The Good Incubus

Chapter 81 (NSFW) Naming

Chapter 81



The energy from his men cleared Xie Jie’s mind and he meekly said, “I’m sorry and most grateful to you, thank you for making love to me.”

They couldn’t help but smile, they had each gotten to satisfy one of their many desires and help their incubus at the same time.

Moving to the side, Gong Qiu Yu tilted Zhou Tu’s blushing face towards him and said, “I feel I should be thanking you Xie Jie, I never thought our cute little disciple could have such wonderful desires.”

Leaning down Gong Qiu Yu kissed Zhou Tu’s lips, while from behind Luo Bai hugged their young man to his chest and kissed his neck and shoulders.

Between kisses Luo Bai said, “you really feel amazing, from your soft skin to your calming energy, Zhou Tu you are a delight.”

Blushing like mad, the young disciple leaned back into Luo Bai’s powerful chest and stroked his cheek, while smiling delightedly at his scholar.

Luo Bai moved his hands under Zhou Tu’s bum and stood up, lifting his young man gently off his softening cock, while he pulled off of Xie Jie’s.

Turning him in the air, Luo Bai held Zhou Tu’s body flat against his own and kissed him passionately, their tongues darting around each other in a smooth motion.

Gong Qiu Yu stood and stared wide eyed, his soft penis already beginning to rise again, the two men in front of him were ridiculously sexy together and he found he really enjoyed watching them.

Hao Kong put his arms round his lovely little incubus, just to have his arms covered by Chu Ling’s big strong ones, neither of them wanted to move, they were incredibly happy where they were.

Softly Hao Kong whispered, “my love are you satisfied now?”

With a naughty smile neither man behind him could see, Xie Jie replied, “I will never turn down another go, if you want to go again?”

Their bodies shook with their amusement, and they snuggled closer together.

Through their marks, Xie Jie could feel that his men were all exhausted, he felt incredibly guilty and said, “I’m sorry I drained you so much. Do you want me to get off so you can cultivate?”

Hao Kong really didn’t want to move, sandwiched between his husband and his lover he felt warm and comfortable, his slightly soft penis still wedged in his incubus with Chu Ling’s; but he had to admit he needed to cultivate his energy back up.

Chu Ling didn’t want to move either, he reluctantly said, “how about we go to our spiritual caves? That way we can cultivate in peace.”

The others nodded, they all felt a little exposed at the hot springs.

Dropping his head Xie Jie asked, “where would you like me to wait for you?”

Seeing his young incubus’s confusion, Gong Qiu Yu answered, “you are coming with us. The Leader’s spiritual caves haven’t been spirit caves for thousands of years. Not since the clever and generous Leaders Lee, Wen and Huang, harmoniously defused the spiritual energy that flows into the caves, instead out to the whole of Snow Mist Peak. Since then the caves have been honorary residence to the current Leaders.”

Excitement filled Xie Jie’s face, his men wanted to take him home with them.

While the others got dressed, Xie Jie looked down at the shackles still bound together around his wrists, bowing over his own arms he put his forehead to the shackles and said, “thank you...” He faltered, he didn’t know what to call her, “my love for looking after me. If it is not too bold, may I ask your name?”

The shackles came forward in his mind and shyly said, “I have no name, I am but one part of a whole, in many ways I am as much Dun as my brother part.”

Xie Jie thought for a moment then said, “Dun can you hear me?”

The deep sexy voice, that unbeknown to Xie Jie was completely different to the echoing voice Hao Kong heard, came into his mind, “I can hear you my lovely one. Since you have taken me we are all joined as one.”

The intensity of Xie Jie’s love for his ancient artefacts soared, “Dun I have a humble suggestion about your names. As you have both said, you are like family, would you like the name Dun to be your family name?”

There was silence in Xie Jie’s mind and he was worried he had insulted them.

However when the shackles finally spoke, there was heavy emotion in her voice, “Brother part I would be proud to share a family name with you.”

Dun also sounded over come with joy as he replied, “Sister part I never thought anyone would love us this much again.”

There was a strange sensation that could only be described as the two parts of armour hugging in his mind.

“I guess this mean’s you both need first names? Or would you rather go by Master Dun and Mistress Dun?”

The sexy male voice replied, “I would like a name that is all mine, that you can call me when I pleasure you my lovely one.”

Thinking of Dun’s smooth hard links deep in his body and his hard long cock thrusting inside him, Xie Jie got aroused again.

“How would you feel about Guanlian, as in link? Because you link us together my lovely wonder.”

Gently the old collar and chain opened Xie Jie’s inner eye, the tall sexy incubus hugged him tight and intertwined their tails.

“Xie Jie it would be my delight to be called Guanlian by you.”

Embracing they kissed passionately, neither wanting to part, Dun Guanlian ran his fingers down his lover’s back caressing his soft skin.

He was just about to slip his fingers somewhere more fun, when they heard a sexy female voice say, “brother part, please don’t distract him now, I would like my own name too, first.”

Blushing slightly blue, Dun Guanlian released Xie Jie’s lips, “sorry sister part, I got carried away.”

Seeing the succubus, Xie Jie’s eyes went wide, her body had transformed. She flapped her huge black bat wings at them and smiled shyly.

The beautiful succubus was now taller than either man, her toned muscles stunningly strong, her luscious silver skin shimmered in the blank void and her silver horns curved back from her forehead.

Xie Jie’s heart raced and he swallowed hard, “my dear you are beautiful, our energy must really agree with you.”

Blushing bright blue she said shyly, “I’m glad you like my true form, I was worried you would find me intimidating.”

Turning in Dun Guanlian’s arms, Xie Jie held the lovely lady comfortingly, feeling her large soft breasts under his chin, “my dear you can intimidate me any time.” Coming vaguely back to his senses he said, “have you any thoughts about your name?”

Dropping her eyes sadly she said, “I would like something positive, over the years I have been use by people to torture others and been called horrible negative things.”

Xie Jie’s heart went out to the magnificent lady in his arms. Looking up in to her sharp featured face he said, “you have been nothing but kind and lovely to me, so what about Mírén, as in charming for your name? Because you are charming to me.”

Hearing her heart race in her chest by his ear, Xie Jie let out a relieved sigh.

A tear ran down Dun Mírén’s silver cheek and landed softly on his face; blushing deep blue she said, “no one has shown me such kindness in over ten thousand years, thank you Xie Jie.”

Going up on to tip toes, Xie Jie still couldn’t reach to kiss her lips, thankfully Dun Guanlian gently lifted him the last little bit. Softly he stroked her cheek and kissed her lips, “my dear Dun Mírén, I will shower you with the love you deserve for as long as I live.”

With a sassy smile she replied, “then I will fight to keep you safe with all my being.”


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