The Good Incubus

Chapter 128 (NSFW) Far Too Long

Chapter 128

Far Too Long


Recap: Leader Scholar Gong Qiu Yu> Elder Yan Zhu

Master Healer Fen Ru Chao> Leader Healer Chu Ling> Incubus Xie Jie> Leader Martial Artist Luo Bai x Disciple Zhou Tu

Master of Magical Creatures Hao Kong

Seeing Gong Qiu Yu and Yan Zhu moving smoothly together, Hao Kong turned to the line of men making love to each other, and ran his fingers lazily along Luo Bai’s strong abs. 

Giving Zhou Tu’s rump a light kiss, he moved his hand round to Xie Jie’s slender hip and gave his husband a loving peck on the cheek. Then ran his fingers up Chu Ling’s burly chest and caressed his pert brown nipples, while looking into Fen Ru Chao’s flushed face. 

The Master Healer was slowly thrusting into his Leader, while being held lovingly by Chu Ling’s large hand on his hip. 

Seeing Hao Kong, Fen Ru Chao smiled shyly at the naked beauty before him, “Master Hao I...”

“Please don’t call me Master Hao,” said Hao Kong as he put his forefinger lightly on Fen Ru Chao’s dark lips, “my dear Fen Ru Chao.”

Blushing to his toes, the Master Healer sucked Hao Kong’s finger into his mouth and wrapped it in his tongue. 

Stunned by the lovely look of his fellow Master’s full lips around his beige finger, Hao Kong stared open mouthed for a second, then sensually pulled his finger out and asked, “my dear Fen may I please kiss you?”

Hearing Hao Kong’s softly spoken words, everyone held their breath in anticipation. 

Holding still with only his bulbous tip inside his lovely Leader’s tight ring, Fen Ru Chao felt so nervous and excited he didn’t think he could trust his voice, so instead nodded shyly. 

The two Master’s had known each other for 200 plus years and had spent a great deal of time together, learning and growing. Yet neither had thought of the other as anything more than a friend till they had met Xie Jie, and he had opened their hearts to a different way of loving. 

Now as their eyes met, they wondered how they had ever resisted each other.

Fen Ru Chao’s heart thundered in his ears as his lips softly caressed his silver haired man’s. Their lips briefly touched in a chaste kiss over and over again, every time they parted they could feel the others soft sighs on their sensitive skin, till Hao Kong was sure his friend was ready to go further. Hearing Fen Ru Chao's breathing become heavy, Hao Kong tentatively pushed his tongue into the Master healer’s mouth deepening their kiss. 

While enjoying the feel of his man’s lips, Hao Kong put his right arm around Fen Ru Chao’s strong black shoulders and his left arm around Chu Ling’s broad brown chest, then hugged them together. 

A soft moan of bliss escaped Chu Ling’s lips, as Fen Ru Chao’s even harder member slid wonderfully back into his body, the extra girth and length stimulated by Hao Kong's kissing making his ring pull delightfully tight. 

Hao Kong smiled happily as Fen Ru Chao gave an answering moan in his mouth. 

The Master Healer was always stimulated by the erotic sounds of their wonderful Leader, now coupled with the tight squeeze on his swollen shaft, Fen Ru Chao’s senses were dimming as his pleasure grew.


In between his bigger lovers, Xie Jie was struggling to restrain himself; every time his huge cock plunged into Luo Bai or Chu Ling thrust into him, he wanted to mark his men, he felt an animalistic desire to claim them. 

His rational brain was telling him, ‘they are their own men, you can’t claim people, and you said you would give them time to be sure.’ 

Whereas, his beast brain was screaming, ‘they love each other and you, mark them so you can all be together for ever.’ 

Lust and love radiated off of the young incubus as he fought his powerful instincts and desires. 

Feeling his man’s strain, from behind Chu Ling put his lips on Xie Jie’s shoulder and bit down hard. It hurt his heart to injure his lover, but some part of him knew he needed to wake his young incubus up out of his overwhelming instincts.

Xie Jie half moaned and half cried out as Chu Ling’s teeth broke his skin, his tail bristled and he gripped onto Luo Bai’s hips; then moaned incoherently with raptured bliss as Chu Ling thrust hard and fast into him. 

His mind going blank with the pleasure and pain, Xie Jie hugged Luo Bai tight as he climaxed into his depths with an exulted cry of, “Chu Ling!”

Breathing hard Xie Jie relaxed into his big Healer’s waiting hands. 

With a loving kiss, Chu Ling discovered he could heal using his lips, his teeth marks on his incubus’s skin faded then vanished; softly he whispered in his man’s ear, “are you your sweet self again my love?”

Guilt and shame briefly flitted through their link and Xie Jie said, “thank you my dear bear, I’ll work harder to control myself, it’s just difficult because you are all so lovely, I can’t help but want you.”

Pulling Xie Jie’s huge cock gently out of Luo Bai’s ring, to the sound of the Martial Artist’s blissful moan, Chu Ling turned him into his arms and kissed him deeply. 

The love and energy that was flowing through the caves into Xie Jie became a distant trickle for a moment, as he felt Chu Ling’s love wash over him through their kiss. 

Wrapping his man in his tail Xie Jie asked, “are you trying to incite me?”

With a deep chuckle that shook Fen Ru Chao’s cock pleasingly inside him, Chu Ling replied, “I want to be part of your harem my dear little rabbit, but I don’t think now is the time to make me your husband.”

Freezing in Hao Kong’s arms, Fen Ru Chao’s heart almost broke; he had just become Chu Ling’s lover, and now his man was going to be taken as Xie Jie’s husband?!

Pulling back from the Master Healer’s soft full lips, Hao Kong said soothingly, “don’t worry my dear, Chu Ling will always be yours, even if he does join my husband’s harem.”

“Your husband’s harem?” Asked Fen Ru Chao, as his black eye brows rose into his hair line.

“We are all linked through an open mark,” said Hao Kong happily, while he gently pecked his man’s lips, “but I’m fully marked as Xie Jie’s husband.”

Many thoughts and questions raced through Fen Ru Chao’s mind, then with a huge happy smile, that made Hao Kong’s heart race, he asked, “so I can be with you all even when you are fully marked?”

Another soft kiss landed on the Master healer’s full lips and Hao Kong said, “you my dear, are welcome with us any time you like, it is my hope you will join us.”

Chu Ling pulled back from Xie Jie’s lips and both of them said, “I hope you join us too.”

Held up on Luo Bai’s shoulders, Zhou Tu threw back his head and moaned, “I want you too!”

Pulling Zhou Tu’s hot cock out of his mouth and lowering his disciple slowly down his body, Luo Bai said, “Fen Ru Chao, I want you too.”

Smoothly moving their bodies together, that jingled Dun Guanlian’s chains, Gong Qiu Yu and Yan Zhu both cried, “I want you too!”

The sexy voices of the men around him, all professing their desire for him, while he was deep inside his beloved Leader, and held by Hao Kong, was too much for Fen Ru Chao. 

His hips moved on their own and he came deep inside of Chu Ling’s hot tight body, while crying out, “I want to be with all of you!”

Hao Kong kissed up their handsome Master Healer’s neck as he came, then held his relaxing body lovingly in his arms, “you are truly beautiful my lovely Chao.”

Holding on to his disciple’s hip, Chu Ling moaned softly as his man’s thick seed covered his insides. Being with such accepting lovers, he felt free to enjoy every kinky part of them all being together, he was especially liking being filled with their cum, and vaguely wondered who else would fill him up.

Now his lust was released for the first time in far too long, Fen Ru Chao realised what he had just said and done. Deep embarrassment over took his mind and body for half a heart beat, then he was swept into Hao Kong’s strong arms and kissed gently. 

The feel of the lovely silver haired Master holding him, made Fen Ru Chao’s embarrassment melt away.

Hao Kong thought he was in heaven, now his heart had been opened by Xie Jie, he was beginning to understand how attracted he had always been to many people, especially the men around him and the handsome man in his arms.

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