The Good Incubus

Chapter 79 Giving Energy

Chapter 79

Giving Energy

Pain exploded through Xie Jie’s body as energy surged into the shackles.

His eyes burst open and the first thing he saw was Chu Ling’s dark eyes go wide with stunned pain. A massive amount of energy was pulled out of the strong healer through his lips.

Concerned for his lover, Xie Jie tried to pull back from their kiss. Though the pain was overwhelming, Chu Ling refused to break his connection, he cupped his incubus’s face holding them together, letting his energy flow unhindered into his man.

Hao Kong, who had very little choice, also let his energy freely go into Xie Jie, his muscles tensed with the strain. His lips free, Hao Kong gave voice to their combined pain, screaming for them all.

Seeing the situation, Zhou Tu grabbed hold of Luo Bai with one hand and put his other hand on Chu Ling’s back, just as Gong Qiu Yu held onto his shoulder. He felt the Leaders open their energy up and let it all flow through him.

Zhou Tu’s scream of agony joined Hao Kong’s, the pain in his body dimmed his mind as the shackles ripped the Leaders energy through his meridians; however, he didn’t move a muscle nor hinder the flow in anyway, he would not let his men down.

Held in the cold embrace of pain, it felt like an eternity of having their energy absorbed, but was over in little more than a minute.

The power no longer pulling at them, they all collapsed exhausted. Luo Bai caught Zhou Tu in a tender embrace, while Gong Qiu Yu caught Chu Ling in his powerful arms, and Hao Kong slumped back against the rocks.

Whereas, Xie Jie screamed in agony as the vambraces grew into his arms, the metal biting into his flesh. The chains running down his arms from Dun’s collar burned into his skin, sinking down to run along his bones. Where the metal links had been, a red chain pattern ran along his pale skin.

Even in this extreme state of pain, Xie Jie restarted the sexual energy field across the mountain and flooded it with the love and desire he felt for his men, to keep the people of Snow Mist Peak safe.

Hao Kong wrapped his arms round his incubus, trying to comfort him through the pain.

Completely exhausted, Xie Jie collapsed into his husband’s embrace and looked down at the vambraces on his arms. Through hazy eyes, he saw the dull silver turn pale blue, a lighter version of the little succubus’s hair.

Cupping his hands together Xie Jie put his forehead to the vambraces and said in a strained voice, “thank you ancient wonder, you do me a great honour by accepting me as your...”

His muddled mind had no idea what he was to the ancient artefact.

Inside his head he felt and heard a deep strong female voice shyly say, “lover.” Then retreat somewhere he couldn’t feel.

Xie Jie blushed bright red, in spite of everything, he smiled dreamily to himself and fell into a half conscious state.

Luo Bai was not as proficient as Gong Qiu Yu or Chu Ling in energy detection and manipulation inside the body, but he was still a Leader for a very good reason; holding Zhou Tu in his arms, he realised the young disciple was dangerously low on energy. Pulling the beautiful man up, he put their lips softly together and offered him self up, making all of his energy available.

Zhou Tu, who was teetering on the edge of consciousness, gratefully accepted the tiniest amount of his Leader’s energy he could get. The little drop of Qi still flooded his system and filled his dantien. He took what he needed and returned the rest to a startled Luo Bai.

The young disciple’s internal touch was so soft; it was like a caress to the Leader’s meridians, the energy he returned was smoother and calmer than what had left Luo Bai, the tall Leader sighed happily and offered up more.

Confused and thrilled, Zhou Tu moved the offered energy round his system and back into his waiting man, who half sighed and half moaned at this wonderful new sensation. Luo Bai’s eyes half closed in contentment and he offered even more energy to the delightful disciple in his lap.

Cuddled in Gong Qiu Yu’s arms, Chu Ling opened his eyes and asked, “is everyone alright?”

Gong Qiu Yu nodded, “we are all fine.” His worry relieved he then said angrily, “but you! You scared me half to death! That amount of energy could have destroyed this entire mountain, what were you thinking giving it all to Xie Jie?”

Chu Ling’s face broke into a massive smile and he pulled Gong Qiu Yu down into a loving kiss, offering his beloved scholar his energy.

Gong Qiu Yu’s eye brows rose and he wondered, ‘how does Chu Ling still have so much Qi? Whereas I feel half drained.’

Thankful to his big lover, he took a small amount from the vast but mostly empty ocean of energy before him. When it hit his system, the energy expanded filling his body to capacity.

Feeling his lover was full, Chu Ling sucked gently on his man’s lips relishing the softness for a long moment. Finally releasing him, he sunk down into the warm water and said, “it did take a lot out of me, but I could feel the shackles needed it.”

Smiling dozily, Gong Qiu Yu hummed his agreement.

Giving his scholar’s cheek a gentle caress, Chu Ling moved over to Xie Jie and lifted Hao Kong’s limp head up. Softly he kissed energy into his silver haired lover.

Hao Kong’s eyes burst open with a shout of “Xie Jie!” into Chu Ling’s mouth, causing the burly man to pull back laughing.

Understanding the situation, Hao Kong blushed, “thank you Chu Ling, thank you for saving us.”

Trying to control his amusement, Chu Ling said, “I would give all my energy to save you, my lovely Hao Kong. Do you want more? You were the most drained of us all.”

Clinging on to the sleepy incubus in his lap, Hao Kong wanted energy, but felt it was unfair to take it from Chu Ling who had already given so much to help.

Seeing the conflict in the beautiful Master’s face, Chu Ling felt a surge of love for the kindness of his man and sealed their lips together in a loving kiss; as their tongues moved together, he presented his energy.

Feeling Chu Ling’s massive power reserves, Hao Kong’s eyes went wide and he understood that accepting a little wouldn’t be detrimental. Slowly Hao Kong let his man’s lovely Qi flow into his own huge reserves.

Chu Ling was astounded by how much energy Hao Kong could take, he felt into the younger man fully for the first time in many decades, and ‘saw’ a vast empty sea, considerably smaller, but much like his own.

It had a strange feel to it, like it wasn’t all Hao Kong’s. Chu Ling understood it was the feel of the ancient artefact expanding Hao Kong’s already huge natural talent, and thought, ‘so the advantages of being their servant grows over time.’

Feeling inside someone else was natural for a healer, so Chu Ling found it strange to feel something unusual, it was Xie Jie’s mark.

Heeding their warning from earlier, he didn’t venture near it, but admired its over all structure as it wound round and through Hao Kong’s very being, it was beautiful in its simplicity, it linked them completely.

Chu Ling felt a tiny bit jealous of Hao Kong, but his overwhelming feeling of joy for him far out weighed it.

Pulling their lips apart, the two men evaluated each other differently, their respect and desire for the other intensifying.

Xie Jie moaned sleepily as Hao Kong grew harder inside him, pulling both men back to the here and now.


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