The Grandmaster’s weird disciple [BL]

Ch.89: At the brothel…

Random extra chapter just because
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“I believe there are a number of auctions these following months where special bottles will be sold.”

“...If I keep throwing my money out of the window, I will be scolded.”

Shi Yue chuckled at the unexpectedly childish tone. “What do we earn money for, if not to buy the things that make us enjoy life? I have long lost sight of how much I spend just to buy myself the food I enjoy. I would rather not eat than consume bad food.”

“I wish I could cook”, Tiankong lamented. “Having meals with people who are precious to you is nice, but I have no talent for it.”

The white-haired Grandmaster thought about the one time he had let Xie Yi into his kitchen. One time. Once and for all.

They really were similar.

“You are free to visit the Virtuous Sect at any time”, he offered. “They will let you in if you say you are a friend of mine. I can show you some tricks.”

And besides, your family surely wants to see again.

Tiankong shook his head. “I… don’t think that that is a good idea. But… thank you.”

Slightly disappointed, Shi Yue did not press the topic. “That’s a shame. But know that you always have the possibility of coming by. Especially if you are in need of help.”

He had not forgotten what his disciple had told him - that Tiankong was searching for a way to end his life.

They continued to chat leisurely until Tiankong jolted his head around, staring at the door in confusion. A few moments later, it was thrown open.

Wu stood in the frame with an angry face. He almost slammed the door shut, then took the few steps over to his partner with a grim face.

He half threw the bag of gold and a wooden box onto the table before speaking.

“I have to deal with some things”, he growled in a tone that wasn’t quite human anymore.

“Is there trouble?”, Tiankong asked warily, ready to stand up, but Wu pushed him down by the shoulders.

“I don’t want you involved. Don’t follow me, okay?”, he said gently like coaxing a child. “I will take care of them.”

Tiankong’s face darkened. “Is it-”

“No.” Wu harshly cut him off. “You will not get involved. I understand your thoughts, but this went too badly last time. I won’t let them off easily either. Leave it to me, please.”

Understanding dawned on Shi Yue. In this city, it wouldn’t come off as a surprise if demonic cultivators were wandering around. Wu must have met them.

No one would care for their death in this lawless city, so even if he heard Wu speaking directly about killing them, he wouldn’t interfere. This was a place where everyone was responsible for their own well-being. Even royalty wouldn’t be let off.

Tiankong’s hands on the table tightened into fists until his knuckles turned white. His face was clearly showing the fury that he was pushing down.

“I understand”, he said hoarsely, his voice breaking. He was trying hard to keep himself under control.

“...Why don’t we go out somewhere else in the meantime?”, Shi Yue suggested helpfully. “You came here to relax, no? I know some nice places, moreover, they have good food and wine.”

Wu’s dark eyes moved over to Shi Yue, tinged with gratitude. “That would be kind of you.”

He looked down at his partner again and the man, after some deep and slow breaths, nodded.

“Then I will leave him to you”, Wu said as if he was handing over a little child. “Uhm, he-... lacks some common knowledge. Please don’t take it to heart.”

The image of his youthful disciple popped up in his mind. “Don’t worry. I am used to that kind of thing.”

Had both people spent a lot of time in confinement? It was weird for both of them to have such similar problems.

“Xiao Tian, wait for me at the dock at dawn. I’ll come there.”


Wu smiled, then left as hurriedly as he had entered.

With Tiankong being visibly unsettled, Shi Yue didn’t wait for the auction to finish. They left the building after a short round around the store where Shi Yue picked up some martial arts manuals.

He led them around the open market on purpose. Tiankong went from stall to stall, looking at the colourful trinkets and sometimes buying smaller things that interested him.

This part of the city really was the most peaceful.

Shi Yue considered where to go and then decided on a place where they could sit in peace and continue their previous talks about arrays or whatever topic they liked.

Tiankong followed him. With their surroundings growing quieter, he too became more silent.

The corner that Shi Yue led them to was something like a red-light district. He ignored all stores until they reached a very large building that had strong guards standing outside.

Shi Yue slowed his steps when he approached it and watched Tiankong from the side of his eyes. 

Tiankong looked around but didn’t complain about Shi Yue’s choice, so the cultivator took it as assent that this place was alright.

Truth be told, it could be considered a brothel. The women here did sell themselves if they liked their guests, but their main selling point was still the atmosphere of relaxation and enjoyment of arts.

Shi Yue only intended to come here for that purpose. Either way, they were both adults, so if Tiankong didn’t like the girls, he could send them away with a word.

The girls certainly did like him, at least. From the moment the two of them stepped into the building, a number of eyes were on them.

A lady clad fully in red walked over coquettishly, holding a fan in front of her mouth as she spoke in a pleasant voice.

“Oh my, what a rare guest. Master Li, it has been a while”, she sang, circling Shi Yue like a tigress ready to pounce.

The Grandmaster gave her a polite smile. “Indeed.”

He had intended to ask her for a room, but she had already turned to Tiankong and gave a delighted gasp.

“My, my! Mister Beautiful, I don’t think we are acquainted yet!”

Tiankong looked down at her mutely, but she didn’t care and looked him all over with a fiery gaze. Her tongue slipped out, licking over her lips as if she was looking at a delicious piece of meat.

“Would you be so kind as to lead us to a room?”, Shi Yue said slightly darkly. He did not like it when she had that look.

She smirked, then threw a suggestive glance at Tiankong. “A room for you two? Shall I make it a private one? No wonder, with such a beauty.”

Shi Yue felt a headache. “No!”

Worried, he glanced over to Tiankong. Grandmasters were proud people. To have a random woman suggest that one was beneath the other in that kind of thing… Well, cultivators often thought it offensive enough to be spoken even if it was true, let alone if it wasn’t.

But the man was surprisingly magnanimous. His face didn’t move at all, like he hadn’t heard it. He showed no reaction to the offence.

“Even better”, the woman said happily, clapping her fan closed on her hand. Her smile was pleased. “Don’t worry, I shall send you our greatest talents and beauties to your disposal. Anything else?”

“A good meal and wine”, Shi Yue ordered, causing her to chuckle again.

She looked at him with upturned eyes. “Food, alcohol and beauties. Master Li, should I choose a room with good soundproofing?”

He glared at her because that was indeed something he wanted, just for completely different reasons.

However, he could not get mad at the woman who left with swaying hips and an amused laugh. After all, this kind of place served other purposes, too.

As the beautiful Madame Bai, who was actually a cultivator, had once told him: There is no better place to gain information than in the beds of those you want to get it out of.

The whole building was a very successful underground agency that specialized in acquiring and spreading information. Making her angry would do him no good.

Shi Yue rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Please don’t take her seriously. She is only making fun of me. I don’t engage in… that kind of thing.”

“Un”, Tiankong easily hummed.

Maybe he didn’t find the concept or orgies weird? Or participated in them himself? He... couldn't imagine that.

Either way, the man stayed completely relaxed at being mercilessly teased, earning Shi Yue’s respect.

A petite girl came to lead them to their room. Shi Yue glanced over her; she was only a child, younger than his disciple.

With the way she was dressed - very conservatively - and the purposefully ugly makeup on her face, it was clear that she had been taken in to help with menial tasks.

Madame Bai often took in girls that were sold as slaves. Until they were older, she made sure to protect them from the dangerous world outside.

She was nervous, but couldn’t keep herself from glancing up at the two cultivators in fascination.

After this whole scene is over, I summarized it again from Xie Yi's point of view. Shi Yue, you are letting your imagination run off with you.... The conversation was glorious to write.

I skipped ahead and wrote the scene where Shi Yue realizes his feelings... I think it turned out great. As in, I'm laughing evilly. Evil half-spoiler (You know what I mean xD):


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