The Good Incubus

Chapter 34 The Infirmary

Chapter 34

The Infirmary

When Hao Kong got to the infirmary he was met by a relieved healer.

“Thank the heavens, where was disciple Zhou?” Said the healer, the young lady reached out to take the sleeping disciple from Master Hao’s arms. But Hao Kong didn’t want to let him go, so held Zhou Tu tight to his chest.

The healer smiled, “I see he had important business with you.” Hao Kong’s blush confirmed her suspicions and she said tactfully, “please bring him in for me.”

Walking into the busy infirmary, Hao Kong was saddened to see all the people getting treated for wounds.

“Is everyone alright?” he asked the healer, hugging Zhou Tu closer to him.

“We are all fine thanks to the hard work of you and your young incubus.” Replied the healer with bright red ears.

‘Of course everyone saw me with Xie Jie yesterday.’ Thought Hao Kong. ‘How am I ever going to live this down.’ While at the same time, a dirtier part of him was highly aroused by the idea of being such a spectacle, of every part of him being laid bare in front of so many people.

Carefully Hao Kong gently put Zhou Tu down on an empty bed that the healer pointed to, and straightened out his long supple limbs.

Hao Kong had always like the young disciple, and now Xie Jie had opened his mind and heart, he properly looked at Zhou Tu’s closed large eyes, high straight nose, smooth jaw and his lithe body of dusty brown and thought, ‘he really is a beautiful young man.’

When he stood up to leave, Hao Kong felt Zhou Tu touch the back of his robe. Leaning back down so their faces were close together, he enjoyed gazing into his dark rimmed green eyes.

“Thank you for looking after ‘our’ incubus.” Said Zhou Tu turning a beautiful crimson.

A huge smile spread over Hao Kong’s handsome face, understanding Zhou Tu’s meaning he had an overwhelming desire to claim the young man for himself and Xie Jie.

Placing his hands on the beautiful man’s cheeks, Hao Kong kissed him on the lips in front of all of the people in the infirmary.

There were many shocked intakes of breath around them, to see a Master kissing a disciple was startling enough, but it was doubly shocking after seeing the silver haired Master with his incubus.

Putting his bandaged hand on the back of Master Hao’s head, Zhou Tu pulled him in deepening their kiss, he sucked Hao Kong’s tongue into his mouth and their tongues danced round each other as their hearts raced. They were both highly aroused and wanted to take it further, but knew they would have to restrain themselves for now.

There were more gasps from the people around them and Hao Kong felt a hand on his shoulder, pulling back from Zhou Tu he turned to see Xie Jie.

“Why are you here?” Hao Kong asked innocently.

Nervously Zhou Tu removed his hand from Hao Kong’s head, but the Master gently took hold of his hand and held it affectionately.

The whole infirmary had a tense air to it, they thought, ‘his lover is here, now there will be fireworks.’

“I could feel your arousal, how could I not come to watch my love?” Replied Xie Jie with a lick of his lips.

The tension broke into confusion and whispers, Hao Kong heard more than a few excited voices say, “they are not exclusive.”

The healer, who had intended to examine Zhou Tu, was still stood next to the bed; hearing all the commotion she said, “maybe it would be better for everyone’s rest if disciple Zhou rested with you.”

Xie Jie looked at the healer, taking in her slender figure, his eyes lingered on her compassionate face.

Hao Kong smiled approvingly, ‘so my man does like the fairer sex.’

“Would that really be ok?” Asked Xie Jie and looked excitedly down at Zhou Tu.

The healer’s voice turned stern, “As long as he rests fully. I’ll come see him tomorrow to check on his condition, if he isn’t rested I won’t be happy.”

Xie Jie liked the sound of the healer’s stern voice, but concentrated on Zhou Tu, “Would you like to come home with us?”

Zhou Tu was nodding along with Xie Jie’s words, he hadn’t wanted to leave in the first place.

Smiling up at the healer, Xie Jie said, “thank you, may I know the name of the Healer who has been looking after disciple Zhou so well?”

“First, on behalf of myself and all of my fellow healers, thank you for everything you have done and are currently doing for our sect.” She replied cupping her hands and bowing deeply to Xie Jie and Hao Kong.

Xie Jie smiled sadly at her, “I only wish I could of done more, so many people were hurt.”

The healer’s heart ached for the young incubus, many of the patients put their hands to their mouths, and the ward was filled with the sound of people saying, “aw he’s so sweet” and, “I can see why Master Hao fell for him.”

Tears came into Xie Jie’s eyes, he was feeling overwhelmed by the gratitude he didn’t feel he fully deserved.

Hao Kong held Xie Jie’s hand with his free one and gave it a comforting squeeze.

The healer eternally endeared herself to Hao Kong and Zhou Tu by saying in a comforting tone, “Don’t be hard on yourself, you did your best and freed us all. Disciple Zhou was the most injured and that was mostly from his previous fight, that you also saved him from.”

“Thank you for your hard work helping them all.” Xie Jie took his hand from Hao Kong, cupped both hands together and bowed deeply to the healer, then took Hao Kong’s hand again and said with a little smile, “May I know your name?”

“I’ll tell you my name tomorrow when I come check on disciple Zhou, if, he has rested well.” Said the healer.

Xie Jie smiled warmly at her, “then we will take our leave of you and see you tomorrow.”

“Please come early before first light.” Added Hao Kong.

“Before first light isn’t very good for resting.” Replied the healer strictly.

“I’m afraid it is necessary, I’ll explain tomorrow.” Replied the silver haired Master with a smile.

Hao Kong got ready to pick up Zhou Tu, but Xie Jie touched him on the shoulder and said, “I'll take disciple Zhou, you have not fully recovered yet.”

“As you wish my love.” Hao Kong replied with a goofy smile.

He moved out of the way and Xie Jie picked their injured man up in the same princess hold Hao Kong had used.

Zhou Tu happily rested his head on Xie Jie’s chest, he could hear the sound of his heart beating fast just like Hao Kong’s had.

“I’m sorry to have troubled you.” Xie Jie said to the healer with a smile, and Hao Kong led the way out of the infirmary.

They went back to the little hut and Hao Kong held the door open for Xie Jie to carry their young man inside.

Zhou Tu blushed, he felt like a bride being taken into her new home by her husband.

Xie Jie laid him gently on the sleeping mat and sat down beside him, while Hao Kong sat on the other side.

Looking down at their young man, Xie Jie kissed him gently on the lips, “I’m so happy you wanted to be with us Zhou Tu.”

Looking up at his beautiful men Zhou Tu smiled radiantly, “how could I not Xie Jie.”

Hao Kong leaned down and kissed him passionately, slipping his tongue between his lips, their tongues tangled together in a release of repressed desire that had built up over several decades.

Pulling back he saw the young man below him flush.

In a rush of lust and love, Zhou Tu said, “Master Hao I have liked you for a long time please accept me as...” he trailed off, what was he asking to be accepted as? Could he be Hao Kong’s lover? That title was taken by the one sat across from him.

“As my lover?” said Hao Kong excitedly with his own blush.

Zhou Tu nodded, “can I? I don’t know how a harem works.”

Looking into Zhou Tu’s green eyes Hao Kong missed Xie Jie nodding.

Unsure how a harem worked, but knowing Xie Jie, Hao Kong kissed Zhou Tu again pushing their lips gently together in an intimate kiss of love not lust. Both men were eternally grateful to their incubus for opening their hearts.

Zhou Tu was glad he was laying down, all of his limbs had gone weak, Master Hao, who had been in his thoughts for many years was really kissing him.

Sitting up licking his lips, Hao Kong said, “I would be delighted if you would be my lover, but I think I had best leave your lips for the evening. You’re supposed to be resting and if I kiss you any more I won’t be able to let you go, sleep well my Zhou Tu.”

Xie Jie’s hands were covering his heart, he was overwhelmed by the loveliness of his men.

As Zhou Tu closed his eyes he heard Xie Jie say, “as much as I would love us all to snuggle together, I think we are going to need more sleeping mats, we could pick some up in the village tomorrow.”

“We can get some from the Master of stores...” replied Hao Kong.

Zhou Tu drifted off to sleep again, listening to his men talking, a big smile on his face.

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