The Golden Invincible of Basketball

Chapter 103 - Evolution Walker

Kangda fans whistled.

They saw a different Walker on the defensive end in the second half, and now the familiar Walker on the offensive end finally appeared!

Coach K was relieved when he saw this.

Irving ’s performance in the second half was not as good as in the first half. This is inseparable from Walker ’s full force. Now Walker has to score and defend. His physical strength will definitely not keep up. Walker is the absolute core of Kangda. When his physical strength is exhausted, When Duck couldn’t score and couldn’t resist, Duke won the game with ease.

Duke’s attack, Owen took the ball to the frontcourt.

At this moment, Kangda fans burst into a whistle.

Coach K also froze for a moment.

The defender in front of Irving is not Walker or Lamb, but Tang Tian!

It turned out that the last lineup of the University of Concord to adjust the lineup of Smith under Orlando is to make Tang Tian and Irving go to the top!

Let No. 4 go to No. 1?

Coach K can’t understand the operation of Cahon. Although Tang Tian’s defensive ability is very good, he can defend at the 3rd and 4th positions, but Irving is the 1st position, and is known for his breakthrough dribble.

It’s like taking a hammer to hit a mosquito, it’s completely out of tune!

Singler also had an advantage over Lamb, but Irving chose to attack himself.

Continuous change of direction ahead of time, Owen went straight in one step.

But he soon discovered that he underestimated Tang Tian. Tang Tian had a prejudgment and mentioned that he went back and grabbed a position.

Although there is a gap in speed, this prediction has successfully closed the gap.

Scene burst into cheers from Kangda fans.

They don’t care what number of positions, Tang Tian in their eyes defense is invincible, this time the two sides confronted fully verified their inner thinking.

Irving didn’t stop the ball. After a crotch pulled the ball back, it turned directly inside and out.

Is too close, Tang Tian was flashed by Owen from the front.

Sure enough, although Tony Allen’s individual defensive skills have a certain improvement in speed, but the difference in weight still makes it difficult for him to prevent Owen’s breakthrough at close range.

This is something he needs to consider after the draft is over. In the NBA, is it to increase the weight of the striker, or reduce the weight to play the forward swingman.

Was passed by Owen, Tang Tian did not give up the defense, still chasing and defending from behind.

Irving passed Tang Tian to the basket and shot quickly.

The cover of Tang Tian jumping from behind.

Owen’s air lever dodge shot.

Tang Tian’s cover is not just a simple cover, but also reaches out to cover Owen’s shot angle.

Owen’s draw is very large. After all, he just recovered from injury, and the stagnation is lower than normal. After the shot, the ball directly knocked on the basket and popped.

Oriage received a defensive rebound.

Kang big fans cheered again.

Although Owen passed by, Tang Tian was still Tang Tian, ​​after chasing to the basket, Owen was still defended!

Coach K’s expression also froze for a moment.

Tang Tian, ​​can you really prevent Irving?

This answer is no, but if Irving only breaks through, Tang Tian’s restriction on him is indeed obvious.

“Kyrie, shoot more.” Coach K’s response was really fast, and when Irving returned to halftime, he would remind him.

Kangda’s offense, the same tactics, Owen squeezed ahead this time without replacement, Ori Aki’s pick-and-roll failed.

Walker directs Oriage to go back, sinking his weight to face Owen.

Irving hit him so many in front, and it was his turn to return one.

Before the game started, as he showed when he and Tang Tian communicated, he felt that he was not as good as Owen.

But what about Irving until now, he is also very embarrassed by his defense!

Turned around, suddenly violently stepped up, Owen followed Walker, but after the confrontation he was directly knocked away by Walker!

The referee did not sound the whistle, this is normal physical confrontation.

Walker squeezed Irving to the inside with explosive force and confrontation, a lever in the air to avoid Pramley’s assisted layup and scored!

After the goal, Walker roared up in the sky, and his neck had a blue muscle burst.

Finally, he also passed Owen!

The cheers of Kangda fans at the scene were deafening, Walker was repeatedly passed by Irving from the first half, defended Irving in the second half, and now succeeded in playing Irving in turn, which is simply an evolution in a game!

The stronger the opponent can inspire a stronger self, this reasonable saying is not deceiving!

The scouts on the scene couldn’t help but whisper. They not only saw Walker’s progress, but also saw spiritual things. This is a temperament that a team leader will have.

I may be weaker than you, but I will try my best to beat you!

When Walker returned to defense, Tang Tian and Walker gave a high-five.

“Kenny, I suddenly felt that what you said made sense.” Buckley turned to Smith at this time.

Smith looked at him suspiciously.

“This University of Connecticut is indeed different, this Kemba Walker, and this Tang, they are full of energy, they are players who have the opportunity to create miracles.”

Smith nodded with a smile, he looked at the player’s vision is still very accurate ~ ~ Barkley quarreled with him for most of the half, and now he has admitted this.

Irving continued to single-play Tang Tian in the frontcourt, a Sam Gold, he continued to pass Tang Tian, ​​but Tang Tian also pursued behind him like before, he grabbed the basket and shot ahead to avoid Tang Tian’s interference, But Ori Aki’s back-and-forth attack directly covered his shot!

The emotions of Kangda fans at the scene were completely ignited. Although the number was at a disadvantage, their emotions were obviously more exciting than Duke fans.

The difference of 20 points is only 4 points in a blink of an eye, and Owen is still covered!

The dark clouds over their heads had dispersed in the first half, and they saw the dawn of victory!

Duke’s sideline ball came out, Owen turned around and changed direction.


This time Tang Tian seized the opportunity and slammed down to break the ball in Owen’s hand!

Often standing by the river, how can there be non-wet shoes!

Irving can pass Tang Tian seven or eight times now, but the remaining two or three times are probably broken!

After stealing, Tang Tian threw his hand and gave the ball to Walker. Walker turned around and Smith rushed forward. The two rushed from the back field to the front field.

Walker killed a low layup in the frontcourt, Smith jumped up the block.

Walker directly changed hands in the air, and then shot after avoiding.


Smith slapped Walker on the arm.

The referee whistle on the bottom line signaled a thug foul.

Walker’s draw ball hit the backboard after spinning in the air, and then rubbed into the net bag.

2 + 1!

Walker was knocked out of the field by Smith, waited for the buffer to protect himself, and after seeing the ball in, he jumped directly from the ground and jumped excitedly.

Is crazy!

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