The Great Mage Returns After 4000 Years(Novel)

Chapter 147 - Purge (1)

The Great Mage Returns after 4000 Years – Chapter 147 – Purge (1) 

Translator: Seven

Editors: Ana_Banana, Yahiko

(Note: So I made a tiny bit of an oopsy last chapter. We’re now in Book 7, so we still have a ways to go)



A heavy silence fell in the room.

Gomez glared at Rezil with a sharp gaze, to which Rezil simply returned a calm, confident look.

It seemed as if he was asking what else Gomez would do besides glaring.

This standoff continued for a while.


Then, someone stood up.

The loud noise caused by the chair scraping against the floor pierced the silence of the hall, and it naturally drew the eyes of everyone there.

“I can’t listen to this nonsense any longer.”

It was the Circle Master of one of the Elven circles, ‘Black Tooth’, Reeves. Beside him were Camille and Liamson, to whom Frey were well acquainted.

“Did you summon us here just to tell us this bullshit?”

“Would you please be polite? Young Black Tooth Chief.”

When Rezil said that, Reeves let out a cold laugh.

“Young Chief? Huhu. I never imagine I’d be called young by a human.”

“There is no reason to be respected just because you have lived for a long time. This is the reason why the Elves have the smallest territory out of all the intelligent races on the continent.”


Those words made the expressions of the Black Tooth tribe, as well as the other Elves sitting in the room, freeze.

The Elves did not conquer any land because of their peaceful temperaments, which disliked acts of destruction.

It was also inevitable that nature would be destroyed during battles.

Of course, Rezil knew the Elves’ character. He also knew that they were not a weak race.

Nevertheless, he continued his provocations.

“Do not go overboard, Rezil Wilsemann.”

“I’m just speaking the truth… aren’t you the one overreacting?”

There were no signs that he intended to take back his words.

As Rezil continued speaking in a calm, relaxed manner, the atmosphere in the room steadily grew colder.

It wasn’t just the Elves.

Other circles were also staring at Rezil with hostile gazes,

In the first place, they couldn’t understand Rezil’s mentality of trying to buy more time by sacrificing the continent.

Then, they realised something was wrong with his previous words.


Gisellan frowned at the situation.

Rezil Wilsemann was certainly an insidious old man.

He tried to say that their people were pretending to be members of the Circle.

Then, he antagonised the Dijellik Gauntlets and the Black Tooth Tribe.

While these circles might not have been the Strow Necklaces’ opponents, they were still traditional circles with a lot of influence.

Creating a grudge with them was not a wise decision.

If it was the original Rezil, then he would not have done things like this so recklessly.

‘Is he trying to deepen the conflicts in the Circle?’

For what reason?

He couldn’t understand why he would try to break apart the Circle’s power even further in this current state of emergency.

In a situation like this, wasn’t it smarter for them to unite?

“This is quite disgusting.”

It was the one beside Nora, who had been silent from the beginning, who spoke this time.

The moment he heard this clear voice, Reeves’ eyebrows furrowed.

The figure then pulled back its hood to reveal Snow. Or to be precise, it was ‘Swordna’, who was revealed as Snow was wearing Jenki’s Mask.

Reeves then spoke up in a strange voice.

“…Hiralgard’s Swordna?”

Snow shrugged at those words.

“I’ve left the Hiralgard.”

“Did you join the Trowman Rings?”

“That’s not quite right, but it doesn’t matter to me if you think so.”

After saying that, Snow turned to Rezil.

“I’ve heard your argument, Circle Master Rezil. So you won’t make a move until you are completely sure of what the Demigods are up to.”


“Then what if a circle decides to not follow your wishes?”

“I won’t allow it. I’m not sure if we can defeat the Demigods with the current power of the Circle. No, to be honest, it would be enough to say that it’s impossible. I cannot allow even the smallest amount of power to be wasted.”

Rezil completed his statement without a change in his expression.

“Please understand.”



Anger finally surfaced on the faces of those who disagreed with Rezil’s opinion. 

To be arbitrary to such an extent was no different from being a tyrant.

At that moment, Gisellan vaguely understood Rezil’s intentions.

‘He is deliberately expressing his opinion in a strong manner. To see all those who will oppose him.’

After being selected, they would either be kicked out of the Circle or forced to make a mistake and be punished for it.

He had a feeling that this was the purpose of this meeting in the first place.

In fact, Rezil and the Strow Necklaces had that much power. After all, it was public knowledge that they had a good relationship with the Lucid Swords.


Knowing that, the others could only make angry expressions, but no one dared to speak out anymore.

Instead, they naturally turned their gazes to another table.

Circle Master Altan. He was the head of the Phisfounder Armlets, the last of the Three Great Circles, and the only one who could oppose Rezil’s opinion this time.

Many people were looking at him with anticipation.

Altan had a moderate presence in the Circle, advocating true neutrality and usually choosing to follow the majority. 

When the other two members of the Three Circles expressed their opinions, he rarely went against them. 

That was why Rezil didn’t think much of it this time. 

So when Altan’s gaze turned to Beniang, he frowned subconsciously.

“Beniang, what do you think?”

Rezil and Jekid furrowed their eyebrows at the same time.

Was he asking Beniang’s opinion, instead of them, who were also masters of the Three Great Circles?

“Altan, I think you asked the wrong person.”

Altan replied indifferently without looking at him.

“I wasn’t mistaken. I’m asking Beniang Argento, the Circle Master of the Trowman Rings, for her opinion.”


Receiving the gazes of everyone in the room, Beniang felt her heart sink, but she soon gave her answer regardless.

“I think we should stop the Demigods.”

Rezil’s gaze immediately became harsh.

“Be careful of your words, Master Beniang. Have you forgotten the death of your predecessor, Osel?”

When he said that, Gisellan and Eizek stood up at the same time.

“Master Rezil, you’ve gone too far.”

“Excuse my words. But it was advice based on good intentions.”

He was a smooth talker.

Gisellan grit his teeth.

Rezil had deliberately brought up the subject of Osel, knowing that it was still a sore wound for the Trowman Rings. 

This was a move to break their composure. 

Beniang was also angry.

If it had been her old self, she might very well have collapsed at that moment.


But she was able to endure it.

In the past few months, Beniang had come to realise the real importance of a Circle Master. And she tried hard to be a person deserving of the title.

Fortunately, there was a role model nearby for her to rely on.

Frey Blake.

He was truly a man born to lead. She had felt this from the first time she met him, and even now, these thoughts remained unchanged.

If he so wished, she would willingly give up the position of Circle Master in an instant as she knew she could never be like that. 

After all, she knew herself better than anyone. Beniang was sure that she would never be able to reach that level no matter how hard she tried or how much experience she gained. It just wasn’t possible.

However, she could at least imitate Frey,

In this situation. Even when she was at a loss as to how to react, she was strangely able to calm down by thinking of Frey.

Then she thought hard.

How would Frey react in this situation? 

“I appreciate your kind advice, but we will never forget the deaths of our predecessors.”

Rezil frowned at Beniang’s cool voice.

Beniang then continued.

“You said you wouldn’t move until you confirmed the Demigods’ intentions.”

“I don’t know how many times I have to repeat that, yes.”

“Does Master Rezil know why the Circle was founded?”

There was overt displeasure on Rezil’s face.

“Why do you ask that? Do you intend to lecture me?”

“If you are wrong about something, I’ll naturally try to help you correct it.”

When Beniang smiled and said those words, the entire hall burst into an uproar.


Rezil no longer expressed his feelings. His emotions disappeared from his face as if they had been wiped away. 

Then, a middle aged man beside Rezil spoke up.

“How about being polite? Beniang Argento.”

It was Simone Kylia, the Circle Rounder for the Strow Necklaces.

Beniang’s attitude seemed to offend him, and his expression wasn’t nice.

“Master Rezil was leading the Circle before you were even born.

“There is no reason to be respected just because you have lived for a long time.”


Simone’s expression became filled with anger.

She had just returned Rezil’s words to him.

On the other hand, the Elves in the room had cheerful expressions on their faces. Altan and the others also looked at Beniang with interest.

Many of them remembered how Beniang was in the past, and looking at her now, they couldn’t help but wonder.

How could someone change so much?

“That is rude. Having the same position doesn’t mean you are equal, Master Beniang.”

“I’m not wrong, and I don’t think I was being rude.”

Simone stopped responding and instead simply stared at Beniang. 

At first, she thought that it was because he no longer had anything to say.


However, Beniang’s face soon became paler and paler.

This wasn’t just because of the glaring.

In fact, Simone was secretly releasing his mana and pressuring Beniang with it.

It was so secretive that even Eizek and Gisellan, who were beside her, didn’t notice. Snow and Nora seemed to realise what was happening, but they were simply partners. They wouldn’t make a move unless it was a direct threat.


It was a low-class and disgusting act that was no lower than a threat by street thugs.

Simone would definitely recall his mana if Beniang was to reveal his actions now. And he would even be looked down upon by the other circles.

It wouldn’t be hard to do.

She was under a lot of pressure at that moment, but it was still possible to open her mouth. 

But was it really okay to do so? 

As the Circle Master of the Trowman Rings, she couldn’t even withstand the pressure of a Circle Rounder, yet she dared to reveal it?

Maybe that was exactly what Simone wanted.

He would certainly be looked down upon, but Beniang’s Trowman Rings would also lose prestige.

It had changed and revived, but it still fell short of the Three Great Circles.

For the Trowman Rings, who were trying to make a resurgence, such a perception would be a shackle. 

Beniang grit her teeth.

It was absolutely unacceptable. 

Above all, she had regained her pride.


Endure, Beniang.

She could withstand at least this much pressure.

Her opponent was not even a Circle Master. No matter how powerful the Three Great Circles were, she couldn’t let herself fall short of a Circle Rounder.

She would not allow it.


Beniang didn’t let herself succumb to the pressure.

The fact that she was even able to withstand this pressure was shocking in itself.

This baffled Simone. 

He was one of the five 8 star Wizards in the entire Circle. So for Beniang to withstand his pressure to this extent meant that she had reached at least 7 stars.

‘Should I press more?’

It wasn’t difficult, but he might’ve gotten caught. 

The time the two of them were staring at each other was getting longer, so someone might’ve questioned it.


But he couldn’t back down like this.

He’d received Rezil’s instructions, so he couldn’t back down even if he wanted to.

Just as Simone was about to raise his mana higher.

“This rudeness of yours.”

It was the voice of a man sitting in a corner that no one had paid attention to. 

It was only after this person spoke that everyone realised his existence. Including the people sitting close to him.

This was strange. 

The tables were all sorted according to circle, so if someone was sitting alone, he would naturally stand out. 

Nevertheless, no one had noticed a thing until he spoke. 

This person was a young man with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. And although he had no distinctive features, there were still people in the hall who recognised his face.

These people were Snow, some of the Elves and Eizek.

“Who are you?”

“Such a shame. You can’t even recognize the man you’ve been looking for.”

“What does that mean?”

The young man’s eyes became cold.

“Firstly, I will return the rudeness you showed to Master Beniang.”

As he let out those words, Simone directly collapsed in his seat.

“Ro-, Rounder Simone!”

“What the hell…?!”

“Ah… ah…”

Simone couldn’t even answer. He could only widen his eyes in horror.

Eizek gulped.

He was certain.

This was the face of Cain Rixton. 

How could he not know? After all, he was the one who gave this fake identity to Frey!

“Rounder Frey!”

Frey released his illusion.

Several Wizards took deep breaths when his face was revealed.

All of them were great Wizards and Archmages on the continent, but none of them had been able to see through the illusion.

It was the same for Rezil.

“I heard everything already. It was quite interesting. There are many things that I want to say, but before that… you.”

Rezil didn’t think that Frey was referring to him at that moment. The reason he didn’t think so, despite the fact that Frey was looking right at him, was because no one had the audacity to call him ‘you’ in decades.

But the following words were even more shocking.

“You don’t deserve the title of ‘Strow Necklaces’ Circle Master’. Why don’t you step down from that position?”

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