The Good Incubus

Chapter 93 Cost Of Trespassing

Chapter 93

Cost Of Trespassing

Back at the cavern there was chaos, the necromancers were furiously screaming blue murder at the interlopers, who were trespassing on their most sacred grounds.

Gong Qiu Yu was trying his hardest to explain what had happened, “we came here to deal with a love demon, we would never have trespassed otherwise.”

“Likely story, you cultivators have been trying to get rid of us for centuries!” Yelled a stout man with long blond hair.

“Snow Mist Peak isn’t like that, we are only here to help.” Replied Gong Qiu Yu as calmly as he could.

Worried the disciples and villagers would get caught in the cross fire between the necromancers magic and his powerful Leader, Hao Kong was trying to organise any able bodied people to help lift the injured and move all the non-necromancers closer to the tunnel.

Just as Leader Gong’s Qi was flowing defensively and the necromancers hands were getting shrouded in black smoke; propelled by a burst of his Qi, Luo Bai came rushing out of the tunnel behind the dais.

Every head turned his way and he said solemnly, “I have the love demon here as proof.”

Intently everyone watched as he put the little demon on the platform and removed the robe from his head.

Seeing the little body of the nearly human man, silence fell in the large cavern, little more than breathing could be heard, and a lot of that was being held.

A tall brown skinned lady in necromancers robes walked slowly over to the dais and put her hand above the love demon’s head, while her colleagues kept a close watch on the cultivators.

The lady’s strong voice could be heard chanting ancient words, black smoke emanated from her hands and covered the body of the love demon.

Shapes of twisted beings appeared in the black smoke and groaned echoing words, that vibrated the cool air of the cavern, as she investigated the love demon’s body.

After a tense few minutes, the smoke returned to the necromancer’s hands as if there had never been a single wisp.

The lady sagged and looked pale under her mask, as she turned to her fellow necromancers, “they speak the truth, if they hadn’t released us from the love demon’s enchantment, we would now be with our friends in the next world.”

The necromancers slowly dropped their hands and stood more casually, while the cultivators put away their weapons as the tension in the room eased.

Turning to the Leaders, the tall necromancer lady bowed and said, “thank you for freeing us from the love demon. I am Drusilla, Leader of the Tribe of the Night. If there is anything The Tribe of the Night can help Snow Mist Peak with in the future, please let us know.”

The Leaders bowed back, and Gong Qiu Yu said, “There is no need to thank us, we are happy to help. Again please accept our deepest apologies for trespassing, and if there is anything we can help with, please don’t hesitate to contact us.”

A genuine smile spread across the lady’s brown lips below her mask, “you live up to your reputation Leader Gong.”

Bewildered, Gong Qiu Yu blushed and said, “thank you...?”

Not explaining further, Drusilla laughed and turned to help her fellow necromancers, but before she could leave, Hao Kong stepped forward looking worried but determined and bowed low, “Well met honoured Leader of the Tribe of the Night, sorry for my directness but I have been told to tell you that,” he pointed to where the dull metal hoop had been imbedded in the rock, “the ring has been reclaimed by its sibling parts, and due to your not terrible treatment of the wondrous artefact, my Masters won’t be seeking vengeance upon you.”

The head necromancer looked at Hao Kong as if he was mad, “you have taken our ring? The one we used to secure prisoners or golems to when summoning? O...k...”

A relieved smile touched Hao Kong’s lips and bowing again he said, “thank you.” And went back to helping the injured.

Luo Bai and Gong Qiu Yu knew what this meant and were amazed, both thinking, ‘another part of the armour?’

Arriving at the cavern, Zhou Tu bowed low to his lovers and said, “honoured Leaders, reinforcements are outside, can I tell them it’s safe to enter?”

The Leaders internally squirmed at the formal address of their young lover, but kept their features neutral.

Trying his best to sound aloof, Leader Luo said, “well done disciple, help escort the injured outside and tell the healers to come in.” Turning to Leader Drusilla he asked, “if that is alright with you?”

The lady nodded, and Luo Bai said, “Tell the healers to come in and heal anyone in need, no matter who they are.”

Bowing low again, Zhou Tu said, “yes Leader Luo.” Then moved off to help, while thinking to himself that his man was sexy when being commanding.

Out of all the possessed the necromancers had faired the best, which greatly impressed Luo Bai who had knocked out a lot of them. A few gratefully accepted healing from the cultivators, while the rest joined in carefully helping to move the injured out into the fresh air. In short order, everyone was ready to return to Snow Mist Peak.


Not having been lifted and cradled in someone’s arms since childhood, Chu Ling felt secure in the embrace of the two ancient artefacts and his smaller lover.

For a long time Xie Jie gently held his man and stroked his long smooth black hair, letting his emotional turmoil settle.

Feeling loved and safe, Chu Ling slowly came to terms with his feelings, and looked up into the face of his paling incubus with thanks on his tongue.

Seeing and feeling something wrong, hundreds of years of experience as a healer came to the forefront and he shifted in the smooth links to get a better look at his man.

Faced with his lover’s worried expression after all he had been through, Xie Jie said calmly, “I’m fine my love, now that I know you are safe everything is alright, there is no need to worry about me.”

The lines of worry on Chu Ling’s face deepened and he looked round at the dull metal ring in Xie Jie’s hand.

His voice thick with emotion Chu Ling asked, “Is that what I think it is?”

Nodding weakly, Xie Jie replied, “I think I should put it on properly, but we all wanted to comfort you first my wonderful bear.”

The ring didn’t so much talk to him, but Xie Jie knew it’s and the Dun sibling’s feelings towards the man in his arms, they would wait for years if it helped their Chu Ling.

At that moment, the door to the caves crashed open and their men streamed in, in a heart beat they all dropped down to their knees and wrapped their arms tightly around Chu Ling and Xie Jie.

Every inch of Chu Ling’s head, neck and shoulders was kissed by the five men around him.

The love that flowed into him from their open marks, overwhelmed Chu Ling’s fragile emotional state and tears flowed down his cheeks once more, just to be quickly kissed away by his lovers.

During the shower of kisses, Chu Ling asked in a small broken voice, “are the possessed alright?”

Gong Qiu Yu smiled at his caring wonderful healer, “they all came round from the possession when the love demon died. We brought all but the necromancers back here, Master Fen has taken charge of caring for them, so you don’t need to worry about anything my love.”

Knowing his succeeding disciple would do a good job, Chu Ling smiled contentedly and enjoyed the tight embrace of the men around him.

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