The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 86

Chapter 86: On Samcheong Mountain

Sanqingshan, one of the Taoist 36-dong Tianfudi, the leader of Wenlan Taoist and the seat of the Donghai Sword Sect, one of the martial arts school.

In the mist of the early morning, Hua Lanting climbed to Yuqing Peak to beg Tai Mianzi, the head of the Dao Tong. After passing the report, Dao Tong returned to say that the head of the faction gathered for the meeting this morning, and he would not be able to see him until about 10:00.

After Hualanting went around the Yuhua Peak next to him, Dao Tong took him to a side hall. Entering the hall, Hualanting saw eight Taoists sitting in it.

From Fang Qingya, he already knew that there were many Taoist practitioners in the East China Sea Sword Sect, but only the disciples who belonged to the Sanqing Hall, the Four Imperial Halls, the Eight Immortals Hall and the Nine Palaces to cultivate martial arts, and the rest were ordinary Taoists. These eight people should be the master and deputy masters of the four halls. In addition, the rule of Sanqingshan is that the head is derived from the four hall masters, and the head is in charge of the whole faction and concurrently serves as the head of the palace.

As soon as he walked in, Hua Lan Ting realized that the atmosphere was not right. In the first place, a person with a pale face and no beard, frowning of his eyebrows, and a look of helplessness and unpleasantness on his face, he should be the head of Wu Mianzi. The Taoist sitting at the bottom left had a dull expression and expressionless face, but there was a hint of color in his eyes. The man next to him is burly, with greasy beard and face like a jujube. The Taoist sitting in the lower right corner has a blue-yellow complexion, deep decree lines, a frown and a deep bitter hatred.

There was a Taoist sitting behind each of the four. None of the eight spoke at this time, and no one looked at Hua Lan Ting. There was an atmosphere of solemn tension in the hall. It was obvious that the previous discussion process seemed to be Not so smoothly.

After waiting for a while, Hua Lanting had to cough awkwardly, stepped forward to meet the master Tai Mianzi, and explained his intentions.

Tai Mianzi nodded, and first said to everyone with a cold face: “Since everyone disagrees, let’s do this today. Everyone should go back and think carefully, and discuss the matter later.”

After turning his face, he smiled and looked at Hua Lan Ting and said: “I have been waiting for a long time, thank you for bringing the letter, Hua Shaoxia has worked hard along the way, please give Qingya’s letter to Pang Dao.”

Hua Lan Ting took out and handed the letter, Tai Mianzi started watching, and then passed it to the other three hall masters to circulate, and introduced to Hua Lan Ting that the other three were Tai Yinzi, the master of the Four Palaces, and the master of the Eight Immortals. Chizi and Taixiazi, the lord of the Nine Palaces.

Then, Tai Mianzi said: “Qingya rules the crowd of thousands and exalts the foreign land, but it does not live up to the painstaking teachings of me and the school.”

The Taiyinzi on the left heard it, but said gloomily: “Brother head, that’s not what I said, the kid Qingya is pretty good, but now he is the king of the mountain and the grass is the enemy. I It seems to be detrimental to the reputation of my East Sea Sword Sect.”

“Yes, yes, I was in favor of Qingya joining the army. In the future, I would be a general. Not only can I seal my wife and my lintel, but also my lintel to the East China Sea. Now I have become a robber outside the territory, and I wrote to ask for strong support. He, I don’t know what is good or bad.” Tai Chizi echoed.

Taixiazi also said in a weird manner: “Young Master Taimian, Qingya would rather go to a foreign land rather than stay in Wenlan to work for the door. You, a master, should have persuaded him more and don’t let him rely on martial arts and anything. The name of the rising four shows will be reckless.”

In the past, Taiyinzi, Taichizi, and Taixiazi all competed for the position of head. In the end, Taimianzi narrowly won with the support of his elders.

However, although Tai Mianzi’s martial arts training is high, he is simple and modest and a little cowardly. In addition, he is neither interested nor good at martial arts governance, so the other three people are not very respectful, and often point fingers when things happen. Therefore, Taimianzi was secretly called Taimian Taoist by Wenlan martial arts people.

At this time, Tai Mianzi listened to the words of the three hall masters and blamed his disciple Fang Qingya. He could not fight for himself, but he was very concerned about this proud disciple. Besides, the clay figurine was still three-pointed, and his face sank and pressed down. Huoqi Road:

“Three brothers and brothers, don’t you feel bad about speaking like this? Is it Qingya who doesn’t want to stay? Isn’t it because you saw him practice the method of dividing his mind into two ways, and all kinds of force him to leave his homeland and join the army? Let’s talk coldly?”

“In addition, just now we discussed the matter of responding to the court’s call to send people to take part in the suppression of Japanese pirates. It doesn’t matter if you hang up high, one said that the court didn’t allow you to pay a lot of money and don’t need to work hard. Then Qingya, a secular disciple, can stand on his own and kill the enemy in a foreign land with his own strength. What does it matter to you?”

Seeing that the head of the three palace masters was uncommonly angry, they didn’t talk to each other for a while. Tai Mianzi said: “The Japanese are seriously infested. They are burned, killed and looted in coastal areas. Even women, old people and children are not spared. The methods are cruel. It’s not that I don’t know. Under the cover of the nest, is there a dead egg? It is everyone’s responsibility to protect the home and the country.”

Having said this, he sighed: “Well, this seat is incompetent and cannot lead me to return to my heart. I am really ashamed of my ancestors. If this is the case, I will choose a day to step down as the head and lead me to the Sanqing Temple disciple. Join the court martial arts group to defend the side. So, are you satisfied with the wait?”

The three major hall masters hadn’t spoken yet, and the deputy hall master of Sanqing Hall next to him rushed and said: “No head! Please don’t be impulsive about the overall situation. If there are guests present today, it’s better to discuss it another day.”

As soon as the voice fell, a disciple stumbled in from outside the temple gate, shouting: “The head, the head, the big thing is not good. Outside the mountain gate there are hundreds of Japanese men who claim to be the samurai of the sun **** and threaten to worship the mountain and fight for war. I When they were not allowed to come in, they shot and killed three Shoushan disciples, and they were coming up the mountain!”

Tai Mianzi was furious when he heard it, and rushed out. All the hall masters were also furious and followed out one after another.

Just walked to the square in front of the Jade Emperor Hall, and I saw that hundreds of Japanese wives dressed in slit skirt pants and swords were gathered around the scene, surrounded by passionate disciples of Dongjian Paihai.

Tai Mianzi shook his hand and shouted: “All the masters, gather the four temple disciples to protect the mountain, today this seat is going to make the perpetrators have to come and go!”

The leading Japanese was five short in stature and had a beard with a horoscope. At this time, the skin laughed and said without a smile: “This is the head of the East Sea Sword Sect Taimianzi. It has long been known that the East is a country of etiquette, and the nobles treat it like this. Guest?”

Tai Mianzi replied in a deep voice: “Who are you? Eastern court etiquette varies from person to person. You gang of Japanese pirates have no education, violated my borders, and killed my border people. Now they hurt my disciples for no reason, and they are also worthy of the head of the school. Treat with courtesy?”

The leader of the Japanese replied: “I am going to ride, the leader of Yamato Sun God Sect, Matsushita, and his Chinese name is Gao Yaoqi. Today, I am leading the martial arts masters of the whole island of Dongying to come to Wenlan to make friends with martial arts. We compete with martial arts, and those who are inferior to others will die. We will die. Going all the way south, I have already picked three schools and four schools. There are rumors that your boss is nicknamed too much. I think you are still articulate, but you don’t know how courage is? Isn’t the Donghai Sword School, known as the leader of Wenlan Dao School of martial arts, dare not fight? ?Hahaha!”

Tai Mianzi first looked at the three hall masters behind him and said: “Everyone is ignoring mundane affairs, irrelevant, and doing nothing for nothing. Now that the Japanese thief comes to the door, what else can you say!”

Then he turned to Matsushita to ride: “Plaster flag, right? Friends of the Yiwu Association want to discuss and exchange points until the end, but you kill people. NS!”

Gao Yaoqi smiled and said, “The people of the East are trying to face and benevolence. My Fuso samurai wants to defeat the East Sea Sword Sect head-on in a fair and just manner, and cooperate with the army to smooth Wenlan.”

“Today, you have a good time, place, and harmony. Since I was asked to draw down the path, then I heard that the four hall masters of your school are known as the four sons of the East China Sea. It is better to have three players on each side and win three matches. If you draw a tie, you I will fight again. If you win, my Sun God Sect warrior will not play as Dongshi in the future. If we win, your Donghai Sword Sect will submit to my Sun God Sect from now on, how about?”

Tai Mianzi groaned for a moment, and said, “That’s it, send someone out.”

Gao Yaoqi stepped back, and three people walked out behind him. There were samurai who set up two high flags on both sides. On the left, they read: Sweeping Dongtujianghu, destroying the prestige of Wenlan martial arts; on the right, it reads: The sword picks the East China Sea Sword School, and the Fusang martial arts spirit. .

Everyone from the East Sea Sword Sect saw the two flags and yelled in anger. They only heard Tai Mianzi say to the three hall masters:

“Taiyin, Junior Taichi, Senior Brother Taixia, no matter what we had before and the quarrels, at this time of life and death, it is no longer a time of volition, it is about the prestige of the East Sea Sword Sect, and the face of Wenlan Wulin. Please let go of the anti-national humiliation. Regardless of victory or defeat, the head will bear the consequences.

The three of them were already filled with righteous indignation, and said in one voice: “Don’t worry, I’ll wait until I know that I will go all out.” Then they all played together.

The six are divided into three pairs, each fighting together.

The first one who was surprised by this war was the East Sea Sword Sect.

You should know that the four halls of the East China Sea Sword School have their own special skills: the Four Palaces are famous for the Taiyi Lotus Sword Style, the Eight Immortals Palace specializes in the swordsmanship of the Eight Immortals, the Nine Palaces specializes in the unique Tiger Rose Sword, and the Sanqing Palace is full of freehand ink and white space. Inscribed poems are mainly two sword skills.

The people of the East China Sea never expected that the three Japanese pirates would use Tai swords as their swords.

Tai Mianzi was frightened, and shouted to Gao Yaoqi: “Where did you steal my sword?”

Gao Yaoqi snorted coldly, and said in a leisurely manner: “What is stealing? There are no wonders in the world of martial arts. Why is it strange that I teach swordsmanship similar to yours? I know that we are not the ones who secretly learned?”

Tai Mianzi was so angry that his face became paler, knowing that there must be an insider in the faction, but he was unable to refute Gao Yaoqi’s brutal entanglement. It is not the time to trace it, so he can only continue to watch the situation. After looking at it for a while, my heart settled down.

Although Taiyinzi and Taixiazi’s opponents used the same swordsmanship , they were not as good as the two in terms of profound skill and proficiency in swordsmanship. After Liankai was born and shining, the sword air group exploded and Taixiazi urged the heart to have a fierce tiger sniffing the rose. Under the majestic and intensive offensive, the two of them could not hold on to continue to learn. Swordsmanship, one after another changed back to Japanese swordsmanship.

Taichizi’s opponent, the Eight Immortals, is not weak in swordsmanship. In addition, Taichizi’s cultivation base is the weakest among the four hall masters, and the two are quite difficult to distinguish.

Just in Tai Mianzi’s heart, when he felt the overall situation tilted towards his own side, he noticed that Gao Yaoqi had a dark smile on his face, and he looked calm and not worried at all.

It was strange that Tai Chi Zi, the master of the Eight Immortals in the field, yelled, and the long sword in his hand landed, and his body fell back softly, while his opponent took the opportunity to stab him into his abdomen, Tai Chi Zi held the knife in his hand and shouted with difficulty: “They, poisoned!” Yan Bi died.

The East China Sea Sword Sect had not reacted yet. The Four Palace Master Taiyinzi also screamed in surprise. His body was suddenly weakened and his opponent severed his intestines. The opponent then drew the knife and retreated slowly, not wanting Taiyinzi to die. Destroyed with all his strength, he issued a hand shake, which was the last secret hand of Taiyi Lotus Sword, “Lianhua Blooming”, the sword in the opponent’s heart, the two died together.

At this time, Tai Xiazi, the master of the Nine Palaces with the highest skill and experience, had already reacted. He also felt that the toxicity in the body had begun to occur, and his skill was being rapidly lost. In his anger, he gritted his teeth and blew his dantian with his unique mind. He used his own power as a skill to lose his life in the future in exchange for the temporary disappearance of poison. The hand shattered the sword, and all the fragments plunged into the opponent’s throat and neck, while Tai Xiazi gasped and forced herself not to fall.

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