The Good Incubus

Chapter 126 (NSFW) Snow Mist Peak’s Protector

Chapter 126

Snow Mist Peak’s Protector


Recap: Hao Kong>Yan Zhu(wrapped in Dun Guanlian and ethereal rope)<Gong Qiu Yu->Zhou Tu

Xie Jie x Luo Bai

Chu Ling x Fen Ru Chao

To everyone’s surprise, Yan Zhu yelled, “don’t let him mark Luo Bai!”

The urgency in the Elder’s shout stopped Xie Jie in his tracks.

Seeing their incubus come back to his senses, Yan Zhu relaxed into Hao Kong’s strong beige arms.

“Why can’t he mark me?” Asked Luo Bai, his confusion clear in his dark eyes, “I whole heartedly give my permission.” Turning to his young incubus he said in a soft tender voice full of love, “I want to be marked by you and become your husband.”

Xie Jie’s body reacted on its own for half a heart beat, his jaws were on Luo Bai’s lean shoulder before he wrestled control from his instincts.

Yan Zhu’s voice cut through Xie Jie’s hazy thoughts, “Luo Bai your energy is tied up in Snow Mist Peak’s defences.”

The men all froze as they remembered Xie Jie almost marking Luo Bai previously.

Guilt flooded their link and Xie Jie asked, “does that mean our open mark is a problem?”

“It doesn’t appear to be.” His mind going fuzzy from Hao Kong’s and Gong Qiu Yu’s thrusting, Yan Zhu pleaded, “Can we please discuss this later!? Oh Hao Kong that feels amazing! Oh Gong Qiu Yu! Yes there, please there!”

Tensing Luo Bai paled, turning to Xie Jie he said, “can you give me a moment, I need to check my energy.”

Hugging his man comfortingly Xie Jie asked, “is there anything I can help with?”

“It’s ok my lovely one.” The doting smile that curled Luo Bai’s lips softened his fierce beauty and set all the men’s hearts thumping, “I just need to check my Qi connection to the defences, it will only take a moment of quiet reflection.”

Moving between his men, Luo Bai’s eyes fell on Zhou Tu and he asked the young man shyly, “could you please help me calm down?”

Gong Qiu Yu took his lips off their disciple’s cock, and Zhou Tu’s arms were around Luo Bai’s strong waist in a moment, his look of love melting the older cultivator’s heart.

Picking up his young beauty, Luo Bai sat cross legged with his man in his lap. As Zhou Tu’s relaxing energy flowed through his Qi points, he took some deep calming breaths and centred his mind and body.

The complicated set of flashing hand motions Luo Bai performed, took a full 30 seconds to complete.

When his fingers came together in a linked diamond shape at the end, a small scale model of Snow Mist Peak made of shining golden lines emerged out of his body.

All around the shining peaks were large golden shields, each linked with a spiders web of energy, all focusing back to the spiritual caves and Luo Bai.

Sat in his Leader’s lap Zhou Tu breathed in wonder, “Luo Bai you are amazing.”

“You didn’t think I just swung a sword around did you?” Replied Luo Bai with a cheeky grin.

From over his shoulder Chu Ling said, “but you swing a sword so beautifully.”

Luo Bai went stiff at the memory of Chu Ling being on the receiving end of his sword. The centre of the spiders web of energy shook, sending out a ripple of discordant energy across the whole mountain.

Lovingly Zhou Tu put his lips to Luo Bai’s and the energy instantly stilled.

Sighing happily Luo Bai said, “Oh my Tu, please stay with me forever.”

Zhou Tu’s heart raced for a moment, then self doubt entered his mind and he thought sadly, ‘there’s no way this amazing man wants me, he just wants my soothing energy.’

Luo Bai’s calloused hands cupped Zhou Tu’s cheeks and he kissed his man passionately, “I love you my little Tu, not just your energy.”

The spike of love from Luo Bai turned all the others heads.

Looking straight into Zhou Tu’s doubt filled green eyes, Luo Bai said in a soft tone, “I love all of you; from your wonderful personality that makes me want to do better, to your beautiful eyes that light up my day, from your bravery facing hardships, to your dedication to our sect. I love how you’ll call us out for not doing as we should, then blush shyly for yelling at us. Oh Zhou Tu I find you adorable and strong. I can’t deny I find your energy soothing, in the same way that I can’t deny I find your body sexy. Please don’t doubt yourself, you are loved by us all because you are wonderful.”

Tears welled in Zhou Tu’s eyes and his energy spread soothingly through their link, making the linked men sigh happily, their marks going deep red.

The beautiful shining model of Snow Mist Peak glowed brightly as Luo Bai’s energy coalesced in the middle of the web for a moment, before spreading back out evenly.

Pulling off of Yan Zhu’s throbbing hot cock, with a smile to the Elder, Gong Qiu Yu knelt down in front of Luo Bai and Zhou Tu.

Giving his lovely disciple a tender kiss, Gong Qiu Yu said to his fellow leader, “can you please do the forms I developed centred on here.”

A look of understanding passed over Luo Bai’s face and he did a short set of complex hand motions, while moving his hands into and then away from his body.

The tiny shining cave expanded and a little glowing figure of Luo Bai appeared in the middle, he was the only person visible in the entire model.

Stretching out from the little golden Luo Bai, were multiple strands of energy of varying size. Most of the strands ran out of the cave, but 4 ended inside, each one where his lover’s were in real life.

Staring at the lines, Luo Bai said, “well you are all connected to the defences now too, but it seems to be fine.”

“Why are there only 4 strands of energy?” Asked Zhou Tu sadly, there was no strand for him.

Smiling and hugging his cute young lover to his chest, Luo Bai answered, “because your energy is too mixed in with mine to be seen right now.”

Cuddled in his Leader’s strong arm’s, Zhou Tu felt like he was floating; he had fallen hard for Luo Bai and never wanted to touch the ground again.

The tall Leader felt the same, he never wanted to let go of his cute young man. Now knowing his energy was safely combined with his men, Luo Bai moved his hands in a fast set of motions and the energy from the model returned to his body.

Lovingly caressing his Scholar’s serine face, Luo Bai held his disciple close and stood up.

Gong Qiu Yu put an arm round his fellow Leader’s waist and kissed Zhou Tu’s cheek, “I agree with both of you, you’re both wonderful.”

Returning to their waiting men, who were all smiling warmly at them, Gong Qiu Yu moved in front of Yan Zhu and said, “I’m sorry for keeping you waiting.”

The beautiful dusty skinned Elder caressed his pale Leader’s cheek and said, “I have waited for centuries to be with all of you, I will wait many more if I have to, my lovely Qiu Yu.”

In a moment Yan Zhu’s lips were captured by his passionate Scholar, who was struggling to restrain his strength while faced with his beloved Elder.

After a long moment of kissing his man, Gong Qiu Yu turned round and slowly slid his Elder’s huge wet cock back through his hot twitching ring.

Yan Zhu held tight to Gong Qiu Yu’s hips, as the men either side of him thrust onto and into him with deep resonating moans of joy.

Yan Zhu only just restrained himself from climaxing, and moaned out, “Oh Hao Kong that feels amazing! Oh Gong Qiu Yu!”

Returning to his incubus, Luo Bai said coquettishly, “where were we my dear little one?”

Xie Jie turned Luo Bai round and gently slapped his toned left buttock. Shocked delight flashed across Luo Bai’s face and he thanked the heaven’s; that out of all the sects in the world, Xie Jie had come to theirs.

Kneeling down, Xie Jie slowly pushed his long tongue into Luo Bai’s soft ring and coated everything he could. The strong Leader’s face slackened as pleasure flowed through his body from his rear.

Looking up through his dark lashes, his half closed eye’s met Zhou Tu’s, and Luo Bai’s heart skipped a beat as he saw his cute young man’s dark rimmed green eyes.

The look of Luo Bai’s lusty eyes after his loving words, made Zhou Tu’s heart thunder in his ears, cuddled in his fierce Leader’s loving embrace he felt overwhelmed with happiness and showered kisses down on Luo Bai’s cheeks and jaw.


Gong Qiu Yu pushed back onto Yan Zhu as Hao Kong thrust forward from behind and all three moaned as their bodies pressed together.

With a hand on both men’s hips, Yan Zhu said in a breathy whisper, “you both feel amazing.”

Hao Kong kissed his Elder’s shoulders, while Gong Qiu Yu turned and kissed his lips.

Yan Zhu had always been the one in charge of the others. Now without any strength, held in Dun Guanlian’s chains and the ethereal rope, he was finding being at the mercy of his previous disciple’s lust thrilling. Overwhelmed with love and lust, he half moaned half sighed into his lovely Scholar’s mouth.

Pulling back from his man’s swollen lips, Gong Qiu Yu asked with a twinkle of mischief in his eyes, “my lovely Elder, has our learning progressed to your liking?”

Hao Kong’s face lit up in a beautiful smile, how many times had he asked Yan Zhu that question when studying beneath him?

The Elder’s body trembled slightly as Hao Kong’s hard cock shifted pleasingly with his laugh. His words broken by his uncontained moans, Yan Zhu said, “you have both learnt well, please show me everything, my body is yours to demonstrate your skills on.”

The younger men both blushed as their marks turned dark red. For far too long they had both felt a strong attraction to their Elder, even if they had never fully understood the romantic nature of it.

Looking at his husband, who was currently lips deep in Luo Bai’s rear, Hao Kong again thanked all things holy that Xie Jie had been the one to open his heart.

Gong Qiu Yu recaptured Yan Zhu’s lips and moved his hips a little faster, struggling to control his passion and strength for his Elder.


Feeling loved by his men, Luo Bai moaned, “please give me the real thing, I want your cock my dear Jie.”

Getting up licking his lips, Xie Jie caressed Zhou Tu’s hip in his martial artist’s hold and said, “I’m yours to command my lusted after Leader.”

Luo Bai’s ears went red, while Xie Jie pushed his hard cock into his lover’s now soft wet ring.

Enjoying every moment of his man’s strong body, for the first time while in his right mind, Xie Jie slowly moved forward raising up onto tip toes to get fully into his tall lover.

Luo Bai felt the sensation was strangely different from their other men, Xie Jie’s penis was softer yet harder, it made no sense but felt amazing.

Holding Zhou Tu to his chest he kissed his young man deeply as he was entered by their incubus.

When Xie Jie’s abs touched his bum, Luo Bai pulled back from his kiss and moaned into Zhou Tu’s hair, “more! Jie please give me more!”

Xie Jie’s thoughts perfectly matched his man’s, they both moaned in delight as they felt his cock grow in length and girth, pulling Luo Bai’s ring tight between smooth thrusts.

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