The Good Incubus

Chapter 66 (NSFW) Hardening Your Core

Chapter 66
Hardening Your Core
Recap: Luo Bai>Chu Ling>Xie Jie
Hao Kong<Zhou Tu<Gong Qiu Yu
Everyone froze as they felt Zhou Tu’s energy enter their systems. It was a strange sensation to have someone’s energy pass through your own, but knowing it was their lover they all accepted him in and through them unhindered.
Zhou Tu’s energy flowed like a delicate leaf over a storm swollen waterfall around the Chakra points of his men. His consciousness was swept along by the torrential energy through their meridians and finally reached their Dantians.
The beauty he experienced in the heart of their cultivation surged into their link, making their love bloom even brighter for each other.
Eventually Zhou Tu’s Qi flowed back into his own body and his eyes slowly fluttered open. Coming back to his senses, Zhou Tu found himself limply laying on Hao Kong’s back. He shot up like a rocket, pushing his hips forward, plunging his cock deep into his Master, but it hardly registered in his over excited brain.
“That was amazing! You’re all spectacular, your energy, your bodies, your minds, your souls. They are...”
He had tears in his eyes as his words failed him; how to describe the majestic beauty, the spectacular strength, the flexible elegance of them all?
Hao Kong and Gong Qiu Yu were pale, they both let out the breath they held. Zhou Tu’s energy had disappeared from his body at the speed of lightning. The pair had tried to catch their disciple’s energy before it slipped away, but they had been unable to hold on to their beloved, for the longest second they thought they had lost him.
“Are you alright my dear one?” Asked Hao Kong, his worry evident in his voice and the trembling of his strong hands that gripped Zhou Tu’s hips a little too tight.
Zhou Tu felt like he was on stimulants, he spoke so fast he didn’t even seem to be breathing, “I’m better than alright! That was the most spectacular thing I’ve ever felt, I felt the energy systems of all of you, you all store, compress and move Qi slightly differently, did you know that? I never knew that! You’re all amazing!”
Then he realised what he had just done and froze.
Dropping his head down, he spoke slowly with great regret, “I’m truly sorry. I have terribly invaded your being. That was an unforgiveable thing to do.”
Watching and hearing the young man’s ups and downs of emotion, Gong Qiu Yu and Hao Kong stared dumbfounded. They were so relieved he was alright, they felt a little numb; it wasn’t until Zhou Tu’s tears fell that they acted.
To Zhou Tu’s horror Hao Kong pulled off of him, he thought his man was furious, so was completely shocked when Hao Kong and Gong Qiu Yu put their arms around him, lovingly kissing his head and neck.
“I’m so proud of you Zhou Tu,” Said Gong Qiu Yu softly in his ear, “promise me you will tell me all about the feeling of being in our Qi flows, and practice on me later. But please please please don’t try it on anyone but us. That was incredibly dangerous, anyone of us could have crushed you in an instant.”
Hao Kong gently kissed away his disciple’s tears, “my love you scared us half to death; please be more careful with yourself, you’re precious to us.”
Looking into Hao Kong’s dark eyes with Gong Qiu Yu’s arms tightly around his chest, Zhou Tu felt his heart beat thunder uncontrollably.
The shadow over his heart melted away entirely, these men were amazing, he now knew deep in his soul that his love for them was natural and right. The relieved rapture in his heart that they accepted him brought a lump to his throat.
The sound of Xie Jie, Chu Ling and Luo Bai moaning in ecstasy brought them back to the here and now.
His voice thick with emotion, Zhou Tu said, “I know how to harden my core, I just need less energy than I can take from you my dear Gong Qiu Yu.”
Both the other men’s eyes turned to Chu Ling.
Moving the few steps to the lovely healer, Zhou Tu looked up into his handsome face.
No matter how distracted they had been by their own pleasure, everyone had heard their men’s conversation. Without a pause Chu Ling leant down and whispered, “take what ever you need my cute one,”
Chu Ling’s soft lips touched Zhou Tu’s and both men sighed as their energy flowed together again. The feel of the young disciple’s Qi passing through his system had reinforced what Chu Ling already knew; Zhou Tu was a lovely man that he wanted to keep in his life.
Chu Ling’s Qi was like a calm ocean that stretched far beyond the horizon of his inner being. Carefully Zhou Tu dipped his energy in and took but a single drop, he was amazed to feel that the drop was far smaller than what he had pulled from Gong Qiu Yu.
When he carefully pulled it back to his body, the compressed drop turned into a lake, however, this time he was ready for the change in scale so it didn’t overwhelm him.
Using elements from each of his lovers’ bodies, including a modified form of Xie Jie’s, Zhou Tu strengthened his chakra points and every meridian in his system. Figuring if he couldn’t contain the huge amount of energy they gave him, he could redirect it out of his body to someone else.
Then he hardened the exterior of his core, ready to break his inner Dantian so he could contain more energy.
By the time Zhou Tu had finished and the remaining energy had been syphoned off by his Scholar, he was drained and elated. He had managed to successfully strengthen his entire system, and everyone let out a relieved sigh upon feeling the huge increase in his ability.
Unbeknown to Zhou Tu, he had fallen due to lack of control of his body while concentrating internally. Gong Qiu Yu had caught him, and now held him tightly in his arms against his strong slender chest.
Earnestly Gong Qiu Yu said, “that was amazing Zhou Tu.”
Looking up into his beautiful scholar’s face, Zhou Tu’s heart beat so loud he thought the whole world could hear it, “Thank you Gong Qiu Yu, I will no longer be a hindrance to you. I am pretty sure my system can now have vast amounts of energy flow through it, as long as I have some where to send it.”
Compassion and pride in his eyes, his heart racing equally loudly, Gong Qiu Yu gently pecked his disciple’s soft lips, “You’re never a hindrance Zhou Tu, you’re a wonderful delight to me.”
Tears welled in the young man’s eyes and Gong Qiu Yu felt his heart grow greedy for the beautiful disciple in his arms. He lent down and kissed Zhou Tu passionately, pulling his tongue into his mouth and caressing it with his own.
Zhou Tu responded with a gentle sigh, he felt astoundingly happy held in his Leader’s arms, he was beginning to wonder if he had made it back to his body at all, or was this heaven?
Pulling back from his young man’s lips, Gong Qiu Yu’s mind and heart were torn; he wanted to be in the gorgeous beauty in his arms, but he also wanted to take Luo Bai fully as his first.
Thinking again, Gong Qiu Yu remembered Hao Kong had prepared his ring earlier and he thought, ‘could Zhou Tu take me? That way I could be with them both.’
Seeing a lot of thoughts quickly pass over Gong Qiu Yu’s beautiful face, Zhou Tu smiled, this was the stunning thoughtful Leader he had always stared at. While staring from afar, Zhou Tu had never known how amazing Gong Qiu Yu’s strong arms felt or how loving a partner he was. Now knowing, he wanted to be with his honoured Leader more and more with every passing moment.
Blushing a beautiful shade of pink, Gong Qiu Yu asked, “Zhou Tu would you please be my first?”
Zhou Tu’s heart that had been racing, now stopped in delighted surprise, “I would love to be with you Gong Qiu Yu.”
Softly pecking his lover’s thin lips, Zhou Tu felt himself be gently put down on the ground. Feeling he had abandoned Hao Kong he felt guilty, until he saw the happy look his sexy silver haired lover had for them.
Hao Kong softly kissed his scholar then disciple on the lips, “have fun with each other my dear men.” That said he turned to his wife with a wide grin.
Zhou Tu also moved to Xie Jie and reached up with three fingers.
Easily seeing her young man’s request, Xie Jie sucked his slender fingers into her mouth. Her hot breath came as little pants around the dexterous digits that played with her tongue, as she coated them with her saliva.
The thick liquid ran down Zhou Tu’s palm as he pulled the wet fingers from her open mouth, a silver line of saliva still connecting them glittered in the sunlight for a moment.
“Be gentle with our beautiful Scholar.” Said Xie Jie breathlessly, her eyes unfocused for a moment as Chu Ling hit a particularly sensitive spot and a light moan left her lips.
With a happy smile at their succubus, Zhou Tu replied, “I’ll use every technique I have learnt from you to be as gentle as possible, have fun with our sexy men my love.”
Caressing Chu Ling’s powerful shoulder, Zhou Tu turned to Gong Qiu Yu, who was just sliding carefully back into Luo Bai’s toned tanned bum.
Zhou Tu froze for half a heart beat and took in the sexy sight of the three handsome Leaders making love.
Luo Bai’s strong lithe muscles rippled in the sunlight, as he was held between Chu Ling’s strong rich brown form and Gong Qiu Yu’s slender pale body.
Bravely Zhou Tu went on to tip toes and kissed Luo Bai’s cheek. He had always been in awe of the handsome Leader, but had found him scary with his fierce looks and impatient temper. Now having seen his tender loving side, he realised every interaction he had had with the fierce looking Leader had be nothing but charming. It had been his misconception, that had put the wall round his heart and stopped him understanding how alluring he found the protector of Snow Mist Peak.
Luo Bai had always enjoyed any time he had taught Zhou Tu; the young disciple was a wonderfully quick study, and his honest thoughtful green eyes had always reminded him of his Gong Qiu Yu’s dark brown ones. Since seeing his conviction to help defeat the Love Demon, Luo Bai had felt drawn to this young man in a way he didn’t fully understand.
The almost feather light kiss to his cheek made Luo Bai realise what he was feeling was a deep attraction to Zhou Tu.
Wanting to act on his feelings while he had the chance, he turned his head and lightly kissed their cute disciple’s cheek in return, “please pleasure our Gong Qiu Yu well Zhou Tu.”
His heart racing at having heard his name from Luo Bai’s lips, Zhou Tu nodded stiffly and walked nervously up behind their man.
Using his dry hand, he caressed Gong Qiu Yu’s sexy little arse and gently pulled his cheeks apart.
Sliding his wet fingers in between the firm buttocks, he rubbed his middle finger around his lover’s little hole, coating it in their succubus’s juices, then gently added a little pressure.
After a little caressing, Gong Qiu Yu’s ring loosened and Zhou Tu’s finger moved smoothly inside, making the beautiful scholar let out the breath he didn’t know he had been holding as a soft sigh.

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