The Golden Invincible of Basketball

Chapter 3 - Joining NCAA is as easy as

Lam himself was stunned.

怎么 How is this possible!

He had just judged that Tang Tian’s center of gravity had changed. Why was he broken when he turned around?

This is not scientific!

When Lam was trembling, Tang Tian gave the ball to the bench, and the bench had already made a fast break.

5-5 in the frontcourt, Napier’s mid-range emergency stop and then entered.

This time he scored two goals, which can be regarded as venting all the previous unhappiness.

When I ran back, he also actively found Tang Tian high five.

These two goals are all based on Tang Tian’s steals!

Oli didn’t have the heart to yell at Lam at this time. He even flashed an idea in his mind. If the ball was replaced by Walker just now, he didn’t necessarily have a certain grasp?

Immediately after this idea came out, he was rejected by himself.

想法 This idea is really ridiculous.

After all, Lam is a newcomer. Although he has outstanding talents, he still needs to hone and experience needs to be improved.

Walk is much better than Lam.

Lamb reached the frontcourt and wanted the ball. Walker didn’t give it this time.

“Calm down!” He shouted at Lam.

As the team’s boss and junior, he has much richer experience.

The main team played a tactic in the frontcourt. Walker made a breakthrough. Lam borrowed from Oriaki’s pick-and-roll and took a walker’s midrange shot.


Perhaps the mentality hasn’t settled down, and the shot is obviously short.

Ao Ruiqi wanted to rush offensive rebounds, but Tang Tian got stuck in his position and he couldn’t get in. The backup team members protected the defensive rebounds.

Napier took the ball to the frontcourt and greeted Tang Tian for a pick-and-roll.

This is to cast confidence!

Walker couldn’t stop it, Oriacs’ speed was not enough, and this time he couldn’t disturb it.


With a squeaking noise, Napier’s three-pointer still scored!

He has scored 7 points in a row!

Napier shouted excitedly, and then high-fried with Tang Tian.

These two feel like they played the best partner.

“I don’t know Tang can play.” At this moment Ollie turned to look at Kahun and said.

Kahong nodded with a smile, he is now considering whether to give Tang Tian a chance to enter the team’s roster.

The main team’s offense, the team has not scored for some time, Walker must stand up.

After greeting Oria Archi, he misplaced Tang Tian.

Tang Tian has a lot of presence on the field, he has to rub his energy.

关系 The relationship between the two does not affect the game on the field. Walker’s choice is the most favorable choice for the team.

Tang Tian saw that Walker was going to singles himself, and he showed 100% concentration.

This knocker is not hard enough, it depends on this round.

Walker sinks his weight, alternates dribbling with his left and right hands, and has a deceptive lord in the middle.

相比 Compared to Lamb, his ball-handling skills are obviously stronger.

I was transported with a sudden start.

Tang Tian took a step back to grab the defensive position.

I grabbed it!

Walker’s breakthrough was forced to stop!

Everyone on and off this field widened his eyes.

I didn’t even walk Walker!


Although Walker is still playing in the NCAA, he is more interested in winning a championship for UConn. His strength is already quasi-NBA level.

Tangtian actually prevented it!

球 This caddy is a bit tigery!

After Walker was forced to stop, he accelerated further and then changed direction drastically.

Tang Tian did not try to steal, but has been in the defensive position, Walker has been controlled by him outside the three-second zone.

Limited offensive time, Walker can only choose to withdraw the jumper in the end.

Tang Tian flew up and almost covered.

The ball crossed Tang Tian’s hand and hit the rebound, then rebounded and shot into the basket.

I heard the sound of the goal, Tang Tian looked back and shook his head.

His physical quality is much worse than Tony Allen, and he still can’t show his full strengths, and can’t completely kill Walker.

But at this time the others were already stunned.

Tang Tian even pushed Walker to such a point!

If the ball was not strong enough for Walker just now, even if he hesitated a little, he might be covered.

To know the current strength of Walker, it is at least the top 10 in the NCAA rankings!

Tangtian This is the sweeping monk in “The Eight Dragons”. If you do n’t do anything, you are shocking!

“Kevin, is there any remaining scholarship in the team?” Kahun turned to ask Ollie at this time.

“Scholarship? Father, do you want to give Tang scholarship?” Ollie was surprised.

Sports scholarship in full, every owner is a leader in the high school league, let alone a big team like Kang Da, some high school students ca n’t enter if they burst their heads!

Now Tang Tian has played a game, and he just blocked a few balls. Is Kahun going to give a scholarship?

Kahong nodded.

“There are still places. This year the team didn’t have a lot of good new recruits. If Lavoie transfers, there will be one more, but does the old man have to think about it again?” Ollie began.

“What are you nervous about? Yes, definitely not so easy, but you have to keep one, don’t you think his defense is the one we lack the most?” Cahong said with a smile.

Oli heard a moment of silence, then nodded.

Indeed, this team’s offensive talent is actually okay, but the defense, UU reading especially the inside defense is indeed a bit poor, the main center Oriaqi has a body but a bit slow, easy to play in high-intensity games Was misplaced.

Moreover, the NCAA game has a slow offensive and defensive rhythm, plus three seconds without defense, the defensive intensity is actually greater than the NBA.

Those stars can score, but most teams are based on defense.

The game on the market is still going on, Tang Tian has given the main team a lot of trouble on the defensive end, and a few misplaced shots have basically failed.

When the training match was over, Kahong called Tang Tian beside him.

“Would you like to join the team?” Kahun asked directly.

“Yes.” Tang Tian answered without hesitation.

“Very well, I will try to apply for a scholarship for you, but it will not necessarily come down.” Kahun continued.

Tangtian nodded.

也 He also knows that Kahun cannot give himself a scholarship for this game, but he has already given the opportunity to enter the team.

If he can help the team behind him, Kahun will definitely not 吝啬.

After all, this year’s Kang Daqing’s recruits are exactly the time to lack people.

“Tang, you can! It’s been hiding strength!” After Tang Tian and Ka Hong talked, Walker came over and pushed him.

The two have a good relationship, and Walker is happy for him.

“I also have a basketball dream.” Tang Tian said with a smile.

I put aside the past life, the original owner of this body would choose to work hard and study basketball, and then train with the team, indicating that he also loves basketball.

I was just overworked, and the master of this body died like a sudden heart.

Now that he came across, it was also time to push this dream to reality.

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