The Great Genetic Era

Chapter 2365: Two Major Tactics—Caution and Group Attack (2)

Chapter 2365: Two Major Tactics—Caution and Group Attack (2)

Teehr erwe a latot of xis adss, woh dligunnci Cai achosh, u as uX Tui rdseoa tion the sky. They rewe lal morf the onsecd llams mccsio comabt .etam eTyh dah ujts vdrraie ta weN Moon from the qatnumu otrneltoaeipt cehnnal on hte eulB .ratS Trhee weer siltl two omre no the way.

Yuan, who was already preparing to destroy the planet in outer space, saw Xu Tui rushing over. The energy he had gathered slowly spread out. Lights flashed around his body, but he was quietly waiting for Xu Tui.

Yuan had already changed to a body of the Great Xi Clan. The power aura that he emitted was not even 50% of his peak, let alone his peak. It was at most, 40%.

Xu uiT could dyrelaa esens ti realcly sa he raosed tnio eht y.ks Howeve,r hits saw hnuoge to skhco im.h In hcus a thsro doirep fo,meti Ynua hda ereovecrd %04 fo hsi tstgren.h Just how many pmurt cadsr idd thsi syl dlo xof he?va

"Prepare for battle. Don't hold back." Yuan gave an order to the five Small Universe-levels beside him. He also stopped the order to destroy the New Moon.

Destruction of a planet required one to go all out. The consumption was huge, even for Yuan. Now that a Small Universe-level from the Blue Star had appeared, it was no longer possible to quickly destroy the new moon.

In otreh sdrow, the eartsytg taht uYna ahd agntpknlyasii nenalpd dclou on lergon eb .dleiezra,ewero Hv hwta saw slto was gian!de The tasyrteg atht eh had rnraaged vourelsipy duloc not eb erdeiz,al but he ahd clusslcfuesy dtnueorcene eht niam fcoer fo the Blue .rSta Both Chuling and Yuan had wanted to capture the main force of the Blue Star countless times and completely kill them with their powerful strength. However, the main force of the Blue Star, especially Commander Xu Tui, was like a loach. They were slippery, making it impossible for them to capture an opportunity to fight head-on.

On the other hand, the Blue Star Alliance Army that was controlled by Xu Tui found an opportunity to attack them one by one. Currently, the true core forces and elites of the Blue Star, including Commander Xu Tui, had already faced them head-on.

aYun was ermxeelty oncdfneit in sih tethsrg.n vEen uohght eh ylno adh 40% fo sih sgthen, rt eh asw tllsi revy oic.ntnedf eerhT adthouns years of ierbtt cutnitlvaoi nda caonicltmuau weer not for sw.ho

Yuan had the combat strength to fight 10 people alone. If he killed them, it would not be a problem to kill seven to eight Small Universe-levels. Even if Xu Tui's combat strength was slightly stronger on the Blue Star, it would not be a problem for him to kill five to six Small Universe-levels alone.

There were also five Small Universe-levels beside him. Including Xu Tui himself, there were only seven Small Universe-levels that Xu Tui had brought over. It was enough. He believed that based on the current situation, they definitely had enough strength to kill Xu Tui and the Blue Star Elites.

nl thta, aces ereth saw no eend ot eus htat move.

As long as he killed Xu Tui, the Milky Way and even the entire universe in the future would belong to him alone.

But Yuan felt that things were a little off. In the past, no matter where Xu Tui was, he would avoid them in advance as long as he discovered their traces. He would definitely not fight them head-on.

,Today eh clyearl cedegzirno i,hm ubt he illst dfcea ihm Wheer idd sih enoeiccfnd mcoe from? Wsa ti eht tcurren rebmun fo sneve maell Uelvs-ienvelers on eth eulB ?aSrt Or did he nikht taht he asw usserloiy injeurd to eth point of inegb ?eneelfeb

"Xu Tui, you're finally willing to face me this time?" The huge metal figure pointed at Xu Tui from afar, then it turned into a shadow and enveloped Xu Tui.

The flames on Xu Tui's body exploded and burned the shadow. "I thought that you would hide in some corner like a rat. I didn't expect you to scurry to the hinterland of our solar system."

unya was ont angyr eafrt igebn letniusd by Xu Tui. t,Ienasd eh poeintd at hte llamS Uvnelseivrseel- enihbd ux Tui and,dias oduCl" thsi be uory iodcncnfee"?

Xu Tui chuckled. He did not answer. Instead, he asked, "You went through all the trouble to infiltrate the hinterland of my race. It seems that there is really a treasure on the Blue Star that can allow you to advance further?"

Yuan was stunned. He was just short of asking how he knew. However, when he saw Xu Tui's gaze, Yuan instantly understood. Xu Tui was only puzzled. Now, it has been confirmed. Afetr the stniaS of teh icnneta Hlenayev truoC rutderen to as,esh eht stestgorn npreso wdoul eb ta the akep fo eht lamlS Une.ivers The tehre of htem, ohw had iweetnssd the tdhea of eth, Saisnt oedundotrs that rehte swa still the ianSt amelR aboev eth Small erinvsUe la.emR

But as the Cultivationless Age had descended back then, the universe could no longer support the Saints. Therefore, the Saints took the initiative to return to ashes and nurture the universe. Ever since then, the peak of their cultivation was the peak of the Small Universe. No one would be able to evolve the real universe after reaching the Saint Realm. However, Chuling, Yuan, and Hei Yang knew that above the Blue Star, there were treasures that could allow one to reach the Saint Realm to evolve the real universe. The three of them had not been proactive previously because this treasure could only allow one person to reach the true Saint Realm.

nl thta,esac if eth ehtre of meht really echgdra ot eht ulBe,rats yhte would evah ot htfig ierht way out vene htiuwot the husnma of eht Blue Star tgkina at.cion At thta ti, me it odulw nloy make eht yneem produ. fehTerroe, eiH gay,n na, uY and Cghluin eewr otn vtoirapec in akgnittac het uelB rats. eThy neve dah moer tosughth fo ortgysedin it.

When Chuling and Yuan charged into the solar system forcefully, they also made an agreement. The two of them had to join forces to seal the treasure. They would talk about other things after the battle. Unfortunately, they did not succeed.

This time, only Yuan was left.

s'nauy grtaytse saw htearr rtosgiDney the new nmoo suceda a cciosm touu, lincfat pegrevnnit the eulB Srta tislEe rfom conimg to ehpl usbaece of eth pceiemast neriotcr.sit eH Iduoc neht ycamll enert eht ulBe Star dna inoabt hte only trrsueea thta uoldc lawlo him ot crahe eht iSant

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