The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 82

Chapter 82: Wandering soul 9 stitches

Back before the book was received, among the group of strong men who came in, the leader was a thin and withered man. When he came in, he saw the group of people already sitting in the shop, hahad and said, “Shen Gang is a believer. It is our late arrival. A step, sorry sorry.”

The master of the Shen Gang handed his hands over and said: “It’s easy to talk and talk. Everyone walks around the rivers and lakes. Naturally, you have to speak your words and practice. The Ji Gang master is not welcome.”

The man surnamed Ji swept left and right, and said to the others in the shop: “The Salt Baked Gang and the Shentong Gang are here to do business. People who have nothing to do with others can leave, so that they won’t hurt the harmony of the neighborhood after a while.”

When the people eating in the store saw this, they all checked out and left. The leader of Ji slanted his eyes at Hua Lan Ting: “What? The little brother is not leaving yet?”

Hua Lanting replied: “I’m sorry, I haven’t eaten enough yet.”

Gang Ji nodded: “So courageous, it’s okay. If you continue to eat, you may not be able to fight, right, Shen Gang leader?”

The surnamed Shen said: “What’s the matter, isn’t it about to negotiate? Lao Ji, you want to get angry now and start fighting? I took it with Shen Tong’s help, brothers, copy guys!”

The leader of Ji Gang said: “Wait a minute, it depends on your attitude. You just said that you have to say what you say when you walk in the rivers and lakes. Then you will increase the transportation fee on the ground and no longer abide by the previous agreement. How to say?”

Gang Shen replied: “Brother, I’m not a brother, I’m breaking my promise, you know. Recently, a group of robbers have arrived in Zeduoshan. They murdered people and sold goods with brutal methods. They killed several officials and servants in the county. The master has already gone to the Fucheng for help. We Shentong helps you risk shipping the goods, and the price is naturally higher than usual.”

Ji helper: “Higher? You have added 50% more for nothing. How can this make my brother make a living? We are not doing business without capital.”

Shen’s gang leader said: “You can also increase prices. If there are bandits, it is understandable for foreign buyers. You are a big chicken farmer who monopolizes more than half of the supply. What are you afraid of.”

Hua Lanting saw that these guys would have three tricks and two methods. He thought it was a big battle. When I heard that it was a dispute between a professional chicken farmer and a transportation team, I lost interest and ate some salt. After baking the chicken, he got up and checked out.

After a short walk, there was a three-way intersection in front of him, and there was no one around to ask for the way. He had to choose a road to go forward, but he didn’t think it was a mountain road. Back to the main road.

As soon as he turned onto the road, Hualanting smelled a strong **** smell. Looking ahead, there was a dead body and a chicken feather on the road.

walked closer and recognized that they were the two groups of gangsters who had just met in the store. Each of them had different heads, and they were killed with a few stabs. There was no corpse of the two gangsters alone.

Negotiations don’t result in an armed fight and fight each other to death? It’s not like, the knife wounds on their bodies are inconsistent with the scattered weapons, this is homicide.

In broad daylight, the day was bright, and there was such a big murder case unexpectedly. Hua Lan Ting wanted to manage, but didn’t have the time and energy. Thinking about it, he should continue to move forward. This is a big road. Someone should find the newspaper official soon.

At this time, a few miles ahead of him, five carriages were rushing along, each with a cyan flag stuck in them, and a man in the first car yelled every moment: “A little breath, Thousands of miles are breezy. Friends from the rivers and lakes borrowed.”

It turns out that these five darts are darts, and the dart is the third-ranked Haoran Escort in Zhongzhou. Since the acquisition of a Southern Escort a few days ago, the total dart has been ordered to receive darts. This time it is a dart. After sending darts from the southwest, I picked up a business on the way.

Originally, the **** seldom went on the road when it was getting dark, but they got used to this road and never had an accident. Secondly, they immediately entered the boundary of Zhongzhou. Everyone was eager to return home, so they were responsible for escorting the darts. The vice president of Daotou Tu quickly decided to stay in the shop after passing the mountain.

At this time, the little horse was a little drowsy, thinking that after going back this time, he could go to Deyuelou to find Xiaotaohong for two days. While thinking about it, he habitually shouted: a little bit of aura , Thousands of miles, the wind, the rivers and lakes…”

Before the words behind    were spit out, the sound of wind and knife flashed in the twilight, and those twelve words became the most famous in his life.

Around the dart cart suddenly appeared an unknown number of black-clothed masked men, each holding a long knife and looking for a dart master, with a quick body and fierce action, several people fell in a pool of blood immediately.

“There are robbers, guard the darts!” The deputy general dart head Tu happily gave a sigh of relief and jumped out of the car to meet the enemy as soon as he picked up the Pudao at hand. The other darts also reacted and took out their weapons to protect the dart car, and attacked. The bandits are fighting in one place.

In fact, there are not many bandits, only eight or nine people, but they were hit by a surprise. In addition, they have strange body skills and strange knife skills. They are mainly cut. The horizontal stab is not like the Central Plains martial arts. One, the rest had no choice but to gather together, leaning on the swift wind and sharp knives to beat and retreat.

The more he fought, the more desperate he became. The bandit’s martial arts was second, but they cooperated well with each other. In addition, he suffered from his stab wounds. As long as it was not a fatal part, he would be innocent, and the move would be more fierce. I’m afraid I will be planted here today.

After fighting for a while, the escorts fell more. When Tu Kuai Zai decided to break through the darts, seven or eight people rushed down from the hillside nearby, holding iron rulers, chain locks, water and fire sticks and other weapons to help them right. After getting into the bandits, the situation was stabilized.

Seeing that the **** had reinforcements, the bandits slowly backed off and stopped. The seven or eight people who rushed down were all dressed in soap and red vests, and the leader shouted: “Tall and strong, let me finally catch you. Now, come back to have tea with me.”

The leader on the other side heard the sound and said: “Caught me? It’s too early, are you sure? I have a hostage, what can you do with me?”

I took a look at the afterglow of the setting sun, and two people came out over there. They were the two leaders of the Yanbian Gang and the Shentong Gang.

The leader of the catcher is called You Bingchen, and he is the leader of the catcher in the Yamen of Fucheng. After receiving an urgent document from the county magistrate in Fucheng, he was ordered by his superiors to arrest the recently rampant bandits. After a few days, he went all the way to search and search, but he was blocked here and saved a group of escorts.

When he saw the bandit being hostage, he also secretly cursed the bandit for being cunning. Now he is throwing a rat, and he cannot attack by force. There is no good way to outsmart him, so he didn’t say anything at all.

The leader of the bandit opposite said triumphantly: “Don’t be dumbfounded. If there is nothing else, we will take the dart silver. If you dare to stop, just wait for the hostage to collect the dead body.”

You Bingchen pondered for a moment, and a catcher next to him whispered to him: “Master, let me change my hostage. When they leave, I will use the tracking technique you taught to leave a secret note along the way. You will bring someone to annihilate. them.”

This person’s name is Zhang Xiaozhe, and he is his apprentice. He is jealous and smart, and he is very fond of him.

You Bingchen was reluctant, but where his responsibilities lie, and now there are a few more **** masters lives, it is hard to feel relieved just letting the other party go. He patted Zhang Xiao partridge on the shoulder and said helplessly: “Be careful yourself, your mother can just You are such a lone seedling.”

After speaking, he shouted at Gao Daqiang: “You can let you go, but I want to exchange two hostages, and I will send someone to you as a mortgage.”

The tall Daqiang on the opposite side smiled: “You’re so daring and fat, Gao admires it. Okay, you can exchange it, but you can only change one. Let your people come over.”

Zhang Xiaozhe put down the iron ruler, and walked out slowly with his hands raised above his head. Halfway through the walk, Gao Daqiang pushed Ji Gangzhu, Ji Gangzhu ran over three steps and two steps, Zhang Xiaozhan walked to the opposite side and was blocked by Gao Daqiang’s acupoint. Although he could act as usual, he could no longer use his internal strength.

Gao Daqiang was about to take people to drive the carriage. At this time, four yamen ran from behind. Two of them dragged one of them. Some people shouted, “The boss, grab one. This person is violent against a village girl. The four teamed up to win.”

You Bingchen saw the joy in his heart, and dragged him over and said to Gao Daqiang, “Look if this guy is yours. I want to use him in exchange for another hostage.”

This time it was Gao Daqiang’s turn to curse secretly in his heart, this person is indeed his person, and he was sent out to inquire about the news, but he didn’t want to control his lower body and being caught alive.

He rolled his eyes, kicked the sponsor of the Shen Gang to the front, and said, “Okay, just exchange. Don’t forget that your person is still in my hands. Don’t act rashly. You are still a miss.”

Watching the captured man limping over, Gao Daqiang suddenly said something to this person, but everyone didn’t understand what it was, and I don’t know where it was in the dialect.

After hearing Gao Daqiang’s words, the man continued to walk forward. Unexpectedly, when he was passing by with the Lord Shen, this man slammed his waist and hugged the Lord Shen, leading him to accelerate back to Gao Daqiang’s side.

The tall and powerful laughed, and shouted: “What about catching fast, it’s not like a pig’s brain, you will lose your wife and lose your army if you do a little bit of sub-calculation. Fujino, you did a good job.”

You Bingchen was posed, his face turned black with anger, and he cursed: “Untrustworthy, shameless villain.”

Gao Daqiang said with a smile: “The soldiers are not tired of fraud, you are behind, no wonder others, you will only be led away. Samurai, we drove the dart cart, we return to the mountain.”

Gao Daqiang brought a group of people down to the dart cart, some of them did it by themselves, and some drove Zhang Xiaozhan and Shen Gang to drive the car.

At this moment, the sky was completely dark, and You Bingchen watched, gritted his teeth but didn’t dare to move.

Just when he was helpless, he only heard the sound of coo-dong-gu-dong, and the tall and strong people fell to the ground one by one.

You Bingchen was startled, and saw someone turning out from the back of the car, and said to him: “What are you still doing in a daze, take someone.”

This person is Hua Lan Ting.

After he rode up from behind, he found the two sides facing each other. After listening to the reason in the dark, he took advantage of the cover of the night and unknowingly touched the dart cart with his superb light skills. When Gao Daqiang and the others were busy rushing the car, their fingers were like wind, and they knocked down all the bandits.

You Bingchen was overjoyed, and brought his men up to tie up all the bandits with hemp rope and iron chains, and then he came to thank Hualanting for his help.

Hua Lanting said: “You don’t have to thank me. These people killed a lot of people on the roadside at the foot of the mountain just now. They just robbed them and killed them. It’s really an unforgivable crime. I just saw an injustice on the road. Convict, but I am a little curious about one thing.”

You Bingchen asked: “Young man, please tell me, what’s the matter?”

Hua Lanting said, “This tall and strong person just said a few words that I don’t understand. Do you know where the accent is?”

You Bingchen said: “I don’t know, but this is easy to handle, and you can know it when you ask.”

He pulled Gao Daqiang and punched him on his lower abdomen. The painful Gao Daqiang bent over and spit out a mouthful of blood. This man was also tough, watching You Bingchen say nothing.

You Bingchen smiled: “Don’t say yes, it’s very good, very good, I want to see how long you can last under the nine stitches of my wandering soul. His grandma, dare to catch the head, I will let you taste that life is better than death. The taste.”

You Bingchen took out a few silver needles from his pocket, and saw that he proficiently inserted the needles into several acupuncture points that even Hualanting could not name. After a short time, the tall and strong eyes widened, his body twisted, his eyes flushed, and he sweated through his shirt and opened his mouth to scream.

You Bingchen lifted his hand and removed the tall Daqiang’s chin, and pulled out a pill from his mouth: “I want to die, it’s late, your grandma’s.”

The tall and strong throat rang loudly, and there was a stinking air from below, and he was unable to control his incontinence. The green veins on his forehead twisted, and people fell on the ground like a prawn. The vocal growl.

You Bingchen’s kung fu is inherited from the ancestors, vicious and abnormal. It is transformed from the path of medicine. The silver needle is pricked on the vagus nerve points in several dark acupoints. The itchiness is just a prelude to the appetizer, and the pain afterwards will be magnified to surpass the human body’s physiology. The endurance limit is stronger than the pain produced by a woman. The better thing is that a person will not be unconscious, and the more struggling, the more painful it is.

If you don’t stop, the tortured person will eventually lose all muscle control functions.

You Bingchen saw that the fire was about to come. He stepped forward and forced his tall body straight with one leg and one foot. Gao Daqiang shuddered violently, rolling his eyes painfully, his throat was hoarse and cracked, and Hua Lanting’s whole body was tight when he looked at it.

You Bingchen took down the silver needle and stared into Gao Daqiang’s eyes and said, “Boy, how does it feel? Do you want to do it again? I tell you the truth, I have never seen anyone who can survive it three times. You broke a record and showed it to the master. Look.”

Tall Daqiang’s eyes were full of spitefulness, and after a long time on the ground, he hissed, “Baga, I said.”

I said this, but everyone was surprised.

It turns out that this group of robbers is not a Han, but a warrior on the island of Wenlan.

Everyone has heard about it. In recent years, there have been pirates on the coast of Wenlan. These people have crossed the sea, claiming to be from the Eastern Kingdom With the red sun on a white background as the flag, they burned, looted, raped, raped, raped, and looted along the coast. , No evil, no evil.

Because of the general shortness of his life, he was called a Japanese pirate by the people of Wenyang.

Wenming began to treat the Japanese pirates only as a mustard disease, and did not take it seriously. Moreover, the Japanese pirates were cunning, and retreated to the sea to avoid the situation. Later, Wenlan had to prepare for the war against the Dust Dynasty, and only ordered the local army and militia groups to exterminate themselves, so I heard that the disaster of Japanese pirates intensified.

According to Gao Daqiang’s account, these ninjas have learned Chinese since they were young, and were instilled in the concept of the richness of the Central Plains and the low ethnicity of the people, and they were sent to live for a period of time. After returning, they received long-term assassination training.

This time, dozens of teams were secretly dispatched to various places in the interior. The task was to create chaos in the extreme, spread the remarks that they were from the Wenlan country as bandits, and instigate the hatred between the nationals of the two countries. , Intensifying the friction and conflict between the two sides, so that Wenlan has no time to look around, so that they can continue to harass and go deep into the mainland to cause chaos.

Hua Lanting said to You Bingchen after hearing this: “I thought that your mobile game soul nine needles was too vicious, now I want to learn both hands, and I can deal with this kind of scum.”

“Oh, how innocent the Japanese melons are, they were robbed of the name by these gangsters. This is not a trivial matter. How messed up within Handi and other countries, but outside humiliation should not be deceived.”

“I’ll leave if I have something to do. You should send it to the government as soon as possible to know, and report it to each level, thinking it’s a good precaution.”

You Bingchen was also filled with righteous indignation, and replied: “Don’t worry, young man, leave this to me, let me say nothing else, let me first let them taste the power of the wandering soul nine needles, and then please convict the interrogation. One Owl first showed the public.”

After processing this episode, Hua Lan Ting took a Japanese sword and went on the road again.

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