The Good Incubus

Chapter 116 (NSFW) Watchful Lovers

Chapter 116

Watchful Lovers


recap: Leader Luo Bai x disciple Zhou Tu, Leader Chu Ling x Master Fen Ru Chao

In delighted silence, the rest of the men watched their lovers undress each other. Gong Qiu Yu, Hao Kong, Yan Zhu and Xie Jie were sat on the soft cushions enjoying the show, each of their hands clasping another’s.

Yan Zhu whispered to Xie Jie, “watching in person is much more fun than from seclusion.”

With a naughty grin Hao Kong said, “joining in is even more fun.” Turning his Elder’s face round to him, he asked in a low sensual tone, “could I please be the first to properly pleasure you my dear Yan Zhu?”

The Elder’s mouth went dry at his previous-disciple's softly spoken words. Over the decades that led up to his seclusion, he had wished countless times that his emotions hadn’t been waning, so he could confess his feelings to this handsome man in front of him. Yet now to be asked so forwardly made him nervous.

Seeing Yan Zhu’s expression, Hao Kong took his powerful hand and kissed it, “we can stop at any time if it’s too much for you, I don’t want to rush you my love.”

The hand in his grasp slightly shook as Yan Zhu nodded, sending tingles up Hao Kong’s arm with it’s strength.

Hao Kong sealed Yan Zhu’s beautiful dusty lips with his own and gave him the sensual kiss he hadn’t understood he desired a hundred years ago.


Gong Qiu Yu and Xie Jie moved to the side, and the Leader asked, “do you want to join in as well?”

“I can think of nothing I would like more than to be with you right now Gong Qiu Yu, but I want to make sure our men are all ok first.”

Love surged into Xie Jie from Gong Qiu Yu, as the scholar fell deeper in love with his incubus’s goodness. For a sexual being to hold back for the sake of his lovers was the greatest show of caring devotion.

Xie Jie made the mistake of looking into his sexy scholar’s loving dark eyes, in less than a heartbeat he lost is resolve to hold back. Capturing those lovely thin lips, he kissed his man passionately for a long moment, all other thoughts forgotten.

Coming back to his senses, Xie Jie reluctantly broke their kiss.

The pair couldn’t bare to be apart, Gong Qiu Yu pulled him into his embrace while Xie Jie’s tail wrapped round his waist. Snuggling close they watched over the sexy men around them, ready to help if needed.


Zhou Tu had just removed Luo Bai’s robes and the two were kissing deeply again.

In their minds both of them were thanking Gong Qiu Yu and Xie Jie for bringing them together. They knew if it hadn’t been for their lovers, they never would have fallen in love.

“Why has your kissing changed so much my dear Luo Bai?” Asked Zhou Tu after a soft gentle caress of his man's usually firm tongue.

Looking down into Zhou Tu’s shining green eyes, Luo Bai said shyly, “our Gong Qiu Yu changed it.”

Remembering the unexpected joy of submitting to his lover’s passion, Luo Bai smiled tentatively. For the first time in many decades he felt nervous. He now understood why Chu Ling had been reluctant to tell him about his fetish; what if his lover didn’t understand?

Refusing to be afraid, Luo Bai said timidly, “our passionate Gong Qiu Yu taught me the delight of being dominated by your lover.”

The fire that lit behind Zhou Tu’s eyes startled Luo Bai, his heart raced as his shorter man pulled his head roughly down into another deep kiss.

Pulling Luo Bai back by his half loose hair, Zhou Tu said, “there is no way I can cultivate with you after hearing your delightful words, there are too many things I now want to do with you.”

“If your passion is great enough to make me submit,” said Luo Bai in a challenging tone, “you can do what ever you want with me my lovely Tu.”

The love and lust that poured out of the pair almost overwhelmed their lovers.

Zhou Tu used all his strength to push Luo Bai roughly to his hands and knees, he made sure to turn the taller man around so he faced Xie Jie and Gong Qiu Yu.

The smile on Luo Bai’s face contorted in pleasure, as Zhou Tu pushed his tongue deep into his tight ring while firmly grabbing his tender balls.


Chu Ling pulled Fen Ru Chao’s face gently round from the sight of his men and said softly, “don’t worry, we will take it slowly.”

His mouth watering at the delightful sight he had just seen and heard, Fen Ru Chao nodded at Chu Ling with shining eyes. But he put that image away, hoping one day he could try it with his beloved.

Stood naked embracing the man he had desired for so long, Fen Ru Chao felt overwhelmed and his heart beat wildly.

Feeling his disciple’s heart race, Chu Ling gently lifted Fen Ru Chao up into his arms and cuddled him softly, “my dear if this is too much please say, I want you to fully enjoy everything we do together.”

“It’s not too much.” Swallowing hard Fen Ru Chao forced his embarrassment down and said, “On the contrary, my desire to be with you is making it hard to restrain myself. But I’m worried, I don’t have any experience, what if I hurt you?”

Blushing and lowering his eyes, Chu Ling replied, “you don’t have to worry about hurting me, I want you to give me all of your passion.”

Chu Ling lowered Fen Ru Chao down and dropped to his knees. Slowly he kissed down his man’s slender black muscular abdomen, all the way down to his long dark cock. Chu Ling’s eyes turned hungry as he saw that Fen Ru Chao was equal in size to Hao Kong, the length and girth made his mouth water in anticipation.

Licking his lips, Chu Ling kissed the tip of Fen Ru Chao’s hard member and gently cupped his balls.

Gasping and grabbing Chu Ling’s broad shoulders, Fen Ru Chao stared in wonder as his honoured Leader dipped his head down and up, sucking and licking his hugely underused cock.

The hot wet feel of his Leader’s mouth made the Master Healer’s mind fuzzy and he mumbled, “That’s too good.”

Smiling round the hard member in his mouth, Chu Ling sighed with happiness. He had wanted Fen Ru Chao to join them since he knew he loved, not just admired, the beautiful intelligent Healer he was now getting to lick and make moan.

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