The Good Incubus

Chapter 8 Realisation & Hope (NSFWish)

Chapter 8

Realisation & Hope

Outside Hao Kong got up from the floor and opened the door. 

The vision inside made him even harder, Xie Jie's recently satisfied body wearing nothing but a silver collar with a chain curled on his stomach, while lying on his sleeping mat with his ink black hair scattered about his head. 

Hao Kong flushed a deep crimson, he wished he had stayed but knew he left for a good reason.  

Leaning down he reached out to check Xie Jie's body, but Dun uncoiled and slapped his hand, just hard enough to stop him in his tracks. 

In a whisper Hao Kong spoke to Dun in the ancient language of the first race, that had created the old chain and collar, "I'm just checking to see if he needs more energy and I was going to clean him. How come you have become so protective? Oh wondrous Master"  

Inside his mind Hao Kong heard the deep ancient voice that echoed through time. "He is mine to look after now, Xie Jie has called me his shield and said he will be my pet. I've never had a pet before, I will look after him and keep him safe, even from you."  

Hao Kong's heart raced, so this beautiful vision in front of him was called Xie Jie? He didn't know when it had happened, but Hao Kong wanted to know everything about the cute incubus. He wanted to be with him and to be wanted by him, ‘not that I have much chance of that now.’ He thought bitterly. 

Knowing the ancient artefact he was dealing with, instead of saying what was in his heart Hao Kong said, "I'm already your servant, so Xie Jie..." to say his name filled Hao Kong's heart with joy, "...and I are both a part of your household, why can’t I help him?"  

"You didn't help him just now when he needed you the most. Could you not feel the need in him?"  

Hao Kong looked down ashamed of himself, "I'm sorry I couldn't, I put you on Xie Jie to restrain him, I have no right to touch him in such ways when I am holding him captive. You are much more fitting to help him."  

"I can not fully help Xie Jie, what I did now was but a temporary fix, he needs a living breathing being to fulfil him and he desires you."  

Hao Kong's head rose up his eyes shining, "I didn't think Xie Jie actually wanted me, I thought he just needed release, and I didn't want to take advantage of him in that state for my own selfish desires."  

The ancient voice gave an echoing sigh, "even at your age, you really are too foolish. If you come to him with a true heart I will let you be with my treasured pet"  

Hao Kong smiled he still had a chance. "May I please be allowed to wash Xie Jie?"  

Dun nodded his links. With great reverence Hao Kong carried the cute incubus out to the well, and going redder by the moment thoroughly washed his body. 

Using his Qi Hao Kong warmed Xie Jie and laid him back on the mat in the hut, Dun once more curled up on his chest. 

Lying down next to him Hao Kong spent a long time staring at Xie Jie's beautiful face and exquisite pale body, eventually drifting into a erotic dream filled sleep. 

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