The Golden Invincible of Basketball

Chapter 115 - Meet training

“Yes.” Olson smiled and nodded, she felt so happy for the first time.

“Don, do you know? I do n’t have a real friend when I am so big. Many people approach me because of my family. They want to recognize my family through me, but you are the first one who feels like a friend People. “Olson said, looking at Tang Tian seriously.

“Come, for friendship.” Tang Tian raised his glass of Chinese sake.

Olson also smiled and picked up the sake, and the two clink.

After eating and drinking, the two left the Japanese restaurant slightly drunk.

I took two steps and was about to hit, just then Olson stopped suddenly.

Tang Tian followed Olson’s gaze, and then found an American shorthair cat in the middle of the road, as if hit by a car, a pool of water near his mouth, and incontinent residue on his buttocks. Dead is alive.

“Wait.” Olson went forward suddenly, then reached out to stop the passing cars.

Tangtian was afraid of him, and quickly followed.

“It’s so pitiful.” Olson went to Mikan and said, squatting down.

Tang Tian stood by Olsen at this time to help her stop the traffic.

Olson took off his coat at this time, and then carefully moved Mei short to the clothes.

Tang Tian froze while watching.

Olson’s coat costs tens of thousands of dollars, and generally rich people can’t do such things.

Olson carefully picked up the clothes, and then with Tang Tian held Mei short to the side of the road.

“Find a place to bury it.” Tang Tian said. From Olson’s discovery to the present, Mei short has not responded at all, and most of them have gone to Cat Star.

“嗷 …”

After Tang Tian said this, Mei short burst out with a very small and weak call.

它 “It’s alive!” Olson shouted excitedly.

I said that cats have nine lives, so they don’t die, and their survival desire is a little strong.

“Well, let’s take it to the pet store to see.” Tang Tian nodded.

The two hit each other and went to the nearest pet store.

上 In the taxi, Olson kept touching his short forehead with his hand, and kept saying words of encouragement in his mouth, as if facing a person instead of a cat.

After arriving at the pet store, the doctor did an inspection to determine that the internal organs were damaged, which was more serious. The drug could only help, and whether he could live for several days to see its own vitality.

“It can live,” Olson said with certainty.

“Then treat it in the store first, you can basically see it in about a week,” the doctor suggested.

“Well, I come to see it every day.” Olson nodded.

“You don’t have to come every day, they will take care of it.” Tang Tian said when he was out of the pet shop.

“I’m not assured, and I’m afraid I’ll get a call someday and say it hasn’t survived.” Olson said, looking back.

Tangtian nodded and didn’t speak, he thought Olson was really good.

Now Olson and her two sisters are in trouble, and if there is a chance in the future, they can help her.

After Xun and Olson separated, Tang Tian returned to his rental house in the suburbs of New York.

完 After the advertisement is finished, he is now ready to recruit his team.

Fagan was able to get the draft done, but just like Fagan originally recruited for Yi Jianlian, he also had to own his own team. This team would include trainers, nutritionists, physiotherapists, masseurs, etc., and Fagan Not the same, these are considered true people.

I just need a little time to recruit this thing, Tang Tian is not in a hurry to get it all done at once.

On the contrary, he has one more anxious thing than this, shooting training.

He now has Tony Allen’s defensive skills. After his physical fitness, he has basically been able to play 80% or 90% of his strength. This is basically enough in the NBA, but the three-pointer will be a big problem at that time. .

At NCAA, in order to ensure the hit rate, he basically did not change Novak’s shooting method, so his shooting speed is also very slow. This has little impact on NCAA. After all, the overall level of NCAA is not too high, but In the NBA, those birds and animals are bound to be a problem.

This is also why it was important that Novak could not play in the NBA.

So, if he doesn’t want to be blocked by those beasts in the NBA, improving his shooting speed is something he must do, and this is not something that can be accomplished in a few days. This will require a relatively long training time.

I found an indoor training hall in New York and had not paid the deposit, but he accidentally received a call from Clay Thompson.

After defeating Washington State University, Thompson called him after the game, but the two did not contact each other afterwards. Tang Tian did not expect to receive his call at this time.

听说 “I heard that you are also in New York?”

I heard two words, and the meaning was obvious. Thompson was also in New York.

“Yes, I am in New York, and I am about to prepare for training.” Tang Tian said.

“That’s great. I have already rented a training hall, but there is a lack of people to practice together. Would you like to come together?”

Thompson kindly invited, Tang Tian directly agreed.

Thompson’s training hall is five or six kilometers from where he lives, a little far away.

But his physical training is still going on ~ ~ This section should be warmed up.

In the training hall, looking at panting Tang Tian, ​​Thompson looked surprised: “Have you come over?”

Tangtian nodded: “I am practicing physical fitness.”

Thompson smiled bitterly: “I know why you can play so well in the tournament.”

The gold system only gave Tang Tian the skills, and in order to exert his strength, he had to rely on his own efforts.

Thompson’s training is mainly three-point catch, plus some other offensive training.

Tang Tian’s words are mainly to improve the three-point fire rate, of course, will also be mixed with some other offensive training.

Two people training together, they can help pick up and pass each other, no need to find a caddie or trainer.

Tang Tian originally thought so, but after he fed Thompson for a period of time, the door of the training hall was pushed open, and a person who surprised him came in.

圆 A round, chubby little fat man, one meter seven in height, with a shiny shiny bald head.

Mike Procopio.

A lot of fans have never heard of this name, but the words of NBA players are very familiar to them.

The NBA’s most ace trainer, with the help of the past two seasons, Kobe helped the Lakers achieve two consecutive championships.

And Procopio is famous for his humility and loyalty, and is highly respected by the players. I did not expect Thompson to invite him.

“Uncle Mike.” Thompson saw Procopio coming over and took the initiative to say hello.

“Little Clay.” Prokopio smiled and reached out and hugged Thompson.

人 People like Procopio don’t necessarily get money if they have money. Judging from their actions, this should not only be a question of money.

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