The Good Incubus

Chapter 84 Leader Gong’s Secret

Chapter 84

Leader Gong’s Secret

With tears in his eyes, Xie Jie kissed his bear deeply with all his passionate love. He was so completely immersed in their kiss, that he didn’t even notice the others enter the room.

Knowing the others were coming and then there, but not caring, Chu Ling continued to kiss his incubus and resisted taking it further, he had to admit his body did need rest.

Luo Bai coughed with meaning, making Xie Jie jump and pull his head back from his man.

“When you two have quite finished, meet us in the main room.”

Chu Ling laughed, blushing less than before, “I’ll never be finished my love, so prepare yourself for your turn.”

To Chu Ling’s gratification, Luo Bai’s ears went bright red and he turned quickly away with a little smile curving his lips.

The idea of being held in his man’s loving muscular arms that way tickled Luo Bai’s heart.

Xie Jie smiled in anticipation of seeing the gorgeous Leaders together again, but said, “I think we should stop this for now, your bodies need rest and I’m quickly losing my restraint.”

Kissing Dun Mírén one last time, Chu Ling lowered Xie Jie to the ground. Looking at the pale sexy figure in front of him, he said with a little pout, “if you really want us to rest, you may have to put some clothes on.”

The same thought ran through all of the Leader’s minds, ‘my cute incubus would look lovely in my robes.’

However, they all knew Gong Qiu Yu was the smallest of the tall men so would get the honour, Gong Qiu Yu smugly said, “come with me my dear, I’ll get you one of my robes to wear.”

The disappointment in the other Leaders was palpable in the air, diplomatically Xie Jie said, “could I have a belt from each of you please? I would like to tie the sleeves back to keep Dun Mírén free.”

The Leaders were touched, it was a legitimate idea to keep his sleeves back but they could see he was also trying to please them all.

Chu Ling grabbed one of his red belts and with a sly look to Gong Qiu Yu, said to Xie Jie, “I’ll give you a hand tying it.”

Luo Bai understood Chu Ling’s meaning and excitedly said, “I’ll get one of mine and meet you in Gong Qiu Yu’s room.”

Said Scholar rolled his eyes, “you just want to see my room, don’t you?”

The eye brows of the other men rose and Hao Kong asked, “they’ve not seen your rooms?”

Luo Bai turned to the others, “no one has seen them for the two hundred years we have been here, he even cleans it himself!”

Turning bright red, Gong Qiu Yu said, “it’s really not that interesting...” He paused, it had been such habit to keep people out, that he hadn’t realised he no longer had a reason to hide his room. With a shy smile he said, “let me show you all.”

They walked down a wide tunnel out of Chu Ling’s living quarters and into a large communal area of the same carved black rock. Going part way across the cave, they took the first left down another tunnel through a beautifully painted paper door and into Gong Qiu Yu’s immaculately clean rooms.

The basic layout was the same as Chu Ling’s room, with a small table to one side of a big open room. The difference was Gong Qiu Yu had all white cushions neatly arranged round his table, there were shelves upon shelves of scrolls all organised with dividers to help find what he wanted.

However, the main thing that everyone was looking at were the incredibly detailed paintings of people.

There were paintings of disciples studying hard in class, dozens of paintings of Chu Ling in various activities around the Sect, his strong figure looking dignified and kind, a lot were of him with his direct disciple or other Healers.

Many paintings of Hao Kong in his bamboo hat or with his silver hair flying in the wind, were mixed in with the other scrolls and canvasses, often with Dun Guanlian’s collar round his neck.

There were even a few paintings that showed Zhou Tu looking up to answer a question, his bright green eyes staring charmingly out of the scrolls.

But the subject of most of the paintings was Luo Bai, in all sorts of positions, doing all sorts of activities, and in many he was not decently dressed.

There was one of him sitting relaxed in the hot springs, his naked top half exquisitely painted in every detail.

In another one he had folded down his robes after a long sparring match, his tanned skin flushed with exertion and his dark eyes holding a deadly gaze, as he held up his long silver sword.

Others were of him seriously talking in the main hall, arguing with the Masters or with Chu Ling, or looking bored as a meeting dragged on.

Many were of him meditating, his strong fierce features looking calm and gentle with his eyes closed in concentration.

The paintings covered the walls, some were even leaning in piles on the ground, Luo Bai’s face stared back at them from all over the room.

Trying to act natural and ignore the paintings, Gong Qiu Yu pulled a robe from a chest and gave it to the unresponsive hand of Xie Jie, bringing the young incubus back to his senses, “your paintings are wonderful Gong Qiu Yu.

They all nodded absent-mindedly, not taking their eyes from the paintings.

Leaning in for a closer look at the one of him in the hot springs, Luo Bai asked, “is that how you see me?”

Blushing like mad, Gong Qiu Yu nodded, and the tall Martial Artist said bashfully, “you have made me look beautiful.”

Every head snapped round to Luo Bai in shock, all thinking the same thing, ‘does he not know he is stunningly beautiful?’

Xie Jie smiled at his men, “I love your wonderful paintings, but I don’t think they can out do the beauty of the original.”

Still shocked, every one nodded in agreement.

Blushing and smiling happily, Luo Bai took Gong Qiu Yu into his arms in a tight hug, and whispered in his ear, “I’m sorry I’m such an oblivious fool, my love.”

Love exploded through their collective link, Gong Qiu Yu hugged and kissed Luo Bai with joyful abandon, making his man laugh in his arms at his furious kisses.

They all returned to the communal area, a big round cave with smooth rock walls and ceiling. Three tunnels led to the Leader’s rooms on one side, on the other side there was a large metal bound oak door, with windows to either side carved into the outer walls, each was currently covered with a shutter.

In the middle of the room was a huge granite table surrounded with many different comfy cushions, there were many scrolls and maps on the table. Along one wall was a small open stove with a kettle on top, and cups in a little cupboard to the side.

Luo Bai went to get one of his belts, when he returned with it Gong Qiu Yu attacked him with kisses again.

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