The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 441

Chapter 441: I see

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The faces of the disciples of the Vientiane Gate all changed color, and they hurriedly asked.

Our Lady of the Divine Turtle shook her head: “The specific situation is unknown, why is this so, wait for you to go back and ask yourself.”

Of course everyone immediately asked to go back to the mountain.

“I said that there is no hurry. At present, the two sides are temporarily truce. Our Mother intends to stay with you for a few days and send you a good fortune.”

“Specifically, practice for a few days in the secret land of my turtle island, to ensure that everyone’s cultivation is up to the next level.”

This is a good thing.

Yi Liunian asked: “Mr. Mary, generally speaking, it is best for the cultivation level above the birth level to grow naturally. It is difficult and unstable to increase it by external force.”

“Well then, you can be excluded.”

“You said it yourself, generally speaking. Since there is normality, there are abnormalities, abnormalities, and abnormalities.”

“Is this Madonna an ordinary person, who is in charge of the East China Sea, who wanders in the four seas and has lived for tens of thousands of years. Is there any good thing? Others can’t do it, so I am just a drizzle, you have not seen Has the giant whale king advanced in a short period of time?”

Lin Xian was surprised and cautious, saying: “Thank you for the cultivation. Not only did the Virgin helped us leave the Myoko Holy Land, but also treated us so kindly. I can’t be thankful enough.”

Although the words have not been stated clearly, the Virgin knows what it means: “It’s nothing, it’s all pleasing to your eyes. There is a fixed number for one drink and one peck, and there is no need to be polite.”

The Virgin answered Lin Xian’s surprise, but Hua Lan Ting looked at it.

There is no love for no reason.

Our Lady of the Turtles also didn’t make it clear, she said lightly, but in fact, if you want to do it, you have to pay a certain price.

The reason she took the initiative to show her favor was that she didn’t see everyone pleasing to the eye, but to Hua Lanting’s pleasing to the eye.

Although human beings have a short lifespan, the potential for cultivation is unlimited. Hualanting has such achievements at a young age, and the possibility of a breakthrough in the future is not small.

As a sea beast, her cultivation base has reached the top, but if she wants to leave this world, her hope is still slim if it is not a special opportunity. Now she has a good relationship, and the rewards in the future may far outweigh her efforts.

Even if it fails, it is harmless.

The matter is settled, the Virgin of the Tortoise arranged for everyone to enter the secret field to practice.

Hua Lan Ting has reached the extreme stage of the Jiuqulian environment, and all that is needed to upgrade is to expand the small floating collaterals and sun collaterals in all collaterals.

It seems simple, but there are thousands of collaterals, one requires a huge amount of zhenqi, and the other, if there is any omission, it will lay regrets for future summits.

In addition, to ascend to the Promise Realm, you need to be aware of the integration of exercises and spells, comprehend the truth of removing the false and keeping the truth, and reducing the complexity to simplicity. Hualan Ting initially demonstrated this ability in the battle against the Brahma. This is also the Virgin Mary. Confident reasons to help him go further.

To make a long story short, a few days later, all of these people got their wish and climbed to the next level, and Hua Lan Ting reached the peak of the Ten Directions Promise Realm, becoming the top level power that all cultivators dream of.

As soon as the matter was over, Our Lady of the Turtle escorted the impatient people back to Mengbishenghuashan.

When the Virgin traveled, the situation gave way, and when she deliberately let go of her momentum, the momentum was mighty and earth-shattering.

It has to be so.

As they entered the boundary of Mengbishenghua Mountain, even Hualanting and others who were wrapped in it felt depressive aura and resistance.

As I saw along the way, the former verdant and pleasant mountains were devastated. Some peaks were turned into scorched earth, obviously after war, and there were hordes of monks on the ground rushing to the main mountain.

Our Lady of the Divine Turtle is true, and the periphery of the Vientiane Gate of Freedom has been lost.

Approaching the main mountain, the speed of Our Lady slowed down, because there were more and more monks on the ground, and various formations were opened, and from time to time, a tyrannical aura of light and dark rose into the sky.

There is still some distance away from the mountain gate, and finally there is a powerful flying, blocking the unstoppable Madonna of the Turtle, and there are a dozen or so rare Jade Lake and Promise Realm monks.

The Virgin stopped her pace and appeared in a human form.

On the other side, there was a powerful person who knew the Virgin Mary and snatched it out: “Which fellow daoist came here, I have such a momentum. It turns out that it is the Virgin Mary of the East China Sea. The old man is polite.”

“Is the Virgin also coming to this muddy water? Wasn’t there a promise that the land and the sea would live together peacefully?”

The Virgin sneered: “This Virgin has no intention of interfering in the internal affairs of Shuxuanxianzhou. Wouldn’t it be okay to come out to relax and watch the excitement? Hou Daneng, are you from the sea? You can manage it wide enough. What’s the matter? Is it itchy again?”

The surnamed Hou Da Neng’s skin twitched a few times and did not dare to speak again, and the people around him were also chilling, thinking that they had eaten it under the hands of Our Lady.

There are other great powers that come out to make a round: “The world is so big, the Virgin is not going where to go. Since it is a leisurely sightseeing, I will rest assured when I wait.”

The virgin said to Hua Lan Ting and the others: “I will send you here. Going forward, these people should be anxious, you rats have tail juice.”

He raised his voice again and said: “Knowing that you are fighting internally, the old body will not get mixed up, but it is always okay to send people in. Who dares to stop it is to be against this Virgin.”

Speaking, a breath came out, opening a way for Hua Lan Ting and the others to enter the mountain gate.

Hua Lanting surrendered to the Virgin Mary: “Keep in mind the grace of the Virgin Mary’s helping hand. If you are destined in the future, you will be rewarded. We, goodbye.”

He led everyone to fly out along the passage and went straight to the mountain gate.

Taken in the majesty of the Virgin, no one intervened.

But when one of them recognized the appearance of Hua Lan Ting, regardless of the crowd, he came out and drank: “It’s him! This kid is Hua Lan Ting. It is you who are looking for you. Leave it to this seat.”

Without waiting for the Virgin to speak, Hualan Court sank like water and rushed forward.

They watched the good Mengbisheng Huashan being ruined along the way, and they were suffocated for a long time. This is their own home, their own home. Although it is still unknown, how can the sect be trampled on.

Without talking, Hua Lan Ting shot directly.

There is fire in the heart and breath in the belly. After stepping into the Ten Directions Promise Realm, Mighty must have the dignity of Mighty, not to mention that there is also the Mother of the Turtle Temple sitting behind, not looking at the face of the monk to see the face of the Buddha.

If you dare to bubbling, you must have the consciousness of looking for death.

Therefore, Hua Lanting’s move is a killer move, ruthless.

“Daoguang one blow” plus “feet short and long inch”.

This time, it was not the chest and abdomen who greeted him, but the other person’s head.

Hua Lan Ting has already stood on the Promise Realm. At this time, a blow to the Vanquish will not only break a bit of blood, but will really be traumatized and internal organs.

This daredevil was also unlucky. He thought that there were so many people on his side, and a junior in Hua Lan Ting didn’t dare to make trouble. He didn’t expect Hua Lan Ting to stand up to kill him.

He blocked the first point of attack, protected his head and face, but failed to prevent the change of “feet short and inch long”. He turned back and stood still on the spot, his eyes widened, and after a breath, his neck gushed out. With blood, his head tilted, and a big head rolled down.


The early rafters rot first.

A Yaochi Great Neng who was still alive just now, died in a flash.

The people around were dumbfounded.

Hua Lanting and others stopped paying attention and rushed to the mountain gate.

The guarding formation of the Vientiane Gate of Freedom has been opened, knowing that it is one’s own people, let them in.

The monks here were firstly deterred by Hualanting’s disagreement and acted to kill and threaten them, but they didn’t react for a while, and the other was that the Mother of God Turtle supported them with great coercion, allowing Hualanting and the others to return to the sect. .

Our Lady of the Divine Turtle pulled away without mentioning it, and said that Hualanting and others immediately understood the situation after entering the mountain.

Now it is not the wind and rain that is coming, but the wind and rain has come.

The problem still originated from Hualan Court, and it was related to the seventh calamity of Shuxuan.

It happened during the days when they went to the Miaogao Holy Land, but it originated from Jiming Mountain.

The incident that caused the Shuxuan Seven Tribulations Conjecture at Jiming Mountain, the truth is that the misfortune beasts hiccup, and the dormant volcano suddenly erupted to form a continuous vision.

The people who entered with Hualan Ting that time and some people at Wanxiangmen knew the inside story, but outsiders didn’t know much about it, so the matter of Shuxuan and Seven Tribulations was still slowly fermenting.

This doesn’t matter, time can best explain the problem, and sooner or later everyone will know that it is a false alarm.

However, there are people who are fascinated by profit, enthusiasm and evil, and they are bold enough to fear that the world will not be chaotic.

There is a saying that a single mouse **** can ruin a pot of porridge, and a small person has played a role in disrupting the overall situation of Xianzhou.

This person is Shang Chenyang!

After Hua Lanting and the others fought a great battle, Shang Chenyang was missing. He took advantage of the chaos and escaped.

Shang Chenyang’s heart was gloomy, and he was upset about what happened to him, completely ignoring that Hua Lanting had confronted the descendants of the beasts in order to rescue him. He always felt why Hua Lanting got the odd encounter, and he didn’t get anything.

The more he thought about it, the more frustrated he became. As a villain who coveted the position of the future business owner and had great ambitions and self-righteousness, Shang Chenyang came up with an idea.

He wants to discredit Hua Lan Ting.

The rumors began to spread like this: The Hualan Court of Vientiane Gate went deep into the Jixing Tianchi, not only to get benefits, but also to learn important clues about the birth of a secret treasure in every catastrophe.

However, Hua Lan Ting concealed it, and planned to wait for the incident to calm down and cooperate with Vientiane Gate to hunt for treasure, so that he would greatly increase his strength, and Vientiane Gate would also benefit, relying on the treasure house to achieve leapfrog development in the future, and then dominate Xianzhou.

Rumors and lies never need to withstand careful scrutiny from every aspect. As long as there is an initial background and an inference result later, it is enough to say that there is a nose and an eye in the middle, and it is enough to be able to “flash with the eyebrows”.

Once the rumors are born, naturally some people will have their imaginations and pictures of cats and tigers. They are supplemented and amplified by catching the wind and catching the shadows, adding fuel and vinegar. In addition, such as the blood cloud demon Taoist sect who is worried and cannot find a chance, this rumors are like a spark. , Gradually became a prairie prairie climate, spreading everywhere like long legs inside and outside Shuxuanxianzhou.

The emergence of the Seven Tribulations of Shuxuan has brought panic among the people. People would rather believe in what they have, rather than believe in what they are. The focus of everyone has shifted from Jiming Mountain to the head of the Vientiane Freedom Gate.

In the beginning, someone went up the mountain to inquire and asked Hualan Ting to come out to verify the evidence. Later, he was not polite and asked Vientiane Gate to hand over Hualan Ting and share the information of the treasure house.

With the increase in the number and level of intervening sects, the trend of inquiring into the sect of Vientiane has formed.

Hua Lan Ting was not in the mountain, which turned out to be the crime of Vientiane Gate for sheltering the disciples.

Vientiane Gate has made many explanations, and some people in the same industry have come out to give corroboration, but it is no longer helpful or helpful.

Although there are always people who don’t believe it, some people will believe it, and more people are preconceived. In the context of the so-called catastrophe, it is even harder to hear any vindication.

As a result, under the instigation and instigation of interested people, more and more sects gathered in Mengbisheng Huashan to denounce the Vientiane Gate, and gradually evolved into a hands-on attack.

There are also many voices who speak up for Vientiane. For example, the merchant publicly announced that Shang Chenyang and his son were expelled from the family and ordered to kill him. Many other schools sent people to help, but in the face of the general situation, it was a drop in the bucket.

At first, the Vientiane Gate persuaded the innocence. With sporadic disturbances, the Vientiane Gate had to abandon the outer defense and retreat to the center. When the number of people who came to Mengbisheng Huashan reached a certain level, after a few battles , Vientiane Gate was forced to open the mountain guard formation, and all the members entered the mountain gate to guard.

The Vientiane Gate once counted on the four major alliances to mediate, but firstly, the matter has been unarguable, and secondly, many alliance members have ambiguous attitudes, and many others want to use the opportunity to attack the Vientiane Gate.

The situation is finally serious.

The two sides fought several battles At first, most of them were small and medium-sized sects and casual repairers. They were just a mob of fish and shrimps. The Vientiane Gate did not suffer much. Later, there continued to be large-scale sects and top-notch schools. Being able to join, the Vientiane Gate has attacked and defended by virtue of the array that has been scattered around for thousands of years. The two sides suffered mutual casualties. Later, they could not withstand it and had to retreat to defend the mountain.

In recent days, the two sides have temporarily truce.

On the one hand, the coalition forces condemning the Vientiane Gate lacked effective organization and cooperation, the offensive was scattered, and they were fighting separately. Therefore, although they were supposed to be crushed in strength, they failed to inflict heavy losses on the Vientiane Gate. They needed time to integrate.

On the other hand, all except the inner gate of the Vientiane Gate have been abandoned, only the core mountain protection formation within the Mengbi Nine Peaks and the back mountain is as solid as gold, and it also takes time to adjust and breathe.

Knowing the above details, Hua Lan Ting’s mood is extremely heavy.

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