The Golden Invincible of Basketball

v4 Chapter 1366 - NBA\\\'s revenge, Morey\\\'s end

The following time, Tatum told Tang Tian all the revenge plans.

Tang Tian heard that there was a trace of chillyness behind it.

I was really touched by benefits, even when it came to rice bowls, NBA revenge is not life-saving.

“I came to you today, I hope you can call the players to speak with the league.”

Tatum finally said the purpose of coming to Tang Tian.

“I agree.”

Tangtian nodded.

Morey almost missed the NBA and China. In other words, he violated the dual interests of players and fans.

He has no reason to refuse such a voice.

After I left Tang Tian’s manor, Tatum returned to New York to hold an emergency meeting of the alliance.

He announced the information he received at the regular meeting and suggested that no team in the NBA no longer hire Morey.

建议 This proposal was approved by all votes.

老板 These bosses usually fight a lot, but when it comes to the overall interests of the NBA, they still stand on the same line.

On October 22, US time, there is only one day before the unveiling of the NBA season.

On this day, Darrell Morey announced that he would formally enter politics, and he would run for the new mayor of Houston.

His campaign won the support of many fans and lawmakers, and was labeled as “free speech”.

I can feel that although the previous Twitter incident was suppressed, he still won a lot of support for his career.

And this point of time is also very interesting. Declaring politics when the NBA is about to start is like a mockery of the NBA.

Look, I still work on this day. Although I am no longer the general manager, I can be the mayor, and I have more power than the general manager.

However, at the same time that Morey announced his political career, the NBA official announced the news.

“The NBA will never hire Darrell Morey.”

I have no explanation and no reason, just a simple sentence.

The news came so shocking that the fans never looked back.

Because it involves freedom of speech, Morey has resigned before, but the NBA dare not mention anything in this area.

Why did you suddenly get angry again?

I did n’t wait for the fans to look back, ESPN ’s “Yang Yi of the United States” Stephen A. Smith gave an impassioned speech on the show.

try {mad1 ( ‘gad2 ‘);} catch (ex) {} In his speech, he angered Morey before tweeting is a child behavior and a totally irresponsible performance.

He also angry that Morey almost wiped out Yao Ming’s contribution to the Rockets and the NBA. Morey was sorry for Yao Ming, sorry for the Rockets, and sorry for the fans.

After that, he also seized the point that Morey was in politics, and boldly speculated that Morey tweeted a sinister purpose, in order to win chips for himself, and use the Rockets and NBA as tools.

“Darell, the Rockets will not need you, the NBA will not need you, and Houston will not need you.”

最后 Smith’s final words were quite fierce.

This also instantly detonated American social media.

为什么 Why did Morey tweet? Before that, most Americans understood freedom of speech. To put it simply, what I want to say is what I say.

But no one can think of such complicated things.

Especially those fans, many of them like free speech, but they don’t like being shot at by others!

Especially they were used as gunmen, and they turned back to support those who used them as gunmen!

However, there were also some Morey supporters quickly questioned.

Smith is famous in the United States, and many people on his show watch him simply to spray him.

In the absence of evidence, Smith is a naked slander.

As in the past, a large group of people began to anger Smith.

But soon, Alexander, the former owner of the Rockets, stood up to speak.

也不 He didn’t say much. Basically, there was only one message, that is, he knew from the source that what Smith said was true.

下一 This next stone caused a thousand layers of waves. Although this is not direct evidence, everyone knows the relationship between Alexander and Morey.

And Alexander has sold the team and stood up to speak, which shows that Morey’s problem is serious!

But defamation is a felony, and many people still seek real evidence.

At this time, FOX Sports broke an article about Morey’s opposition to free speech in the college shootings because of campus shootings.

莫 At the time, the young and vigorous Morey was disgusted by the security issues caused by freedom of speech. He believed that freedom must be within some rules.

Obviously, a student who opposed free speech at the time was like a grain of sand thrown into the lake, and nobody felt that it didn’t matter.

But at this point in time, this old past is turned out, and the meaning is completely different.

try {mad1 ( ‘gad2 ‘);} catch (ex) {} Morey has been labeled by his supporters as a “free speech” fighter.

When you look back, you tell us that he was once an opponent of freedom of speech? !!

Don’t care about what time, in the United States, this kind of thing is like a criminal record that is accompanied by a lifetime.

You said, you will always carry it with you until your death.

This is also a characteristic of the United States. Most politicians are extra careful in these matters, because for them these are scandals.

Finally, Tang Tian called for many NBA stars to comment on the Morey incident.

They think Morey’s behavior is selfish and seriously violates the free speech that the NBA has always advocated.

This part,, was nailed to the coffin board after Murray was killed by the NBA.

This series of things blew up Morey’s head.

He didn’t even have a chance to breathe.

I waited one day, and the next day, his Twitter was bombed by fans.

Alas, many of those who bombed were his supporters yesterday.

Obviously, although most people are easily agitated, no one is a fool!

I even had individual radicals who threatened Morey to be careful.

This is also the biggest difference between the American keyboard man and the domestic keyboard man, they really have guns.

At this moment, Morey’s road to politics has only begun for a day, and it is about to end.

Alas, and even more deadly, after his hat on freedom of expression was put on, let alone the NBA, other sports leagues were completely afraid to ask him.

In other words, he lost not only his career, but also his money.

This time, I am afraid that his savvy brain has never thought of it.

Of course, his life is safe.

At a certain moment, he even missed his days in China. After all, there you do n’t have to worry about being shot by a black gun on the road, and you do n’t have to worry about someone breaking into his residence with a gun.

Morey’s Twitter is still under bombing, but soon someone finds Morey disappearing.

From Twitter, also from his residence.

No one knows where he went, and no one even knows if he is still alive.

Just like Tang Tian felt after listening to Tatum’s revenge plan, this is really not worth his life.

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