The Good Incubus

Chapter 102 (NSFW) Love Across The Peak

Chapter 102

Love Across The Peak


“Thank you Chu Ling.” Came the muffled sound of Zhou Tu’s voice from his Leader’s muscular cleavage.

Lifting his smaller lover upright, Chu Ling held them together so their noses were almost touching, “I couldn’t let people see my cute little aroused Zhou Tu.”

Not sure if it was right to be called cute as a man, but immensely happy with the endearing tone in his Leader’s voice, Zhou Tu blushed an adorable red as he looked into his healer’s dark eyes.

From behind them, they heard a low moan as Hao Kong expressed his delight deep inside Xie Jie.

Chu Ling asked with a naughty smile, “should we go join them?”

Cupping the large handsome brown face in front of him with his hands, Zhou Tu said, “I would rather spend some time with you,” Looking down shyly he added, “if you want to?”

Chu Ling’s eyes sparkled with adoration as he gently kissed the beauty in his arms.

Wrapping his limbs round his strong man, Zhou Tu pulled his lover’s head in deepening their kiss, sliding his tongue into Chu Ling’s hot mouth then entangling their tongues together.

Pulling back breathlessly, Chu Ling shyly asked in little more than a whisper, “how far do you want to go?”

Zhou Tu’s heart pounded in his chest, the overwhelming cuteness of his big Leader opened a desire in him he didn’t know he had.

For a moment Chu Ling was a little shocked at the dirty glint in Zhou Tu’s eyes, then looking down submissively he asked, “what do you want to do to me?”

The submissive look on Chu Ling’s face made Zhou Tu’s mind chaotic. Oh how he wanted to rip off all of Chu Ling’s clothes, throw him to the ground and taste every part of his burly body before taking his prize. But doubt started to creep into Zhou Tu’s mind as he reminded himself; ‘this is one of my honoured Leaders, how could I be so disrespectful?’

Seeing the emotions play out on his young lover’s beautiful face, Chu Ling coyly said, “Zhou Tu my dear, don’t think of me as your Leader right now, I’m yours to enjoy however you want.”

Zhou Tu’s resolve solidified and he said sternly, “Chu Ling put me down, I want to taste every part of your naughty body.”

Blushing bright red with a huge smile, Chu Ling slowly lowered his disciple to the ground.

When Zhou Tu’s feet touch the grass, he pulled slightly back from his Healer’s body and undid his robes. Captivated at the giant python inside being released, Zhou Tu’s mouth went dry, Chu Ling really was huge.

Gently pulling out of Chu Ling’s embrace, Zhou Tu went down onto his knees and lowered his head to the vast bulging cock poking out of his Leader’s white robes.

Softly kissing the hot bulbous tip, Zhou Tu smiled as his lips were instantly coated in the stickiness of Chu Ling’s arousal.

That one touch sent shivers up Chu Ling’s spine, trembling he put his hands lightly on his disciple’s shoulders.

Looking up with a naughty smile, Zhou Tu licked his lips and said in a sultry drawl, “oh Chu Ling you taste delicious.”

The powerful burly healer blush bright red, he didn’t understand why but he was loving being teased by his smaller lover.

Using both hands, Zhou Tu firmly grasped Chu Ling’s long hard cock and stroked it up and down, while he pushed his head forwards sucking in as much as he could.

Chu Ling closed his eyes and moaned in delight at the wonderful feel of his man’s hot wet mouth round his sensitive member.


Chu Ling’s and Zhou Tu’s sexual pleasure flowed through their collective link, surprising Luo Bai.

Out on the practice field surrounded by disciples with razor sharp swords, Luo Bai made a single miss step and, for the first time in 300 years, a disciple sliced the end of a single strand of his hair.

The disciples were all stunned by their Leader’s slip, which led to each of them making a couple of missteps themselves, Luo Bai capitalised on their mistakes and knocked them all down with a quick succession of strikes.

Thinking he should really tie his hair up properly, rather than leaving half down as he found it comfortable, Luo Bai schooled his expression and said, “that is why you must never become distracted during a fight, always be aware of your surroundings and leave emotion off the battle field.”


Gong Qiu Yu was waiting impatiently for his disciples to clear up and leave, on the surface his countenance was as serine as ever as he used his fan to cool his face, but inside he was a mess of passionate desire.

When he felt the second wave of sexual pleasure hit, his jaw clenched as he stopped himself from dashing out of the teaching hall.

The last student finally left and Gong Qiu Yu stood up, his lower half aching to be used.

Taking a step towards the door he realised he would never be able to make it to his men with out being seen, in this state he just didn’t have the speed of his fellow Leaders.

Instead of going to his men, he walked as quickly as he could to a small antae room at the side of the hall.

Closing the door to the barely furnished wooden room, he made a small set of hand motions and erected a shield inside.

Satisfied he wouldn’t be found, he dropped his robes and took hold of himself; he needed release and he needed it now.


Luo Bai was just finishing up giving pointers to his disciples to practice before their next training session, when Gong Qiu Yu’s pleasure piled on top.

Freezing for a moment, with deep determination Luo Bai continued, “Disciple Wang make sure you protect your central line; when you turned to your left with the back strike, you left yourself open, it was only a fraction of a second but it was enough to be dangerous if this had been a real fight. I’ll see you all next week, I’ll be leaving first.”

His disciples all bowed deeply and Luo Bai left as calmly as he could manage.

Sensing Gong Qiu Yu alone on the far side of the peak from their men, and being half way between them, Luo Bai flew as fast as he could to his lovely scholar.

Reaching the teaching hall Luo Bai was surprised to find it empty, there wasn’t even a sound. It was only due to the extra sensitivity from their mark that he was able to sense his lover’s Qi.

Going to the door to the antae room, Luo Bai checked behind him then knocked lightly and whispered, “Gong Qiu Yu, it’s Luo Bai let me in.”

The door was pulled sharply open and Luo Bai was yanked inside, then roughly slammed against the solid wood door that trembled with the impact.

Luo Bai smiled in surprise at his lover’s urgent passion, this was not the Gong Qiu Yu he knew so well; his beautiful scholar’s usually calm dark eyes were rimmed red and full of unconcealed lust.

The smell of Luo Bai’s light sweat was making Gong Qiu Yu crazy with desire. He roughly kissed his man’s lips while he tore his robes off, he paused as he saw Luo Bai’s hard penis tied to his leg, but even that surprise didn’t slow down his passionate desires.

Without a word, he turned his excited martial artist round and pushed him against the door.

Easily seeing his scholar’s intention, Luo Bai spread his legs apart, his heart and mind full of anticipation.

Licking his index finger, Gong Qiu Yu smoothly slid it deep inside his man’s hot body.

Encouraging his lusty lover, Luo Bai moaned softly as Gong Qiu Yu quickly loosened him up, enjoying every thrust of his man’s long dexterous fingers, accompanied by hot passionate kisses on his neck and back.

On the different parts of the peak, the six men felt each others delighted arousal as they sensually began to pleasure each other.

Sorry for the late update 🙏







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