The Good Incubus

Chapter 41 Incubus Mark

Chapter 41

Incubus Mark

Full of Leader Chu’s energy, Xie Jie didn’t feel ready for sleep so whispered to Hao Kong, “would you like a cup of tea?”

As his man turned and nodded at him, Xie Jie saw his depressed eyes and motioned for Hao Kong to wait for him on the porch.

Sitting down with the tea Xie Jie asked, “are you alright?”

Turning his head away Hao Kong replied, “I’m fine.”

The lie was obvious; gently cupping his man’s face and pulling it back round, Xie Jie asked, “Is it because you couldn’t resist my enchantment?”

Not able to meet his incubus’s eyes, Hao Kong’s frustration burst out, “I don’t understand, I tried everything I could think of, but nothing worked; I couldn’t even feel the start of resisting you.” Deflating he added, “I won’t be able to go with you and protect you against the love demon if I don’t master this.”

Xie Jie’s heart ached for his man, he gently pulled Hao Kong’s head on to his shoulder and stroked his silver hair, “don’t worry you’ll get it, you’re amazing, it’ll just take time.”

Hao Kong shifted in his incubus’s embrace and snuggled his head further onto his shoulder.

“I hope you’re right, I want to be able to protect you.”

Xie Jie put his arms round his man’s neck and kissed his silver head, he was just about to say something else comforting, when he sensed something on Hao Kong’s shoulder and without a word, started to pull open the top of his robes.

Startled by Xie Jie’s actions, Hao Kong sat up with a jolt and said, “What are you doing? We can’t do that tonight,” he paused, “can we?”

Xie Jie’s smile turned coquettish, “that wasn’t what I was thinking, but now it is.”

“What were you doing then?” Asked Hao Kong, confusion clear in his tone.

“I felt something on your shoulder.”

That said, Xie Jie pulled open his cultivator’s robes, and there on top of his broad beige shoulder was the little mark he had made after he pleasured Hao Kong for the first time.

How did this mark have power in it?

Trying to glare down at Dun under his chin, Xie Jie asked angrily, “Dun did you let me use my power to mark Hao Kong while I was supposed to be bound?”

Dun stayed suspiciously still.

“You marked me?!” Exclaimed Hao Kong.

All the anger drained out of Xie Jie, instantly replaced with shame, he was too scared to meet Hao Kong’s eyes. It was a permanent mark of ownership in the incubus world.

“I’m sorry I let myself get carried away, I didn’t think it would work while my powers were bound. I just wanted you so badly.” Xie Jie said timidly, then hurriedly added, “I never would have done it without your consent if I had known it would have power.” He tried to glare down at Dun again.

Hao Kong thought this over, he knew a bit about Incubus marks but not everything, “so no one can remove this mark?”

“No,” admitted Xie Jie miserably, thinking Hao Kong wanted to remove it. “However a much more powerful succubus or incubus could overwrite it.” Xie Jie said, slumping at the idea.

“And it tells everyone who knows what it is that I ‘belong’ to you?” Hao Kong continued to question.

“Yes.” Said Xie Jie feeling deeply ashamed of himself, he had branded Hao Kong as his man.

Out of the corner of his down cast eyes Xie Jie saw movement, he turned to see Hao Kong’s little friend raise up.

Flushing red, Hao Kong quickly covered his manhood with his hands.

Utterly shocked Xie Jie asked, “You aren’t angry?!” Hope raised in his heart, his man might not hate him.

“I know I should be, I should be furious at you, but I am just really happy that I’m yours for all to see.” Shyly Hao Kong asked, “Is there anyway you could make it more pronounced?”

The relief Xie Jie felt was immense, then confusion coloured his words as he asked, “What do you mean more pronounced?”

Blushing even more Hao Kong said, “I want everyone, succubus, incubus, human, demon, celestial or beast to know I’m yours.”

His heart soaring Xie Jie hugged Hao Kong and squeezed him with his tail. “I have become more powerful now, I could do it again, that might make it more obvious to cultivators.”

Hao Kong nodded, even if it didn’t work he would get to feel Xie Jie’s lips on his skin. He seemed to have an insatiable desire for his incubus. Just as he was about to move, a thought struck Hao Kong, “Dun let you mark me?”

Xie Jie nodded, “I was bound by him at the time, if he hadn’t let me there is no way I could have made an incubus mark.”

Hao Kong’s hand scrubbed through his silver hair, “He did this to my hair so everyone would know I am his, I’m amazed he let you mark me too.”

Smiling brightly Xie Jie said, “now we really do feel like a house hold.”

Thinking he would ask the old collar later, Hao Kong smiled back at Xie Jie and said invitingly, “now, where were we?”

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