The Good Incubus

Chapter 36 Training Begins

Chapter 36

Training Begins


Turning to Hao Kong and Xie Jie, Leader Luo said, “We are ready to train, where should we start?”

Xie Jie held his hands together in front of his stomach, and with a little shift of energy and a naughty smile, he looked up into Leader Luo’s dark eyes, “you shall start by kissing Leader Chu.”

The eye brows of the others rose in confusion, just as Leader Luo pounced on Leader Chu’s lips. The tall Leader kissed his Healer without restraint, turning the big Leader’s lips red with the strength of his passion.

Xie Jie released his power and was surprised to find Leader Luo didn’t stop, he just became more gentle and curled his arms around his big man’s neck.

Eventually pulling back Leader Luo smiled, “I could get used to training like this.”

His eyes half closed with a dreamy look on his face, Leader Chu asked, “Jiejing how should we proceed?”

Open mouthed Xie Jie was only just managing to stop himself drooling. Trying to focus he said, “my power of enchantment like a lot of my power is linked to my desire, so before we start properly I need you to lay down some ground rules. As Leader Chu said before, humans have different views on sex to incubuses.”

Blushing bright red Hao Kong said shyly, “you can make me do anything I’ve already done my love.”

Xie Jie’s eyes bulged and he wrapped his man tightly in his tail, “you are wonderful my dear, but I don’t think the Leaders are ready for all of that yet.”

Leader Gong and Leader Chu blushed while thinking of Hao Kong’s erotic expressions in the great hall. Whereas Leader Luo said, “I don’t know, if Hao Kong has done it I could too.”

The other two Leaders sighed, they knew Leader Luo’s competitive side well, it had gotten them into a lot of scrapes and fun times over the years.

Everyone was so distracted by Leader Luo’s statement, no one saw Hao Kong gasp and put his hands over his mouth at hearing his full name come out of his handsome tall Leader’s lips.

Thinking very seriously Leader Gong said, “no sex, I want that to be completely my decision.”

The others nodded, then Leader Chu said while looking down nervously, “please make sure I don’t hurt anyone.”

Xie Jie’s heart almost stopped at the sight, while Leader Luo pulled his man into a hug and kissed his cheek.

Xie Jie had one more question he burned to know the answer to, “are you alright all together?”

The Leaders looked at each other and then shyly at Hao Kong, who had his hands at his crotch looking down at his feet embarrassed. They all knew his answer from that, and Leader Luo answered for them all, “we are all happy to train together, Master Jiejing.”

“Then there is one more thing I would like you to know, my real name is...”

Before he could say his name, Leader Gong put his hand over his mouth and said, “I would be honoured to know your real name Jiejing, but right now it would give us an advantage against you that we don’t have over the love demon.”

Looking up into the scholar’s intelligent eyes, Xie Jie kissed his tender palm, “you are right as always, thank you for your guidance Leader Gong.” Then with a sly smile said, “Kiss me gently on the lips.”

The others saw his hands in his enchantment position a second before Leader Gong kissed the young incubus.

Xie Jie released his power and said, “first lesson is possession can happen at anytime, you must always be prepared.”

“But how do we protect our minds against possession my love?” Asked Hao Kong.

“I have a kind of internal shield around my brain, I’m not sure how you could put one round yours, so I think we should train you to strengthen your mental resilience. Unless you know of a better way?”

Thinking out loud Leader Gong said, “there is the Selonton method, but that involves the chalice of Selonton which was lost centuries ago, then there is the Wong Lin method but that only lasts ten minutes and is a demonic method. We could try the Tenton method but that is to protect against sirens. I don’t know any good methods that would last long enough that don’t involve artefacts. It’s what makes enchantment so dangerous, well that and the fact we can’t normally train against it.”

Xie Jie stared at the beautiful scholar in wonder, “Leader Gong you are amazing, kiss me again.”

With a big smile Leader Gong leaned forwards and kissed him on the lips again.

The others looked up from Xie Jie’s loose hands confused.

“But he didn’t enchant you that time.” Said Leader Luo.

His heart racing, Leader Gong said with a bashful smile, “I know, that one was purely from me.”

Leader Luo smiled at his man, then to Xie Jie said, “right so good old fashioned training it is.”

“Leader Luo kiss Hao Kong, Leader Chu kiss Leader Gong gently.” They all kissed.

“Hao Kong kiss Leader Chu, Leader Gong kiss Leader Luo.” They all kissed.

“All of you remove your robes.” Three robes hit the floor, whereas Leader Chu’s was only half way down.

His heart pounding Xie Jie stared delightedly at the naked men, their bodies were beautiful as they shyly tried to cover their manhood.

Leader Luo look more slender when clothed because of his height, but when naked Xie Jie could see he was pure strong lithe muscle in tanned skin.

Whereas Leader Gong leaned towards the softer side, his muscles less defined, his body slim and delicate looking, and even paler than Xie Jie’s.

Hao Kong’s familiar beautiful body looked mouth wateringly good with the others as the sun shone on his tanned beige muscles.

The top half of Leader Chu’s body set Xie Jie’s mind alight, the big healer was pure bulging muscles in a lovely rich brown, his deep brown erect nipples just on display.

They all turned to Leader Chu, and Leader Gong asked, “how did you stop half way?”

Flustered, Leader Chu hurriedly pulled his robes back up and said, “I’m not sure.”

To Xie Jie’s disappointment the others retrieved their robes and redressed too. He pouted he had really wanted to see Leader Chu naked.

“Leader Chu kiss me gently and give me a tiny bit of your energy.” Enchanted Xie Jie.

As the healer’s lips enclosed his, the answer flowed in with his energy. Xie Jie was flabbergasted, the sexy healer that he had been lusting after since he met him, was embarrassed of his body. How could he be embarrassed of such a beautiful body?

Releasing his power, Xie Jie understood something about his enchantment.

“Leader Chu I’m going to try some thing horrible, if I’m right it won’t work, are you ok if I try it with you as the target?”

Swallowing hard Leader Chu nodded, Xie Jie continued, “then please go to the other end of the field so I have as long to break the enchantment as possible.”

When the big healer was in position, Xie Jie took a deep calming breath and said, “Leader Luo take Leader Chu by force.”

Leader Luo’s eyes went wide and he didn’t move a muscle.

Releasing his enchantment Xie Jie almost fell over in relief, and thanked all things holy in this world and the next.

The others stared at him in horrified disbelief, tears came into the young incubus’s dark eyes at those looks.

In a trembling voice Xie Jie said, “I can’t make you do something you find abhorrent, so I said the thing I find the most horrendous. I’m sorry I said that to you Leader Luo, but now you know the feeling in your mind that will protect you.”

Still angry Leader Gong demanded, “what if you had been wrong?!”

Xie Jie tried to explain, “It takes less than half a heart beat for me to release my enchantment and having felt Leader Chu’s energy compared...”

To everyone’s surprise, Leader Chu was suddenly holding Xie Jie from behind, one arm around his body his other big hand around his face covering his mouth. Then they were gone, it all happened in the blink of an eye.

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