The Great Thief

Chapter 1810 - : Trollbane

Chapter 1810: Trollbane

At this moment, there were more and more players over at the Stair of Destiny.

The Burning Legion soldiers here were already losing momentum. As the leader with official authority, Hachi Chan actually led the players to assault the return gate of Burning Legion, and achieved success in doing so.

The reward for destroying the return gate allowed the players to enjoy some benefits.

The war situation would probably likely conclude for the meantime. If no threat existed, then naturaly, there was no need for any quests.

When the time came, Hachi Chan would then become the ‘king of the mountain’. Lu Li had already let some people of Ruling Sword go ahead to the military camps to complete quests. He had to wait until the Stair of Destiny battle paused, as the NPC would then clear a path towards Honor Hold or Thrallmar. Then, the players would truly be considered as established in the Outlands.

Lu Li didn’t need to go through all of this trouble because he could fly.

Almost all of the players of Dawn game currently had mounts. Riding a horse was always faster than running.

Level 70 being released meant that besides an upgrade to riding, there would also be public Outland flying.

As long as the riders met a certain Reputation requirement, they could purchase a flying mount from an NPC at Shattrath City. Of course, this came along with a large sum of gold coins. Many players saved a year’s worth of money to purchase one.

Thrallmar and Honor Hold had different architectural styles. Even being in the Outlands, humans still maintained the medieval castle style of Azeroth.

Honor Hold was situated to the south of the Path of Glory and Hellfire Citadel. After the second Orc war, the Alliance sent out an expedition to traverse the Dark Portal in order to completely resolve the threat of the Orcs.

Under the leadership of Danath Trollbane, Alleria Windrunner, Kurdran Wildhammer the Gryphon Rider, Turalyon the courageous general and Khadgar the Archmage, the expedition carried out their great mission, which unfolded into a life-and-death battle with the Orcs of Draenor.

The expedition used the Book of Medivh and the Skull of Gul’dan from Draenor to close the Dark Portal and gave up their only chance of returning home.

Before the expedition destroyed Draenor’s Dark Portal, Ner’zhul had already opened numerous gateways that led to other worlds. Draenor, which had already suffered the abuse of the Orcs’ demonic magic, could no longer withstand the impact that these new gateways brought, and began split into pieces.

The members of the expedition watched the planet beneath their feet tremble, and understood that remaining in Draenor meant a pointless suicide, so they chose a new gateway to pass through. After that fateful day, there was nothing heard from these brave soldiers again. Given that the possibility of their survival was incredibly small, they were assumed to be dead and subsequently confirmed as members who had died in the line of duty. To this day, people commemorated their heroes’ sacrifice. The statues of these five expedition heroes were placed in Stormwind City’s Valley of Heroes.

In reality, none of these heroes were dead.

Twenty years after completely losing contact with Azeroth, this expedition team had already occupied a proper place among the Outland domain.

To commemorate the late Anduin Lothar, they called themselves the ‘Sons of Lothar’s Ghost’.

Currently, the Sons of Lothar’s Ghost controlled a couple of Outland strongholds, including Honor Hold. Even though the Orcs hadn’t been completely defeated, the army guarding Honor Hold and all of Sons of Lothar’s Ghost saw new hope. After new forces joined, the expedition planned to finish what they started, then return to Azeroth.

Lu Li didn’t know Lothar, but he and the Sons of Lothar’s Ghost’s Marshall Windsor had a strong friendship.

“I’m an Elf from Azeroth. I have come here to see your highest commanding officer. I have brought information from expedition camp.”

The current version of Honor Hold still hadn’t been officially opened to the public. This was a sealed-off military stronghold. Lu Li had no choice but to announce his origins. He was rathr worried that those gunmen who were pointing their firearms at him would fire accidentally.

“Wait a moment,” the guard who stopped Lu Li said warily.

He was alone in entering into this unfamiliar place, then had experienced the explosion at Draenor. He was constantly battling at every moment and couldn’t let down his guard around anyone.

Not long after, Lu Li saw a tall human man walk over. He didn’t seem young, and had a golden beard with a smooth forehead. He was like a majority of human NPCs and looked like an old Mediterranean man.

“I am Danath, the commander of Honor Hold. Elf, can you now give me the intelligence?”

This old man didn’t have a great attitude towards Lu Li even though he could see the lieutenant military rank on him. But subconsciously, he would view these dainty and fair-skinned men as having bought their royal positions.

Danath Trollbane used to be the leader of Stromgarde’s people militia.

He had been promoted because of his performance in the Khaz Modan battle. After the Dark Portal’s destruction, Danath had spent a period of time in the newly constructed Stromwind City, and was responsible for the world of managing the detention centre for Prisoners of War.

The detention centre had unbearably packed due to the war. Considering safety, the Alliance took the Orcs prisoners to the Drago Prison. Then, a human First Lieutenant called Aedelas Blackmoore was appointed as the new warden of Drago Prison.

Not long after Ner’zhul opened the Dark Portal again, the Orcs besieged Azeroth’s outpost of Nethergarde Stronghold. Danath was ordered to repel the Orcs’ attack. However, this was a clever roundabout tactic of Ner’zhul. Once the main force of Danath and the tribal army were fighting fiercely at Nethergarde Stronghold, another cavalry made up of Orcs and Death Knights raided the then new Stormwind City. In the end, not only was the Book of Medivh stolen, but so were many other items.

Even though after Danath had successfully repelled the Orc’s ‘direct attack’, Ner’zhul had returned with bountiful rewards.

Not long after, the Alliance launched a large-scale counterattack. Danath, along with Turalyon the Paladin and Khadgar the Archmage led the expedition and passed through the Dark Portal to come to the red world of Draenor. Here unfolded yet another battle. Afterwards, Danath and the other heroes chose again to remain on the land of Draenor before the Drak Portal exploded. It was unknown if they were dead or alive.

The statues of these five heroes would stand forever outside the gates of Stormwind City.

“Danath Trollbane!” Lu Li exclaimed as his eyes lit up. “Are you THE Danath Trollbane? One of the five heroes?”

“That’s right, I am Danath Trollbane. However, I do not know what your so-called ‘five heroes’ means.”

Danath Trollbane had been programmed according to the System. He still had not come into contact with the adventurers from Azeroth.

The only reason he came out to see Lu Li was because he said he was from Azeroth.

Hence, Lu Li told him the whole story of the legend from the Azeroth mainland about the five heroes, during which he subtly flattered him several times.

He had become a real live martyr standing there. Danath Trollbane was sobbing uncontrollably, especially when Lu Li mentioned Windsor. Finally, he let down his guard and pulled Lu Li into his campsite.

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