki looked up into the sky. I wonder if I will be able to hear that voice again the stronger, I get?

Once she entered her apartment, she moved her hand to the center of her chest. Summoning the necklace.

She sat on her bed and closed her eyes, trying her hardest to hear the voice until she eventually fell asleep.

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