The Grandmaster’s weird disciple [BL]

Ch.240: Together [NSFW]

The youth hid a short frown when he felt something much larger poke his backside, but he showed no resistance when he felt it intrude his body.

Xie Yi exhaled with a shaky breath as he felt the hot intruding object slide deeper inside him. It was hard to resist the urge to clench his muscles but he knew that if he did, Shi Yue would not be able to move at all.

The Grandmaster groaned in pleasure and relief at feeling his member being enveloped by his partner. As much as his instincts screamed for him to move, his brain scolded for him to wait.

Xie Yi did not need long to adjust. His strained breathing soon relaxed and he lightly writhed to notify Shi Yue that the other could move.

Shi Yue felt like crying. The writhing was only tempting him further, god knows how thankful he was that it was a sign for him to continue.

His breath hitched as he pulled his waist back, unwilling to leave the scorching insides of his beloved person. Much faster than before, he hurried to return inside.

The black-haired man gave a soft cry. His fingers curled around the blanket, his back arching a bit. 

There was a lot of friction; Shi Yue did not have enough experience with men to remember that additional lubricant would have made sense. When he realized this, however, he was far beyond wanting to stop to fetch some.

Xie Yi stretched his head back, revealing his long neck. His words were accompanied by a soft haze.

“Feels weird”, he murmured. “Continue…”

He did feel the strong, tearing friction. But he didn’t really care about it.

In the first place, this level of pain was nothing for him. Then there was the point that he enjoyed the close contact with Shi Yue and, most of all, the soft moans of the Grandmaster.

So he wanted to continue.

Because Shi Yue was enjoying this way more than simple jerking off and Xie Yi was quite certain that he would enjoy this activity soon, as well.

...Because Mingtian did this kind of thing with Xue Hua. And knowing Mingtian, he would never do it if it wasn’t enjoyable for his mate, too.

That was why he shut up Shi Yue’s uncertain words with a deep kiss while wrapping his legs around the strong waist and moving his hips slightly to tempt Shi Yue.

Failing to control himself, Shi Yue ended up continuing his heavy thrusts.

Xie Yi only retreated from the pair of lips to breathe and let out shaky moans.

While one naughty hand was stabilizing his waist, the other was kneading his butt. Feeling the shivers from the familiar, pleasing touches, Xie Yi tensed his muscles spasmodically, earning more moans that made him hiccup happily.

He did not expect that seconds later, all concentration on Shi Yue’s reactions were gone.

When he felt the tip of Shi Yue’s cock rub heavily over a spot deep inside him, his whole body suddenly flinched as if electrified and a loud cry escaped him.

“A-Ahh!... W-wait-” As unsettled by the feeling as he had been the first time he encountered pleasure at all, Xie Yi curled back a bit, wanting a moment to regain control.

The other person on the bed did stop - for about a second in shock at the sweet moan. Then he moved again, relentlessly thrusting forward to find the same spot again.

Xie Yi raked his fingernails over Shi Yue’s back in surprise. Even if he had wanted to close his mouth, at this moment he had no control over it. He could only wrap his legs tighter to hold on and try to catch a breath between the cries that did not stop escaping him.

“Wai-i-... Ah! Give-... nghh… sec-...” Another lustful cry broke of his attempt at speaking.

He really wasn’t sure if he liked all of this.

Not on a physical level - he was so overwhelmed by pleasure that he couldn’t think and his ears were burning with the wet sounds inside the room mixing with the moans of two people. The bed was rocking along, somehow feeling even more erotic.

On a mental level, he was freaking out.

When Shi Yue touched him, he could keep his mind. When he would cum, it was a momentary lapse of sense. This was the same, only extended.

He wouldn’t be able to pull back on his own. He couldn’t stop this on his own. Unless Shi Yue let him go, he wouldn’t be able to resist.

A whimper welled up in his throat, escaping between moans. His eyes were misty with nervous tears.

He was scared.

Not of the act itself, but due to the sudden loss of his sense of security.

Shi Yue noticed the change quickly and forced himself to slow down enough that Xie Yi could at least breath.

Startled, he kissed the tears off his disciple’s face. His hip did not stop moving, but now he was rolling forward slowly, almost teasingly.

“What’s wrong”, he whispered softly, moving one hand up to cup Xie Yi’s face gently as he kissed him.

“Don...nnnh..t hurt me”, Xie Yi whimpered. 

The sentence was easy to be misinterpreted. With not enough lubrication and another man’s cock inside him, most people would have guessed that Xie Yi was in pain.

But Shi Yue understood him and gingerly licked the salty trail down his cheek. “You’re safe with me. Ah Yi, I love you. I’ll always be with you.”

Xie Yi sniffled and buried his face in Shi Yue’s shoulders. Love, he loved him. Loved him so much. He was scared of being hurt - because he loved him. The more he gave in, the worse it would hurt if it broke.

Accommodating his lover’s nervous breakdown, Shi Yue controlled his movements a bit more.

While achingly slow, Xie Yi soon melted under a mix of controlled thrusts and deep kisses. 

Releasing his hold around Shi Yue’s shoulder, he stretched his arms over his head and curled his fingers back around the blankets. He raised his hip, moving along with Shi Yue.

Because the slow movements weren’t enough to be pushed over the edge, he ended up uncomfortably hovering near his release but still too far away to actually reach it. His own cock was throbbing painfully but he enjoyed the pain of it.

Shi Yue only slowly increased his pace and roughness. Cultivators had good stamina, leaving him more than enough time to get his lover used to the foreign feeling. Besides, he himself was far from releasing yet.

He would have liked to try out more things once Xie Yi relaxed. Changing the position, for example.

But there was no way to do that right now.

When Xie Yi once again dragged his nails over Shi Yue’s back, this time drawing blood, it was at the same time as he clenched his muscles tightly around the cock inside him. Shi Yue ended up shuddering and moaning loudly.

He was almost surprised by his own reaction. He hadn’t thought he liked this type of violent action during sex, but that night proved him wrong.

Xie Yi, who had never quite stopped focusing on the moans that he also found pleasant to hear, would never let that chance go.

Minutes later, the white bedsheets were dripping red.

The loud cries of pleasure were accompanied by lower moans and occasional gasps of pain.

Shi Yue felt every inch of torn skin, from his shoulders down to his hip, felt the pain in his cock whenever Xie Yi tightened so much that he couldn’t move on purpose.

Growling, he reached down to grip Xie Yi’s cock tightly but only gained another delighted groan from his partner.

Bloody and violent - what had started out as a sweet round of lovemaking ended in half a fight, tearing the blankets and leaving bleeding wounds all over both people. 

Even when he felt Xie Yi’s insides tear and lightly bleed, the red fluid dripping down during his thrusts, he only continued.

As Xie Yi was coming closer to releasing, the violent play stopped and returned to the much more soft and loving treatment from the start.

Collapsing, Shi Yue lay on top of Xie Yi. He hurried to pull out, ignoring the wish to go for another round, and checked up on his lover.

Xie Yi softly writhed on the sheets, his chest heaving up and down.

“Kiss”, he called in a spoiled manner, reaching out for Shi Yue and pulling the other down.

Tongues intertwined along the taste of iron, the sound of their messy kiss ended up being the loudest in the room.

“Ah-nn…” Xie Yi gasped softly when a hand stroked over his sore inner thigh. Physically, he wouldn’t have minded continuing, but his mind was too exhausted.

Shi Yue pulled back his hand with a sigh and rolled to the side, pulling his lover into his arms.

“Still scared?” He murmured into the black hair, softly stroking his hand down his back.

“Bit.” A long, content breath escaped Xie Yi. “Hug.”

Snickering, Shi Yue dragged him closer and intertwined their legs. It was a bit tempting to feel the other rub against him, but his self-control was good enough.

“Are you feeling okay?”

“Hm. Comfortable.”

“Really…?” Shi Yue raised a sceptical eyebrow. A slight shift of his body was enough to see Xie Yi’s back and… he had definitely been too rough. There was no way that this plus the other bruises, bitemarks and bleeding scratches on his body could be comfortable.

Xie Yi leisurely blinked and licked over the tip of a scratch on Shi Yue’s shoulder. “I can tell that there’s pain, but it’s about as disturbing as an ant crawling over my skin. I don’t notice it if I’m not focusing on it.”

“I’ll be gentler next time”, Shi Yue awkwardly promised.

“Why?” Xie Yi moved his head back to incredulously look at his partner. “If you’re gentle, I’ve got no excuse not to be. No need, no need. Like today is good. Gentle is nice for the start and the end, but not the main part.”

The Grandmaster closed his mouth.

He really couldn’t catch up with his disciple’s thoughts sometimes. Anyway, it wasn’t too bad if he didn’t have to worry about being gentle…

But he needed to set back ointment for these activites. His whole back was aching and most certainly torn completely open.

Shi Yue nuzzled the black-haired head under his chin again. Like a kitten or a puppy, Xie Yi would sometimes wriggle in his arms or nip at his skin.

He hardly ever stopped moving.

For the next three hours until dawn, Shi Yue melted in the weirdly comfortable feeling of having Xie Yi by his side, always keeping up these tiny interactions and mixing them with loving kisses.

“Are you not tired at all?”, Shi Yue asked, watching through half closed eyes how Xie Yi was absentmindedly nibbling on his thumb. With his index and middle finger, he softly scratched the other’s cheek.

Xie Yi gave a long hum. He was indeed tired but all of his movements were on autopilot - he wasn’t thinking at all. Even biting on Shi Yue’s fingers was only because Shi Yue had moved his hand up to his face to rub over his lips and Xie Yi felt like he wanted to bite on something.

“I’m not sure, is it because you can’t sleep with me around yet? Still feeling too unsettled?” Shi Yue inched closer, placing his forehead against Xie Yi’s. 

He never doubted that Xie Yi loved him, but this level of trust wasn’t easy for Xie Yi. Not a full, deep sleep, just like Shi Yue hadn’t been able to do it yet.

The young man stopped his nibbling. His eyes held Shi Yue’s, his gaze a bit incredulous, then he stopped holding Shi Yue’s hand. He wrapped his arms around the other, buried his head below his chin, and in a matter of the minute that Shi Yue was stunned, fell asleep.

Completely, fully asleep.

All barriers he had put up had fallen down, leaving only those arms that tightened a bit when Shi Yue tried leaning away.

Along the deep, even breathing of Xie Yi, Shi Yue made a couple of touched sounds and hugged his lover tight.


This might just be the best night of his life so far.

Fluffy and nsfw for you all. Fun, fun times for me. The paywall translator doesn't seem like they're going to stop doing what they're doing. That's the internet for you.Please help me out by reporting whenever you see someone making money off my story :) Anyone who says "but I deserve this money for translating it" - well, I'm not saying translating isn't hard, but I'm writing this for free and no matter what you say, you're still doing a copyright infringement... I don't need fame, I don't need this story to spread worldwide, I want those that read it to read it for free. That's all. Sigh

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