The Golden Invincible of Basketball

Chapter 96 - 70,000 basketball games

他们 “They have played very well in this tournament. They are in good shape and have good luck.” Singler continued.

“Luck?” The reporter froze.

“Yes, I really did not expect that Kansas guys would be eliminated by the University of Texas, otherwise our opponent is likely to be Kansas.”

“You mean, if the University of Connecticut meets Kansas, they will probably not show up here?” The reporter thought for a while.

“Yes, I watched the game between North Carolina and them. The guy from Barnes played too badly in the first half. If he played a little better, North Carolina would not have to spend the second half to chase the points. Killed. “Singler still grumbled that he was unable to play against North Carolina.

“But now the University of Connecticut has won.” The reporter reminded that he found that Singler had been answering questions.

所以 “So I said they were really lucky.” Singler nodded.

At this moment, the reporter finally heard the voice of Singler. He didn’t take Kangda too seriously!

However, this is also completely normal. Duke is the defending champion and Singler was the MOP of last season. In addition, indeed, as Singler said, Kang Da’s promotion on the way seems to have a lot to do with luck.

辛 Single was interviewed here, and Owen talked to Coach K about the same. He was going to leave, but he was surrounded by reporters.

“Does your toe injury affect the game? As far as we know it hasn’t fully recovered.”

“What do you think of Rival University of Connecticut tonight?”

“You will play against Kemba Walker, who is in a hot state right now. Are you confident of defeating him?”

Uh …

With a bunch of questions, compared to Singler, handsome Irving is obviously more popular with the media.

“My toes are okay. It’s good. It won’t affect the game. The University of Connecticut is very good. I will try to beat Walker. I know he is in good shape.” Irving’s smile was charming, and Singler In comparison, he was obviously humble.

“Are you worried about Tang’s defense? And you are also worried about being killed by Tang like North Carolina?” The reporter continued to ask.

“Don? Yes, his defense is great. He is one of the best defensive players I have ever seen, but he is a number four and should not come to defend me.”

The reporters who said Irving laughed.

“As for being killed, hey man, I can’t say such things as killing.”

Irving continued to make fun of reporters.

“But there is one thing I can be sure that the coach will not give Tang the vacancy like North Carolina.” Irving said seriously in the end.

Tang Tian could absolutely kill North Carolina, Roy Williams was completely tactical at the last moment, coach K obviously would not make that kind of mistake.

Irving said the point.

Pu Ruilan Stadium, a stadium that can accommodate more than 70,000 people is already full.

What is the concept of 70,000 people watching a basketball game?

It ’s not the same as a football game, because the basketball court is only one-twentieth of the football field. If you watch 70,000 football, that ’s the outermost seat. At least you can see it, but this, the outermost seat. You can only see a few small black spots.

But in this position, it ’s not a game, it ’s an atmosphere, and many people even have binoculars.

的 The madness of the NCAA semi-finals is unique.

There are about 70,000 people, 40,000 are fans of Duke University, 30,000 are from UConn, and the remaining odds are some local neutral fans in Houston.

In the finals, the fans’ dress was also very particular.

The name of Duke’s team is the Blue Devils. The fans wear dark blue T-shirts. At a glance, the average of dark blue is like being in the deep sea. It is more blue than North Carolina. A trace of suffocation.

On the other side of the Kang Kang University, there was a white T-shirt and the blue chamber of Duke.

After arriving in the quarter-finals, many super alumni from the two teams also came to the scene. Duke’s famous residence Grant Hill came to the scene. He retired and became a TNT commentator, but this time his identity was only an alumnus.

On the UConn side, Ray Allen, who played for the Celtics, also came to the scene. As the most well-known player in the history of the UConn school, his arrival has impressed UConn fans very much.

“Hey baby, this is the scene of the strongest semi-finals, this is the craziest basketball game, NCAA!” The game has not yet begun. The commentary’s Kenny Smith took the mobile phone in a circle and could not help taking the mobile phone in advance Here comes the video.

Smith is a famous Rocket. This quarter-final battle was held in Houston. He is the most excited one.

After the short video was posted on the ins, the click-through rate exploded instantly, and the NCAA effect was immediate.

“Duke, Connecticut, what do you think of this game?” Brin is one of the most decent of the four commentaries, and here comes a most serious question.

“I think Duke will definitely win the game tonight. Their strength is too strong. No one is their opponent this year.” Barkley on the side took the lead to speak ~ ~ as a well-known “big mouth”, he Speaking is not a mess.

“I also think Duke will win consecutive championships this year. Last year’s championship lineup, Nolan Smith and Kyle Singler of the Three Musketeers are still on the team. They are more mature, and there is also super rookie Carey. · Irving, I don’t know why they lost the game. “Reggie Miller nodded in agreement.

或者 “Or play a question?” Brin continued.

不 “No, Duke has too many talented players. One or two can’t play normally, but it’s too difficult for them to collectively play abnormally. They can crush opponents with pure talent.” Miller continued.

是 “Yes, baby, that’s it.” Buckley echoed.

Basketball is about talent, so-called: in front of talent, **** the basketball dream.

Not to mention that Duke has a K coach who can exchange all his talents.

“Kenny, why don’t you talk? You were so excited just now.” Barkley turned to look at his best partner.

“I don’t agree with you,” Smith said.

“Don’t you think Connecticut can win?” Barkley opened his mouth wide.

“Why not? I like the 1.85 defender, Kemba Walker. He is full of energy. I like Don and he is full of energy. This is a team that can do wonders, guys.” Smith said. .

His words did not resonate with Barkley and Miller, but caused them a laugh.

Walker is good, but he has to face Irving, Tang Tian’s defense is indeed okay, but Duke University has points on the field, how can double fists rival four hands, six hands, eight hands?

Smith is purely a matter of personal preference, watching the game one-sided, not objective at all.

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