The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 94

Chapter 94: Zhongping shock

Hua Lan Ting had to recover from his injuries, so his feet were a little slower than usual.

Walking halfway, he heard the wind, it was rumored that Emperor Qingyun had made an order, and soon the Dali Temple, the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, and the Metropolitan Procuratorate will try the case of Qingyuanhou’s treason and treason, which is of national concern.

Knowing this news, Hua Lan Ting did not rush to speed up the journey. The trial of this kind of big case is often protracted, and when I arrive in the capital, whether it is a secret visit or a rescue, as long as I meet with Qingyuanhou, I can figure out the whole story.

He always feels that this matter is not simple. There are strange things inside and out, and there is a lot of fog. It turns out that Qingyuan Hou is really offensive, or there is another hidden story. The first thing is to uncover the truth.

Hua Lan Ting has no particularly clear preset position in his mind for the time being.

He was originally an outsider. Whether it was Qingyuanhou, the dust dynasty or other forces, it was an experience for him, a game involving family-state relations, family feelings and laws, dynasty disputes and other elements.

For him, there is always right and wrong in everything, and the judgment standard varies from person to person and from time to time.

Now it is information asymmetry, and it is still difficult for him to judge. Once it is clear, it is nothing more than acting on the basis of his own heart, whether it is love and closeness first, or universal law and law, and after weighing it, he can always formulate a charter.

His previous actions and planning were based on his own character and intuition, striving for a situation in which his “relatives” are personally safe and maintain a stable state of affairs.

As for the future, what he will do is to analyze specific situations and make changes to the situation.

walked for nearly two days, and he was almost approaching the outskirts of Zhongping City, but Hua Lanting heard an explosive news that shocked him, who had always been stable.

The reversal of the plot setting is too abrupt and fierce. It is beyond everyone’s expectations. It can be described as a thunderbolt in the sky. This is the rhythm of changing the sky!

Because the versions spread by different people are not the same, Hua Lan Ting immediately speeded up, and the closer to the outskirts of Beijing, the more complicated the rumors were.

Until the suburbs, the atmosphere of panic has been very strong, and many people have even started to flee in preparation. Hua Lanting inquired about it, and gradually sorted out a few core content and the context of events.

The first one, arrested in the middle of the night.

On the evening before the official trial of Qing Yuanhou by the Sansi, both the officialdom and the folks were waiting to see the good show the next day.

At three quarters, the Jiumen Admiral’s Mansion suddenly announced martial law throughout the city. The nine outer city gates were not allowed to enter, and the garrison camps inside and outside the city were mobilized. People began to think that it was to prevent possible riots during the trial the next day. I felt like making a fuss, but I didn’t care too much.

Later, the atmosphere began to be wrong. Not only were the common people forbidden to go out, but the guards of various government offices in the capital were also taken over by the army.

Sensitive people have sniffed the anomaly at this time. A few well-informed people have learned that the Shenji Camp and Shence Camp outside the city have been launched into the city. Together with the Beijing Guards, they are raiding and arresting people in many official residences in the city.

At this time, everyone knows that things are not normal. There are fast-moving sergeants everywhere on the street, and every house is closed. For a time, there are clouds and turbulence in Zhongping City, and the people who eat melon are speculating about what is going on.

At this time, the seeming order in the city was still calm and orderly, only the place where the arrest was involved was quarreling and crying.

Secretly, officials of all sizes in the capital have been in a mess. A small third of the officials have been locked up and put in jail. Several cells are overcrowded. Everyone does not even know what they have committed. The rest are in danger. After inquiring about each other to no avail, he was quickly ordered to go home and wait for orders. After that, the outside of the house and the street were blocked by soldiers, and they were strictly forbidden to go out.

This is the situation in the first half of the night, but in the second half of the night, the spring rains and the turmoil, not only the situation in the sky suddenly changes, but the situation in the city takes a turn for the worse.

Disturbance occurred.

The second article, the early morning rebellion.

In the middle of the night, the officials and most of the people who had not been affected had fallen asleep in suspicion, but were awakened by the faint sound of killing.

Afterwards, most of the officials had soldiers stationed in their homes. The officials and their families were gathered together and were not allowed to act without authorization. The whole city imposed a curfew.

At this time, resistance finally appeared in some places, and the sound of fighting was heard from time to time, especially when the direction of the imperial palace was filled with fire, the shouts became louder and louder.

Rain water flows over the ground, which is mixed with red blood stains, there is blood in the air, and the drizzle is constantly pouring on it.

Later, there were fights of different scales in various places in Zhongping City. Soldiers who could not distinguish their camps fought in the rain in the night. Some officials who discovered that the situation was not right and the guards of large households also began to clashed with the guards. And get up.

The capital of the dust dynasty Zhongping was shocked and chaotic.

This incident is called “The Change of the Red Dust” in later history.

The third article is the truth.

When Hua Lan Ting got the news, more than a day had passed since the incident. After the fermentation of time, there are always people who escaped. In addition, different forces have spread through various channels or actively or after analysis and processing, and the internal information of the rebellion. Has been partially revealed.

Yes, this is a long-planned rebellion, the protagonist is not someone else, it is Qingyuan Hou Yueye!

The truth is that Emperor Qingyun, in order to regain power and purge the court, and Qingyuan Hou Yueye made a bitter plan, pretending to find out that Qingyuan Hou’s treason evidence took him and his party members, and through delaying time to let all parties secretly compete, inducing loyalty and peace. The party and the officials who renounced or fell on the fence with Qingyun emperor surfaced. The plan was to wipe out these people when the net was closed, and then replace them with the pro-imperialist party officials and innocent scholars who were pulled out by Jane, so as to achieve the cleansing and consolidation of the party. The purpose of imperial power was a temporary shock between the ruling and opposition parties, in exchange for a situation where Emperor Qingyun monopolized the power and kept the country in peace for a long time.

This plan was already close to success. Qingyuanhou, who was really outside, closed the net in the first half of the night. Thousands of officers and soldiers from Shenji Camp and Shence Camp, which he had cultivated and mastered for many years, suddenly entered the city and jointly took charge of the defense of the capital. The garrison arrested people according to the name list, and most of them were arrested without any attention by the latter party.

However, Qingyuan Hou had an unpredictable mind and tried to catch the cicada and the oriole by the mantis.

In the middle of the night, when Emperor Qingyun was sitting in the palace and waiting for the victory, Qingyuan Hou suddenly attacked and commanded the two battalions of Shenji and Shence to attack the palace, while Emperor Qingyun’s direct control of Tianqingwei and Tian Half of Yunwei also turned to each other and participated in the rebellion. If it weren’t for the rescue of the two guards and other troops and the Forbidden Army, Qingyun Emperor had already been captured.

Even so, the guards loyal to Emperor Qingyun were outnumbered and suffered heavy casualties. Blood was flowing in the imperial city, and the number of people was decreasing, and the situation was precarious.

At this time, a team of people arrived in time and entered from outside. Although the number was not over a thousand, everyone was highly skilled, exquisite in martial arts, and trained and cooperated in tacit understanding. This saved Emperor Qingyun, but in the end it was only worthy. Trapped in the inner city of the palace, the outer surroundings have been occupied by rebels.

These martial artists are the royal secret force Tianduwei trained and trained secretly by the emperor’s uncle Dongqing.

For a long time, the outside world only knew that Emperor Qingyun was at odds with his younger brother, the leader of the later party, King Xitai, and the king of Beiyan and King Dongqing, who came out of the first emperor, to protect themselves, once they were engaged in business and martial arts, they did not ask. Political affairs were not part of Emperor Qingyun’s line. In addition, the king of Nan’an County remained neutral for a long time. Therefore, most people think that Emperor Qingyun is weak and like a puppet. Only in recent years has he taken power.

In fact, King Beiyan and Emperor Qingyun had met in the court school since they were young, and only apparently estranged after Emperor Qingyun ascended the throne. With the secret support of Emperor Qingyun, King Beiyan specializes in operating his business network, and is actually responsible for the creation of intelligence systems outside the capital and other countries.

While the emperor Dongqing Wang Haowu and the perennial wandering around are true, but he upholds the orthodox concept of succession to the throne, and his heart is lonely but as the eldest son of the first emperor Qingyun emperor, he is not used to fighting for a throne but is the empress dowager and empress. Love, arrogant and domineering King Xitai.

After the death of Emperor Xian, due to various constraints, King Xitai, who was supported by his descendants, finally failed to reach the summit as he wished, but became increasingly powerful in the DPRK.

In order to prevent accidents, the King of Dongqing used his influence in the martial arts after discussing with Emperor Qingyun to secretly establish Tianduwei. Finally, he played a role in this Qingyuanhou rebellion and was regarded as Emperor Qingyun. Life should not be broken.

At this moment, Emperor Qingyun was sitting on the bed of Dongnuan Pavilion, the Hall of Nourishment of the Heart in his daily life. His expression was lonely, his face was gray and defeated, and the six gods had no master. Fright was one aspect. He was favored by him as a confidant, and entrusted with the important task of Yue Ye. , The blow to him was too great.

Looking at the “Diligence and Prosperity” plaque hanging on the door, Emperor Qingyun looked dull and weakly asked the Dongqing King sitting on the side: “Uncle Emperor, how is the situation? I, what should I do?”

The king of Dongqing frowned and said, “Holy Master, you must be energetic. You are the backbone. With this appearance, how can everyone have the confidence to work together to get out of the predicament?”

Qingyun Emperor looked at King Dongqing: “Where is the way out? The wolf’s ambitious Yue Ye, who vain my trust in him, entrusted him with major events, thieves and courtiers, what is his purpose?”

The King of Dongqing said: “The rebels are powerful, and Zhongping should be controlled by them inside and outside. Although they have repelled several waves of offensives, Yue Ye will definitely mobilize troops to attack, and the power and supplies in the palace will not last long.”

“For the current plan, the only way for the Yelichen to lead the protection of the heavenly guard is to break out of the city with all his strength, and only a few young princes in the palace can be brought. Others may not be able to take care of it.”

Emperor Qingyun smiled bitterly, and said blankly: “Did you rush out? Where did you go after you went out?”

The King of Eastern Qing said solemnly: “With the power of the minister, I will find a few dead soldiers to pretend to be saints, distract the rebels, and protect you without any problems.”

“Yue Ye’s intention is unclear. It is said that the strength of the capital is not enough to make him a king. No matter where the army of King Qin is killed in the future, he can crush the rebellion.”

“So the minister thought that Yue Ye must have colluded with other people in the court or the surrounding countries, and conspired inside and outside to subvert our court.”

“It should not be King Xitai. When I came, the direction of Xitai Palace was also in chaos. There were no people from the rear party and the Shenfeng camp in the team that attacked the palace.”

“If it is true, King Xitai will either be arrested, or will go to Xiyuguan after escape. Although this road is a bloodline, we can’t refer to it as long as King Xitai is still there, and we can’t take this risk.”

“Pingnan Daying is the base of Yue Ye. His father and son are of the same heart. The South must be lost. Perhaps Yue Ye’s idea is to separatize the king in the south and become the overlord of one party.”

“Tong Guogong in the north should have no problem and can defect. The only worry is that the Heng dynasty will take the opportunity to invade southward. If Yue Ye secretly communicates with him, we will suffer from the enemy.”

“The king of Nan’an County in the east has always kept his life clear, but the minister believes that he is loyal to the sage and our court. The minister believes that the sage should take the road to the east, relying on the land of the east and the tens of thousands of troops, and join forces with Tong Guogong in the north to gradually suppress the rebels and recover. Lost ground.”

“The public opinion will stand on our side and all the prefectures, capitals and counties will not submit to the rebel ministers. Although it is inevitable that there will be turmoil on all sides, the saint is still young. Dust Dynasty.”

After hearing these words, Emperor Qingyun felt better, cheered up, thought about it, and asked: “Oh, let’s talk about the funeral, I am afraid that Yue thief can also think of this, even if he breaks out of the palace, he will be surrounded by heavy troops. ”

The king of Dongqing smiled and said, “The saint does not know anything, and the subordinates’ cultivation has been transformed into the realm. If it weren’t for the eagerness to save the driver, the Yue thief should have taken precautions. In addition, the minister had to stay on the saint at all times. With all possible strategies around him, the minister can completely assassinate Yue Ye alone. Maybe then the rebels will collapse without a leader or fight. This dangerous situation will solve itself. What a pity.”

“But if things cannot be done, and only protect the saint to escape from the sky, the minister still has this confidence. Therefore, the saint can relax, and the minister can save a few years, and also protect the saint to restore the world of my Zhou clan.”

“I have ordered many masters under my command to break out of the city. One is to publicize the truth about Yue Ye’s rebellion and rebellion, and the other is to urge the various garrisons, especially Tong Guogong and Nan’an Junwang, to send troops to the king immediately.”

“Holy Lord, rest and recuperate, and wait for the minister to go down and arrange a night breakout.”

The two uncles and nephews are planning to escape here, the rebel headquarters, Qingyuan Hou Mansion, Qingyuan Hou Yueye are also meditating.

After a night of turmoil, the capital gradually returned to calm. The rebels had controlled all areas except the inner city of the imperial palace. Sporadic resistance was not enough to be afraid of, but Yue Ye couldn’t be happy in his heart.

After decades of business conspiracy, although the overall progress of things was achieved according to plan and steps, the control of Zhongping was only the first step, and there were still some mistakes and accidents, which made him feel uneasy, and a shadow appeared in his heart and lingering. go.

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