The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 98

Chapter 98: It’s better to go back

Yue Ye and Yue Jia were shocked.

Yue Ye started to shoot the case: “Jing’er, what do you mean by this?”

“Have you been to the underground palace? Yes, what did the Taoist priest Yuanmiao tell you? No, Yuanmiao doesn’t know what is it that you are my son? Are you fainted?”

Hua Lan Ting shook his head: “I have been to the underground palace, but I entered through another entrance. That bloodline mechanism, I can’t get through it, I can’t open it!”

Yue Ye looked surprised and puzzled: “Impossible, it was set by your mother’s hands. Could it be invalid for a long time?”

“Who is my mother?”

Yue Ye sighed: “Well, since you have asked, it’s time to tell you.”

“Back then, my father strayed into the underground palace, and your mother happened to be exploring treasures inside. We were trapped together for a few days when we touched the organs. Seeing that there is no hope of escape, there is no doubt that we will die. Only then, we have you.”

“Later, the air in the cave became less and less, and under the instinct of survival, we split and searched for the last time. I didn’t know what mechanism was turned on, and I was isolated in another secret room and fainted.”

“After waking up, the door was open. Your mother and I escaped from the dead and met again.”

“Your mother, she is the Han prince and daughter of the generation of Daqi Shamanism.”

“The situation was special at the time. After your mother used my blood to cast a spell to reset the hole mechanism, we agreed on a time and place to meet regularly, and we left each. I saved Yuanmiao before I left.”

“After I met your mother several times, I suddenly received an urgent order to be transferred to Pingnan Daying, only to be in time to inform your mother at the next meeting place.”

“After a while, Tianya lost the news, until she came to Pingnan Daying to find me alone. It turns out that your mother is pregnant.”

“She was afraid of being found out of tolerance by being taught. To protect you from being born, she escaped secretly, hurting her body by rushing all the way.”

“I settled her in a village near Daying. When you gave birth to you, she died because of her weakness and difficulty in giving birth.”

“As a last resort, I confessed this to Jia’er’s mother and the army, but only said that your mother was a citizen’s daughter I met during the transfer. Later, I was punished for this.”

“But, you are sure for my son, why are you questioning? You are not like me, but your brows are characteristic of your mother. Is your **** kid’s brain flooded? Or was kicked by a donkey and caught in the door? ?”

Hua Lan Ting thought, your circle is really chaotic.

Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly heard a slight noise in the corner outside the room. Someone can hide from their eyes and ears and eavesdrop!

The body moved with his heart, he flew out his palm and jumped to the window, and he was about to take it down.

The man was discovered that he didn’t escape, but he flew down and broke in the window, and fought with Hua Lan Ting with one hand.

The palms intersected and there was a small muffled noise. The man was shocked and backed two steps, leaning against the wall.

Hualanting also took a small step back, which surprised him a lot, and cried out: “One reed crossing the river body method, Bodhi Saman’s palm? Who are you in Yiwei Zen Temple?”

This person is capable of eavesdropping outside the room, and his skill must be extremely high. His palm has used 70% to 80% of his power. Although this person was shaken back, he was not injured. Yuan Miao old way.

This man is no match for Hua Lanting’s palm, and was forced to retreat, but he laughed a lot, he was very happy, and shouted: “Good work! Good kid! Good son!”

This person, Qing Yuanhou, knew him, so he called out: “Eastern Qing King Zhou Boyong!”

King Dongqing ignored him, holding the wall and staring straight at Hualanting, looking very excited, and kept saying: “I have a son, and I have a son, Zhou Boyong, and I will finally have the incense to pass on. …”

Yue Ye frowned and said angrily: “King Dongqing, what are you crazy about? Nonsense!”

Dongqing Wang turned his head to look at Yue Ye, then looked at Hualanting, and laughed again:

“You can’t be wrong. Yue Lao’er, twenty-six years ago, there were not only you in the underground palace, but also the old man! That was the only time in his life that the old man had a cloud and rain in Wushan, how could he remember it wrong. Otherwise, why do you think all the cave institutions were opened later? ?”

“No need to verify. This king heard from the window and understood that Yue Jing’s blood and your blood are incompatible with each other, and his appearance is similar to me rather than you, which shows that he is my son of Zhou Boyong!”

How could King Dongqing appear here?

It turned out that after arranging the breakout at night, he thought he was unwilling and decided to venture out of the palace and try to assassinate Yue Ye.

If it succeeds, the rebellion has the possibility of quelling. If there is no chance or can not succeed, he is confident to retreat to protect Emperor Qingyun to break through.

After he broke out of the palace alone, he first got rid of the chasing soldiers, and then sneaked into the Qingyuan Hou Mansion. He accidentally heard that the guards were arranging the Yongdingmen. After making a secret inspection in the mansion, he decided to start at Yongdingmen. So he came to hide first, and heard the conversation between the father and son.

The king of the Eastern Qing Dynasty was obsessed with martial arts and had no intention of imperial power. He once worshipped Yiwei Zen Temple and practiced martial arts without standing.

That year, he came to Daqi to visit the masters to learn about martial arts and seek breakthroughs. Later, he occasionally got a secret map of the underground palace, and found the comatose prince and daughter after entering.

He was not close to female **** in his whole life, only this time, he was confused, inexplicably confused and intrigued, and did something contrary to his heart.

The King of Dongqing had no heirs. Only after he reached middle age, thinking that he would eventually go away, he regretted not being able to leave the incense.

Today, knowing that the chaos happened in the past, how can I not be ecstatic, I only feel that I have no regrets in this life, and it is worthwhile to trade for anything.

As soon as the words of the King of the Eastern Qing Dynasty came out, Hualanting stood on the spot, dumbfounded, as if ten thousand grass mud horses galloped past.

Hualanting and the “four people” of “Yue Jing”, “Zhao Jing” and “Zhou Jing” are all one head and two big people, four faces are confused, five confuses and three ways, six gods and no masters, and they were bombarded by the news. Eight primes.

This person is too bloody. Just now I still slandered others, but it turns out that the messiest person in your circle is yourself.

I really have a big family, and I have a distinguished status. Buy one get two free. It’s not a little prince, a little prince or a second emperor’s grandson. There is a mother, one for two, two dads, one older brother, and one little uncle. And sister-in-law, doesn’t it mean that Zhao Lingyu has no blood relationship with him…

Hualanting’s thoughts have changed a lot, and the one who is more confused than him is Qingyuan Hou Yueye!

He recognized the Queen of Dongqing, and Zhou Boyong, who was waiting to give a warning to protect her and take the opportunity to get her whereabouts, was caught up with Venus, angered, and confused!

Everything went wrong in this trip. First, the eldest son Yue Jia committed a crime, and threatened to arrest him and quell his rebellion, persuading him to surrender and plead guilty to Emperor Qingyun.

Then it was the second son Yue Jing who openly questioned the blood relationship between his father and his son, forcing him to reveal his scars and tell the old story deeply buried in his heart.

That’s not even counted, the king of Dongqing came out from nowhere, jumping and robbing his son, still plausible, with a plausible look, saying that he has a nose and eyes.

But, without personal experience, how can you tell the old things about the underground palace years ago?

During his life, Hou Rongma in Qingyuan had not lost his square inch so easily. But when he touched the taste of it, when he thought that he might have raised a son for others for more than 20 years, he suddenly remembered the unknown in the underground palace implied by the king of the Eastern Qing Dynasty. In one scene, let’s not tell the truth or not, the old Hou slammed into the blood, and suddenly anger came from his heart, and the evil grew to the courage.

Anyway, let’s talk about the ill-will in my chest first.

Qing Yuanhou went to the appointment alone. Although he saw his son, how could there be no precautions in such a situation.

Yue Ye gave a low growl and threw himself at the King of Dongqing.

The house was originally small, and the two were close to each other. King Dong Qing was in a state of excitement, and he didn’t put Yue Ye in his eyes. He actually told him to rush to him with the spring stone upper flow method.

Although Yue Ye was furious, he knew that no matter whether it was entangled with legs or not, or the unprovoked big beard and palms, it would be hard to help King Dongqing. After the other three were stunned, he stretched out his hands and pulled out two from behind his waist. Fire system.

At that time, firearms had just flown into the Jing dynasty from overseas. They were very rare. Short gunpowder systems were even rarer. Only Yue Ye had been fighting against the Jing dynasty for many years to understand and secretly collected two.

The two were close at hand, and the Dongqing King didn’t want to avoid it. There were two bangs, the fire flashed, the sulphur smell emitted, the saltpeter gunpowder was all in the middle, and the Dongqing King’s two threats.

The King of the Eastern Qing yelled, and the magical power of the no-leak true body protection passively activated the protection, but it was too late, only delaying the further penetration of the gunpowder.

The King of Dongqing was furious. He hadn’t been injured for many years. In a hurry, his magical powers energized, and foreign bodies in his body were forced out of his body by his strong internal force, and all of them returned to Yue Ye’s chest and abdomen.

Yue Ye wears three layers of gold wire soft armor on his body, and the protection is not strict.

But the King of Eastern Qing took so much effort. After the injury, he shot with anger. Most of the saltpeter was blocked by the soft armor, and a small part of it was still deep into Yue Ye’s body.

Dongqing King immediately raised his hand, and his right palm was pressed on Yue Ye’s head like lightning.

“No!”, “Don’t!” Hua Lanting and Yue Jia’s cry came in my ears.

The king of Dongqing paused, then sighed, and withdrew his right hand: “No matter, this king won’t kill you in order to reward you for raising my son as an adult.”

After saying this, King Dongqing softened, stepped back and sat down at the root of the wall two steps.

The incident happened suddenly, Hua Lanting and Yue Jia grabbed it at the same time, one by one, supporting the two dads respectively.

The king of Dongqing printed large bloodstains on his chest, and there were bloodshots on the corners of his mouth.

He doesn’t understand the power of firearms. If he didn’t urge his internal force to counterattack just now, he might still be alive. Now his chest and abdomen are **** and blood leaks out, Hua Lanting would know it with the help of him.

The King of Dongqing grabbed Hualanting’s arm tightly, breathing quickly, and said, “My child, let me see you. Elephant, our father really looks like it.”

“Don’t bother, I know I’m not lucky. I have only one wrong thing in my life. I didn’t do the gentleman not bullying the dark room. I often feel guilty. I lost the hand of Yue Ye today. This is the retribution of the cycle of heaven. .”

“Actually, the moment I knew that I had a son outside the window, I immediately let go, letting go of everything, unprecedented ease and joy, it doesn’t matter what the pinnacle of martial arts and the soaring of the way.”

“Child, I got this for you from the Qingyuan Hou Mansion.” As he said, he gave Hualanting a package, and then said: “Your cultivation base is stronger than me. I am not worried about safety. Promise me, Inherit the prince of the Eastern Qing Dynasty and pass on me an incense.”

stared at Hua Lan Ting, Dong Qing Wang’s eyes were warm and hopeful: “Child, can you call me before I leave?”

Hua Lanting’s lips moved and there was no sound, but the King of Dongqing read a silent word father from it. He stretched out his face and smiled: “Life has its joy, and death has nothing to regret. It’s better to go back.”

The king of the Eastern Qing Dynasty loosened his hands, closed his eyes and passed away.

Qingyuan Hou Yueye over there saw this scene and laughed: “Old thief, you died in front of me in the end, grab your son from me, hum!” He spoke to the wound, coughed several times, and blood was brought out.

Yue Jia said anxiously: “Father, stop talking, let me see your injury.”

Yue Ye closed his eyes and panted for a while, then opened his eyes and looked at Yue Jia and said, “Jia’er, it’s no good for my father.” The saltpeter in him was accompanied by the internal strength of the Dongqing King, which had already hurt the depths of his lungs.

“No, no, father, you will be fine. Come on! Come on!” Yue Jia shouted.

Yue Ye stopped him, and slowly sat up to help Yue Jia and said in a low voice: “Jia’er, don’t call them in yet, I have something to say to you for my father.”

“When you die, you know that everything is empty, and you are arrogant and domineering. They are all phantoms. As a father, you can bow to the Chen Dynasty, and you can say it to the Heng Dynasty. I don’t want things to evolve into this field today. , The sky does not meet my wishes, how can it be.”

“The King of the Eastern Qing said that he was right, the way of heaven revolves, and retribution is unhappy.”

“I was not wrong. I was born in an emperor’s house. I have tried my best to be worthy of the Zhao family and the Heng Dynasty. To the Qingyun Emperor and the Zhou Dynasty, although I can’t help myself, I will always have some negatives.”

“I don’t regret being the father for not telling you the truth earlier. The next generation has the choice of the next generation. You don’t want to turn back to the dust. The matter is here. For the father, I have nothing to ask for, and I am determined to do it for you.”

“As for the future, although Chen Heng two dynasties are big, there will be no place for your brothers to live, or go far away to live in peace or find a way out with the wealth of the underground palace. I believe that with your talents, Dang Ke has another chance.”

Yue Ye was panting when he said that, his face flushed, Hua Lanting also turned around at this moment.

Yue Ye sighed, “Jing’er, are you still reluctant to call me?”

Hua Lanting saw that Yue Ye was seriously injured and could not be cured, and finally couldn’t bear it in his heart, and said, “Father.”

Yue Ye nodded, and said with a strong smile: “In any case, you are my raised adult, this fact can’t be erased by anyone. You can go and stay in the future, you decide for yourself.”

“I believe that my two sons, Yue Ye, are both dragons and phoenixes!”

“Come in, come in and listen to my general’s order!” Yue Ye shouted, sitting up straight, as if he had resumed his former generals’ majesty.

Several cronies outside the room heard the shouts filed in, and they were all startled by the vision.

Yue Ye waved his hand to stop their inquiry, and said, “I’m sorry, Benhou, there has been a sudden change.

“After that, you follow Yue Jia’s order to help him condense the army and lay down his weapons.”

“Yue Jia, I have something to ask for my father. Soldiers just follow the order. You must tell the truth. The generals who are loyal to me, if you want to drop, you will drop. If you don’t want to, let them leave by themselves. .”

Yuejia was already in tears, crying bitterly, choked up and replied: “My son will definitely protect them with all his strength.”

The confidant knelt down to the ground, shouting the commander, grieving, but no one had dissent and violated the order.

Yue Ye grasped the hands of the two sons with one hand, and said with a trembling voice: “There is still a lot to say for the father, but unfortunately there is no time. How happy life is, what is the pain of death, why not go back.”

With the low voice, Yue Ye’s eyes widened, his hands drooped after his body straightened, and he passed away.

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