The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 91

Chapter 91: Palace trap

Dailuosi, the daughter of the Xiongnu King of the Western Regions, has been very restless all this time.

accidentally fell into the underground palace that day, and then the three major priests opened Soul Luo Dou and rescued her and Zhao Lingyu. She immediately gave the password and ordered everyone not to mention the matter again.

The initial feeling was shame and anger.

Obviously, I designed to catch the opponent, but I didn’t know that it turned out to be stealing chickens, but I didn’t compensate my wife for not breaking the army, but almost put myself in it, but it was self-inflicted and hard to tell.

This breath lay in my heart, letting her go well since she was deleted, and she, who was respected and loved by all the stars, became bored.

I’m still a complete body. However, although Shamanism does not have the ethics and defenses of Zhongyuan, she also knows everything, but it is one thing to say that it is open and casual. It really ran into the situation, and how could she let her be relieved if she was less than double ten.

At that time, although my mind was confused, I still remember the general situation, and even the minutiae movements and feelings are still fresh in my memory. The more I recall, the clearer.

The clearer, the more angry, I can’t wait to grab the other side’s corpse immediately to relieve my hatred.

grew up so big that even the maid had never seen the body before, so it was so unclear that the scumbag was under his control, and he didn’t even know the name of the other party.

What the hell!

Dailuosi thought that at first. Yes, grab him, let him bow down to the ground with six bodies, with his head left, all four bodies are broken, and the other one is fried and cooked to the bottom.

The problem is that Dailuosi also has a Chinese name called Man Tingfang.

This Guliang named Man Tingfang has a different thought from ‘she” a few days later:

It’s too cheap to kill him. He should be taken as the husband of the king after he is caught. In fact, he is a male pet. After keeping him, he will wash his feet every day and serve him.

If he performs well, it may not be impossible to allow him…

Because, because that feeling is real, it is really comfortable, makes people, fascinated…

is too shameful, thinking of this, Man Tingfang’s face is red and her ears are red, and she can’t help but twist.

This kid was born handsome and handsome, and the kind of ear-and-temple rubbing, skin-to-skin dating, and lingering contact that have never been experienced before, the more memories, the clearer.

The clearer, the more memorable, the more lingering…

The more I think about it, that, come on again.

Yes, let him be responsible, and wipe his mouth after eating? The beauty that I want, both of them are like this, I can’t imagine being like this with other men…

But, what would “Dailuosi” think?

Again, Zhao Lingyu is also there, so what should I do?

This princess seems to be plumper and smoother than herself, and I have also touched it back then…

Who would he like more?

Wang Nv Dai Luo Si is very messy…

Later, Zhao Lingyu settled the matter here, saying that he was going east to Wenlan, and he continued to lobby with Wenlan to attack the Chen Dynasty.

Dailuosi was just at the time when the heart of spring was sprouting, the heart was smashing, and the thoughts were unavailable, so regardless of the persuasion of the sacrifices, in the name of investigating the national conditions and increasing experience, he decided to go with Zhao Lingyu.

The two women actually walked out of the city with Hualan Ting.

All the way to the east, the two girls are in the same car. Gradually, they are as close as sisters. They talk about everything. They only deliberately avoided the topic of Hua Lan Ting, so as not to touch them, so as not to be embarrassed.

The information of the Xiongnu is relatively closed, but the Heng Dynasty has a developed intelligence system. On the way, Zhao Lingyu returned Hualanting’s appearance and pictures and graphics, and soon received the reply that this son is the second son of Qingyuan Hou, a courtier of the Chen Dynasty.

Zhao Lingyu and Dai Luosi shared the news. After knowing the exact identity of the “deng apprentice”, the two women didn’t talk about it in detail, and they didn’t know what they thought of each other.

Zhao Lingyu is not as calm as it seems. What happened in Soul Luo Dou also had a great impact on her in the still waiting boudoir, especially after knowing Hua Lanting’s identity, she was even more shocked in her heart. It was just her character. Hechengfu told her to keep her thoughts in her heart.

The customs of the Central Plains, which are very different from those of the Western Regions, actually surprised and interested Dai Luosi, who had not crossed the border. However, Zhao Lingyu was eager to hurry, and she couldn’t let go of her feelings about Hualan Court’s gains and losses, so she was in a trance along the way, not much. Do browsing.

Until entering Wenlan, after a journey of dust and dust, and seeing another prosperous flavor of Wenlan, Dai Luosi only let go of some of the young girl’s first thoughts.

Her identity at this time is Zhao Lingyu’s attendant maid.

In the last two days, Hongtu, the eighth prince who was in charge of the reception, accompanied Zhao Lingyu to prepare for negotiations.

Today, Dailuosi had nothing to do, was extremely boring, and was extremely quiet, so he greeted Zhao Lingyu and slipped out, thinking about strolling around the prosperous Nanlang City.

During this visit, I did not expect to see the Hualan Court, which is Yue Jing, who was patrolling at the door of a store.

Hua Lanting was planning to visit the palace at night, and nothing happened during the day. He remembered that the Qingyuan Hou Mansion had an intelligence eyeliner in Wenlan, and he had the identity of the second son, so he came over to inquire about the latest developments of the Xiachen Dynasty.

When    arrived at the door, he was afraid that premature exposure of his current whereabouts would not be conducive to freedom of action, so he decided to wait for Wenren to reappear, not wanting to be hit by Dai Luosi.

Dai Luosi was caught off guard, and at first saw Hua Lanting, who had caused her sadness for many days, hatred, shame, annoyance, and caring surged at the same time. She didn’t know what to do, she was stupefied. In the local area.

Fortunately, there was some distance between the two, Hua Lan Ting did not find her, but she immediately reacted.

She knows that Hualanting has a profound martial arts study, and her long stare will surely make Hualanting feel, and she hurriedly backed away and turned her head.

After Shaoqin, he moved far to keep up, and he didn’t dare to stare directly at the figure.

Hua Lan Ting was really sensitive. It seemed that someone was watching him, and he couldn’t find the target when he was looking for it. After several attempts to no avail, he lost his suspicion.

Dailuosi followed carefully until he followed Hualanting to the outside of the palace.

When she saw this, she nodded and sneered secretly. After Hua Lanting left, she went back to the palace and found Zhao Lingyu.

Zhao Lingyugang and Hongtu have finished dealing with each other and are resting in contemplation.

Dai Luosi first asked: “How is the situation?”

Zhao Lingyu said: “It’s settled, and the meeting will be formally held tomorrow. It’s just that this Hongtu is a bit annoying. He always pesters me to talk about things like cowhide, showing off and showing off to learn.”

“Hmph, nothing to be courteous, you will steal if you are not a traitor. When I don’t know his ghostly thoughts. Several princes of his Wenlan are fighting for the reserve, if Wang Tu is able to preside over the negotiation effectively, he can please me and create a marriage. Of course, it will be of great benefit to his superiors.”

“It’s disgusting, the toad wants to eat swan meat and doesn’t look in the mirror.”

Dailuosi said nothing.

Zhao Lingyu saw something abnormal and asked: “What’s wrong with you? Is something wrong?”

Dailuosi hesitated, but stopped talking.

Zhao Lingyu smiled and said: “It’s not your style, you and I are in love with sisters, and are also girlfriends in your girlfriends. Is it possible that you are in love with the Eighth Prince?”

Dailuo thoughtfully said: “What did my sister say. I, I saw him today, I saw him.”

“Who? Who did you see?” Zhao Lingyu asked suspiciously, and then immediately reacted, his face changed: “You mean Yue Jing? He is here? Why is he here? Tell me quickly.”

Dailuosi said what he had seen, Zhao Lingyu’s face was cloudy and uncertain: “What is this man who has suffered a thousand knives? His father was imprisoned by Emperor Qingyun, why does he still intervene in these things with leisurely heart?”

Dailuosi said: “Sister, no matter why, this kid bullied our sister. Last time he let him succeed. This time I think he will come tonight. I want to catch him. If he is ashamed, his purpose will be sufficient. Ask it out.”

Zhao Lingyu stared at Dailuosi and asked, “How to catch it? Both of us are not his opponents together.”

Dailuosi leaned over, biting her lip and said: “If you can’t beat the opponent, I will outsmart it, sister, I have a plan…”

As the two talked to each other, Zhao Lingyu’s face turned red during this time, and she pinched Dai Luosi: “As for this? Why is it that your Nizi was taken advantage of once by others?”

The two girls chuckled and made a ball, and then they continued to discuss in a low voice for a while.

Wenlan empire is rich, and the palace repairs are magnificent and magnificent, with carved beams and painted buildings, and beautiful, and the facilities are also complete.

There is a spacious and luxurious bathing room where Zhao Lingyu stayed, and there is a large bath that can accommodate more than a dozen people.

At night, Zhao Lingyu and Dai Luosi were only wearing light shirts. The two were sitting by the pool talking, and the maids were sent away to wait outside.

The doors and windows in the bathroom were closed tightly, and the water vapor evaporated. Although the two of them had not undressed, the water vapor had wetted their thin shirts. They were attached to their bodies, showing a curvy appearance.

Zhao Lingyu was very uncomfortable, and looked at Deluosi, who was flushed with heat, and said, “Oh, I think Her Royal Highness has broken the jar. She actually came up with the trick of using her example as a bait, because she is afraid that she won’t come tonight. It’s not a waste of thought.”

Dailuosi pretended to be annoyed, and raised his hand to splash Zhao Lingyu’s hand with water: “This queen girl is out for a day, can’t she want to take a bath? Besides, you are not very active in the afternoon, and now you are talking coldly.”

Zhao Lingyu looked at Dai Luosi and asked quietly: “Then have you thought about how to deal with him if you catch him?”

“Of course it broke him in two cuts.” Dailuosi blurted out, and fell silent again after speaking.

Zhao Lingyu looked at Dai Luosi meaningfully: “You really gave up?”

Dailuo was silent, and then said for a while: “Anyway, we will catch him first, and then beat him to relieve his anger. With the two of us, unbelief can’t cure him.”

Zhao Lingyu hesitated, and then said: “He didn’t have the overlord to make the bow hard. There was a reason for this. If you are not a shallow person, you are afraid that others will not be fooled.”

Dailuosi snorted: “This sect, the butterfly geese, two flying wings, and the scent of flowers that are full of strange poisons in the world have been finalized after trials and upgrades. There is no need to go through media mixing and hemolysis stimulation. It is difficult to detect when mixed in this water vapor.”

“You and I have taken the antidote and will not be affected. As long as he comes in, he will be attacked, and the higher the skill, the faster the attack, even an elephant can’t stand it.”

“Then what if he doesn’t come in?” Zhao Lingyu asked.

“Then, then I will force him in, and I will pretend to turn my face and assassinate you. You are the eldest princess of the Heng Dynasty and the special envoy for negotiations. He can’t let you die in vain.”

“Smelly girl, curse me to death, I think you do everything to see him, even your sister counts.”

“Talking nonsense, I think the princess’s affairs are coming to an end, and I defend him everywhere. To be honest, do you want to hire a messenger?”

Zhao Lingyu was startled when he heard the words, and shook his head with a wry smile: “Impossible. If you are really interested, can I match it up?”

Dailuosi was thin-faced in the end, so she stopped answering, and grabbed Zhao Lingyu to strip her clothes and push her into the water.

Zhao Lingyu struggled, resolutely refused, but not as strong as Dai Luo, and the two fell into the water together.

Dai Luosi hugged her, and said in her ear: “Sister, don’t pretend, we both let the kid take advantage of it. The three of us entangled that day, and the girl didn’t touch her sister’s body www. What is the princess still shy about?”

Zhao Lingyu murmured: “Hey, there are some things that you don’t understand…”

Dailuo didn’t know what she was referring to, and was about to ask. Her eyes and ears were much more sensitive than Zhao Lingyu, who did not know martial arts, and suddenly heard a faint but clear dull noise coming from one side of the wall.

There is a situation! She patted Zhao Lingyu, and the two quickly came up from the pool, changing into the clean and dry coats they had prepared beforehand, and Dailuosi took Zhao Lingyu to the side of the bathroom wall where the sound was made.

Dailuosi carefully observed and rubbed it with her hands for a while, but she unexpectedly found a hidden hole!

leaned forward and stared, light and breathable.

is only dark on the opposite side, and only vaguely feels that there is a person lying on the ground, it should be the poisoned Yue Jing.

Good boy, voyeur, he has a lot of skills, he found a hiding place so quickly, and he made a hole, is it a rat?

Gouging the wall to steal light, hit a character, you think it’s Kong Ming, don’t you be afraid of spring light and long pin-eyed eyes?

Not wanting to go out of the bathroom to disturb others, Dai Luosi knocked on the wall, sat down on the horse, exhaled, kicked over, and the wall shattered.

The two girls walked in, and Dai Luosi kicked the underground man with his foot, and said: “Second Young Master Yue, it’s not the same as it was today, and it fell in my hand. How do you feel?”

Seeing that the other party didn’t move and didn’t answer, Dai Luosi was a bit annoyed: “What, ignore me? Really want to drink my old lady’s foot wash?”

While talking, bend down with Zhao Lingyu. Before he could see his face clearly with the light behind him, there was a person outside the hall yelling, “There is a thief, there is an assassin, come here!”

The two women were startled, they only heard a series of clappers sounding around, and then there was noisy footsteps approaching here, and the wall on the other side was burst open.

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