The Good Incubus

Chapter 32 When Hao Kong met Dun

Chapter 32

When Hao Kong met Dun

Hao Kong thought back to a hundred years ago when he first met Dun.

He had gone to an ancient temple following rumours there were scrolls about dragons in the temple library.

What he found instead was a Magpie Kenku tribe, huge bird people who live in large flocks and covet beautiful things.

A few years before Hao Kong got there, the tribe had found the beautiful temple and taken it as their home.

Overwhelmed by their shear numbers Hao Kong was captured, but rather than kill him as a thief, the Kenku were delighted by his beauty and kept him as a treasure.

Thrown into their hoard with all the other precious items and all but forgotten, Hao Kong sat amongst the wealth with no way out.

Biding his time he Meditated and waited for a chance to escape.

After days of silent meditation, he heard a deep echoing voice quietly calling to him in little more than a whisper, it spoke directly to his subconscious telling him, “if you give me something precious to you, I will help you escape.”

For many weeks Hao Kong ignored the voice, thinking it was an evil spirit given life by the Kenku’s amassed treasures.

Then one fateful day, a Kenku came and threw a heavy silver chalice into the piles of treasure, sending everything tumbling.

As the treasure resettled, next to his foot Hao Kong saw a dull silver collar with shining silver symbols on it, the long chain coming from the collar was just touching his toe.

The voice boomed in Hao Kong’s head, “you dare to ignore me? Pitiful human!”

Recognizing the collar for the ancient artefact it was, Hao Kong instantly dropped to his knees with his head to the floor, his long black hair dropped over his face, with the chain still attached to his toe.

“I am sorry great one, if I had known what you were I never would have ignored you. Please tell me how I can right this grievous wrong.”

Hao Kong cried out in pain as his energy was ripped out of his body through his foot. Then the chain wrapped around his left leg, each link burned into his flesh as the chain travelled up his body, leaving a blackened trail of perfect links etched in his beautiful beige skin.

Gritting his teeth against the agony in his body Hao Kong held still. As the chain wrapped round his chest, burning through his clothes, Hao Kong couldn’t help crying out, but he never moved, he didn’t try to stop the chain in anyway.

Tears ran freely down his cheeks by the time the chain reached his neck, even thinking the chain might just kill him, Hao Kong remained obediently still.

When the first link touched the tender flesh of his neck, all the links went cool. The voice sounded more gentle in his head, “you are made of stronger stuff than I thought, maybe you are worthy to serve me.”

Trying to keep his voice from trembling as much as his body, Hao Kong replied, “it would be my honour to serve you great one. You said before I must give you something precious to be saved by you. What can this humble servant give you?”

The deep voice sounded malicious, “you shunned me and now say you are humble, yet you wear a head of hair to honour your ‘gods’, if you really want to be my ‘humble servant,’ you will give me your hair to show you honour only me.”

Hao Kong was shocked, how could he give up his hair? It would bring eternal shame to him.

However there was great honour in serving one of the ancient artefacts of the first race, people searched their entire lives to find one, just to be rejected.

The collar could feel Hao Kong’s hesitation and was pleased, if he willingly gives up something he holds such value in, he truly will be a good servant.

Taking a deep breath to steady himself Hao Kong nodded, “I give my hair freely to you great wonder. Please accept me as your servant for all time.”

The words had barely left his mouth when the collar snapped shut round his neck. Pain and information raged inside Hao Kong’s head, he now knew the collar’s ancient language and he could feel his energy reserves grow to extraordinary proportions.

Just as he felt everything calm down, pain erupted on his scalp, his long black hair was absorbed by the collar through his skull, it was like every strand of hair was a needle pulled through his brain. Hao Kong screamed but held still, he was determined to endure.

In a pain filled daze Hao Kong’s body moved on its own, he was a mere puppet to the chain and collar. By the time he returned to his senses he was back at Snow Mist Peak.

Groaning and touching his bald head, Hao Kong tried to sit up, when the kind face of Leader Chu appeared in front of him. Gently pushing him back onto the bed the powerful healer said, “Don’t try and move you’ve been through a life changing ordeal, your body needs rest.”

With a look of great shame Hao Kong rubbed his fingers over his smooth head.

Smiling in a consoling way Leader Chu said, “it looks alright, a lot like the monks up north.”

The chain and collar didn’t like the sound of that, he wanted everyone to know this man was now his servant. Hao Kong screamed in pain, as his hair grew two inches from the collar through his brain again, Leader Chu took a step back shock written across his handsome face.

Breathing deeply Hao Kong tried to calm his nerves. Out the corner of his eyes he could see his hair, that had been ink black, was now the same shining silver as the symbols on the collar round his neck.

The deep echoing voice said smugly, “now no one will mistake you for a follower of someone else.”

Knowing his place, Hao Kong spoke in the ancient language to the collar, “you have done me a great honour wondrous one, I’ll wear your colour with pride.”

Hao Kong didn’t know how, but he felt the collar smile inside his head.

After thinking through their meeting, Hao Kong said to Xie Jie, “I got captured by Magpie Kenku and thrown in their treasure trove, there I was lucky enough to meet the collar. I was honoured to be accepted as his servant with the price of my hair, which he gave me the double honour of turning to his colour. Then he used his powers to increase my energy reserves and bring me back here.”

Xie Jie could see that wasn’t the full story, but figured if Hao Kong was telling him an abridged version it was for a good reason.

Reaching up with his right hand Xie Jie ran his fingers up the back of Hao Kong’s head, enjoying the feel of his soft hair slipping through his fingers. While with his left hand he stroked the collar at his neck.

“Thank you Dun, for saving my Hao Kong all those years ago. I’m glad you two met, and then found me.”

Xie Jie pulled Hao Kong’s head down and kissed him deeply, tightening his arms round his man’s waist, causing Hao Kong to slide further down his hard cock with a happy moan.

Even though he had said they shouldn’t go again, Hao Kong couldn’t help but rock his hips back and forth on Xie Jie’s lap, he was so overcome with love and lust for his incubus.

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