The Golden Invincible of Basketball

Chapter 180 - I want to chase! Can\\\'t catch up!

He still had some anger when he talked.

If the management hadn’t changed their minds, such an outstanding 3D player would be even more powerful for the Heat!

Unfortunately, it is now an opponent, and it is still one of their main competitors this season.

It really makes people feel like they have nothing to say.

Spoelstra couldn’t wait for the ball and reached for a timeout.

After the time-out, the Spurstra put on the previous small lineup over the Heat.

Outside Wade Gailler, forward Battier plus James, center Bosh.

On the Spurs side, Popovich also went head-to-head and switched to a small lineup, with Parker and Green outside, Tang Tian and Jefferson forward, and center Split.

The Heat’s offense, Miller and Shane opened space on both sides.

Miller has scored three three-pointers tonight. The hotness is as good as Tang Tian’s. The Spurs are afraid to defend the 2-3 defense at this time.

After asking for the ball from a low post, James directly signaled his teammates to drive and chose Jefferson singles.

James increased weight during the offseason. At this time, he weighed close to 125 kilograms, a full size larger than Jefferson, and he directly leaned on Jefferson’s back.

Last year’s finals, because there is no back-to-back technology, James was quite miserable by the Mavericks.

At that time, he failed to beat Baria three times in a row and became a big talk after the finals.

Because of this, in this long offseason, James has been hard at his back and has made significant progress.

Although Jefferson is also full of muscles, he weighs nearly 20 kilograms less than James, and the confrontation is not at a level.

After James exerted his strength, he was obviously unable to carry it.

James topped the penalty area and turned directly to the layup to score.

There was a restless scene.

James’ tank layup is no longer enough. This is another bull-style back hit, which is really not alive.

Popovich reached out and rubbed his forehead, his expression a little helpless.

This play is really a bit unreasonable.

The Spurs’ offense.

The Heat’s tactics have changed a lot at this time. They didn’t pack the ball anymore, but changed to man-to-man.

Like Miller’s changes to the Spurs’ defense, Tang Tian’s hot feel also forced Spoelstra not to come again.

Parker reached out to signal Zip’s hammer tactics.

Parker’s breakthrough gave Tang Tian, ​​Shane Battier turned to defend, Tang Tian had no chance.

However, Tang Tian didn’t stop the ball, he gave the ball to Duncan, and then continued around the screen.

Duncan blocked Battier after giving the ball, Tang Tian received the ball three-pointers before shooting.


The ball was a bit of luck, the ball popped around the edge of the rim, and Bosh got the rebound.

Although he didn’t enter, he was shocked by Spoelstra’s cold sweat.

On the other side of the court, Popovich stood up slightly excitedly.

Although the hammer tactics are complex and changeable, because the end points are immobile, it is easy to be targeted by opponents if they play more.

As a tactical inventor, Popovich was naturally aware of this, so he also pondered while playing.

Tang Tian’s evolution of this tactic just gave him new inspiration directly.

The original hammer tactics can continue to evolve!

The Heat’s frontcourt offense, James continued to play Jefferson in a low post.

Jefferson tried his best to feed the milk this time, but he didn’t hold back.

After James attracted Duncan’s defense, he turned and hung the ball to Bosh, who scored with a one-handed dunk.

The Heat chased four points in a row, reducing the difference to four points.

For the Spurs’ offense, Tang Tian didn’t wait in the corner this time, and took the initiative to go around Duncan’s side and take a pass from Parker before shooting.


This time he seized the opportunity, and the three-pointer shot and fell.

Point difference, once again to 7 points!

The cheers on the spot exploded. This is the fifth three-pointer that Tang Tian has scored in the first half!

Counting the three-point foul that made Miller before, Tang Tian actually scored three three-pointers!

With 6 three-pointers in the half, Popovich really dared to give Tang Tian a chance, and Tang Tian could really make it!

“Follow him!”

Spoelstra was a little angry. If it weren’t for those three-pointers thrown by Tang Tian, ​​it would be the Heat with a 7-point lead!

Shane lowered his head and ran forward.

He wants to keep up! But Tang Tian is lighter and faster than him. This three-pointer is really hard to defend!

The Heat’s offense, James continued to play Jefferson in a low post, at this time Popovich shouted from the sidelines, Tang Tian double-teamed James to the basket.

James has a high quotient and waited until Tang Tian came to pass the ball to Shane Battier.

The Spurs’ defense defense rotation, Shane Battier gave the ball to Miller, Miller also made three-pointers from the outside!

This is also his fourth three-pointer in the first half!

You have your Zhang Liangji, I have my ladder!

Shane Battier couldn’t follow Tang Tian completely, the Heat side directly let Wade pass the defense.

Wade can keep up, but there is another opportunity over Green, this time he finally seized the opportunity, the three-pointer shot fell into the net bag!

Looking back, James drew Battier after attracting double-backs, and Battier’s corner three-pointer also scored!

After both sides changed to a small lineup ~ ~ This is the beginning of a three-point match!

The scene where you come and go, the fans watching the scene are also very excited.

The spectacle of this game suddenly came up a lot.

The two teams have offense and defense with each other, and the point difference on the field has also fluctuated between 4 to 7 points.

The last attack before halftime, James faced Jefferson’s whistle and made a layup. The Heat ended the halftime with 46 points and 48 points behind the Spurs.

The two sides played a close match at halftime.

Spoelstra’s face was good, and the team members gave them high-fives one by one when they were off the field.

Popovich frowned slightly, so that the stalemate situation was not what he wanted.

Tang Tian’s three three-pointers had already pulled the difference away, but James’ strong strength drove the score back.

If the two sides finally meet in the finals, it will be more than one night for James.

With a 15-minute break in the midfield, players from both sides returned to the locker room to rest, and the head coach also seized the time to summarize and adjust at halftime.

Popovich talked about some details of the first half of the game, saying that he suddenly put down his pen and turned to look at Tang Tian.

“Can you guard LeBron? Don’t let him catch the ball around.” He asked directly.

Tang Tian froze for a moment.

This scene is somewhat familiar. When Kang Da played San Diego State University, Kahun asked similar questions.

But compared to Kahun, Popovich asked more directly.

“LeBron is hard to defend now, but we can use wheel warfare, go round, fight … all methods, his weight is heavier than before, which means that his physical strength will be faster, this is a way!”

Perhaps fearing that his aura was gone, Popovich said quickly.

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