The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 54

Chapter 54: Squeeze

As Hua Lan Ting continued to move forward, I found that the energy in the sky and sky blue smoke and jade was reduced. It seems that resisting the invasion of the **** ecstasy will consume aura. I don’t know how long it will take to get out. It is better to save use.

walked for a long time under the influence of the intermittent formation, and one person came to face him. Fortunately, it was Shang Chenxi. The two of them faced each other involuntarily and then stood opposite each other.

With the previous experience, Hua Lan Ting activated the green smoke jade to stay awake. Shang Chenxi did not know if the relationship with a higher cultivation level was also in a awake state. The two took the opportunity to quickly communicate the situation.

Shang Chenxi said that he had met a strange boy who hadn’t seen him before. The boy seemed to be unaffected by the formation, so he looked at him and left quickly. This is because there are other people in the formation, no wonder the formation spirit said that there are eleven people.

Hua Lanting and Shang Chenxi tried to go together, but found that they couldn’t do it as if they were mutually exclusive. However, if the two moved forward in reverse, the formation would not respond. It seems that they are not all enemies. Separate and continue to fight.

The book reveals that the octopole cloud light array is indeed a high-level psychedelic array. The main function of the eccentric sub-array of the **** is to make those who enter the array get lost and then kill them.

But it must be just a formation method, incomparable with such treasures as the free Vientiane Gate Heaven and Earth Vientiane Furnace, which can be called a divine tool in this world and has the power of the sky.

Even in the realm of immortals and gods, the mystery of the universe and the human body has only been mastered, and is under exploration, not to mention that this place is just a puzzle.

Therefore, the formation method cannot truly achieve the soul replacement. It can only simulate the effect of the illusory soul replacement through the influence on the brains of the creatures. Based on the thoughts and thoughts of the participants, the ability to detect the opponent’s mind can be achieved to a certain extent. Purpose.

The secrets of the universe and the human body are so profound. Just imagine that the human brain is only composed of a bunch of flesh, blood, bones and nerves, but it can produce such a wealth of ideas and wonderful ideas!

Therefore, to put it bluntly, those who enter the battle are in illusions, and the body is not really moving and fighting, otherwise how can they be killed and still be resurrected?

Just like ordinary people in the secular world can be psyched by alcohol and drugs into the world of visions, the magic of the big array is that it can disturb the consciousness of the practitioners.

and it is only useful for low-level monks. If Mu Yizheng or Zhou Yi enters the battlefield, this psychedelic effect will be greatly reduced or even invalid.

In addition, the main function of the **** ecstasy is to cooperate with the main battle array. The trial was only a very marginal application in ancient times. It was used for the low-level disciples of the Octo-Jianz sect to enhance the experience of fighting, enhance combat awareness and experience, and after leaving the battle. I can’t remember the martial arts that I felt in the formation.

Because of this, the disciples of the Ancient Eight-Ji Array Trial Sect had been asked to meet before they entered the formation, so the formation itself did not have a setting for compulsory fighting.

Speaking of digressions and later words, the secular world, the realm of cultivation, the immortal realm after ascending, as well as the titles and locations of the Buddha realm and the different world should all be approached from different angles, exploring the cosmic space and the mystery of the human body. Concretized manifestations of varying degrees and heights.

To give a minimalist example that is not necessarily appropriate: people in the lay world can only add, subtract, multiply and divide tens of millions, while the real world has already understood analytic geometry and linear algebra, while the fairy buddha world has mastered differential and integral. It is said that there must be a deeper understanding of the objective world to solve practical problems of knowledge and wisdom.

Speaking of which, Hua Lanting once again closed his eyes and ran to feel the joy of running blindly. Suddenly, he was passed by two figures this time. He turned back and opened his eyes to see that there were actually two spirit beasts opposite him, one big and one small. Staring at him, one of them still knew Zhang Hanyun’s spotted possum. There were some fragments in his brain, and he instantly understood why the spirit was talking about eleven creatures instead of eleven people.

What is the situation of the spotted possum now?

The words also start with the case of taking homes in Yuehe Town. The Blood Cloud Demon Dao Sect’s entry into the Vientiane Freedom Gate has a special purpose. After that time, the Blood Cloud Demon Dao Sect failed to make a plan, and made two plans again, and people were lurking and couldn’t enter, so send the beast in.

The Blood Cloud Demon Taoist once captured the spirit of an adult White-fronted Demon Falcon in the Northern Demon Yuan of Taichu by chance. The White-fronted Falcon is a rare high-level spirit beast. Its feathers are extremely hard and move like lightning. It is said to be close to the category of quasi-divine beasts that survive for thousands of years.

The white-fronted falcon perched on a strange tree called jasper silk-scissor wood. When Xueyunmo Daozong accidentally discovered this tree, he mobilized manpower to cut it down, but was blocked by the white-fronted demon falcon family who accompanied the tree. Both the male and female demon falcons have been refined for more than three thousand years, and the two sides started a battle.

The final result was that the female falcon died, the male falcon was left with only the soul, and the demon falcon cub was captured, and the price paid by the blood cloud demon Taoist school was that the great elder cared for the death of the moral body, and only the original spirit escaped.

The blood cloud demon Taoist school spent a lot of money to preserve the spirit of caring for Germany and the male falcon. After the soul of caring virtue entered Tenglin’s body, it was now forced out and kept in Xinqiaoxian.

Later, the Blood Cloud Demon Dao Sect used the lives of the demon falcon cubs to force the soul of the male falcon to cooperate with them to enter the spotted possum, and sneak into the Vientiane Gate for a long time to search for target intelligence.

With the help of Liao Shuguangyou Devil’s Etched Spiritual Array, the male falcon soul had successfully entered the spotted possum’s body. Although the male falcon spirit had been sluggish and weak after being preserved for many years, there was no problem in seizing the young spotted possum.

Unexpectedly, Liao Shuguang was heartbroken on Wu Xiluan’s death. He used the secret method to use the connection between the big and small tripods to secretly damage the soul of the male falcon, causing it to fail to win the house.

Since then, the Soul of the Male Falcon and the Soul of the Ban Possum have coexisted and competed for dominance. Sometimes the Soul of the Falcon was sober, and sometimes the Soul of the Falcon was the master.

Out of the battlefield this time, Soul Falcon saw the piebald leopard. The spirit of the big leopard is strange, which helps Soul Falcon to speed up repairing damage, so it chased the leopard into the cave by itself.

Beasts have only life and soul, not like human beings with three souls and seven souls. So strictly speaking, beasts can’t ascend through cultivation, they rely on absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to continuously activate their bloodlines and strengthen their talents and supernatural powers.

The original design of the **** ecstasy formation did not take into account the element of the beast soul, so the two beasts are chasing in the formation with their bodies, and the formation regards the soul of the mink, falcon, and leopard as the three souls of heaven, earth and man, of which the mink soul is weak but the main destiny The soul, the falcon soul is strong but weak and wounded, the leopard soul is in the middle but fears the falcon soul.

Seeing Hua Lan Ting, affected by the formation, the three souls showed their animal guard and attacking nature to him, but at the same time, the mink soul always does not want to regain the dominance of the body, and the falcon soul always does not want to swallow the leopard soul. Healing, Leopard Soul always doesn’t want to escape the threat of Falcon Soul.

In this case, one person, two beasts and three souls fight together.

For Hua Lanting, the two beasts are not a threat, but he is not good at killing the spotted possum to demote him. It is not appropriate for Zhang Hanyun’s thing of the same family to be injured, and others are not used to killing, let alone killing leopards. , Thinking about fainting.

But the two beasts themselves are good at speed, and the psychedelic lower body method in the formation is even more weird. Hua Lanting failed to make several attacks, and had to add a little more strength, and slapped the spotted possum on the head.

The soul of the mink was afraid to flee, the soul of the falcon was about to attack the soul of the leopard, and the two souls moved their bodies together, and they flashed a blow. The soul of the leopard was just affected by the formation at this time, and its natural instinct was to bite Hualanting. This happened to be sent. Going to the door, he was hit by the palm of Hua Lanting and flew towards the spotted possum.

Seeing the big leopard flying over in a coma, the soul of the falcon quickly invaded and dragged the soul of the big leopard back quickly, and was about to swallow it. Unexpectedly, the soul of the falcon launched an attack when the soul of falcon was separated from the body for a short time and returned. Injured again, but there was no time to devour the leopard soul. At this time, Hua Lanting made another palm, and the two beasts fell into a coma.

Hua Lan Ting immediately continued on.

The piebald leopard has lost its soul and died physically. After the formation time limit expired, the spotted possum smoothly returned to the outside of the cave where it came, but there were three beast souls coexisting inside.

Diao soul is the weakest but the soul of life is the advantage of the home game. The soul of the falcon is hard to heal but has rank suppression to the other two souls. The soul of the leopard is not strong or weak. No one of the three parties can do anything. Since then, there has been no obvious regularity in turns. Taking control of the body, Zhang Hanyun, who was the master, was puzzled for a long time.

This state has also been maintained for a long time, at least when it will change, how the Falcon Soul performs the mission, etc., these are all things to do.

I pray that this book will not be settled just because there is no contract so far.

At this moment, I just want to ask: Three, are you squeezing or not?

Next, Hua Lan Ting finally encountered a powerful enemy.

He and Zhong Duan are facing each other. In order to save Qingtianyu’s aura, Hua Lanting didn’t immediately concentrate on it.

So his mind is now full of negative emotions brought about by the yin and qi of the soul of Zhongduan Youjing-humble and unwilling.

Zhong Duan said that he was still a distant elder from Chu Wu. Because of his background, he could only be a relative since he was a child, and he could not say that he had no resources and oil to fish. But he did a lot of evil things with his smiling face, but now he can’t do anything. Find a better way out for my son.

In fact, he had been secretly attracted by Chu Jiangkai to buy it over. The purpose of their trip was to find an opportunity to use Wulanzong, formation or any other third party to openly do Chu Mei, in order to seek the position of the next suzerain.

As soon as I thought of this, UU Reading www.uukā Hua Lan Ting was surprised and returned. He was not particularly nervous at this time. Before Zhong broke off, Shang Chenxi’s arm was smashed, but his skill was not greatly damaged, so that the left-handed sword of the double-sword could work, so even considering the influence of the formation, it would be difficult for him to win, but Fortunately, there is no life worry, and we still have to fight hard.

Thinking of this, Hua Lanting was about to move forward, and suddenly heard a creaking sound in her ear, and then the childish voice of Xiaozhenling came:

“It’s so embarrassing. It’s been in disrepair for a long time, and the formation is stuck. The trial ends here. That, this, I announce that the girl closest to the exit is now the first place. Other rules remain the same. Everyone is out. I’m sleepy. .”

As soon as the voice fell, Hua Lanting’s vision dimmed, and he opened his eyes and returned to the inner lobby.

At this time, apart from remembering all the words of the formation and the spirit of the formation, Hua Lan Ting has no memory of those details.

He was secretly surprised, didn’t he mean teleporting out of the array? Why are you here again? Does outside the array only refer to the **** illusion outside the array? What about the others? The formation is stuck and even the transmission is messed up? Fortunately, I was thinking of going to the entrance of the treasure house in the middle of the hall that the old way said.

Just about to lift their feet, two people were teleported back. After seeing her face clearly, Hua Lanting’s face changed drastically, it was Chu Mi and Zhong Duan!

Hua Lanting lamented, Xiao Zhenling, you are playing with me! After Chu Mou was killed and resurrected, his cultivation level fell to the first level. Of course he was not afraid, but he would hate himself deeply. When the problem occurred, his strength was still on his side. Under the two people’s joint hands, he had no help. How to resist alone? There is still one set of scorpion-tail serial needles left, but it may not be useful compared to the clock that is nearly two realms higher than oneself.

This is not an exercise in the formation, this is a real crisis of life and death!

Hua Lanting breathed rapidly, his eyes rolled, his thoughts flashed, nervously thinking about the way to escape.

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