The Good Incubus

Chapter 104 (NSFW) Passion And Delight

Chapter 104

Passion And Delight


Recap: Xie Jie< Hao Kong. Luo Bai< Gong Qiu Yu. Chu Ling-Zhou Tu.

Snuggled comfortably in Hao Kong’s arms, enjoying his smooth thrusts, Xie Jie was intrigued by the emotions he could feel from their men.

Chu Ling and Luo Bai had climaxed, but neither of them were satisfied and were trying to encourage their partner to take them more.

The all encompassing feeling of quiet naughty delight coming from Zhou Tu was making Xie Jie heat up with it’s intensity.

Whereas, he was startled by the passion rolling off of Gong Qiu Yu, it was far more extreme than he ever imagined when he first met the serine scholar.

Then there was the deep love from Hao Kong as he smoothly brought their bodies together.

When Xie Jie had left home, he had been scared he wouldn’t meet even one person who would love him back, and now there were 5. He wanted to find and mark all of his men, making him theirs forever.

The mark on Hao Kong’s shoulder erupted with love, and pleasure surged through his body making his mind blank, as Xie Jie’s desire for his lovers poured into him.

Hugging his beautiful incubus to his chest, Hao Kong trembled deep inside his lover, his hot seed spurting into Xie Jie’s tight body.

Hao Kong’s strong feelings of love flowed round their collective link and across the peak they all held each other close, their hearts beating as one.

Panting deeply, Hao Kong kissed Xie Jie’s neck and whispered, “I’m sorry my love, your desire was too strong, I couldn’t hold back.”

“No, I should be the one apologising, the feeling of you all overwhelmed me, I couldn’t hold back my love for you.”

Turning Xie Jie in his arms, Hao Kong kissed him gently on the lips; his deep voice was soft and sweet as he said, “My love, I never knew how lonely my life was until I met you.”

Snuggling deeper into his man’s arms, Xie Jie luxuriated in the sound of his husband’s strong heart beat, and whispered back, “I’ll never let you be lonely again my love.”

After a long minute of cuddling, with a sexy smile curving his lips Hao Kong said, “Chu Ling and Zhou Tu are outside, do you want to go join in?”

“I’d rather like to go watch what Zhou Tu has planned for Chu Ling.” Said Xie Jie licking his lips with anticipation.


Outside the hut, Zhou Tu held Chu Ling’s hard cock in one hand and his soft balls in the other, while his tongue was deep inside his hot body, licking up and down the sensitive ringed muscles.

Chu Ling’s head was down between his arms against the cool grass and he was moaning incoherently, desperately fighting the desire to cum again.

Then they both heard Xie Jie and Hao Kong come out of the hut and sit on the porch watching them.

It was all too much for Chu Ling, it was all so embarrassing already, and now to be watched being pleasured in such a dirty way!

Pushing his hips back slightly, his fingers and toes dug into the soil and rock below him as he came all over Zhou Tu’s hands, while a deep breathy moan burst free from his lips as he gave voice to his ecstasy.

Chu Ling’s emotions that shot round their link this time were tinged with embarrassed delight.

Luo Bai briefly wondered what Chu Ling and Zhou Tu were doing, whereas Gong Qiu Yu didn’t even spare it a thought; he was lost in the wonder that was his martial artist’s body.

Sending his lover’s energy safely back into him, Zhou Tu sat back on his heals and smiled brightly at Chu Ling, then brought his hand down sharply on the dazed Leader’s red rump.

Caught completely by surprise, Chu Ling’s head shot up and he let out a small cry of pained delight.

Wiping all their juices off his face, Zhou Tu said innocently, “you taste delicious all over my wonderful Chu Ling.”

Kneeling up he gave the blushing healer no time to recover, quickly pushing his hard wet cock up to Chu Ling’s dripping soft ring, he in one smooth motion slid into his hot tight body.

Chu Ling’s mind felt weak, he wasn’t sure if he could go again so soon, but as his disciple pushed gently into his fullest, Chu Ling couldn’t help but sigh, “oh Zhou Tu...”

Lovingly stroking his powerful healer’s quickly healing bum, Zhou Tu replied, “yes my naughty Chu Ling? What can I do for you?”

Embarrassment radiated off of Chu Ling as he dropped his head back to the grass and said meekly, “Take me, please make me yours Zhou Tu.”

His heart thundering in his ears, Zhou Tu started to gently thrust, then began to get faster and faster.

Losing a little of his restraint he held Chu Ling’s powerful hips and pulled their bodies together, driving his cock deep into his moaning man, “Chu Ling you feel amazing!”

Watching the sexy show, Xie Jie wrapped his tail round his husband and whispered, “you are all a dream harem.”


On the other side of the peak; Gong Qiu Yu froze for half a second and pulled his panting Luo Bai off of the door and into his strong left arm.

Putting his right hand over Luo Bai’s mouth to stop his soft moans escaping, he whispered in his ear, “My lovely Luo Bai, you are going to have to keep your voice down. There are golden core level disciples coming into the hall with Master Long.”

Luo Bai heard what his man was saying, but still weak to his recent sexual awakening, his reason was lost to the amazing sensations of his lower half.

Sucking Gong Qiu Yu’s finger into his mouth he mumbled round the digit, “what ever my love wants, I’ll do.”

Gong Qiu Yu almost lost the small composure he had regained, but he fought to control himself, he was not going to let anyone see his Luo Bai in this position. No one could know the strong protector of Snow Mist Peak was brought to this state of incapacity by being taken roughly from behind.

Moving back Gong Qiu Yu went to pull out, but Luo Bai grabbed his hips and held him in.

Turning his flushed face back, Luo Bai whispered, “don’t stop, please don’t stop loving me.”

Gong Qiu Yu held his man tightly round the chest and plunged his rock solid member fully back in, taking him with long firm thrusts.

Luo Bai melted inside, Gong Qiu Yu’s arms around him made him feel loved in a way he never imagined for himself; in his long life love had always seemed like it was meant for others.

With a tear running down his cheek he whispered, “I love you Gong Qiu Yu, please be mine forever.”

Stopping with their hot sweaty bodies held tight together, Gong Qiu Yu put his head on his lover’s shoulder and whispered into his ear, “I’m never letting you go, I’ve waited too long for you, I’m going to enjoy every part of you for the rest of our long lives.”

Luo Bai held in his cry of delight, not wanting any one to see his ridiculously sexy scholar.

Gently nibbling at his man’s ear, Gong Qiu Yu whispered, “I want to see your face.”

Pulling his cock slowly out, he lovingly lifted up Luo Bai, then laid him on his back on the hard wooden floor.

Pushing his tall lover’s tanned knees to his strong toned chest, which spread his butt cheeks wide and exposed his little twitching hole, Gong Qiu Yu enjoyed the view of his long hard cock as he pushed back into his beloved man.

Feeling his martial artist’s desire to be filled, he thrust hard and fast, all the time watching Luo Bai’s fierce features contorting as he struggled to contain his growing pleasure.

Grabbing up his green belt from the floor, Gong Qiu Yu pushed the soft fabric into his lover’s open mouth, stifling his loudening moans.

Kissing down his strong man’s jaw and on to his neck, Gong Qiu Yu whispered in his ear, “you can’t let anyone but our lovers hear you’re sexy voice.”

With his heart thumping in his ears Luo Bai stared at his beautiful man, he was beginning to understand Chu Ling’s desire to be dominated, he was getting incredibly aroused by Gong Qiu Yu’s man handling of him and he wanted more.


Wondering how best to delight Chu Ling, Zhou Tu looked from the delightful strong broad back and bum in front of him, to the naked men on the porch and grinned mischievously.

Leaning forward Zhou Tu put his arms round his man, then grabbed onto the back of his thighs and lifted.

Feeling his lover’s intention, Chu Ling changed his weight to help his smaller man lift him up. A deep sensual cry left his lips as he slid down Zhou Tu’s hard cock that wonderfully filled him up.

Held against his disciple’s slender chest he was beyond embarrassed, he lifted his hands to hide his red face.

Zhou Tu’s soft voice filled his ears, “Don’t hide your beautiful reaction, let our lovers see all of you, my dirty desire.”

Obediently dropping his hands down, Chu Ling looked up with half closed teary eyes at his two naked men sat on the porch, he could feel the wonderful heat of their lusty gazes on his exposed body.

Struggling to see round his big lover, Zhou Tu walked slowly in the direction of the hut, letting the movements of his hard member pass through to his man, who couldn’t help but moan in delight.

In a conversational tone Hao Kong said to Xie Jie, “I can see why you wanted to come and watch the show, I could watch Chu Ling being taken all day.”

The burly healer blushed down to his chest and looked down to the ground, but inside he was thrilled, now his kinky man was teasing him too.

Zhou Tu gratefully adjusted his course to the sound of Hao Kong’s voice.

“I can see why you wanted to come and join in, our men look very enticing together.” Replied Xie Jie as if commenting on the weather.

Stretching out his chain, Dun Guanlian looked up at the approaching men and seeing the dirty smile on Zhou Tu’s face and the embarrassed sexual delight on Chu Ling’s, he wrapped loosely around the healer’s strong brown neck and gently guided the pair over.

Feeling the cold metal links encase his neck, Chu Ling’s eyes went wide with fear for a fraction of a heartbeat. Then the links carefully caressed his flesh and he smiled shyly as he remembered Dun Guanlian’s sexy voice saying, “any time you want my chains they are yours.”

Stroking the chain linking his husband and his lover, in a deep sexy voice Hao Kong said, “Oh wondrous Dun Guanlian, I can see why you like having a pet, your chains look delightful on our Chu Ling’s skin.”

Reaching the bottom of the porch, Zhou Tu tipped Chu Ling back slightly and lifted his legs up and apart, exposing his filled rear for his lovers to see.

Surprised by how much he was enjoying teasing his healer and being watched by their men, Zhou Tu held their blushing man in his arms and gently moved him up and down the full length of his cock.

Looking at the hungry faces in front of him, while being openly taken with nowhere to hide, Chu Ling felt so dirty. He was being taken by a disciple in front of a Master and an incubus, it broke so many taboos, yet felt so right.

Chu Ling’s mind went blank and he climaxed again, his hot seed shooting out in an arc and landing on Xie Jie’s leg.

With a devious grin, Xie Jie said sternly, “Chu Ling you have dirtied my leg with your cum, I think you should be punished.”

His shining eyes down cast, Chu Ling said shyly, “I’m sorry Xie Jie, I will accept what ever punishment you feel is fitting.”

His smile turning thoughtful Xie Jie asked, “does all of your body regenerate as fast as the cuts healed?”

The others looked slightly alarmed at Xie Jie’s question, whereas, Chu Ling meekly replied with a barely hidden smile, “all of me heals at the same speed.”

Climbing slowly off of the porch Xie Jie walked sedately to Chu Ling while saying, “in which case I think your punishment should fit the crime, if you like to cum on me so much, we shall make you cum until you beg us to stop.”

As he finished speaking, Xie Jie ran a lazy finger down the middle of Chu Ling’s chest, filling his body with sexual energy.

Chu Ling’s very cells cried out with pleasure, his eyes went wide and with a deep uncontrolled moan he instantly climaxed again; his seed hitting Xie Jie in the chest this time.

Wiping his finger through Chu Ling’s milky white liquid, Xie Jie smiled sensually and licked his finger, “wonderful.”

Zhou Tu smiled and thrust faster and deeper into Chu Ling’s body, feeling his healer’s pleasure start to build straight back up.

A look of delighted determination flitted across Chu Ling’s face and Xie Jie understood, that even after hours the beautiful Leader was not going to beg for it to stop.

Feeling that the field was a little too exposed for such dirty endeavours, Xie Jie commanded Chu Ling in a stern voice, “take us to the Leaders caves so we may properly punish you.”

To the others Chu Ling and Zhou Tu instantly disappeared; but Dun Guanlian sighed softly, the gentle caress of his metal by the big healer’s hands was so erotic, as he unwrapped his links before moving.

Before Xie Jie or Hao Kong could register the movement, they were stood in the communal room of the Leaders caves.

Stood in the middle of his lovers with his head lowered deferentially, Chu Ling was blushing bright red, ready to be punished.

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