The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 67

Chapter 67: Drawbridge blood battle

I don’t know how long it has been floating, but Hua Lan Ting only felt that there was a ray of light in the distance, and a voice kept whispering in his ear: “A spring and autumn dream in the world, there is no time to return…”

Suddenly, the consciousness surged back into the body like the low tide of sea water, Hua Lanting suddenly opened his eyes.

is empty and dark around, why is it still floating in the air and about to fall? Hua Lanting was at a loss for a while, only feeling stiff, unable to move his hands and feet.

There were several exclamations in his ear: “Young Master!” “Second Young Master!” “Little Hou Ye!”

is calling me? Hua Lanting thought in a daze, fortunately, he finally didn’t go through the rebirth as a female body, otherwise he really didn’t know how to deal with himself under the scene of two **** on his chest and squatting down and hushing.

Just thought of this, a white light flashed in front of me, what is it? No, it’s the tip of the gun! A big gun adorned with a bowl of red cherry blossoms pierced the chest from bottom to top!

With the faint moonlight reflected from the sharp tip of the gun, Hua Lanting’s eyes swept away and finally saw the situation clearly.

I was indeed in mid-air, surrounded by dark and secluded mountain peaks and dense forests, and several feet below it was a chain suspension bridge, swaying, and there was a figure swaying on it.

In addition to the dazzling cold light of the gun tip, he also noticed two winds hitting the ground three feet below his feet. This is an estimate that he is about to fall from exhaustion. The advance is calculated, and another hidden weapon is coming straight to his back. !

The person is in the air, his stomach and back are attacked, his whole body is still stiff, and he just feels a little sensation in his arm.

what’s the situation? Fall into the kill game as soon as it comes? Will you wake up from the dream soon? Set the fastest travel record in the history of the sect?

tried to stimulate the blue smoke jade on the chest and the ring on the left hand one after another, but there was no response at all! Hua Lanting resignedly closed his eyes, anyway, Lao Mu had said that he would not really die, and believed him again.

He only heard a creak in front of him, Hua Lanting opened his eyes and saw that a flying five-claw grabbing head clasped on the tip of the assault gun was pulling down, allowing him to avoid the disaster of chest-piercing, and there were two sounds behind him. The rapid howling sound hit the hidden weapon rushing to the back, the hidden weapon was beaten and flew obliquely, and he subconsciously grabbed it with his right hand, which was just able to move.

Another whistling sound hit him on the back first, like an iron gall, with extremely clever force. It hit him forward, but it didn’t hurt him, so it hit the two hidden weapons under his feet. It will be lost!

Affected by the iron gall, Hua Lanting’s body finally barely moved under the command. He only felt a cold sweat. He was almost alive and terrified. His feet had just landed on the wooden planks of the chain bridge, and he had not yet stood firm. They were two spears. Stabbed from the front, left and right, the gun was erratic and swift, and the tip of the gun moved like a torrential pear blossom.

How Hua Lanting, who had practiced with the gunman Zhuge Yun for countless times, couldn’t tell what the tip of the gun was really pointed at. With his feet firmly and slightly relaxed, he swayed left and right, and has clamped the gun body under his armpits. The arm shook and flicked, and the two men with guns in front screamed and fell off the suspension bridge.

At this time, one person from the front and back grabbed him and sandwiched him in the middle. Both of them suddenly turned their backs to him and looked forward.

Own people!

Hua Lan Ting breathed a sigh of relief secretly, and took time to look at the situation.

There is an abyss that does not know how deep it is. The suspension bridge is more than fifty feet long and two feet wide. They are located one-third of the distance behind them.

There are more than 30 people fighting on the suspension bridge. From time to time, someone jumps up and down, all of them are light-hearted and not weak. Take a closer look, there are nearly 20 people who use all kinds of spears, and they should be on the opponent’s side.

At this time, the suspension bridge shook more and more intensely, and a person not far behind shouted: “Quickly, come and rush out of the suspension bridge!” The two people involuntarily said, wrapped him in and backed away.

The man in front was dressed in tight-fitting Tsing Yi, holding a sword and constantly resisting the enemies who flew over.

Behind him is a big beard, holding a flying grasp, relying on the length to help the person who makes the sword from time to time. The flying grasp has a tricky angle and does not make many moves, but he must see blood when he shoots. It should be the one who helped him keep off the tip of the gun. .

There are blood stains on both of them, and in the dark it is impossible to distinguish whether it is the enemy or they were injured.

There were obviously more opponents than theirs. After discovering that they were about to escape from the suspension bridge, five people tried their best to flee from the suspension bridge. , Is actually a desperate style of play.

The Tsing Yi swordsman was entangled by the two people in front of him. The big beard flew and attacked the two in the air. The last one took the opportunity to roll in with his spear and the big spear poisonous dragon went out of the hole and stabbed Hualanting’s lower abdomen.

Hua Lanting hadn’t fully recovered his mind to figure out the whole situation, but it was not important now. When the five people came just now, he saw that seven or eight people fell under the bridge, both enemy and me.

At the moment, the moon is black and the wind is violent, and the awe-inspiring murder and blood on the lonely suspension bridge stimulates his mind to quickly blend with this fleshy body, and also makes his mental nervousness agitated.

didn’t have time to entangle, the tip of the gun was near, he could feel the big guy trying his best to move in front of him, he couldn’t help but his heart was hot, blood surged upwards, and he roared wildly in his mouth.

The hidden weapon that Hua Lanting grabbed in the air just now was a broken Hongying spear tip. At this moment, he shot angrily and pierced the opponent’s spear tip accurately. After shattering the opponent’s spear tip, he continued to break open the hardwood gun body. He splits one into two like tofu. His broken spear pointed straight into the opponent’s chest, raised his foot and kicked the enemy’s body forward, hitting an opponent of a Tsing Yi swordsman and fell under the bridge, then dropped his hand and broke the gun. The sharp lightning flashed out to help the guy with the beard solve another opponent.

The Tsing Yi Swordsman and the big-bearded man suddenly reduced their pressure, and each took a heavy hand to kill their opponents. They didn’t care to think about the reason why Hua Lan Ting suddenly became so fierce. They rushed forward with him, and the person who was shouting from behind responded to the three of them and ran out. suspension bridge.

As soon as he set foot on the opposite mountain, the Tsing Yi swordsman, the big-bearded man and the corresponding black man looked at each other, and they all nodded, and the Tsing Yi swordsman immediately pointed his epee towards the junction of the suspension bridge and the mountain.

Hua Lanting was in a hurry when he saw this, and was about to step forward to stop him. As if expecting that he would stop him, the big guy hugged him from behind, and the swordsman in Tsing Yi cut off the chain in a few strokes.

From this end, the suspension bridge crashed down and slammed into the opposite mountain wall with a mighty force. More than a dozen people armed with guns on the bridge screamed and threw their guns and climbed up the iron rope. Knowing that this would happen, he completely ignored his life and death, still hitting the enemy with a weapon in his hand.

In a short while, the suspension bridge hit the cliff on the opposite side and fell apart. Everyone fell down. There was no life left, only the sound of long screams echoed in the mountains.

Hua Lanting had tears in his eyes, desperately breaking free and shouting: “Why? Why did you do this?”

The other three people held him back and did not answer, but ran him towards the dense forest dozens of feet away.

Before entering the woods, a strange whistling sound came. The four raised their heads and saw a huge and unfriended object flying out from the top of a tall tree, shaped like a bird, with pointed double wings, swooping down, above. There seems to be a person sitting.

“Flying Vulture of Tiangong Bureau!” The Tsing Yi swordsman exclaimed.

The Flying Vulture did not rush over immediately, but hovered diagonally above the four of them. At this moment, Hualanting could see that it was a big bird made of wood. Flying like a vulture.

The people on the top laughed strangely and said, “It’s really knowledgeable. Yes, the Tiangong Bureau has worked hard to produce only three of them. If you were lucky enough to see it before you die, it’s worth your life.”

Hualanting whispered to the three of them: “Try to delay the time, don’t ask me why, I need time.”

Hua Lan Ting hasn’t fully integrated with the new body at this moment, and his kung fu can’t be achieved by a few percent, so he needs time to adapt.

Tsing Yi Swordsman nodded slightly, and continued: “There are not too many people in the Tiangong Bureau who are qualified to use the Flying Vulture. As my little Hou Ye, are you one of the twin stars of the Lin family of the Ministry of Craftsmanship, or Mu Muzi, the master of the industry?”

The other party was obviously a little surprised: “Sure enough, I have some insights, no wonder the magic gun door damages the soldiers and all the soldiers can not stop you. This is the director of the Qiao government, Lin Yanyan, I have been ordered to come and ask Xiaohouye to return to Beijing. I advise you not to resist. , Fei Vulture’s mouth never had a whole body.”

Tsing Yi Swordsman replied: “Mr. Lin, there must be grievances in Hou Ye’s case. Your Tiangong Bureau identity is also special, why bother to get involved?”

Lin Yanyan said indifferently: “Shangfeng has life, why don’t you follow it? In addition, I intend to get Hou Ye’s collection of “Ban Jiang Jia Jing”. I don’t know why you are delaying time. Since you are not willing to catch it, then I will Fulfill you.”

After speaking, the wooden bird flapped its wings and rushed straight down, spraying a flame in his mouth.

The four quickly drew away. The wooden bird was not clumsy. When flying low, he stopped and turned and turned very flexibly. They sprayed poisonous smoke, poisoned water, and arrows one after another, making the four of them embarrassed.

Lin Yanyan smiled leisurely: “These are just appetizers, how do you feel? I only want Master Xiaohou, and the three of you can escape.”

The four of them did not answer and tried to attack, but the wooden bird could fly, the armor at the bottom was thick, and the beak jet could attack from a distance. UU Reading www.uukanshu. The speed of com is still fast. Even the big man in black leaps up and shoots with a bow and arrow.

Hua Lanting said: “Go, drill through the woods, flying eagles can’t get in.” The four turned back and ran towards the dense forest.

Lin Yanyan controlled the flying eagle to chase quickly, and the four of them only felt the sound of the wind above their heads, and the claws of the two organs under the flying eagle protruded and closed, picking up the black-clothed man and the Qingyi swordsman, and they were about to take them into the air.

Hua Lanting was in a hurry, grabbing the flying grasp of the big beard, raised his hand and shot at Fei Vulture’s steel claw and clasped it. While being lifted, he continuously changed hands and climbed up. He couldn’t control it, he immediately took out his portable dagger and inserted it into the hardwood, and climbed up the eagle’s body through wings and wings with the force of only a half into the wood, and jumped to the head driving position.

Lin Yanyan was shocked to resist. As a master craftsman, his skill was not weak, and he was extremely skilled in close capture. He was buckled in a seat belt, but within a few rounds, he was equal to Hua Lanting, who was holding a dagger. .

Hua Lan Ting attacked with one hand, but his right hand was distracted by constantly flipping the various switches in the driver’s seat, in order to put down the two claws at low altitude.

Vulture suddenly planted diagonally, Hua Lanting felt that the claws under the belly of Fei Vulture had been released, so the dagger was about to jump off.

It’s a pity that Lin Yanyan is full of skills and martial arts, and he didn’t want to hurt his life. Unexpectedly, Lin Yanyan didn’t appreciate it. Once he was free, he immediately operated the flying vulture to fly upside down to a high place. Anyway, the order to climb the peak was a matter of life or death.

The flying vulture suddenly rose a few meters and flew upside down. Hualanting almost fell. He grabbed the seat belt tied to Lin Yanyan with his backhand, and saw that he was approaching the dense forest. He turned his wrist and cut the belt, Lin Yan Yan fell down with a scream, Hua Lanting went to collect the flying catch, and leaned towards the canopy of a big tree, then the flying vulture crashed into the forest.

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