The Good Incubus

Chapter 114 Mama Song

Chapter 114

Mama Song


Returning to his senses, Xie Jie felt his men’s surprise and looked round at their shocked faces, “you know Mama Song?”

Before the others could answer, Mama Song asked in a rush, “my dear Jie what was that explosion of power? How did you grow your wings this quickly? And why are they that beautiful colour?”

Smiling Xie Jie answered, “that was the energy of me growing my wings. I have no idea why my wings are this colour. And I grew...”

Dun Xinyi’s deep voice interrupted by saying, “your wings are that colour because you are pure, you have never killed with your incubus powers.”

Xie Jie repeated Dun Xinyi’s words and got lots of shocked stares. 

At which point he pulled Hao Kong over with his tail and said, “Mama Song don’t get angry, but I would like to introduce you to my husband, this is my Hao Kong.”

Blushing slightly Hao Kong bowed low to the beautiful lady, “well met... erm, Elder Mama Song?”

The rising power emanating off of Mama Song was staggering as she said through clenched teeth, “my dear Jie this is too quick, you can’t choose your first husband this fast.”

The next instant Yan Zhu stood firmly in front of Hao Kong and Xie Jie, his ethereal face taught with repressed anger. 

A look of guilt flashed into Mama Song’s beautiful face and her energy instantly vanished, a deep anger sounded in Yan Zhu’s voice as he said, “at least you know you should be ashamed. How could you leave me in that mess? I thought we were friends Song Qiao! And don’t you dare look down on my Hao Kong!”

Her eyebrows knitting and then raising, Song Qiao answered, “your Hao Kong? Hang on, don’t tell me your... you like My Xie Jie? You old bastard don’t you dare lay a finger on him.”

“Too late.” Said Yan Zhu like a five-year-old, and stuck out his tongue.

Staring between Yan Zhu and Xie Jie, who was smiling sweetly at the tall Elder, Song Qiao puffed up with rage and grabbed the Elder’s collar.

Careful to not touch his Mama Song, Xie Jie shouted over the huge storm of energy, “Mama Song please don’t harm him.”

Looking into Xie Jie’s beautiful dark eyes that were filling with fear, Song Qiao deflated with a sigh and asked, “why did you choose him? It’s weird for me, I’ve known him since we were disciples together.”

“I’m sorry Mama Song,” replied Xie Jie without a trace of remorse, “but how could I care about things like age, when you are only a little over half my mother’s age and your love is beautiful. I fell instantly for Yan Zhu’s heart when he helped my men grow my wings.”

Shocked, Song Qiao asked cautiously, “Xie Jie how many people have you marked?”

To Song Qiao’s surprise, four men blushed besides Hao Kong. Looking closer she recognised the Leaders, who had been impressive Masters before she left. 

Frustration bloomed into her face again and turning angrily to Xie Jie she said, “didn’t I teach you better than this?! You little horn dog?! You need to be careful; you can’t give away your heart to just anyone! Have you forgotten what an incubus mark is when given by a pure incubus like yourself?”

Raising his chin in defiance, Xie Jie said, “I haven’t forgotten any of your teachings, I proudly give my heart to my men. I have nothing to fear from any of them, they are all honourable and kind.”

Worry was evident in Song Qiao’s face, making Chu Ling tentatively ask his young incubus, “my love why would you have anything to fear from us?”

Avoiding Chu Ling’s eyes, Xie Jie refused to say anything, he didn’t want to worry his lovers.

Rolling her eyes at her son, Song Qiao said, “because a good incubus, unlike those evil bastards, gives his lover a part of his soul with his mark. So if you destroyed his mark it could damage his very being.”

Hao Kong paled and pulled Xie Jie into a tight embrace, “I would never do anything to hurt my husband,” seeing the erotic look of love in his man’s eyes, Hao Kong added with a naughty smile, “unless he asked me to.” 

Shaking her head with a laugh Song Qiao said, “OK I can see it, he is a good choice.”

From Hao Kong’s arms, Xie Jie said with a dirty smile, “you don’t even know the half of how perfect a pervert he is.”

“Please don’t say that in front of your Mother.” Pleaded Hao Kong while blushing a deep red.

“I’m not his Mother,” said Song Qiao, mirth dancing in her eyes, “I am her first wife. There is probably nothing you have done that I haven’t seen in his Mother’s harem.”

Seeing Yan Zhu’s shocked look, Song Qiao hurriedly changed the topic, “now tell me about these other marks, why are you only calling Hao Kong your husband?”

Dropping his eyes to the side, Xie Jie said, “well you see we had a slight accident, I have only fully marked Hao Kong, but I gave these four an open mark and then it sort of got more... permanent.”

“Let me see.” Said Song Qiao with an air of resigned acceptance. 

Xie Jie smiled encouragingly at his men, who all came forward and bowed, “Well met Elder Song.”

Grumpily Song Qiao replied, “we’ll see how well met we are after I see your marks; now strip.”

The three Leaders were mortified as they removed their robes. Song Qiao had been their honoured Leader for a large part of their long lives, they felt like naughty disciples who had been caught with their hands in the cookie jar. 

Trying not to tremble, they put their hands over their manhood and waited for her verdict.

Even having lived in Xie Chang’s harem, Song Qiao’s eyes went wide as she saw Chu Ling’s huge member.

Sternly with only a sliver of humour, Xie Jie said, “don’t get any ideas, I won’t give up any of my men, we mean too much to each other.”

The naked men all blushed to their chests as their hearts raced, and each of them fell a little more in love with their incubus.

Putting her hands up defensively, Song Qiao said, “I wouldn’t dream of it! But I have to say you have good taste.” Looking at Fen Ru Chao and Yan Zhu she asked, “so you haven’t marked either of them yet?”

“No, I may have been cavalier with my lovely Hao Kong, and accidentally marked the others a bit too thoroughly, but I still want to make sure they have time to decide properly.”

Yan Zhu’s and Fen Ru Chao’s hearts raced at the same speed as the others, they were finding Xie Jie more and more captivating.

“As it should be.” Said Song Qiao nodding in satisfaction. While talking she looked at the open marks and asked curiously, “you have made a bit of a mess of this, it doesn’t even seem to be all your energy, what happened?”

Hao Kong stepped forward with his head lowered, “I’m sorry, it was my fault. We all have different strengths, so to protect us all, I dispersed Chu Ling’s climax energy through my full mark to everyone’s open marks.”

“It was also my fault.” Said Xie Jie, putting a comforting hand on his husband’s shoulder he added, “I didn’t realise how much strain maintaining the sexual field over Snow Mist Peak was causing my body. I didn’t know the side effects when I gave them all an open mark.”

Shock rung in Song Qiao’s voice, “you held a sexual field over Snow Mist Peak? Why on earth would you do that? That could have killed you at your level of development.”

Fen Ru Chao was stunned, like the rest of the Sect, he hadn’t known how much Xie Jie had risked or how strenuous it had been for him to protect them all. No wonder the others had fallen for this lovely young man. 

Luo Bai couldn’t help but get proud of his incubus and said, “Xie Jie held the field for 3 days and nights to protect everyone from a love demon; he was amazing.” Turning from Song Qiao, Luo Bai stroked Xie Jie’s cheek and said gently, “you are amazing my love.”

Xie Jie’s heart fluttered at his man’s words, he gently lifted Luo Bai’s hand from his cheek and kissed his rough palm while looking into his glistening dark eyes. 

Sighing softly, Song Qiao said with a hint of mocking, “are you done showing off your lover?”

Blushing bright red, Luo Bai stood back in position in front of Song Qiao with his head lowered. While Xie Jie said full of pride in his man, “I’ll never be done showing off my spectacular lovers, they are wonderful.”

Smiling absent-mindedly at her son, Song Qiao looked even closer at Gong Qiu Yu’s mark and said, “this is truly fascinating... hey what are you doing?” 

Yan Zhu released Song Qiao’s hand and said, “from what I know, you shouldn’t touch any of Xie Jie’s men or it will cause problems between your incubus and mine.”

In a flash, Xie Jie grabbed hold of Yan Zhu’s waist, slamming their bodies together in a rush of unrestrained passion. 

Looking down at the cute incubus holding him, Yan Zhu stroked his hair, carefully avoiding his horns and said shyly, “is it ok for me to call you that?”

Xie Jie’s heart thumped in his ears, as he replied nervously, “I’m thrilled, as long as you know the implications. But my dear isn’t it a little fast to make that decision?”

Holding Xie Jie to his chest so he could hear his heart thundering, with a soft loving smile Yan Zhu said, “I saw you before you met any of your men, I watched as you bravely went to save Zhou Tu, even though that water nymph could have killed you with one hit. I have watched over you this whole time; Xie Jie I know you and I want to be with you.” With a shy smile he asked, “If you want me?”

Locking eyes with the tall Elder, Xie Jie nodded, and standing on tip toes brought their lips softly together.

The surge of love and desire through their link turned all their marks deep red, and made all of the men sigh together, while starting to go hard.

Fen Ru Chao was shocked again; he hadn’t known Xie Jie had put his life in such extreme danger to save Zhou Tu. 

Every passing moment, Fen Ru Chao’s heart was getting drawn in more by the cute Incubus who already held his beloved Leader’s heart. His doting smile matched the other men, as they watched the beautiful young man with their ethereal Elder.

Stood in the buff, Zhou Tu and the Leaders blushed deep red, then they all felt Chu Ling’s arousal at being on display while hard. Licking their lips all of them turned their hungry gaze on the beautifully blushing Healer. 

With a cough Song Qiao said, “Xie Jie will you please not arouse your lovers while I’m examining them, or I won’t tell you how to fix this.”

Pulling his lips reluctantly off of Yan Zhu, with a huge smile Xie Jie apologised, “sorry Mama Song.”

At some point while everyone else was distracted, Fen Ru Chao’s curiosity had gotten the better of him, and he was stood behind Chu Ling looking at his mark, “Elder Song, if I’m correct; this is an interwoven link of Hao Kong’s Qi and Xie Jie’s sexual energy, that runs right into their Dantian. The only way to safely change it, would be to remove the energy and start again, or if you didn’t care about hurting the person, you could over write it.” 

Delight brightened Chu Ling’s handsome brown face and he pulled his direct disciple into a hug, completely forgetting he was currently naked, “Fen Ru Chao you really are amazing.”

The feel of Chu Ling’s strong body and giant member against his abdomen, made Fen Ru Chao feel momentarily dizzy as his heart raced. Then his lower half raised up with lust, horribly embarrassed he tried to gently pull out of his Leader’s arms. 

Not letting his disciple go, Chu Ling held him in place and whispered sensually in his ear, “if you want to join us, I’m going to get to feel it more than this.”

In a rush of desire, that he had been repressing for more than a hundred years, Fen Ru Chao reached up and kissed Chu Ling inexpertly on the lips.

The groups marks turned a deep passionate red again, and they all let out the sigh of joy that Chu Ling was feeling.

Holding the Master Healer’s delicate black face in his hands, Chu Ling went to deepen their kiss, when Song Qiao again coughed and brought them back to their senses.

Looking adoringly at Xie Jie, Mama Song said, “my boy you really have found yourself a loving home here.”

Getting more serious she added, “Your young Healer is right and yet wrong. Sexual energy is different to Qi, and because Hao Kong is fully marked, his Qi when mixed with yours is also different. As a result, you can re-do their marks and it will seamlessly blend with what is there to become a full incubus mark.” 

Turning to all of the men in front of her, Song Qiao said seriously, “as cultivators you have to be careful when being marked; make sure to pull Xie Jie’s energy gently round all of your meridians and into your Dantian. If you hinder his energy in anyway when he marks you, it could cause irreparable harm to your cultivation.”

All of them nodded solemnly, then looked at Hao Kong. Gong Qiu Yu asked what they were all thinking, “how did you know what to do?”

Putting his hand in his hair, Hao Kong laughed nervously and said, “I didn’t really know, I just wanted every part of me to belong to Xie Jie, so I accepted his energy into my entire being.”

Hao Kong was almost crushed by the power of Xie Jie’s hug; the ecstatic incubus kissed him all over his beautiful smiling face.

After a long happy moment, Xie Jie released Hao Kong and turned to Song Qiao, “thank you Mama Song for coming to see me, I’m sorry I worried you. Please can I introduce all of my men to you?”

With a smile Song Qiao bowed deeply to Hao Kong and said, “Well met son-in-law, it is an honour to meet my son’s first husband. Please look after him for me.”

Cupping his hands, Hao Kong bowed deeply in return.

Then turning to the Leaders and Zhou Tu, Song Qiao bowed again and said, “Well met my son’s lovers, it is an honour to meet you all, please look after him for me.”

The Leaders and Zhou Tu bowed solemnly to Song Qiao in return.

Turning to Fen Ru Chao and Yan Zhu, she bowed and said, “Well met old friend and new friend. Please look after Xie Jie for me.”

The pair smiled at the cute incubus that bound them all together, then bowed deeply to Mama Song.

Grinning mischievously, in a very similar way to Xie Jie, Song Qiao said, “I will see you at the next mating flight, look after each other.” Turning to her son she said, “my dear Jie I’m so happy you are growing well, remember all I taught you and be safe my love.”

Tightness in his heart, Xie Jie bowed, “good bye Mama Song, please send my love to your family.”

With a last charming smile, Song Qiao put energy into her sword, and stepping onto the thin flying metal, left with a wave.


Hi lovely readers, sorry for the long wait. I have been weirdly jinxed while editing this chapter. 

Funnily all those moons ago when I chose this name of Jinz, it was supposed to be jinx but I spelt it wrong 🤦‍♀️. Hope you all are have a great time. See you soon.

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