The Golden Invincible of Basketball

Chapter 28 - You played well

I hung up the phone, Tang Tian left the matter behind for a while, took a rest after eating, and then went to the training hall for more training.

Adding three points to his physical fitness is basically the content of his practice.

And in order to better adapt to the game, he deliberately put three-point training behind physical training.

In this case, he can also reduce the hit rate decay problem of open three-point skills as much as possible.

Because this is a variable, this training is very effective.

This is why in the past games, his open percentage has become more and more stable.

I practiced for a while and I was already sweaty. He took a three-pointer and started open training.



Uh …

The shuttlecock echoed the sound of the ball hollowing into the net.

I practiced a group, he was taking a break between the group, and suddenly a figure broke in through the door.

Elizabeth Olsen, she was obviously well-dressed today.

Under the black gown, twin peaks were looming, a diamond-shaped cross pendant hung on the chest, her hair was curled, and her mouth was covered with red lipstick, which became more and more **** and charming.

Tangtian trembled for a moment, he had better time with Olson, but the latter did not expect to come earlier.

“It’s a bit cold outside, I come in and sit down, you practice yours, I don’t disturb.” Olson said with a smile after seeing Tang Tian.

Tang Tian nodded after hearing, Olson’s character is actually very good.

Olson said he did n’t bother, he did n’t really bother, basically he was watching Tang Tiantou three-pointer.

She was surprised by the hollow three-pointers.

When Tang Tian finished her training, she couldn’t help but say, “I want to see your live game now.”

“Yes, I can still do things like ask for tickets.” Tang Tian said with a smile.

Olson handed him a few tissues and said with a smile: “But it may take a while, I will find you when I have time.”

Tang Tian took the paper towel and wiped his sweat, then nodded.

“It will look better if it reaches the tournament stage.”

The two left the training hall while talking. Tang Tian took a shower in the dormitory, changed his clothes, and then went out with Olson.

They were out of luck when they went out, and after a while it started to drizzle. This is not a good thing when dating.

But Olson didn’t seem to care about it, and still talked about it.

Compared to the last time, she has obviously become more active.

When I got to the cinema, I didn’t expect that the garage was full. They could only park the car on the side of the road more than a hundred meters away, and then walked over.

Because of the drizzle and the winter, the wind was quite cold.

Tangtian took two steps and took off his coat to protect Olson from the rain.

人 This man is full of sincerity. He had to wait for a long time to ask him to watch a movie. If he got caught a cold, he would feel bad.

Olson felt that the rain above her head was suddenly gone, and then turned to see that Tang Tian was using a coat to protect her from the rain, and his face could not help showing a hint of warmth.

The distance of one hundred meters is not far, and it took only a few minutes to walk.

After grabbing the tickets and bringing some snacks, the two went directly to the cinema together with other people who watched the movie.

This is a movie called “Peace, Love and Misunderstanding”. The name is particularly tall, but even Tang Tian has not heard of it.

I can imagine what a literary and niche movie this is. If it wasn’t for Olson’s invitation, he would never have seen it.

The attendance rate of the movie theater is not high. At 9 o’clock, which is still the golden moment, there are only 20-30%.

The movie soon started. The protagonist is a female lawyer named Diane. She has two teenage children, one named Jack and one named Zoe. Both the man and the woman are in a period of rebellion. The child’s rebellion plus work. In order to calm down both people, Dai An and her husband took their children to the grandmother’s house for the summer vacation.

Granny Grace is an old hippie who loves rock and roll and hasn’t taken care of her life. In the face of such a fun old man, the trip that was originally fleeing has gradually evolved into a summer because of all the fun things that happened. Adventure is full of factors about music, faith, love, family, secrets, and self-discovery.

Movies, I really watched them. In fact, it’s okay, but because they are completely family dramas, it’s okay to watch them on TV. Not many people come to the theater.

But when I saw more than five minutes, Tang Tian knew why Olson invited him to watch this movie.

Because the girl named Zoe is played by Olson.

When the two of them had dinner before, Olson said she was acting, and at the time she said it was confidential. I didn’t expect it to be this movie.

At the final stage of the movie, Diane and her husband are hugging each other tightly, beside them are the happy laughter of the two children and grandma.

A happy ending of standard happiness.

At this moment, Tang Tian felt that Olsen was holding his hand, and was slightly harder.

I was watching her expression and was completely immersed in the movie.

The first movie is probably the first time she has watched in a movie theater. For Olson, she will definitely feel different from others.

It ’s like the moment you see the child you gave birth to, UU reads www.uukanshu. com is full of anticipation and hope, mixed with a trace of fear and worry.

When the movie ended, Olson’s mood gradually calmed down.

“I’m sorry.” Then she realized that she had been holding Tang Tian’s hand.

“It’s okay.” Tang Tian answered with a smile.

I waited until the people in the cinema were almost gone, then they got up and went out.

“You did a great job,” Tang Tian praised.

Olson’s role in the movie is not particularly outstanding because of the setting of the role itself, but as a newcomer, her acting skills in this movie have actually reached the standard.

“I thought you didn’t see it,” Olson said with joy.

The protagonist of the movie is Diane and her husband. The two children are not too much. In addition, Olson is going to play a teenage child. They will do more makeup, and if they are not careful, they will recognize it. Not coming out.

The two have already left the theater while talking, and the drizzle outside has stopped.

“Remember what I said, your eyes have the magic power of a witch, and you can recognize them at a glance.” Tang Tian said with a smile.

After watching the movie, the two have to be separated. Olson is so polite, he should say something good.

Olson’s face was reddish after hearing it, as if suddenly remembering something, he said, “You told me last time that I was suitable for a film with a contrasting image. I think it’s right, so I’m going to pick up A play is called “Double Martha”, but … “

Olson said it here and there.

After listening to Tang Tian, ​​it was obvious.

他 He hasn’t seen the movie “Peace, Love and Misunderstanding”, but he knows “Double-sided Martha”, it’s an R-rated movie!

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